What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
Individual lives matter, not groups.
fuck off dudleys go lose on the pre show some more you jobbers
stop shitposting this fucking post over and over you fucking leaf
ask them what is wrong with you and how to fix it
they're gonna have a feud with a stable of racist -white - Trump supporters- cops, and obviously lose.
BTW it will be the end of the PG era
Wow, it really makes you think.
They're going to be jobbers for the rest of their tenure. Also say good bye to a tag title reign.
Black people don't know grammar. No surprise here
This is now a thread about gross wrestler foreheads.
Haven't seen wrestling since I was a kid. The Dudley and Hardy boys were fucking awesome. Also old school kane.
Asian lives obviously don't matter.
What did they mean by this?
>implying Heyman didnt get his shekels from Brocks fight
All those concussions in ECW messed them up. The dementia took them.
Also wrestling is for gay boys
wow get the tables
check out the discussion on /asp/:
while the president and anyone else with actual power continues to push an anti-white agenda, they're employing useful idiots such as these to try to delay the inevitable racewar so as to not drive whites to vote in their own interests until it is too late.
I really wish we could get this race shit off the table and break through to what really matters. That cunt hillary
What do you reckon, numb nuts?
they are brothers of course they are going to say each others life matters.
>nigger still has shit grammar
They meant that all lives matter, obviously.
>one spic, one nigger
We need WallE to bring them some of those Easter eggs
I used to do Bubba's taxes. True story. Gym memberships out the ass.
Is that Jason Motherfucking Blaha?
>WWF will never return
#AllLivesMatter #heel
>all these people tipping their tinfoil hats in this thread
maybe, now I know this sounds a luttle TOO reasonable, but MAYBE they genuinely believe individual lives matter instead of putting one group up on a pedastal.
that's fucking gross man wtf are you doing. Is this an avatar?
Seported anyways, fucking chings.