Are whites too bad at math to understand IQ distributions? Acknowledge Asians as the master race NOW.
(Except Japan, they are inferior)
Are whites too bad at math to understand IQ distributions? Acknowledge Asians as the master race NOW.
(Except Japan, they are inferior)
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>Except Japan, they are inferior
Oooh buddy, you just gave it away with that.
You do realize that most people here don't read moonspeak?
You're good at repetition but horrible at creativity.
Are you telling me you visit an anime imageboard and you don't even know Japanese?
Why are whites so lazy and stupid?
Because we are advanced enough to focus on abstract concepts with our free time.
This is false, according to patent output Asians are much more creative than whites.
Most of your electronics are designed by Asians (except Apple iDiot gear) and made in Asia but you claim Asians are not creative??
>master race
>only reason South Korea is even relevant is because of western influence
>99% of china is a 3rd world shithole
>Japan is literally betaville
>Vietnam is only even known by most people because of the Vietnam war
>all other gook countries are literally who tier
Did Kim die or something?
Why are you not busy sucking western penis and offering your wife to help?
Advanced enough to write about critical pansexual gender studies, play video games, and molest their daughters in a drunken stupor you mean?
You got me there, but that doesn't mean that all of the white race is as cucked, take this board as an example.
>rely on clever merchants to do half of all your STEM
>other half is done by merchant-tier chinks and curries
>"muh superior intellect"
>muh dick
Just like a nigger. Asians are to whites as whites are to niggers.
here's a list of all countries with at least 100 average iq.
Notice anything?
Niggers don't protect whites from violent dictators.
It's different mate. I would watch your words if I were you, China is watching closely.
There are more Western countries than Eastern?
Iq wise maybe but your scrawny little female body's and poor hygiene standards kinda ruin your hopes there zipper head
Whites are also too stupid to learn hanzi, that's why they write with the Latin alphabet by sounding things out as they go lol.
Sorry it's Austria, not Australia. You even have chinks for like 15% of your population, and they're the exceptionally smart ones too. Whites in your country must be dumb as bricks.
it's called efficiency you dumb gook. why the fuck would i autistically memorize thousands of characters when i can just memorize a few dozen letters to understand countless words?
Guess manufactoring shoes 16 hours a day makes you smart huh
We know chinks are the smartest. This isnt news
We don't care if chinks are smarter.
They don't scam as much as the kikes do due to their honor based society.
Even china isn't as bad as the kikes and its going to be very easy to deal with china.
Lol this
>"I'm suddenly smarter because I annoy myself with memorizing dumb doodles"
i can't read AYY LMAO can't someone translate?
>implying I was including Australia
>implying I am butthurt that we have asians in the Oceanic region
Mate, they are essentially our slaves. They jump through mad hoops just to get in, and then work the jobs we don't want. It's pretty sweet, I love asians when they are forced to do my tax returns for near minimum wage, just to save up for a shitty cornerstore.
Australia is the most racist country on Earth, no joke.
Also, most whites are dumb as bricks, but Abos are dumber, so we run the show.
Feels nice senpai, how is planet of the apes going?
Math IQ. Not verbal IQ. Not other personality traits associated with success. Asian countries can produce more engineers per capita, which is awesome and impresses and definitely a good thing, but asian excellence is very narrow. Compare east asians on average to the ashkenazi's who are better at both verbal and math on average, but particularly verbal.
And Asians are to Ashkenazi what whites are to Asians
Brainlet detected
You can't be the master race when half of your country is owned by a retarded communist dictator and the other half is just barely propped up by billions of dollars in military aid from a white country.
If you want to be the master race, become the actual master of something.
>Amerifat who doesnt understand that IQ tests are basically pattern recognition tests, who thinks math IQ is a thing and who doesnt know that the closest thing to "verbal IQ" is EQ.
Pretty soon chinks will just have to build AI to do stupid tasks that liberal arts majors currently get paid out the ass to do. No more English teachers in Asia.
It's a list of names of schoolkids with dumb special snowflake names like "Lion King" and "Prince of the Stars," it's just an illustration of Japanese inferiority.
Like Australia, master of bantz
>they are essentially our slaves.
>There's always that butthurt aussie shitting on chinks because they buy all your real state
Why are Koreans so lazy to get cucked by the Japanese. Acknowledge Japanese master race now!
it's just a bunch of names, presumably of students
Thanks to the Nazis killing all but the smartest of merchants.
False. G research looks at tons of different shit.
Is the "white people are creative" thing quantifiable in a way that IQ is or is it just Europe invented more things throughout history
What exactly is the US the master of? Keeping the Jewish banker's money? If so good job white race.
What the fuck is up with all those DQN names. Is this shit real?
Gook IQ is going up while western nations are stagnating. Pretty friggin gay, although white IQ has probably gone up proportionally to Gook IQ but national IQ in (formerly) white nations has gone down because of immigration.
you lack the ability to apply the intelligence you have. don't ask me why, i'm not a geneticist.
South Korean hivemind reporting in?
>Hey a new celebrity has a new haircut, WE SHOULD ALL GET THAT HAIRCUT
No wonder the west invented everything.
Well, America has certain population demographics that are growing faster than others. Japan and other advanced asian nations don't have dysgenic issues.
Most of the immigrants throughout recent history had to be far above average IQ or else they wouldn't get to come to whitey land.
inb4 muh illegals. You're to dumb to do anything about it. Getting outsmarted by a bunch of beaners and sandniggers.
>has no idea of latest laws
>posts anyways
They are now barred from buying "economically important" land as non-citizens, just got BTFO on a few massive farm deals.
I am not worried, the liberal government hates chinks, Turnbull got my back.
>be chink
>be smart
>cant use it
>eyelids too small to process things
>make t shirts 16 hours a day instead
>invented everything
We were literally using cannons, grenades, and armored warships while you were still shooting arrows at each other, 500 years before you even caught on to gunpowder.
The only thing whites did is go on barbarian rampages across the world destroying civilized societies and claiming things that had existed already for centuries as their own inventions.
You can't blame all of that on immigration. Your southern rednecks can't read or write worth a shit.
>(Except Japan, they are inferior)
Do Koreans/Japanese still have this much hatred for each other?
WWII was 90 years ago.
Europe inventes more things because Asia was more focused in liberal arts throughout>white IQ has probably gone up proportionally
Asian immigration
Even if they don't know the language, they always manage to ace math tests
Who knows if that is true. No one has a good way to quantify it. We do know that personality traits matter too, but IQ research ignores them. The distribution of traits like risk taking need more research.
Kek subhuman kolean bases based japan.
Whats your contribution to the world kolea?
Any artistic exports?
Any technological exports?
Any inventions?
Go and suck best korea dick. Worst kolea not good. Not even nuke.
You will never get whites on Sup Forums to admit their race is inferior in ANY way. They truly believe they are top tier in athletics, intelligence, penis size, height, and every possible facet of humanity.
>pol falling for le IQ meme again
When will you guys learn, the fact that you can be trained to get a higher IQ score proves how poor it is as a real measure of intelligence.
pretty sick rocket launchers
this coming from a fucking Jap.
Clear orove of supperiorety.
Asia btfo.
Will never recover.
>>has no idea of latest laws
>Implying I care about chinktralia
Just saying that because of that assblasted aussie that shitposts about your real estate in every single thread
I was going to say *except china
do you really believe an unbiased cross-section of them took IQ exams?
>china cheats, and cooks numbers for media
Asian Americans are not representative of their home countries. Chinese Americans are a lot smarter than the average Chinese citizen (or they would have never gotten to America). The same is true for basically every Asian demographic (maybe not unique cases like the Hmong).
You're telling me that you are the supposed "master race" and you can't even use an alphabet, the most efficient form of written language?
I'm not remembering >5000 moon runes when I can learn 26 letters and be able to piece out nearly every language in Europe and the Americas.
OP here, I was just shitposting with a proxy.
Asians are subhumans who should be nuked now before they get out of control and consume the Earth like a swarm of locusts.
>WWII was 90 years ago.
American education
You were that far ahead, and still got BTFO by barbarians?
Something isn't adding up here? Either you were not advanced, or you are just a bunch of dishonourable women who enjoy white cock?
>master race
>country divided
For instance, Indian Americans also have much higher incomes and educations levels. They are overrepresented in founding and leading companies. India has an average IQ of like 87 or some shit.
Well brain drain is the scourge of 3rd world for a reason.
Asians = Women Higher average IQ
Whites = Men More Geniuses that actually innovate
Only the nu-male Melbournites care about their slums being bought by chinks.
Don't worry about him, Australia is better off without that demographic.
True Queenslanders, and NT, maybe WA, are what holds this place together, mining and farming. Chinks can't do that, hence why they buy all our shit from us.
>I have never seen the
>X was X+10 years meme
India has large IQ variance within their own ethnic group.
You only see the good ones in america really.
Even if they have to memorize 5000 characters they manage to outperform those who use alphabet though
>claims to be master race
>afraid of NK
lol you guys aren't anywhere near master race you squinty eyed mother fuckers
>I was pretending to be retarded
2016-1945+10 meme years=81
>Face so flat he can bite a wall
white people made you lmao and my iq is a couple standard deviations above all asian averages so your claims are meaningless
>Sakuranbo (Cherry)
>Nyaa (Meow)
>心 read as Haato (Heart)
>motherfucking Lionking
My country.
Using a distinct yet small set of characters to create combinations reflecting certain words is way more efficient than saying "fuck it, let's make a symbol for every word."
The point was that for this guy to say they're the master race is a bit incorrect when their very system of writing is fucking retarded.
Some of those names are Le-a levels of retarded.
Asians are too uncreative
That's why most inventions come from America and Europe and not China, Japan and Korea
lurk more Spain newfag
Start date was 1939 if you want to be technical
combining 3 or 4 from a set of several hundred "root" characters (radicals) to create a one-character word for everything is more efficient and universal than smashing together several different Romance and Germanic languages and dropping all the diacritical marks, which is what English is.
My point was that despite having to learn an inefficient writing system, they manage to outperform those who use a more efficient way such as the Latin alphabet, so should they stop being retarded m-muh tladition, the gap would increase
Kolea the nigger of asia.
We wuz rockets n shieeet.
Clearly chines invention.
Back to best korea dick sucking worst kolea.
also 한글
best writing system ever.
>master race
>literally btfo by Japan and China
>women raped so many times they're just Chinese Japanese crossbreed
Cmon man at least you have samsung.
>Using the starting date instead of the date of the end of the war
Isn't this picture written in japanese?
Jews are too poor and oppressed to have money. They pride themselves on spending other peoples money.
>trying to isolate a single date in which the war ended
well look at the filename, you non-chink leaf.
I have never seen a country with a bigger inferiority complex then Korea.
>Acknowledge Asians as the master race NOW.
Ok you are acknowledged, overlord.
japan usually brings these bants.