Please lend me all of your memes Sup Forums, I am making a folder of these.
Niggers getting BTFO
Now this is a thread I can get behind!
Watch the news.
None of these people are black.
What the fuck did I just watch?
I think the name for this one was originally "Know Your Weight Class", but nice try bub
Nice trips my dude, but they are niggers. You don't have to be black to act like a nigger, and be labeled as such.
holy shit that would suck
why? fucking why? Was he expecting a heart shot to be instant? whoops, fucked up grabbing muh gun, better kill myself inna retarded manner!
it was an accident my dude
Go eat a dick cuck
As I recall it was a suicide.
Get off me, ima kill both of yall.
Why? Because I hate niggers and label people acting like them as niggers too? I don't need to come up with a new word for nigger, there are a lot that come to mind: Thug, street rat, moron, NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
That is one of the most satisfying, mayne.
The uppity nigger gets put in his place.
This looks like the work of an enemy stand.
Anyone have the one where like 4 niggers were about to gang on this tiny asian/white dude when the asian/white guy somehow knocked two down and jumped on one of their heads? Man that one was brutal and its been taken down everywhere.
he killed himself because his wife was leaving him or some shit like that
imagine killing yourself over a stupid whore
is he an off duty cop or does he just happen to have a gun? Either way, nice meme
Niggers are black you little faggot. Take your hippy ass back to where you came from.
We trained him wrong on purpose as a joke
He was too vain to risk fucking up his face and a heart blast is the next best option
I am a hippie because I have broadened the spectrum for niggers to include non-black trash? Do you think that black people are the only faggots that walk the earth? Don't even think about twisting my words into saying
>Not all blacks
I hate niggers, black and non-black alike.
Fuck off
Why would those niggers not shoot at the nigger that's shooting at them?
Chimp is acting more civilized than the nogs
And they say NEETs in mom's basement aren't good for anything.
IIRC he was an off duty officer/agent.
>calm and steps between the cashier and the perps
>doesn't immediately draw, waits to get the drop
>shoots the actual dude with the gun instead of the dude right in front of him
>immediately secures the weapon
>shaved head
Most likely an off duty cop.
But why did the stupid vain asshole blow himself away in the middle of a store?
not a single decent punch was thrown that day but they still knocked each other out, amazing
but this is why concealed carry is important
nice counter into a ddt
My dick got so hard from this.
Because people who commit suicide in very public, messy deaths are generally stupid vain assholes.
nothing is more based than seeing a cool headed operator assess a situation and BTFO the stupid niggers fucking with him.
All memes aside, getting that guillotine hook in right as he was being slammed onto the ground was great.
I don't know if it was skill or luck, but damn.
What a draw!
The term nigger is a racial slur. Goddamn chinaman ain't no nigger, fucking street shitting indians are not niggers, fucking kikes aren't niggers.
Niggers are black, deal with it you little shit.
Does anyone have the Brazilian robbery where the dindus get sprayed with machine gun fire through the store front?
>complete with retard shouting "WORLD STAR" in the background
not a meme it's a fucking video kid
I-I don't think he's doing it right.
Here you go friend.
Stop acting like such a nigger.
uhmmmm..for what purpose?
You ever get your ass beat so hard you turn into a seal?
Are you stupid?
>a contemptuous term used to refer to a black person.
Now fuck off
>b-b-but there are niggers of every race
Every australian is a nigger in my book.
>a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by black people; a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.
>a contemptuous term used to refer to a member of any dark-skinned people.
>a contemptuous term used to refer to a person of any racial or ethnic origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.
To name a few
Can't unsee now
did i trigger you redditor?
whoops, sorry my dude, forgot to reply
Holy fucking shit, did he finish talking on the phone before he shot the guy? And then pick it up after?
Brazilian cops
did he died??
Holy kek I never noticed that. I thought he had the phone the whole time. Never really registered to check that out before.
Brazilian police don't fuck around do they
This is a comment I would expect to see on black twitter.
one of my favorites
you can see his life slip away at 50s
kawaii :3
They shot him again while he was squirming on the ground.
It's fucking brutal man.
WEW he was expectin dat
If I unloaded a pistol into a dude at point blank I'd be pretty disappointed if he just run away
>not even 10 videos
lol salamander dick white boys are so pathetic. Meanwhile niggas r fuking your women and kicking your asses daily that you run in fear to the suburbs and have to call the cops to come and stop us. Fucking crackas lmao
Is that you Johnny? I had a feeling you browsed this bitch
Adrenaline, my good friend. He definitely got ventilated and died later. His body just didn't register the bullet holes until he calmed down.
most ive laughed in days
No one cares, leaf nigger
My dick got hard with that one. Assessed the situation before acting.
I'm surprised the armed biker freaked out when he saw the incredibly blatant (and slow) tell of the driver drawing. Empty gun for intimidation?
probably some shitty dare.
Gaawd damn that quick draw was insane.
> (You)
>probably some shitty dare.
Notice how the white mans buddy doesn't jump in. That's what separates us humans from niggers my friends.
Are you me? I was literally typing that same thing exactly the same.
Did he miss his heart though? The gun was angled too far to the left I think.
Can someone post the YouTube link? I'm on my phone.
Brazil cops are so awesome
Great minds think alike
>wigger beats up a nigger
Not sure who I wanted to win.
>he can't play webums on his phone
Nigga, it's [the current year]. What sort of piece of shit are you using?
This is from Planet of the Apes, idiot.