Why don't millenials get married?
Why don't millenials get married?
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Fucking why would we? It's suicide.
why do you keep using the same picture of steve-o?
Because it's too damn expensive and there's a 50/50 chance you'll end up broke on your ass with wifey taking half of your property.
It's a smug face.
OP will not respond and this thread will get 300 replies
Here's your answer OP
>1 ID by the reply
Huh thinks you, make really!
This is the case when you marry a gold digging bitch.
Because our society has gone out of its way the last 20 years to make marriage, home ownership, and raising a family as prohibitively expensive as possible while financially and socially incentivizing divorce, perpetual rental lifestyle, and childlessness.
Try to find the full episode. You will understand lol.
Psychologists have a theory. Nowadays society is driven by the seeking of fast and easy pleasure and are unable to plan for the long term or commit sacrifices for a decent ammount of time in order to reap the rewards afterwards.
Thats why you have more drug abuse, divorces, addictions, etc.
Of which there are an alarming amount.
We do
It's only been 5 replies.
because its financial suicide.
Hi I'm Steve-O and this is the Alimony Ass Fuck
first post, best post.
juan post by dis ID
It's a horrible decision which carries many risks for men and almost no rewards.
Would you marry a millenial?
Because I don't feel the need to reinforce my social commitments with further legal commitments.
Is this some kind of trick question? what retard got/gets/will ever get married?
Because they don't want to
I'm too busy catching Pokemon
>Say there are no good women left
>Ask why people aren't married
Seriously, what happened to Sup Forums whining about marriage being a trap
plz kys
Women will adapt by simply creating crazier and crazier Common Laws.
Because, ironically, women (at least the ones that end up eternal single in the end) are too afraid to commit (despite numerous articles trying to put the blame on men).
First they spent their young years slutting around because they are afraid they might miss something if they pick a stable relationship in their early twenties.
Then, when they finally decide it is time to "settle down", they still don't actually want to do it, it is just life forcing them to change something since they are not young enough to slut around anymore. So it is not that they actually want to commit, they just don't really have a choice.
And because they don't actually want it, they sabotage themselves by making completely unreasonable demands that only a complete loser would accept, allowing themselves to blame everyone but themselves because obviously they were willing!
I mean, just look at all the married women who have a child but also refuse to drop their dead-end job as a secretary to take care of it.
If you push them hard enough on it in private they almost always admit that it is because they see it as an emergency escape route to get out of that marriage in case it doesn't go as planned. So while they were willing to have a child with someone, they are not willing to make themselves financially dependent of the father because they have a completely fucked up perception of what family is.
Bitches get so pampered in their early years that it becomes cognitively impossible for them to imagine a world that is not tailored to their personal needs untill they reach menopause.
Boys learn to deal with shit. Girls learn that their shit is being dealt with.
Excellent insight, thank you.
Also true. Male disposability, and female inherent value has been the norm through all of history. It's biological. This is why women cannot be granted equal rights to men in the eyes of a giant gang with the sole right to initiate violence. Without "government" there's no problem; men and women will naturally find balance. With "government" men will always be scapegoats.
It could financially destroy you if you get divorced.
White genocide and abolishment of the family unit. Seriously, for fucking years growing up I thought marriage was a meme and that it should be avoided at all costs:
Plastered with le "marriage is bad" meme. Promote antifamily, antimarriage propaganda and birth control while the niggers in the ghetto multiply faster than rabbits. It's pretty obvious.
Which, honestly, is just a symptom of the cause user described here A lot of women suffer from a combination of
>the grass is always greener on the other side
>the best is just good enough for me
That's why they lobbied so hard to turn marriage into a complete non-commitment for themselves.
>don't have to stay loyal because cucking your partner carries no punishment apart from their disdain, which, lets be honest, doesn't really matter because if they cared about their partner they would have never done it
>no "till death do us part", you can initiate divorce for no reason at all
>marrying is a complete no brainer because thanks to the fucked up alimony laws, marrying and then divorcing your husband will almost always leave you in a better financial situation than you would have been if you never married at all
And so on.
Basically, women don't want to commit and they don't have to at all, all the commitment and attached risks have been shifted onto the husband.
or you know... any white western woman.
Yep, the media depicted marriage and family as bad, and now, thanks to their efforts and some terribly shortsighted laws getting passed, it really is bad. the culture and dynamic between men and women has been utterly ruined.
There are still chances to recover traditional values, though. We shouldn't stop advocating for the type of stable, moral lives we want to live, and we should do virtue signaling of our own to attract likeminded folks and create/maintain the communities that will act as protection from the vagaries of life.
Women are kind of boring. They tend to not be creative, don't have any passions, and don't have any skills. Even skills that used to be associated with women like cooking have been lost. You're more likely to find young men who can cook rather than young women. Women are attractive, and they start to think that is all they need to be, and end up hollow and useless. Then the looks fade rapidly starting after their early 20s. Why tie yourself down to something that is just going to be a money, time, and energy drain and doesn't even look all that great anymore? Fuck having kids. There's too many people as it is. Chances are your kid will be severely autistic anyway.
Yeah but how do we stop the mudslimes from out breeding us if barely any women are likeable now?
>Fuck having kids. There's too many people as it is.
As selfish as it might sound, I'm pretty sure I have some decent genes worth passing on, and I think the experience of fatherhood would be pretty rewarding; I've always enjoyed imparting knowledge, and I feel I'd be pretty good at raising a decent human being. For every NEETish or hipster white that says "fuck having kids," there are 1000 more that are reproducing unintentionally. Idiocracy might be less of a satire of our times and an actual prediction for the future if attitudes like this hold up.
Because a surprising amount of them aren't retarded.
Dont marry a whore you dumb retard. It's not a hard concept.
>Women are kind of boring. They tend to not be creative, don't have any passions, and don't have any skills.
>projecting as excuse
not an argument
The world is not overpopulated (another lie to prevent intelligent people from reproducing), there's just too many stupid people, and as said, good people not breeding does nothing to slow the tide of retards coming into the world.
Also, actual overpopulation on this planet would be a great incentive for humans to start getting the fuck off of it.
>le space shuttle
what a fucking scam that flying turd was
Women are all the same, their actions depends on how much freedom their society/community gives them. In most white societies they can do whatever they want without much negative consequences, and the state will also take care of them when they fuck up.
spotted the duped cuck lol
1 post by this id
You're trying to fix a failing dam with a bit of bubblegum.
Marriage sucks, millenials suck and marriage with millenials sucks.
>modern woemn