
>consumes 25% of the global heroin
>highest abortion rates in Europe
>highest homicide rates in Europe
>highest HIV rates in Europe
>21% of the population is non-white
>Moscow is 80% non-white
>Government are cucks promoting tolerance to Islam and non-whites
>saver of the white race

Other urls found in this thread:

Source. Or not an argument.

Not sure if proxy or anti Russian.

Source please, or an hero.

Still better than the muslim shithole you are proxying from, chechyen

russia has always been shit

i hope we can be friends one day tho

source or sage newfriend

Reported you to Vlad, have fun in the gulag.

>>Moscow is 80% non-white
this cant be true

>those retarded conservative cucks who have never been to Russia and judge this country by RT bullshit and when you tell them the truth they say you're proxy

>meanwhile in Moscow

>Moscow is 80% non-white
I visited Moscow 4 years ago and I didn't recall many shitskins

You seem upset abdul

I've been to Moscow 2 years ago and literally 80% of the people were shitskins

stop shilling you cunt

He ought to know things about his own country.

Russia IS a shithole in general.

I'm shilling the government, not cunt

Is Scotland Russia light?

while Russia certainly does not have such high living standards as in yurop or the us, we just want to develop ourselves in the way we see it. we tend to disagree with the western materialistic moralfree worldview. but the us imposes its will on others and of course Russia will defend its position and interests. Russia, China and India are for a multipolar world, not a unipolar one controlled by the us. what good came out of nato? whom did they ever liberate or defended? they only destroyed at the command of the us/ which country has the most bases outside its own borders? Russia? got only 3, while the us 600 or smth. which country got better after the help of the us? Iraq ist stable? what about libya? egypt maybe?

>we just want to develop ourselves in the way we see it
Already tried it in 1917. And what was the result?

>whom did they ever liberate or defended?

good question desu especially on the defended part

the only thing russian cucks have done recently is take crimea but the people wanted it they are mainly russians living there

when is the last time a nato country is invaded

Russia is not part of Europe. In the same way turkey is not part of Europe. Only a fraction touches real Europe and 90% of its land mass is in Asia.

there is your "you".
Now fuck off fucking chechen.

Legit source on those "facts" please.

>Russia, China and India are for a multipolar world, not a unipolar one controlled by the us. what good came out of nato?

You sound like your government television, honestly.

The worldview of your elites is as materialistic as it gets, they are bringing their oil billions out of the country, while spoon-feeding you little folks with philistine patriotism.

>American education
Russians are Europeans, Turks are not.
This is why we consider Russia to be in Europe but not Turkey.

>consumes 25% of the global heroin
2009 lie

>Moscow is 80% non-white
>>Government are cucks promoting tolerance to Islam and non-whites

>saver of the white race
People who think so are as stupid as one who consider it as shithole.
It's just country with its own interests and special position, not so loving modern western values.
And surely there is no way for nazism here, we are considered it's main fighters, All our history we know we are living together with other nationalities. We called ourselves Russians when tribes united, only 1-2 of which were slavs. Hell, even our earliest history that we know tells about our living within hazars, jews.

the communists were not a plan by the west. lenin didn't have 6 rolls royces, lenin wasn't constantly moving between geneva and london, and didn't have apartments and gold there.

>Lies, Russia stronk
Google it, kiwi. I gave you food for thought.

>>Moscow is 80% non-white

Gonna need sources on this one cyka


Completly true.

I'm Australian you nigger.

You stated said claims, you should provide legitimate sources.

Why are so many Finns there?

was in moscow in 2014 and only saw whites. Where the fuck do you get your sources from?

Putin is the same multinationalist cuck as your EU leaders, i dunno why you even consider him "savior of the white race'". He literally hates russians and gives huge privileges to the non-white and muslim minorities.

wtf an aussie who dosent shitpost

Everyone knows those facts, retard. It's from open sources. And since you think you're a Russian patriot and know many things about this country, you should be aware



You need to go back.


Literal lier

Why is Lithuania a fucking rainbow?

Slav/non-Slav regions?

There are no slavs in Litva, retarded cuck.

Why the fuck are you laughing lol

>that butthurt

170k Russians and 200k Poles.

>le butthert meme))
Russians are maybe 6% of population. Not enough to make any significant difference.

And now compare it to the abortion map in Lithuania
It's maximum in regions full of Russians and Poles

If you hate it so much why don't you go back to Kharkov or Lviv you rapefugee shitstain you're as bad as the vatniks and liberasts.

Why does Putin let you guys get cucked so bad? Is Putin a cuck too?

I thought you Russians were supposed to be strong people.

>I thought you Russians were supposed to be strong people
Stop watching RT

>bringing their oil billions out of the country

Probably true

>while spoon-feeding you little folks with philistine patriotism

Probably also true, but nothing wrong with patriotism when we see the result of the opposite. Your open borders society.

Lol it has nothing to do with RT

That's what you Russia people claim to be all the time. You try to act all macho and strong.

That's funny, cause our country is cucked by the government

Is Putin a jew kisser or what? What's his deal? Why is he cucking you goys?

You're so poor that you lived in shitskin ghetto.

they say he's half German half Jew, kek
Medvedev is legit Jew, though

He doesn't look very German at all, I think that's not true.

He isnt allowing free neet wellfare for neets like OP.

I didn't live there, lol. I was on transition and spent 4-5 hours there visiting the Red square
When I went on subway, I thought I was in Uzbekistan

he looks very Dutch in my eyes
I saw a picture by a Dutch artist depicting a man that looks like Putin's twin

He looks like the little old guy in this video, maybe mixed with Russian

I'm not sure what ethnic group that is, but definitely not German or Dutch.

all these russia sympathizing fags that know nothing about russia

Moscow is full of churkas, confirmed something like 5 yrs ago.

what do you know?

>in Europe

Only retarded Americans and useful idiots believe so
Sup Forums is full of underage retards who need a father figure, it's not surprising

я знaю чтo твoя cтpaнa пиздeц тoвapищ

Russian Federation is a former Empire, and as such, is not a nation-state but a multi-national federation. In addition, 5/6 of Russia is Asia proper. There are hundreds of nationalities in Russia, and the mere fact that it didn't dissolve into mega-balkan dystopia during the anarchic 90s'.
But let's just get to the crux of why people look up to Putin:
The Economy -
Putin got a smoldering wreck out of drunkard Yeltsin's hands, and transformed it into a working economy. Russia in 1999 was something between Somalia and Honduras in every meaningful way - rule of law, economy and human material.
He stronghanded the stealing oligarchs, jailing some, exiling some and domesticating some.
Putin brought down the hammer on the rampant crime orgs which dominated some areas in Russia like in contemporary Mexico.
Eventually Putin managed to bring back the rule of law and stop a 9 year hyperinflation.
Then he got to rebuilding the RF Army, basically from scratch, since 90% of the people behind soviet military engineering fled during Yeltsin's brain drain, factories became rat breeding farms, and tank/artillery reservoirs and even some military airports became a bulking pile of rust. It was a freaking daunting task, and everyone said he would fail. But he did this, the absolute madman. He even got into recovering the nuke arsenal, with all original scientists gone.
And - most importantly, for the perhaps multi-national, perhaps cynical, perhaps dumb and drugged and drunk and uncivilized, but for certain deeply patriotic and virtuous people of Russian Federation, was returning the sense of Russian identity, pride, unbending pride. They watched for years how their country was consumed by Western degeneracy, and while they gladly consumed Western degenerate bullshit from food to film, the West itself was gladly hooving it's claws over Russia's tanking into anarchic crime rule and lawless oligarchy, propping drunk Yeltsin with European and American honor and glory. tbc

how come?

wew, check 'em mate

Cont: It was then that the Russians woke up from their westernized dream and understood that the West doesn't want them to be successful and capitalist and free - the West wants them to be poor, and murdered by gangs, as long as Russia has no national pride and dignity. This is why Russians were thrilled, amazed and astonished when Putin, for the first time since the 80's, actually took a firm standing against the West. This is why anyone who isn't a beta cuck, a disgusting groveling mongrel, should at least UNDERSTAND why a patriotic leader deserves respect more than a rag puppet. Russia is still, undeniably, a super-shithole. But it has gained dignity. And a shithole Russia with dignity deserves more respect than a "heaven on earth" scandinavian Sweden.

this goy gets it

Many times this.

>2 years ago
Cmon its current year 2016 now. After crisis hit hard many went back, because it is not profitable even for Uzbeks and Tajiks to work in Russia anymore. And they need International passport to enter Russia now, before they could enter by their countries internal passport.

Russian Economy is still smaller than British, German and French economy so picture has some false claims although it is impressive what Putin has done to Russia.

>Moscow is 80% non-white
Estimated population of Moscow is 25,000,000. 80% of 25,000,000 is 20,000,000. Estimated number of Chechens living outside Chechnya is 400,000. Total population of Tajikistan including elders and children is below 9,000,000. Even if all the Tajiks and Chechens in the world would simultaneously move to Moscow it would still be more white than London.

What happened to Russia?


Damn communists
I just want America and Russia to be friends

Now I'll counter your jew views with some realisim.

The GDP rose because 85% of all of Russias export was petroleum and gas related products.

Saudi Arabia starts a Oil war with America over Shale oil trying to drive Shale oil companies out of business via super cheap oil. So far it isn't working. Menwhile 2 countries that build up because of the oil.

Super Communist Venezuela and The Russian Federation recovered like crazy during 2000>2014.

But then the Oil droped so fucking rapidly it erased almost 40% of the Russian economy over night. You think Brexit is bad this is 10 times brexit.

Yet nobody talks about this...

Eurasian Union is on hold, Stock Markets are now dogshit, Tons of money is spend on Syria and Ukraine basically trying to promote weapon sales, Russia got kicked out of G8, and so on...

You're parsing Putin for basically using Oil money to develop the country. Yet what he did isn't what should have been done. He had 10+ years to diversify Russias economy. Russians were always master engineers and scientists, yet none of the world uses anything Russian in practice except 3rd world using their military.

Why doesn't the world use Russian Jet Engines, Russian Glass, Russian Electronics, Russian Automobiles, Russian this and that... The only thing that impressive is they export Rocket Engines and this is coming to a halt with SpaceX...

So whats left to export? Oil and Gas and super cheap prices thats literally killing Russia right now.

not communism, its Stalins death 1953, everything went to shit

Abortions were illegal under Stalin, hence no accurate statistics. It's slike Poland having little to no abortions today.

Oh boy, if you knew how white this is to European Western cities....

I mean seriously: it does make thhe opposit point of your OP, if you think THAT is bad.

Meanwhile in Hannover...

you dont cunt illegals
also, kiev, roma and madrid are 95% white.

There certainly has been a lot of cuckposting out of Russia the last few hours...

>we tend to disagree with the western materialistic moralfree worldview.

>moralfree meme
what every shitcountry says ever.



You shouldn't have abandoned Stalin's ideas. There was not a single case of HIV during Socialism, people started getting high on unclean needles when you left Soviet Union. Russia never was fully white, but Stalin knew who is which. Nothing wrong with Islam as long as you contain them and not allow them into government or among white Christians.

Islam can not be contained, it will wait to find a weak spot and attack.

Also communism is garbage, Russia needs to execute all Oligarchs, have a harsh but faithful to its own ideals fascist goverments and be like Chile under Pinochet.

It was scientifically proven by Communists experts that Stalin perverted Communism path of USSR. Read some history books m8.

Thanks for providing this information.

I was one of the people that thought Russia was a haven before this thread.

25,000,000 is estimated total population including illegal immigrants. Number of registered citizens of Moscow is 15,000,000.

Kiev isn't even European. Rome and Madrid have about 5% shitskin population. Warsaw is the whitest capital of Europe if that's what you're aiming for. Poland is based.

What does it have to do with you not being able to do simple arythmetics? Again, for Moscow to be 80% non-white like you claimed, half the Central Asia would have to live there. Like, literally half. Total population of all Central Asian countries including Kazakhstan is 60,000,000. That's less than half the population of fucking Mexico alone wiht other Hispanic countries that send their rapists adn drug dealers to America. Even if Russia annexed these shitholes we would still be about as white as the USA today (probably even whiter if you substract Arabs from American "whites").

Trotsky's special snowflake communism is even more retarded than stalinism.

>implying there was a single case of Bosnian terrorism during Socialism
>implying they mixed with other nationalities
What is trash is capitalism, because there is no definition of cultures or races, everything is thrown together to create conflicts and drug trade, which again fuels capitalistic sells of drugs and medical repairs. USA's crime isn't anything unsolvable, ghettos aren't anything unsolvable, fact is they don't want to solve it. They rather have this flow of trillions of dollars flowing through police and drug cartels, they don't want to clean the process, capitalism charges for creation of problem and solving of problem, but it never solves the problem. Everything is easily solvable, nothing crime/race/religion related should take the government to solve longer than 2 months, unless of course you have religious morons in government.

>consumes 25% of the global heroin
Should have stayed in Afghanistan.

Capitalism =/= globalism.

Germans in the German Empire at 1900 were better off than Russians in the 1950's. Dont fool yourself, communism brings poverty.

I agree with you that they dont want to solve it, I want to. You can guess how my solution would be like.

Capitalism just means that you get paid for your very own performance, this system existed since Adam and Eve.



You should check statistics a little, since people didn't live half as long as today and there were constantly civil wars and other conflicts during empires, which to certain extent is good, since it triggers change and rights for people. Human lives was worthless before Socialism, king had all the power, you had nothing. Woman's rights and language rights didn't develop before Socialism, you were peasant for king.
How Socialism solves problems very quickly:
Warn drug lord, If he doesn't learns, you jail him, if he still doesn't learns, you shoot his brains out, then other drug lords will learn, then you jail them give them some labour to make themselves useful and bring their own lives back on track, if not, then you increase the labour, until they learn it, everybody learns it, since rare idiots want to die. Then after that you have 0 international/organized crime like we had. It's all about education and re-education and being a strong respected leader. You think those drug addicts and drug lords want to do that? Country failed, which why they do it, country was too weak and dependent on capitalistic international pigs, those pigs happily don't think about the problems in Russia, since they don't live them, we have intermediary financial transfers, they live in totally different world, even different country. During Socialism you had to live inside your own country, you worked where you lived, so you wouldn't screw that up.

most of this is true, but the worst thing is that noone gives a dead niggers last shit, therefore nothing will be fixed