Many of the things regularly posted on Sup Forums are reasonable and accurate. For instance, capitalistic, nationalistic and anti-Nigger discussions. However, one Sup Forums mindset that truly confuses me, even more than the piety, is the anti-Semitism. Do you not realize that the Jews have contributed more to the human race and to the world and humanity than any other race, despite having been consistently oppressed and enslaved throughout history? You should love the Jews. They rarely breed out of race, they make up a large amount of doctors and scientists, and make up 20% of Nobel Prize laureates, despite only making up 0.2% of the world's population. They have made great strides in physics, chemistry, medicine, and mathematics. A Jew cured polio, the Jews led the Manhattan Project, a Jew was thew greatest chess player ever and perfect the game with the invention of Fischerandom chess. You fucking ingrates don't understand what the Jews have done for the world. I love the guys, and I'm a goy myself. Learn some respect, you fags.
Sup Forums, appreciate the Jews
I like too many jewish scientists and authors to hate them.
pic related had a few things to say about Jews - are u being ironic?
Fischer was one of the most """antisemitic""" person of all time you moron
That's because Japanese people, like you, are largely sensible and know a productive race when they see one.
I know that became anti-Semitic when he lost his mind, but I was using him as an example of a productive and intelligent Jew, not as a perfect human, you fucking retards. Just because someone becomes anti-Semitic doesn't mean they lose their Jewish blood.
a good jew is a dead jew.
Some of us aren't here to hate on jews.
But it's not like we're telling anyone to stop hating on jews, either.
how can we appreciate jews if the truly brilliant ones end up hating jews themselves
Fuck off kike-lover
If it weren't for antisemites ,we wouldn't have anything to complain about - and what's a Jew's life worth if he ain't complaining about everything
He was brilliant, but also incredibly insane. Also, there were many other brilliant Jew who did not become anti-Semitic.
Antisemitism is more fun than racism against blacks. When you're calling somebody stupid, there's not much you can do with that premise. With the premise that the jews are trying to control everything, blaming shit on them becomes a fun creative exercise.
I've lived amongst Jews my entire life and am marrying one. Still a bunch of tiresome people if I'm not in the right mood. Whether subtly or not they are always trying to impose their will on everybody and trying to "get one up" at every single interaction. Also don't like all the drama and anxiety.
The perfect cover. These jews are getting crafty.
There are some very talented Jewish classically trained musicians
You can't blame anyone for attempting to prosper, especially when the whole world has back-stabbed and persecuted them for their entire existence.
can confirm
Gershwin, namely. Not only was he a great and productive composer, but he also inspired one of the greatest musicians to ever live, and certainly the greatest in all of popular music, Brian Wilson.
They invented Communism.
They are behind radical feminism.
They are behind homosexualism and gay marriage.
They are behind multiculturalism.
They are behind anti-Christianity.
They are behind a one world government.
They are the ‘divider and conqueror’.
They are the race baiter and the slave trader.
They are censorship of free speech and the truth.
They are anti-gun.
They are open borders.
They are eminent domain.
They are dual citizens with loyalty not to your nation.
They are the reason your daughter has low self esteem and dresses like a whore.
They are the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, central banking, and big corporate money.
They are usury, fractional reserve lending, world currency, and fiat money.
They are the mainstream media, Hollywood, tabloid journalism, and pornography.
They are the corrupt judicial system that frees the guilty and imprisons the innocent.
They are the nation’s high end drug dealer.
They are the re-writer of history to their advantage.
They are the military industrial complex.
They are an unregulated nuclear state.
They are an international terrorist.
They are the WTC 1993, OKC 1995, 9/11, the Lavon Affair, and the USS Liberty incident.
They are ‘war by way of deception’.
They are the aggressor, yet always the victim.
They are the eternal radical.
They believe that chaos equals cash and that gray equals green.
They will defraud your country without conscience or consequence.
They legislate from the bench, not from the Constitution.
They contrive to make the simplest notion complicated.
They succeed when you fail.
They are your last, your current, and your next war.
Probably a shill thread, but what if Judaism is right, the Jews are meant to rule the world, and whites opposing their rule is like blacks opposing colonialism only to ruin Africa without white guidance?
I guess I just have to vote for whichever candidate sucks Israel's cock the most. It will be a hard decision.
Fuck off kike
All right, you guys seem to have lost your way in this thread. You need some re-education.
This is a Jew. You don't like Jews. Any questions? Good. Let's stick to the narrative here.
>jews are great because they gave each other awards and claimed others scientific discoveries as their own
>trying to pretend you aren't a kike yourself
I have no problem with someone succeed when I fail. That usually means you weren't prepared for and capable of the task, and that you either need to find something else to do, or try harder. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality or anti-Christianity. Africans are the people that enslave the most. There is nothing wrong with being a dual-citizen. Pornography is great and you watch all the time, you fat fuck. They are always the victim, and rarely the aggressor. All of that other shit needs a citation.
gas the yids even their kids
Posting a bunch of thinkers that supposedly had gripes with Jews is just an appeal to authority and is no way to argue a case. Also, I'm not Jewish, racially or religiously. Though, I do admire the Jews. To be an honorary Jew would be, well, an honor.
One group has been fueling the worst fuckfaces on all the sides to keep the conflict going, keep more people miserable, ignorant and any good thing any person ever did. Guess WHY people hate jews.
Nice meme, Schlomo
Gee maybe because they tried to destroy every single nation they have been on.
The single fact that they are the ones who invented loans with interest rates makes my blood boil.
Brazil should have kicked them off before they ruined this country.
The Jews are intelligent, no doubt.
But tell me, Sup Forums, are they naturally malicious? Is there something inside of them that makes them go out of their way to destroy society?
No memes. Does it just turn out that way because they are intelligent and are blinded by idealism of liberalism? Are they honest in these ideals? Or do they only support these systems because they know that they and their kind are smarter and know that they will be on top in such cases? I've been thinking about it a lot
Maybe he had a good reason for becoming anti-semitic. I don't think people just turn on their own, even if he did lose his mind.There was a stimulus for it.
>Jewish scientists
This is honestly about as meme tier as it gets.
It was because his family frustrated him, and he was incredibly paranoid of everything. There is nothing wrong with loans with interest and if you can't pay them back, it's your fault, dumbass.
Good goy
I now bestow upon you the title of honorary Jew.You will now receive the following stats :
-Nepotism benefits you with 25% higher experience rate in the social ladder
-Special attack:"Invoke the Holocaust" and "Call him an antisemite"
Unfortunaly the title also carrying with it some drawbacks:
-You are 70% more likely to suffer from fire and gas attacks
It's a way to gain money without working, it's literally the way by witch those fuckers have controlled the west and ruined brazil.
Loaning people money is work, and you have to earn money in the first place to loan it. Also, loaning agencies have to work, because there are thousands of other loaning agencies to compete with. It is work, you bimbo.
>Loaning people money is work
Absolutely not, the funny thing is that whenever you have money in a bank you are basically loaning it money and yet they only have a minimum amount with them. If any of their retarded investments go wrong they default and you lose your money, that's NOT what happens normal people can't pay back the jews.
>you have to earn money in the first place to loan it
Bullshit they use other people's money to loan it it's literally other people who are risking they shekels when jews loan money.
>"The Franklin Prophecy", sometimes called "The Franklin Forgery", is an antisemitic speech falsely attributed to Benjamin Franklin, warning of the supposed dangers of admitting Jews to the nascent United States. The speech was purportedly transcribed by Charles Cotesworth Pinckney during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, but was unknown before its appearance in 1934 in the pages of William Dudley Pelley's Silver Legion pro-Nazi weekly magazine Liberation. No evidence exists for the document's authenticity, and some of the author's claims have actively been disproven.
>a Jew was thew greatest chess player ever
Kasparov isn't a Jew, you fucking faggot.
The Real Truth About "god's chosen people"!
Seriously, I totally agree with you. Sup Forums strives to be like the Jews, homogeneous, intelligent, real careers, making the world a better place through scientific progress, looking after your own kind etc.
Jews deserve appreciation.
>Perfected chess
The only people who perfected chess were those who built computer systems to out-perform every human dramatically.
citation needed
No it's a constant need to fuck people over as some dominance thing. Also don't act like the Jews are innocent. Look at the Orthodox today still, bunch of inbreds who defraud and rip off everyone as a lifestyle. For leisure, they attack everything they don't like which is everyone and everything except themselves. No manners or respect or just common decency. I've seen those motherfuckers running around with baby blood on their mouths yelling shit about Satan and hating Christ.
Don't tell me there's no way some of those freaks thought ever crossed any lines
>you have to earn money in the first place to loan it.
Not so. The (((banksrs))) create it out of thin air.
You do realise the Jew you pictured hated Jews because he thought they were evil pedophile cunts who control the U.S. Government.... He was so right.
based Bobby Fischer hated kikes more than any other
Tell that to the Clinton foundation buddy
I already explained why this argument has nothing to do with my original statement, as I was giving an example of outstanding Jews, not perfect people. Just because he was a Jew-hater late in life, during his years of great paranoia and insanity, does not mean wasn't a Jew.
Daily reminder to read Culture of Critique.
There's really no reason to hate all Jews. Just worry about the Zionists in charge of globalism. Lots of Jews are smart and beneficial.
You are a fucking retard. Is investing in a business also bad? How about credit? No wonder Brazil is such a shithole. You should take your rant to /biz, and bring lube because your anus will be ravaged.
Dear Santa,
respawn Hitler please
Bobby Fischer on the Jews
Daily reminder MacDonald thinks "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" are real and a legitimate source.
Deutche Physic didn't really go anywhere.
Isreali's are cool. Diaspora leftist trash should suffer the situation they have created.
If da jews really had all the power, then why isn't Israel a world power?
Because they are under constant attack from their surrounding areas and because the one country that has been their friend, America, is now beginning to abandon them.
>investing in a business
Yeah pretty much, all the investment always end up with someone being screwed over, either the company that received the money or the person who invested. Hard work is one of the most divine acts on this shithole of a planet, gaining money without working is the essence of jewishness.
>No wonder Brazil is such a shithole
>jews bank a comunnist faggot election
>said drunk guy gets the international loans and turns them into national loans
>with interest rates so high we use 70% of our GDP paying only the interests
>media run by kikes focus on small shit
>opposition run by kikes focus on small shit
>communist parties run by kikes focus o gibs
>all the sides are controlled by kikes
>People who talk about it end up dead
>nobody gives a shit
>certain areas are literally in an anarchist state
Gee o golly merchants are our greatest ally!
Very true. But people should know about their excessive influence.