>When did you realize that the Soviet Union was truely redpiledl?
Seriously, the Soviet Union under Stalinism was indeed a conservative paradise
Economical boom for a whole decade, strong abundance of family values, no degeneracy, traditional society with healthy model of femininity, heroic and maculine requirement
Nationalistic, anti-immigration, free education for every citizen
They managed to destroy the Germanic and fought like lions for their own motherland
I don't understand the hate towards them on Sup Forums
>Inb4 jews
The citizens and Stalin himself were antisemitic
When did you realize that the Soviet Union was truely redpiledl?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is it always deluded idiots from nations which never truly experienced communism are the ones who spew that retared "gommunism is based xD" meme?
Rotfront scum get out. Do you also think the DDR was based? Hop on the next train to Dachau.
You said it there: because they didn't experience it. I know more than enough people from eastern Germany who told me how shit it was.
good, now you'll begin to understand Sup Forums's fascination with nazi germany
>nazism was based xD
Killing your own people hardly makes it a paradise.
Yeah wow, they were so redpilled and amazing ! I wish I could have lived in the glorious USSR. NO, fuck you. Just fuck you. My great-grandfather was sent to the gulag at 17 years old, he built railways in Siberia FOR 7 YEARS. Fuck you rapebaby piece of shit
t. german born after the fall of USSR, never visited former DDR clay.
You did good sandnigger, you did good.
I meant snownigger
Portrayal of manliness and masculine values as something good.
Propaganda against divorce.
Promotion of a somewhat soviet nationalism.
Calling to die for the motherland.
All citizens able to have an education and a purpose.
Yep, seems redpilled to me.
Gdr was communist.
>get rekt at a 10 to 1 ratio by the germans
>destroy them
lol no
Home....fuck it i am moving back to russia.
Please do not compare Eastern Block to GDR.
People from Poland who managed to get permission from our communist goverment to work there were earning 6-7 times more then in Poland. Also, the money there has some FUCKING VALUE, since there were more goods to buy then pickles, vodka and vinegar (I shit you not)
Muh materialism...good goy.
I miss birozki and snow:(
>Economical boom for a whole decade
And then they ran out of money...
get sent to the gulag, revisionist
why didn't they just print more? :^)
This is stupid.
You're stupid.
Get out.
Yeah he killed off the remaining true believers, Jews and remove the degenerate pollicies, still he managed to
>starve various populations
>implemented retarded
>kill off 20+ million with the help of uncle Addy
>continued with retarded policies aka basic state communism
Most people(with the exception of comies, leftists and Jews) liked nazi Germany before the war
What this board calls ''cultural marxism'' the rest of the world calls ''American degeneracy''. For real. Under socialism we were socially conservative. Now everybody does recreational drugs and girls are sluts. None of this under actual marxism. Explain yourselves.
We became (((democracies))). Now we're all in the same cesspool as the burgers.
>try to explain to /pol hitlerfapper kids
no way
I'm no commie m8, but I'm not really enjoying this whole independence thing tbqh. How about yourself?
Not commie either but Yugoslavia sounds better than slow decadent extinction.
> Muh materialism
Communist Poland:
--> You work at least 8-10 h/ day, saturdays are a working days,
--> to buy a shit tier car you have to enlist and wait 4-5 years,
--> for shit tier 2 room flat you have waited 8-10 years.
--> where a fucking jeans pants were an luxurity
--> where food supply was so shit that meat and exotic fruit (bananas, oranges) were avaliable only on christmas and easter, in very limited supply.
--> economy was so shit that almost any domestic commodity was diffcult to obtain (nails, razors, underware, cables, toilet paper, cosmetics, bandages you name it)
--> rampaging hiperinflation: loaf of bread costed one month 7 000 PLN, next month it was 15 000 PLN
--> Our greatest ally, Russia, was cucking us on resources, geting free shit left and right. our foundries, ports, shipyards, mines and whole heavy industry was basicly making shit for free for them.
And You know what? We had it easy compared to Belarus and Ukraine.
But yea. Ill be lectured by a happy merchant about materialism. You are probably underage faggot who never witnessed the glories of commmunism firsthand. I indulge you go back to Russia, you will love it.
We have enough people pretending to be right-wing while worshipping retarded leftists with the NatSoc crowd.
When will you faggots understand that hating Jews does not automatically vindicate leftist scum?
I much prefer modern Russia
Well under capitalism you need to wait 30 years to pay off a home. You spend more on food than you do on shelter, and Chinese sweatshop workers work 12 hour shifts to make jeans instead of your fellow countrymen.
I talked to people who lived in Communist Ukraine and he said that before if you worked, you were guaranteed food, shelter, etc. This made people willing to make families.
Now under Capitalist Ukraine people gradually get poorer and poorer every year while the rich get richer and richer. People are not breeding anymore because they're too poor to, they don't have the resources anymore. I see the same thing happening here in America, people aren't breeding anymore because they're poor and they know it.
My mother was a Soviet citizen for most of her life.
She grew disillusioned, felt like the USSR/Russia was shit, and moved to the USA.
Then she realized the USA was shit too.
What did she say was shit about the USA?
I'd like to know the same about Nazi fetishists.
It's usually clueless burgers, too.
>Soros and co.
Gommunizm is shite.
It's shite because it promotes mediocrity and dependence
It's shite because it ruins nations.
Almost every single old person I know told me gommunizm was shite, and gave me cold fact why and how it was shite.
Now go, hop in a kayak and swim to Best Korea if you want to live in grorious gommunizm
Oh OP, you just happened to forget that Stalin killed MILLIONS of his own people. Or maybe you're just a retard.
Stalin was technically redpilled, but he inspired 1984 for a reason. If he didn't kill millions upon millions of Soviet people and kept the people in constant fear for their lives, he would've been a worthy example.
>Chinese sweatshop workers work 12 hour shifts to make jeans instead of your fellow countrymen.
This is a good thing, we basically found a way to enslave foreign populations to do our dirty work without even lifting a finger, now we can work part-time for $15/hr at McDicks and afford clothes, food, shelter and more while Bangladesh Rajesh works 16 hour days for $0.01 to cover for it.
We have reached peak luxury here, I don't understand how commies can continue to criticize capitalism when we're down to sub-40 hour work weeks with sustainable minimum wages (at least in Canada). So what if some Indian diaperhead needs to slave away for it to be sustained? That is how civilization has always worked, better him than me.
Corrupt, sensationalist media, war-mongering, obsessed with stupid shit like posting selfies on the internet, with shit education
She was appalled to find out schoochildren in the USA are fed nasty processed food like nuggets, pizza, and tater tots for lunch when in the poor-ass USSR every schoolkid received a freshly cooked hot lunch made of real food.
Literally a cuck
Considering fascism is what unfucked my country in the span of two years after 8 years of a retarded king, I am certain it's not that bad.
My family emigrated to the US in the early 90s and then we came back for this precise reason.
Couldn't believe how indoctrinated Americans were. America has a lot of stuff so it seems better. Also, communism really is shit but my mother used to say that Americans sometimes have Soviet mentality because they are so indoctrinated.
So I'm guessing Obama must be your hero, given your Red Diaper Baby status.
Ukraine is a failed state at the moment. Half of their people has lost their identity, the big russian minority is not helping either. The country is at war, the "democratic" goverment is a joke, the country is ran by oligarchy, the corruption is on the Africa-tier level, not to mention that Russia is making anything possible to escalate all the problems above.
When Poland broke free form Soviet Union, we have started on the same level as Ukraine, yet they had superior industy, one of the best farming lands in Europe, they were bigger in terms of land and people. Yet they failed misrebly thanks to communist goverment and mentality.
Western Capitalism has many flaws and I am aware of that, but Soviet Union Communism was not only a disaster for the economy, it also tainted people with horrible work ethic, no respect for law and authority, dreams of welfare state.
Really man, I dont wish you to ever experience that madness which my county was unwillingly part of few decades ago.
When was this "economical boom"?
>Nationalistic, anti-immigration
all bullshit
>strong abundance of family values, no degeneracy, traditional society with healthy model of femininity, heroic and maculine requirement
yeah not hard to keep traditions strong when your quality of life is stuck in the 19th century
lmao, look who's talking
Not even close. My mother dislikes Obama with a passion
Shows how little you know about Russians/Russia desu senpai
You realize that this pic doesn't help your argument, right? It proves that eastern Europe was already way poorer than the west BEFORE communism, and that under communism it was still growing smoothly, until those countries reverted back to capitalism, which made things worse for some of them, and better for others.
Your own countrymen love socialism the most.
Are we talking about Stalin or theoretical communism? You live in cozy US and like to dream about socialism because all your basic needs are met and it tickles your fancy to fit in a progressive society.
Everything based Pole said is exactly true.
> Well under capitalism you need to wait 30 years to pay off a home.
"Home"? Try a communal apartment. You share one big flat (which was usually taken away from some unlucky bourgeoise family) with 3-4 families.
> You spend more on food than you do on shelter,
Literally what?… Abundance and cheapness of food is one of the best advantages of capitalism. 300$ is more than enough to have food for a month for one person in US.
In USSR, we had famine in 1932–1933, Holodomor, and a plenty other humanitarian catastrophes. Collective farms proved hugely inefficient and were some of the reasons we were left basically without food and cigarettes in 1991 (the latter is important given how many people smoke in Russia).
Venezeula went this way again. See picrelated. Still you Western dreamers think socialism is cool because a cool guy in college said so.
> Now under Capitalist Ukraine people gradually get poorer and poorer every year while the rich get richer and richer. People are not breeding anymore because they're too poor to, they don't have the resources anymore. I see the same thing happening here in America, people aren't breeding anymore because they're poor and they know it.
First of all, Ukraine is getting poorer because it's been in a state of war with itself, paid by both Russia and liberals/Soros. Ukraine made huge economic progress in early 1990s, despite having hugely corrupt leaders. But after a string of Maidans, president changes and all that crap, they've put a cross on their economy. You try to go on strike every day and see what happens to your income.
We were almost the same as any western european country in 1950 you illiterate autistic chink, in 1990 they were 4-5x richer.
>Your own countrymen love socialism the most.
yeah that's why our socialist party got 15% of the votes the last 2 elections and right wing anti-communist parties got about 70% of the votes total.
Taки ocтaвaйтecь нa зeмлe oбeтoвaннoй, cнeгa c кaждым гoдoм вcё мeньшe, a пиpoжки вaм иcпeчёт тётя Coня из Oдeccы и этo тaки бyдeт дeшeвлe.
Literally created and run by Jews.
> I see the same thing happening here in America, people aren't breeding anymore because they're poor and they know it.
What? Poor people, conversely, breed way more than richer people.
In USSR, they could breed, but quantity was valued over quality. You didn't go to college—you got drafted. You went to college—you got sent over to some shithole to work in a field you majored in for several years (could be in Siberia). Millions of factories were unprofitable, made inferior goods (see Yugo cars) and could only survive in planned economy.
People were incredibly poor, except for party functioneers. They had large dachas with all their needs met. So it was closer to feudalism, where most people lived in shit except for the elite.
"We pretend we're working and they pretend they're paying", as the saying went.
Come Ivan, I have some frozen vodka, lets drink and laugh at stupidity of Western Lefties.
They are going to crash their economy with no survivors, its good to know we have that painfull lesson already behind us.
>Nazism didn't turn the Weimar Republic from the shithole of Western Europe into the most powerful and technologically advanced nation the world had then seen.
>We were almost the same as any western european country in 1950
So under Stalin?
>in 1990 they were 4-5x richer.
So like in the 19th and early 20th century before communism?
Look, I'm not saying that socialism is perfect, but it's definitely not quite as bad economically as most people believe. Eastern Europe was always shitty. It has been behind the west for hundreds of years. It's unfair to suddenly blame socialism for this gap, especially when they're STILL way poorer now that socialism was given up on.
>yeah that's why our socialist party got 15% of the votes the last 2 elections and right wing anti-communist parties got about 70% of the votes total.
Your "socialist" party is a shitty social-democratic party that has very little to do with old socialism. Still doesn't change the fact that most people think life was better back then.
>Seriously, the Soviet Union under Stalinism was indeed a conservative paradise
>Economical boom for a whole decade
Do you know that average residential area for workers was 3.5 sq. m. per resident under Stalin's """"economical boom""""? i hope you will live whole life in the communal apartment not having even a full room but just a corner in it. Get a taste of the paradise.
t. Erich "Shlomogbsky" Honeker
Hello there Russki rape baby
Stockholm syndrome is real...
>It's unfair to suddenly blame socialism for this gap, especially when they're STILL way poorer now that socialism was given up on.
Stop spreading lies you fucking leaf.
Also, compare Poland to Ukraine and Belarus, we started on the same page, ( even with disadvantage on our side) Guess who came on top
>I know more than enough people from eastern Germany who told me how shit it was.
>Germans think DDR was bad
For USSR citizens be sent to work to DDR (or East Europe soc countires) was considered as a trip to paradise.
Are you and the based pole a Bulgarian proxy? You say exactly the same thing my grand parents who endured communism say to this day. Fuck gommunism xDDdddd
> Corrupt, sensationalist media
Still better than state-controlled propaganda 24/7 on every channel
> war-mongering
Did you mean: USSR
> obsessed with stupid shit like posting selfies on the internet
People die because of this
> with shit education
Russian education is even shittier, I can explain but it's complex. USSR lagged behind horribly in terms of IT and anything except military and space.
> poor-ass USSR every schoolkid received a freshly cooked hot lunch made of REAL FOOD.
OK, to explain this meme to you.
Literally happened to me a week ago. Live in Moscow, come to a supermarket. A poor-ass babushka with her ape white nigger grandchildren which scream and jump comes in. They ask for potato chips. She suddenly explodes: "Listen here: I might by you chocolate, BUT I WILL NEVER BUY YOU CHIPS, THEY'RE POISON!!! OU GOT THAT!!! POSION!!!"
So you should take that "real food" meme with a grain of salt. The argument people like to use is also, "there was very little food, so it was much tastier". You can see a certain fallacy here.
To give you one more anecdote: open up a cooking book from late '80s. Read up random page: "A new fruit is being introduced into the shops of USSR, called tangerine." Yep, sounds like people lived really well. Totally.
Anyway, I accept that it's actually a one-sided benefit of socialist economy—without concern for how much production is actually available, we can just allocate goods where we deem appropriate. But you should ask Soviets about kolbasa. How it was technically very tasty, but you couldn't buy it literally fucking anywhere. "Trade deficit" was one of the top used words in Soviet times by the way. Oh, and there was also "fish day", when the canteens only served second-rate fish, because meat was scarce. It was well into the 70s.
You know, all and all, food should be available 24/7 in every part of the country—it should not be like buying a new iPhone on a launch date.
NDK was so based,that they needed a wall to defend it from the harmfull west.
Stalin was a fucking kike, retard
>Also, compare Poland to Ukraine and Belarus, we started on the same page, ( even with disadvantage on our side) Guess who came on top
So what? Firstly, I already admitted some countries made the transition to capitalism better than others. Secondly, Ukraine did switch to capitalism as well, yet it's doing bad, so why are you using them as an example?
Fuck off communist scum, half my family was shipped to belene concentration camp for owning 3 apartments between them, the other half lived in humiliation for 45 years because they were """""rich""""" before the soviets "" """"liberated "" """' us. Nothing compares to the crippling poverty of a post ussr bankrupted country. You've been bankrupt for 20 years and you keep bailing your ass out by robbing the population and to what end? The communists of our past gave away every profitable business to their own children before they left power and have been shilling for outside powers ever since (mainly fucking Russia here)
Go ahead and become a socialist or communist state can't wait for our diaspora that fled the regime to return to Europe.
Soviet style rule was literally developed by jews to destroy the russian nobility and to destabilize continental european states in favor of the anglos. Majority of people suffered under soviet style socialism while the communist mass party grew in numbers and became the only way to climb the ladder in such societies. Thanks to the ruins of communism i grew up in poverty because once ussr was gone the international economy crushed the weak, government controlled economies of countries like mine because capitalism is way better opponent. Due to this capital flows out and you are forced to buy foreign goods or have nothing.
Fuck all morons who think that this system was good, it bred one of the most psychologically castrated individuals the world has ever seen. Everything is better than communism/socialism.
That being said, some aspects of socialism work great along with capitalism, which is why social-democracy countries like Sweden are great to live in. But once you go full socialism your country and people are done in a few decades.
Well in a way, we have achieved the Soviet's greatest goal.
Scandinavians have become so "superior" that they cucked themselves to death. US has become so cozy and overfed they started thinking that communism was good.
Bezmenov was right—we present objective facts to them, and yet they don't believe us. It's too late—now just wait until "the boot crashes their skulls".
Nina was nice
>In USSR, they could breed,
They could not.
It's not like they refused the marshall aid,and made the country take loans,that was spent pointlessly(and we trying to paying it back even today).And after system switch the commrades "privatized" what remained.It's not that bad actually.
>no religion
>no economic freedom
fuck off you bootlicking cunt. authoritarian conservative
and what flags always shill for muh Gomunizms?
none ex commie countries
>So what
lmao. Out of arguments?
Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia embraced democracy and western-style economic reforms few decades ago.
Ukraine and Belarus did not, they continued their communist policy, both in economy and politics.
All those counties are slavic nations from eastern block.
Now compare them. Are you really so fucking deluded or indocrinated that simply cannot see the proof which is laying before you?
Nope, it's just that most people from post-Soviet countries agree communism was a huge mistake that cost our nations millions of lives and years of progress.
The rest have either 1) been subverted to the point of no return—they're indoctrinated that communism was good and no objective evidence will change their mind, they're like selfless religious fanatics with Stockholm syndrome;
2) Had it easy holding positions of power in USSR or simply worked shit-tier jobs which were nonetheless well-paid because of state subsidies.
>Ukraine and Belarus did not, they continued their communist policy, both in economy and politics.
lol nigga
Well, also true. Just goes to further disprove
>hot lunch made of real food.
Well porridge could be considered real food, yes. But hot? lel. Half of the time it would be served old and cold because serving all schoolkids apparently takes to much time for gommies mess-rooms logistic system and no one would give a fuck because this is gommunism. Food waste buckets near schools were always filled to the brim.
Sorry to hear about what happened to your family. There was definitely a ton of unfortunate abuse and corruption in the system.
Read on the Marshall Plan and why it was refused. Spoiler: the aid wasn't given for free. You had to give economic concessions in exchange for it.
>Ukraine and Belarus did not, they continued their communist policy, both in economy and politics.
>On 16 July 1990, the new parliament adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine.[113] This established the principles of the self-determination, democracy, independence, and the priority of Ukrainian law over Soviet law.
>Ukraine was initially viewed as having favourable economic conditions in comparison to the other regions of the Soviet Union.[116] However, the country experienced deeper economic slowdown than some of the other former Soviet Republics. During the recession, Ukraine lost 60% of its GDP from 1991 to 1999,[117][118] and suffered five-digit inflation rates.
Belarus did remain closer to the old soviet system, and coincidentally, its economy didn't collapse as much as Ukraine's. Their GDP has also been growing better.
I know you've all heard it before, but the soviet union was not a real socialist country, nor was it anything even close to communism, in fact it was closer to national socialism than anything else.
>poor ridge or poo ridge?
>national socialism than anything else.
Implies nationalism. But USSR was internationalist multi-culti (and we know what multiculturalism means, yes, anti-white).
>But USSR was internationalist multi-culti (and we know what multiculturalism means, yes, anti-white).
It was only a pretense of internationalism. In effect, they were pretty nationalistic. When did mass immigration happen in the USSR?
Holy fuck all of you /leftypol/ commies get out of this board you are making yourself look so pathetic
When Russia deported people to Siberia and replaced them with russians. See Ukraine Poland Baltic states mostly.
everyone who says that communism is bad is a retard. my grandpa lived in the good old UdSSR and always praised it. people worked for themselves and traded their goods for other goods. everyone was able to get a house or food. people even built their own streets. small communities where formed where people helped each other and provided themselves with everything they needed. no need for welfare. these spoiled niggers, who think that their so called "democracy" is better, don't know what real work is, they don't know what it means to help other people, these fuckers need money to buy some useless shit that doesn't even provide something useful for themselves. hurhurhur communism is bad hurrhurr democracy is good hurhur let's pay 1000 dollars for some useless shit and then complain that we don't get enough money for sitting on our asses and doing nothing hurhurr ...
btfo you democracy loving brainwashed shitheads
Very different from what's happening in the west today, and not nearly as bad. The only countries where this was really bad was the baltic states, but those were directly integrated in the USSR, and it was more of an attempt at making them Russian than at making them international, like in the west. It was closer to Nazi policies than western ones.
I've already wrote in this thread that Ukraine is not a Democracy-Capitalism, its an Oligarchy-Quasi Communism, which is irreversibly tied with Russian sphere of influence (at least in that form)
If you believe that Ukraine is a Capitalist-Democratic Country, You probably believe that Russia is as well lmao.
xaxaxaxa, this post made my day. What a bullshit
>my perfect form of capitalism hasn't been tried. Only socialist countries can be corrupt. If there's corruption and cronyism, it can't be capitalism
Clearly mongols raped your great granny long and hard in 1945, look how retarded you are
>things that never happened
Nice meme.
Now go to your university for another lecture by your professor Shlomogbsky about how rad communism is and we definitely must try it out again!