>Walk with friends playing pokemon go
>group of black teens walk up and greet us, asking if we are playing the game
>answer yes
>as we continue to walk by than one asks use to "say black lives matter"
>ignore and tell them good luck with the upcoming gym
>hear them saying "well fuck you then"
Why is it that everytime I have a reason to go outside I immediately regret that decision. Today I really realized the BLM meme is real. Im neutral when it comes to pretty much every political happening, but fuck me do I really despise this race baiting bullshit. How would Sup Forums act in said situation?
>pic related
I could have easily unarmed them and quick attacked everyones team
Walk with friends playing pokemon go
Other urls found in this thread:
Im better than you at pokemon go
yea right dumass
Probably, just started today.
I would've pulled out a glock shot him the dock.
>cp 329
That's cute
Ur doing pretty good then
>He thinks 500cp is good
I bet you still use pokeballs too lol
i love how they're using classic pokemon
>But far worse at having a standing military
Keep it where it counts M8
Nice Golbat. You find him or did you evolve him?
as a non poke go player what is cp??
What can I expect from evolving this based Eevee?
I like the nickname. And the evolution is random, will prob be bretty high level tho
Combat Potential.
Stop playing games you fucking faggot and join the work to take down #BLM terrorists like #Deray4Treason.
they knew you were a racist.its easy to tell
Ive learned that the more attention you give them, the more they grow. Tags like that fuel them, theyre are basically a giant megaphone only screaming about the worse things that have been said/happened. I ignored them, and they got angry and used foul language to compensate. They had their day ruined just by me ignoring them, therefore I won the battle.
Yes, it was plain to see. I didnt have any BLM™ official approved pokemon on me at the time.
~800 cp random evo
you know very well what CP is
>going outside
Helloooooooooooo reddit
Careful about JoJo references, m8. Some asshat might spoil ya if you're an anime-only.
>going outside to play videogames
I fucking hate this normie game, I can't wait until you all drop it because it's not hip anymore.
GF's friends wanted to go do this shit the other night, almost went along with my iiia soft armor and packing the heat just in case fun happens. I don't get this game.
>Doesn't go outside to play games
Fucking casual, bet you never even played Boktai before.
I don't. Give me an example. I have a hard time with reading comprehension.
Have fun getting oneshotted by Pokemon half your cp.
The evolutions arent random.
It depends what moves the evee has.
Certain moves result in certain evolutions
"Pokemon GO" is hardly a game. It's a game for normalfags to post about on normiebook and get likes. 90% will drop it within a month.
Since you need to catch the same pokemon 50 times or more to be able to train one to be not-shit, having all the new pokes wouldnt be.. optimal.
It'd be like Dayz where you find a very good gun but since theres 50 different ammo types, you are barely going to be able to use it since all the other ammo types clog up the spawns.
What the fuck is Pokemon Go? I remember mom getting me Pokémon Red when I was 13. As we were poor as fuck, I was never that happy again.
>playing a game outside
thats unnatural.
>>as we continue to walk by than one asks use to "say black lives matter"
Leviticus 19:11, bitch.
What a cuck. You should have turn back and rekt his black face. Dont you respect yourself?
Do you even play?
That's my big complaint with the game. It's basically just collecting Pokemon. I want to battle other trainers and fight wild Pokemon. It's a good idea, it just needs more action.
Its the cold war of Pokemon.
Everyone is gathering an army and leveling them up.
And you can already battle others, by actively defending gyms or attacking defended gyms.
I downloaded it because my nu-male brother who never played blue or red version told me to. I was pretty pumped as the OG three were there but when I found out you don't battle Pokemon in the wild and the rare ones are in spots that you cannot access I gave up and now I use it for funny pictures. I took pic related earlier today because I was bored and it was a good way to entertain myself from the common cold.
Are you fucking serious?
Yes, you can only fight at 'Gyms', and it's not classical Pokémon fighting, you just tap and swipe to attack and dodge.
What a shit of a game then.
It's still pretty much a beta.
They still have to sell the real games, m8, can't have the whole experience on your phone for free.
Also I hear trading and battling is in the works, but it will never be full-fledged Pokemon.
It's version 0.29
First 24 hours of game play already at half of ur memwa
Nice botnet dude
I'm better than both of yas
Imma go fuck shit up
>they still have to sell the real games
I guess I'm partially at fault then. Last time I picked up Pokemon I was still playing Pokemon Red on my SP in my dorm room two years ago. That built in backlight is great.
forgot pic
They should make this but instead of pokemon you find qts that want to talk to you.
It could be viewed through a google glasses type thing.
who else lazy and just usin fake gps to cheat it up?
>as we continue to walk by than one asks use to "say black lives matter"
That's adorable!
Where the fuck did you find the Electabuzz and fossil pokemon?
kys degenerate scum
>Be the first to take the gym near my house
>Some teen girls take it
>I let them have it for a while but eventually take it back again
>Wake up today and see that the gym is taken again
>Go outside and sit on a bench and beat all the pokemon
>Group of 5 nogs taking up the entire street walking towards me
>They stand right in front of me and start making fun of my Pokemon
>They beat it
>I sit there not letting myself get threatened out
>Take back the gym
>Stand up and walk back to my house bumping in some of them not willing to move
>Read some René Guénon at home
>Check my phone
>They took it again
>Go outside and take it back
>They corner me on the bench
>"Hey you just walk out of that house with the Dutch flag?"
>Ignore them, not sure why I did that
>Nearly shouting the words in my face
>"Yeah I just came out of that house"
>"What's with the hair you nazi?"
>Some of his friend points to his phone
>"Hey he took the gym again"
>"You better fuck off at this gym now you hear?"
>"No I won't, I want this gym."
>"You want to die for it?"
>One of them walks towards me with a knife pulled
>Stand up and go home
>Call the police and notify them that there's a gang of nigs walking around in my neihgbourhood threatening people about a videogame
>Police notifies me that they've had trouble with this small gang ever since the game came out
>Mfw I just called my Pokemon "White Nation" and took back the gym so I can wait for them to come back so I can call the police
Based aquafresh
Its not very strong but I asked some friends from a neighbouring town to help me out including my girlfriend with a 1000+ CP Golduck.
Gonna do everything I can to bait them here.
What province?
Noord-Holland, aalsmeer, they're from Amstelveen which is pretty much overrun with Somalians, muslims and chinks.
They're threatening people into giving up their gym, they're not getting this one.
Think of beggars but they dress nice because of welfare, so you can't tell they are beggars.
Hahahahaha kanker kek, maare spele gij regulier of met heks en kreks?
Any of you goys playing legit or got spoofing stuff, cuz after lookin at those pics im about to drown my oddish.
spoof it dude youll never get good shit otherwise and its a waste of time
Without spoofing
Spoofing doesnt work for me and I heard it gets you banned easily.
>Mfw I just called my Pokemon "White Nation"
it's nice to be 12
God I hate fucking normies
Listen you retards with your little handheld kiddie computer
What would you suggest to anger them instead?
Black Lives Dont Matter?
I know I will sound like a retard but could someone please tell me what Pokemon go is?
My development stopped at Pokemon Fire Red EMU and I don't follow gaming anymore, just one or two popular titles and Pokemon always peaks my interest, but I've been out of the loop for quite some time and anything other than mouse and keyboard gaming is over the top of my head.
tl;dr please explain what is Pokemon go and how you play it? And is it again something like those freemium mobile games?
is there way to increase the chances of pokemon or gym or whatever to appear in dangerous places? such as gathering them elsewhere constantly?
id be hilarious when this app gets people killed, hurt or dismantled
So what's this game all about? Are adult, grown up people (which can vote, by the way) seriously playing a kids' game?
It gets people out of their homes, though...so I'm thankful for that, at least.
something for dumb casuals
its augmented reality used by phones to capture
>le real life pokemans xDDD
not to be confused with virtual reality, augmented reality is the lesbian autistic sister of virtual reality
Might at well drop this here.
on top of that, can you win the game if you violently keep people away? or is it that the grinding is made by having people around so you cannot go forwards solo? get 2 phones and two accounts?
>playing pokemon goy
nice bait, weeaboo manchild
Well we never really played any of these games , not because we couldnt afford it but because football and beating each other up was a lot more fun.
>It's version 0.29
Why the hell did the mass release it now, then?
By the time it has any decent features no one will care anymore.
>things that never happened, part 937382829383
I hope whoever did this gets hit by the local train.
>there's a kekcuck in my town
Couldn't you make it more obvious you're a poltard?
I've seen so many people playing it. It is causing a stir with the police though because of people popping up on pokestops every so often.
fucking tard that didn't happen or atleast not the way you described
it did, still waiting if they'll come back or not.
No normie has heard of the nuzlocke challenge. Nicknames are a requirment, you genwonner
Is there a way to be good that doesn't require walking and traveling everywhere or is this game for NEETs with too much time on their hands? How do people with jobs have time to walk and drive to random places?
Fuck the what?
"A nice stone"
How does one do this fake gps cuz im stuck at work
>Start playing yesterday
>local gyms have 500+ pokes
>want to btfo out the reds all around the neighborhood
>on second day of playing this. Just started getting pokes over 100, got 2 that are over 200
>get back home
>local gyms now have 1000+s
WTF how can you get them so strong so quick it's only been out a week or something.
The panda express in my town has a landmark as "panda mural".
you just walk around a lot
Hope reddit doesn't catch you.
What's the point in playing this shit when it doesn't even have proper pvp matches?
You have to name yourself and your Pokemon things that are offensive but not bannable.
Good pokemon names:
Yeah didn't really get fuck all from doing that. All these red gyms have brown skin level 20 avatars.
I walked around all day today and I'm only level 8 and my pokemon are weak as piss.
>I hat 3 blacks
whats bad about this?
Do you actually battle people like you would with the link cables?