Holy shit, Pokemon Go is devious!

>Jewgle releases pokemon go
>People taking location-sensative photos everywhere
>mfw Jewgle can now monitor things from the ground level by accessing the cameras on these phones.
>mfw they can literally see anything they want by manually spawning pokemon in areas they want photographed.

The sinister nature of it is damned admirable.

Other urls found in this thread:


They've been doing this Google Maps and Google Street View, then Google Earth came out with 3D buildings.

The entire world is exposed now, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>what is satellite

It was released by Nintendo to get both neets and normalfags to buy the microtransaction currency from within the game. It substitutes actual gameplay with exercise.

In other words, it gets you off your fat ass and running around catching imaginary creatures. And hopefully netting them some of your money in the process.

Google already gets pictures of what it wants by driving around the streets with vans WITH CAMERAS ON TOP OF THEM. Or have you never used the streetview function on google maps?

There was literally a thread yesterday that made fun of an obese youtube gamer who used his friends and car to drive everywhere to catch pokemons.

Satellites have a limited resolution you stupid nigger.

Kill yourself.

i picked team yellow when i didnt know how gyms work. the gyms near me are red and blue controlled. feels bad man

If you didn't think they were already doing this you need to leave Sup Forums and never return.

That dude was a character. Not real.

Yellow is the world wide underdog. Be proud, however instinct is obviously the best trait.

Be proud.

Gound level photos. Satellites give you a nice overview, but to see what is really going on you need to be on ground level.

Then again, most of the stuff in pokemon go is along routes where jewgle already has it all documented, at least i havent found a location of interest that did not already have a photo made.

iam not buying a new phone to play this crap, into the trash it goes

The locations are high traffic areas already.

It's just a money scheme Ivan, calm down.

>Google already gets pictures of what it wants by driving around the streets with vans WITH CAMERAS ON TOP OF THEM. Or have you never used the streetview function on google maps?

Doesn't get pics of what's in my backyard, in my home, in my office.

They are already having problems with people trespassing while playing the game going on private property, jumping fences, knocking on people's doors wanting to come in cause Pokemon inside.

Some companies already have up signs not to play game in building. Imagine the trade secrets that could be stolen through the game

yes but now they can get near real time imagery from multiple locations and multiple angles and they don't have to be as obvious as a car with a giant antennae/camera apparatus.

Snowden has said from the beginning they could flip on your phone camera, location and mic and even the phone itself.

Pokémon Go doesn't bring anything new to the table Goy.

are you a grill? do you constantly have your phone out as you document your amazing journey to the nail salon?

>The locations are high traffic areas already

Bull shit I live 20 miles outside of a town of 500 people in the woods and my wife was using this app in the woods.

This is bullshit. You have a interaction circle of about 20-30 yards. No one is knocking on people's doors for Pokemon.

"They" can already do that by scraping every form of social media out there. Facebook, Twitter, Periscope and every other goddamn thing out there is more efficient.

The "locations" me and Ivan are on about are Pokestops. They're at every church and you get in game items for going their.

Gyms are were people battle and are usually malls and hotels and colleges.

>Pokémon Go doesn't bring anything new to the table Goy

Yes it does they can pick an area of interest place a Pokemon and people will go take pics. They get all the intel with none of the work

So is every camera...

Those google streetview photos are only updated within a few months at the very best. Some areas don't get updated for several years, if they even have streetview at all. This might not have been Nintendo's intended design, but OP is on to something.

Pokémon spawn everywhere.

anyone wonder what kind of pokemon are in north korea?

I wouldnt be surprised if there's like a million shinies over there.

> So is


Make most pokemon generally benign, but when they want intel they can just manually spawn in a pokemon and wait. Having one sinister pokemon among millions of normal ones will mean no one notices.

>It was just a coincidence that dragonite spawned in the whitehouse, goy

>No one is knocking on people's doors for Pokemon.



You would be very, very, very surprised at just how much detail can be captured in a satellite image.

Maybe they could use a rare one

If there's a pokemon on someones property and they appear on your map, you just click on them to engage and it appears right in front of you. The radius of your """character""" makes it to where you can catch mostly anything from the street. If not, that's a big ass yard.

Explain to me a game like Pokemon Go is even legal to begin with? People are trespassing private properties and going on ladies bathroom to catch pokémon. This seems like a real issue, a lot of idiots are going to do this and the game will get a bad name really soon.
Why the fuck was it allowed to be made?

Pokemon Go isn't the first "game" to do this kind of thing

None of those random forum posts are true. That's not how the game works.

You can't see a pokemon pop-up unless you're withing 20-30 yards. There is a indicator that tells your pokemon near by but that's just 1km.

Still wasn't bullshit now was it. Fuck they are even using the game to rob people

Can they see inside buildings?

Did you know there's a gym in the pentagon?


Both are bullshit retards fueling this popular idea that people are autistic enough to try and enter someones home when you've got a shitton of radius to catch the pokemon

>None of those random forum posts are true. That's not how the game works

Whatever ..hur hur doesn't fit my argument obviously not true

There's a gym inside of the Pentagon because it's a higher traffic area than most malls.

Has a bellsprout ever spawned on your dick pic?

>People are trespassing private properties and going on ladies bathroom to catch pokémon.
no rheyre fucking not, the detection radius is at least 150 fett or like a quarter of a block in area, read the post above yours

bing maps has a very good satellite image in usa but they only show so close

im sure they have closer high detail but they only release a certain height

They would have to live in a house the size of a Walmart.

no, that's really not how the game works. You have a big radius around you that if a pokemon is inside of it, you can catch it. That radius is HUGE.

I can catch pokemon 3 houses down from inside my house.

Also the camera can and should be turned off to save battery. Not one of my friends (GET OVER IT, WE GO OUTSIDE) use the camera.

I don't even know why people would ask if they can go into your backyard" for a Pokemon. It's not like they are 100% sure it is there since it hasn't "spawned" and once it's within approx 50ft. from you when it does pop up just tap the screen to go capture it.

The real problem is just loitering and pokestops in private or government areas, and while it wasn't as big of a deal in ingress, Pokemon GO is about 1000x more popular.

Hey bubba joe, its called an estate.

The radius is huge and the map scale is fucked up. I sat in the hot tub at the gym last night catching shit. Based on the map, up to around a quarter mile away.

>mfw Jewgle uses Pokemon GO players to get intel on suspected dissidents
>mfw plausible deniability
>mfw I have no face

No one posting on those forums owns an estate the size of Walmart

Cameras and microphones are rendered inoperable via some creative soldering-gun work. I still catch the Pokemon I want.

My family's estate in Tunbridge Wells is larger than one of mid-western Mega Wal-Mart's, including the parking lot.

Play around on google earth, it's not hard to spot.

>having gps enabled

>playing with the camera on and reducing your battery to 45 minute life span

literally everyone turns off the camera.


>thinking your camera is ever off

Now I'd believe some random fuck on Sup Forums does. You all are weird people.

Land is cheap in most of the country as long as you stay away from big cities and why wouldn't the first round of kids playing a Pokemon game be from privileged backgrounds in neighborhoods with large estates now that you have backed away from your original premise that nobody in the country owns large estates?

No I said no one or their families posting on those shit forums owns Walmart sized Estates.

One of them even said he was in an apartment.

I own 15 acres, and I have a small plot compared to most of my neighbors.

So I can just catch basically everything while I'm working in my "yard"?

but Pokemon Go is literally just a re-skin of Ingress...


Sorry your game didn't take off.

These guys might be.
Gamefaqs used to be pretty legit back in the day, I don't really play games anymore though.

Because it's not an issue with the game itself, it's an issue of people being fucking morons - especially since your character in the game has a big radius around him in which he can actually engage with pokemon so that you don't need to actually go into someone else's back yard to catch something you see there.

Google already has my info and all that jazz so I don't really care. Just let me download the game already you cocks.

A lot of the gaming shit used to be legit.

It's all corrupted now user. Most people trust a random British dude living in America who has terminal ass cancer..

Out here acreage goes for $800-$1400 an acre if its clear cut, a lot more if it has timber of course (logging area).

tfw theres a legendary in my backgarden and ive had 4 autists asking to come in to get it already


How fucking big is your back garden?

would probably cost too much and get backlash from property owners

Remember to turn off AR and enable battery saver mode fampai


Team Rocket is at it again

No shit really?

Is the land a swampy shit ridden mess or rocky as fuck?

pokemon go incentivizes leaving your house. truly Sup Forums's greatest enemy

pretty big no idea how they can't get it though one of them said he could get it if he was near my shed but i told him to fuck off

Yes Google or the Jews or whoever developed a multi million dollar app with support and infrastructure to see in your backyard instead of just fucking putting on a dollar store ski mask and going to it in the middle of the night.

>Trade secrets

El em ay oh yes NOW those are at risk and the Jews can finally steal them through a fucking childrens app. I wish I lived in your world my man.

This is such a weird plan. Pretty much everyone has a cellphone anyways, why the fuck do you need a special area to target someone? Just lay a trap literally anywhere.

הכל בהתאם לתוכנית גויים.....

So what is the gaming forums run by ass cancer expat brit that the rich kids with large estates use now?

He's probably talking about the proximity pokemon locator. Which means that there was no guarantee it was there and he was just making a guess.

implying i dont keep my phone and tablet in the microwave , when not in use

ask me why, i dare you

It's by the same people

Either Sup Forums or the Reddit specific subreddit.

Gamefaqs is used by 12 and under who don't know any better and just want cheat codes.

He's definitely. The only reason mass surveillance doesn't work right now is because there's too much raw data. We don't have enough manpower to decipher all the noise. In 5-10 years when the SuperAI is completed, possibilities are limitless. The main "hurdle" is priming the public to be complacent and accepting.

Take a look at these good citizens. They care very little of the big picture, and almost delight in showing you how "removed" they are from the situation. The social conditioning has already been set.

Pokemon Go is fun, I didn't even realize I was in my neighbors backyard catching a pikachu till I heard gun shots and remembered my neighbours hate me for fucking their daughter :/ oh well caught my pikachu

You need to wake up if you think the Governments data collection doesn't already work amazing and they still need more eyes.

You all are blind men thinking they've found light on the sun.

Because if they used a trap it would be Yu Gio GO


>Sup Forums
How is that run by a brit with ass cancer?

I suddenly understand you and this conversation a lot more now.

>12 and under who don't know any better and just want cheat codes.
Why can't someone like that live in a large estate or near other large estates?

I'm not really involved in this part of the conversation, but I just wanted to add another reference to TotalBiscuit's imminent death due to ass cancer.

Why ahmed?

Pokemon GO serial killer when?

Because a 12 year old who owns a Walmart sized Estate isn't going to post on his cheat codes honeypot about someone knocking on his door about Pokémon Go.

Do you realize how silly of a conversation this is now?

Oh and the ass cancer man is just on YouTube. Doesn't run forums.

how would they upload all the image data without people noticing and the carriers bitching if it was done secretly?

It also forces people to keep their GPS and location tracking services on all the time as they won't want to miss that SUPER ULTRA RARE POKE-MAN. A lot of people are wising up and keeping these turned off.

>Being this new

Snowden claimed a very long time ago that manually turning those off was completely irrelevant.

just caught a pinsir AMA

When will you get good?