Is Turkey gonna be only western country not cucked?
Is Turkey gonna be only western country not cucked?
>Western country
Yeah but you're still turks so in the end you lose
mehmet, my son.
>Western Country
Aren't you cucked by Islamists tho?
Also this
Probably. You'll the only ones to survive the Nuclear Holocaust, given your cockroach privileges. Left with no competitors so yep.
only if you get annexed by byzantine again
you'll be*
Nice try.
>nah, its obvious
fuck off stormfront losers. Turkey has been part of NATO for half a century and has contributed to Western Civilization for half a millenniumm.
what to know what's funny? Turks have contributed more to European history and culture than the coveted "Nordic people".
But keep being autistic online while Turkey leads Western Culture in the real world.
Grey wolves are the dumbest fucks ever
>Turkey greatest nation that ever existed
>Turkey has best culture in the whole world
>Turkey most beautiful country on planet
So you guys wanna go back to Turkey and live there then?
>this post
no you stupid sandnigger, you will NEVER be part of europe. it's emberassing that you think you are xD
Pathetic loser virgins. Turkey has shaped European history for so long and you're still clueless
Mehmet, tell me, what has your shitty home country contributed to the world, compared to the nordic countries?
You got cucked by Russia pretty bad tbqhwyfamala
Aren't you cucked by Islamists tho?
No your media is exaggerating things
Your country will be majority Arabs in 3 decades and you say Turkey is not European. lmao. When you're being beheaded, I will laugh, just because of your inexcusably ridiculous attitude ITT
> contributed more
Brown people don't count as a useful contribution
>english fag 100 years ago makes a graph with no definitions of "innovation"
>english fag in present day uses it to justify his pathetic life
you are shit, loser. your country is projected to be
Dumbass stood in the way, probably blind bow thinking he was making a political statement. Nigger doesn't even know where he is, the middle East
agree. Turkey never was and never will be a western country (except all turks get replaced with Europeans)
> turkey is a mudslime country
What do you mean not cucked? Christ dude.
>Triggering Roachaboos so much they invoke the unfettered autistic power of a fucking leaf!
WHats does this have to do with them not ebing europeans but some rapey-mix of asians and arabs
>Turkey a western country
Ohh man that's rich
your logic is very sound! just because you filthy apes breed like rabbits doesn't mean you magically turn white or your culture turns from savage KILL EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH ME! to what makes westerners superior to you.
Just kys achmed, you'll never be civilized.
They're not western and Kurds are winning the fertility battle there and will become the majority by 2040.
So no.
Destroying the Holy Roman Empire doesn't count as contributing Mr.Roach.
While you have a based country, you are not Western, simply Near-East.
>Is Turkey gonna be only western country not cucked?
Hard not to be cucked when you have a nation of femboys.
>No examples of Turkish accomplishments
But hey at least turkish delights are pretty nice right?
We'll just be over here in our western countries, making robots, advanced medical care and AI while your country contributes this:
>checks flag
I already called you autistic. you're just proving my point by simply trying to repeat the same burns I owned you with.
Nordic people haven't done shit, that's why it's funny. It's a meme bro
Kek my roach friend
you expect me to feed you information when you've provided 0 specific examples yourself.
I can think of some british inventions...
- getting raped by romans
- getting raped by vikings
- getting raped by frenchmen
- getting raped by arabs
what a great and accomplished people. lmfao
She is indian
ok but your people won't even exist in 30 years like I said? don't see how you think you're the winner here.
> Turkey
> Western country
Kek, you roaches are even more deluded than I thought.
You're forgetting getting raped by saxons, man you're really bad at this, you should read up on your history some more.
Anyway our contribution is this, you're welcome
Richard Lynn said that the eastern Europe will be the new West when niggers take over
>calling people autistic on a Hungarian yak-husbandry forum.
>acting like it's an Earth shatteringly witty insult.
Leaf, I am laffin.
>not cucked by islamists
come on mate...
Whoops wrong photo
>>calling people autistic on a Hungarian yak-husbandry forum
then why did you try to do it?
just prep the bull and hope your women make more Western Turkish children to uncuck your pathetic country.
And in your pic is an typical turkish woman, right? Don`t claim to be something you aren`t, its almost like the negroes with their "we wuz kangz" shit
They made the Magna Carta, they birthed the US and Canada, they invented radar, they reformed Christianity and invented Protestantism with Martin Luther and now Christianity isn't a shitty religion like Islam, they explored the world, invented the printing press, and most places the Brits were are nice today thanks to them. While I my not be a fan of Brits seeing as most of them are elitist sacks of shit, they did good things and don't deserve all the sandnigs they're getting raped by.
Martin Luther was German m8
The cockroaches under my fridge aren't cucked yet sorry Turks
the only remnant of real christianity is the orthodox church you pathetic cuck. all the "Nordic" and "British" people have done is commit national suicide.
Wait what? I must be thinking of King George or whatever his name is who defied the Catholic Church because he wanted some sweet Spanish pussy. But w/e
Even "fake" Christianity and "real" Christianity are better religions than Islam could ever be.
Lel chill mountain jew i just posted wrong photo but i need to say our girls looks good
Henry VIII made the king the head of the church of england instead of the pope because he wanted a divorce.
who is she?
surely then it speaks volumes when such a "not better" religion conquers your entire people.
Lmao at this dumb roach who is so patriotic that he lives in an Anglo country
there's cockroaches in your house? filthy third-worlder
>shaped European history
you're right
like when Vlad shaped you subhumans in stakes
Best cosplayer of Turkey she is even better than Anzu her name is Melodi Kızılgün
>anglo country
not for long though?
Any country that is owned by filthy mudshits is not western. you fucking retard.
Ah yes, that's a funny story, one I've not heard in a while, but still a funny one nonetheless.
The only reason Islam is still in existence is because of social justice and political correctness. One day, the entire Middle East will take a couple hundred nukes to the face and all the (middle eastern) mudslimes will die. Hopefully the other muddies on Earth will understand that they need to reform and actually fucking get on with it. Islam isn't compatible with Western Civilization, and it won't be until a reform comes along.
>Melodi Kızılgü
she looks good
You have never been party of Europe.
It's what we tell you so you keep your mouths shut and do as we say.
I'm starting to suspect this is actually a legit butt-blasted turkroach.
Trolls cannot fake autism so convincingly.
you talk about one guy giving Turks a hard time one time when your people were under muslim rule for 400 years? lol. thank us later for your genes, I'll let this one go since it's so funny
You're German, at this point you guys will do whatever the fuck any Muslim tells you. Hell, Merkel would nuke her own country if it meant appeasing sandniggers.
OK loser. that's why Hilary clinton will be elected, because muslims in YOUR country dictate your policy. lol
your country holds out in this century but will be powerless since all your neighbours are becoming muslim. bicker while you can lol
>Western country
My sides =D
You have 2 million rapefugees and it actually improved your country
What do you mean not cucked?
Turks are more delusional than BLM nogs.
Turkey is literally like 70% turkish, I don't see how "uncucked" they are, compared to europe, that's pretty fucking bad.
>Western European
My fucking sides
Mustafa Kemal failed, Turanism failed
Enjoy your new caliphate
To imagine, there are actually Roaches so fucking monumentally inbred, so incredibly daft that they actually think they're western, let alone part of the European continent.
It does't get more "we wuz kangz" tier then that.
turkey is absolutely cucked.They serve the mohamedans who created the so called Islam,remember?
>eastern empire
>western country
u wot m8?
You're just proving Mudslimes to be the worst people, deliberately subverting the host country. The roach name is there for good reason.
>Turkey not getting cucked by Kurds
Turkey, you are a problem in Europe. Only sandniggers and cucks like you
>Western country
Every time they do something wrong we beat them
I fucking hate roaches so much.
Why did the Spanniard beat that Turk?
We need them at Germany if Germany do something bad to Turkey they will chimpout
Yeah it's hilarious
>but we want to live in your country because turkey is a third world shithole filled with disgusting smelly turks
It would be funny if it wasn't straight up sad.
fpbp, came here to post this exactly
>Turkroach land
>Western country