Erryday until he's elected
Angel Jenkins
Luke Ross
Jayden Garcia
fele teh brenie
Connor Flores
>A $0.05 IOU has been made out to your paypal account for Feeling The Bern.
Nicholas Garcia
Still alive?!?!
Cameron Phillips
Hunter King
Bentley Hughes
You've missed some days.
Tyler Hall
Ian Watson
Cooper Russell
Nathan Thompson
Matthew Thompson
Ayden Hall
I let it happen
Brandon Collins
I let you happen
i regret it everyday
Sebastian Rivera
dank as fuck
Dylan Fisher
is kek trying to say something?
Henry Lopez
So forever?
Leo Cox
Reminder that Bernie Sanders is going to endorse Hillary Clinton on Tuesday.
Reminder to browse r/sandersforpresident when it happens.
Kayden Morris
> Reminder to browse r/sandersforpresident when it happens.
And then Sup Forums after the first post endorsement polls come in.
Jack Brooks
r/politics will also be fun.
Luke Howard
unless hes running for president of jew hell he aint winning shit
Luis Price
he should run independent :3