give a young german dude some tips for when going to live in japan(because of obvious ((((reasons))))). how hard is learning japanese?
answers from japanese users appreciated.
give a young german dude some tips for when going to live in japan(because of obvious ((((reasons))))). how hard is learning japanese?
answers from japanese users appreciated.
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As your country, japan lost ww2 against and is still surveiled by (((them)))
Why would you want to go to japan of all places?
English teachers leeaAAAAaVvEEeEe
It's important to learn the culture as well
honestly, don't do it, OP. make your life comfortable in Germany instead.
Oh boy, op must be thrilled for a diet of raw fish while spending his nights sleeping in drawers.
Moving to Japan before learning Japanese
Not only are you retarded but also you'll be rejected unless you are one specialist motherfucker in some needed field.
wataru baka desu yo ne?
You are stupid fucking faggot whos never going to move to Japan if you are this retarded
r00d don't tell adolf user to quit
learn japanese first
>German cuck fucks up his own country
>Now wants to go to japan to fuck up theirs
Sorry Mohammed, you actually have to be aryan to get along with them
Japanese hiragana, katakana and kanji is pretty hard to learn but speaking and listening - romaji is pretty easy
1 off trips straya
anyway japs HATE foreigners, like think south murica scale intolerance
Unless you are useful as hell for some reason and contribute a lot to society in which case they tolerate you and some like you maybe.
Japan's a nice place to visit, but it really isn't worth living there as a foreigner in my opinion. This is from someone who had to spend 2 years there for job reasons and no, it wasn't English teaching. I was always treated well by the Japanese, but I definitely felt like a fish out of water the entire time I was there. Many of them were willing to accept me, but you could always tell that there were some hesitant to even talk to a foreigner.
If you're dead set on moving there though, learn some fucking Japanese and at least try to get a grasp of the culture. You'll never truly fit in, but nothing is more annoying than the dumb foreigner.
I wouldn't go at all if you don't have a career plan though unless you plan on falling back on the whole foreign language teacher path.
Japanese is very hard to learn. Two (maybe 3 i forget) character sets. If you're a guy who just sits in his apartment between working and jerks off it's probably gonna be great.
I spent 2 years living there and only knew basic hirigana and some conversational japanese from muh animus and it was great, really easy to meet people when you're drinking too, just act like a tourist as much as you can and people are accommodating, but once people realize you live here and don't speak the language, they treat you about the same as any westerner treats Abdul and his 7 wives.
Prepare to be stared at too.
no hans you fucked up your own country dont go fuck up japan too
stay and die with the last bit of honour we have.
4 character sets.
2 Japanese
1 Chinese
1 Latin
Some Japanese religions also use Siddham (bonji) to write words in Sanskrit, so 5
We need to tell Japan to protect itself against the swarm of white rats and vermin coming their way. Please help.
They know, don't worry.
that's why immigration is so tight
but we need to stop political cancer infringing against japanese customs and laws.
They see the west in the total shit storm of cancer already and want to avoid this mess.
You'll get laid all the time. Japanese girls love foreigners. Especially if your black. They find that exotic.
watching 2-3 episodes of anime a day will help you learn
Languages expert reporting in.
Learning spoken Japanese is easy. You'll learn the basics very quick, unless you don't love the language or if you're exceptionally bad at languages. Scientific Japanese and television Japanese are different things, more difficult, but it's okay. Pronunciation's going to be easy for a native German speaker. Be ware of u's and w's, they're not what they seem (u's in Japanese are between ü and u in German and "w" are between "w" and "b" in English). Also, t's are loaded like in Germanic languages. K's come from the back of the throat, do mind that.
The writing system will be a bitch. Learning Japanese writing will take an enormous amount of time. You'll need to know at least 3000 kanjis just to read the newspaper. Once you get there, I advice you to buy one of those bilingual devices they sell in Japan which help you when you can't find the right word. You can draw kanjis by hand or write a German/English word to find the Japanese equivalent. Hiragana and Katakana are a matter of raw practice. Memorise them, then just read the newspaper or something less complicated with furigana generator or on the "easy" page of NHK (which displays almost every word in hiragana or katakana). That way, you'll learn very quickly to recognise them.
Is it really that easy to be an English teacher there in Japan?
I imagine so yes.
Our countries might be turning to shit Hans, but that's no excuse to adopt muslim tactics and start shitting up other peoples' countries, least of all the fucking Japanese.
Don't be a dunecoon, Hans.
Yes. As long as you have a degree for it, you'll have no problem finding a job. Most Japanese English teachers are awful, so they try to find as many Europeans to get there because our level is considerably higher. Most teachers know only conversational English on a basic level and couldn't actually hold a whole conversation convincingly, unless they have a background of immigration.
Hmmm this interests me. How is life on Hokkaido?
Cold and full of bears.
>As long as you have a degree for it.
I have a Bachelor's degree and now working on a masters. I just finished a 3 month work contract in (middle of nowhere) Russia.
>I always wanted to visit Japan.....
Sounds comfy
I love the cold, that's no problem.
Forgot to add that the contract was teaching English
still sounds better than california
Everywhere has its pros and cons.
Also, this guy is right Watch slice of life anime while learning the basics. You'll get a lot of vocab seemlessly by hearing them just repeat it over and over. For beginners in Japanese, I advice you take the Pons textbook. I bought it in Aachen, pretty based, very thorough as well. I think you'll have a good overview of Japanese with that, you'll get to a B1 level. Then you'll be able to get deeper into the language.
Reading the news in easy mode will help you get some less common vocab in, but don't overdo it, as you're likely to learn useless shit as well.
Then you're probably fine. You could find a position at a university, as in lecturer or something. Not sure you could get an actual chair as a professor, depends on your degree, again, but you could at least teach English for a decent wage at that rate.
How good do you memorize things?
The reason why Japan is such a great country is because it's ethnically pure.
Don't fuck that up, Hans.
Also they'd never let your NEET ass live there.
Unlike cucked Western countries, they actually a require a fucking amazing reason for gaijin to live there.
That's encouraging. Definitely will look into that. How is that Pons textbook with the characters? I mean the dual sentences with Latin and Hanji.
>ethnically pure
>cucked Western countries
>Implying Japan is not being invaded by whites and Koreans at this very moment
>Implying Japanese women aren't taking all the foreign cock they can because Japanese men are castrated.
>Hates rapefugees
>wants to be one in Japan
Pussy, better stock up supplies and train for RAHOWA.
It's got the Japanese version, the romaji transcription and the German translation next to it, all through the book. So you don't have to worry about progression. My version's in German, though. I'm not sure it exists in English as well.
japan is about to get BLEACHED
My Russian textbook was like that. I like this format
fuck you traitor
Same. Although, for Japanese, I'd want to have furigana all the time as well, because I can read it already, it's just the kanji I don't know, so I don't like looking at the romaji to get the pronunciation for a kanji. Makes for bad reflexes.
>betas running away from their own countries competing against nip betas
Goddamn with every generation it will get worse.
My thoughts exactly. We can't stay this way.
I found Katakana very simple to learn. I don't understand why Japanese even needs 3 alphabets.
Try going for an English teacher job there? That way there is a good reason for you to be there.
It's a matter of tradition and of typography.
I think or Katakana and Hiragana as two different fonts for the same writing.
Traditionally, katakana were used by men for important stuff and hiragana were used by women, mostly for poetry.
Nowadays, hiragana are used for simple, everyday words and grammar. Katakana are there to put a stress on a word or to indicate a foreign word.
It's a way to make the whole thing easier to read, as you have three different systems for three different things. Kanji could theoretically be enough, but I find it easier to have hiragana to tell me where you've got a particle or an ending for a verb.
Because information density is a good thing you pleb
Great info mate. Interesting!
Hiragana and Katakana are easy to learn. Kanji is hard, though.
None of those things are hard. I've learned all of katakana, hiragana, and 1400 kanji in 6 months. You just have to actually try and not be a whiny loser britbong.
Don't forget Arabic numerals
Technically, they're Indian, but whatever.
thanks for the comments, i think ill give it a shot.
Fucking Arabs stealing shit again
Exactly. Well they stole most of the stuff they have now. Even shitslam's a pale copy of Judaism.
Japanese language is very hard for foreigners. Its entirely language and thought structure, you wont be able to banter without studying a year or two.
Traditionally manners are very important, so is familiarity, if you arent with friends or senpai thhen remember formalities are an ansolute must. Thete will always be a barrier between you and the culture barringg some dramatic bonding experience. As a foreigner you have to accept that there are certain doors that will always be xlosed to you.
Younger gens are probably more flexible but just remember to be respectful.
Also dont confuse the anime/manga perception of japan with actual japan.
Get this shit out of your head.
Learning Japanese is fuckin impossible.
If you put some effort in it you could reach a elementary school kids level of speaking after about three years, probably with a smaller vocabulary than a 10 yo jap.
But only speaking, learning the kanjis is close to impossible. Every fuckin sign has at least two up to 7 different ways to read and pronounce it depending on which signs it's combined with in a sentence or word.
The system of combining the signs and the very system of the signs themselves reeks of top level autism.
The sign for human combined with the sign for tree means "rest", cause a humans lays under a tree to rest, and that's one of the good examples, other combos make almost no sense and are very hindering when learning new signs and their readings.
The whole language is full of foreign words, especially English ones.
You know the "Japanese are bad at engRish" meme?
It exists for a reason.
For example "Pasocon" mean PC. It's short for "pasonaru conpuuta", yes they're actually retarded like this. They forcefully apply the rules and disadvantages of their own retarded language onto foreign words, butchering them until you won't be able to recognise them anymore.
"gym" is "fitonessu kurabbu" = "fitness club".
You may be able to Speak properly with people about lots of things, given you improve your skills gradually, within, let's say 5 years, but you won't be able to live a normal life due to the unbelievably complex sign system, thus won't be even able to read a short article on the newspaper unless you put a lot of effort and time into learning and even than it will probably take you up to 10 years to reach a high school level.
t. German guy who has been learning Japanese for two and a half years on university right now and is only capable to deliver some smalltalk about weather, clothing and hobbies, as well as reading a book written for pre school children.
>inb4 weeaboo
I don't watch animus, never ever read a mango in my entire life and am doing this just out of interest in the Japanese culture (I don't count weeaboo shit as a valuable part of that culture).
Having a Waifu and watching some animus is fine, but I despise weeaboo and otaku scum desu.
Sounds like you're utterly retarded. No language is impossible, even as an old man.
>japanese at university
Found your problem retard
>im the retard
>Japanese is ezpz
Go ahead and learn it, prove me wrong you fuckin retard !
If you never tried leaning it, you have no clue about how complicated the signs are.
As a swede you'd be better off learning Arabic though.
>t. German guy who has been learning Japanese for two and a half years on university right now and is only capable to deliver some smalltalk about weather, clothing and hobbies, as well as reading a book written for pre school children.
Then you're learning it wrong or your teacher is bad. Because I've learned Japanese at Uni as well, and it's not all that hard. Also, non European languages do take longer than European languages to learn for us. You're obviously not going to get as much progress from learning Swedish or English as from learning Japanese or Arabic. Especially if you don't live there.
Your estimates don't take into account constant contact with the language. You don't watch anime, that's probably one of the reasons why it's so hard. How do you get in contact with the language? How do you connect with everyday life if not by looking at a stereotyped representation of it? Do you read books? Do you watch Japanese television? Do you watch Japanese sitcoms, movies or anything else? You can get a level high enough to pass the JLPT in two years at University in Europe + two years in Japan. My Japanese language teacher did that.
Yes, the use of English words in Japanese is disgusting. But that's a part of Japanese culture. You say you're interested in it. Well, that's it. The language and its deconstruction is part of it. If you want a pure language, try Icelandic or fus7a Arabic. Those have almost no foreign words.
Also, most Japanese don't even know kanji that well either. They sell those machines, which are practically electronic dictionaries, they walk around with in case they find themselves with a kanji they don't understand.
Sorry mate, but you might be literally retarded. If in two and a half years you're not at least at N2 or N1 level, you're doing something completely wrong. 2.5 years is almost 1000 days, dude. If you add 3 kanji to your stack every day you'd pretty much be done with all you need by now. And 3 is nothing, I added ~10 a day when I was still actively learning them back when studying for the JLPTs. Everything else is just simple vocab and grammar, like you have with any other language.
Sorry you're so salty, mate. Also what the fuck, I've lived in Japan for a year, went to the gym there three times a week and never heard anyone refer to it as fitness club. People just say gym.
>seriously thinking you can learn a language by studying it in uni
You can. I learned 6 languages at uni. But I was in a translation studies faculty. It really just depends on how motivated you are and on how good your teacher is.
I'm about to finish A2
Did kanji kentei level 10 and 9, JLPT level 1.
Had very good marks in all exams.
I just don't watch anime and don't learn at all, except before exams.
I may have exaggerated a bit, but Japanese is among the most difficult languages in the whole fuckin world you darn retard and saying it's not that hard is literally retarded.
>no one says fitness club
Depends on the region retard, I once asked my aunt from new York if people actually use the word "rucksack" (the German word for backpack).
She said she never heard it, nor did my uncle, a born American.
Yet I have heard people saying it, especially when refering to big backpacks for hiking and climbing.
>seriously thinking learning a language from zero completely on your own Is actually a good idea
japan won't turn into a shithole if one german guy migrates there. mass imigration does that.
>may have exaggerated a bit, but Japanese is among the most difficult languages in the whole fuckin world you darn retard and saying it's not that hard is literally retarded.
Juuuust a bit. At least you can pronounce Japanese, that's a good thing. Can you do clicks? ق and ع ? Can you pronounce "Lögreglan á Suðurlandi stöðvaði 16 bíla fyrir of hraðan akstur í gær." ?
The logic behind Japanese is a bit weird, but it's in no way one of the hardest languages to learn. It's labour intensive in terms of reading, that's all.
Wait, what? Wikipedia says Kanji Kentei 10-9 is like 200 Kanji. You're joking, right? Yet you claim to have JLPT N1? I don't get it, mate.
Anyway, just keep at it mate. You should probably invest some time to see if you're studying the right way. Ask a couple people how they study and get a feel for what works instead of just sticking to what you know.
And I can't stress that enough: Read native Japanese material, like books or games. Stuff for young guys with simple Kanji like this gane works well. If you're not a weeb, there's stuff without anime also.
You will never be Japanese. To them you'll always be the reason why you want to flee. If they decide to physically remove huwhitu piggu then I can only wish them the best - I hope they're smart enough not to wait long.
Fucking rootless cosmopolitan.
Tell me about all those MASSES of immigrants that initially came to your country.
Here it started with 68 Turks. Go figure out what happened between then and now.
>man goes to a country whose culture is inferior to that of his own
>is fucking it up
This is me at age 12 on newgrounds
No I don't speak sandniggerish.
Icelandic or whatever that's supposed to be is not that hard since its a germanic language.
If you seriously are trying to say Japanese is not among the hardest languages on the planet your a delusional retard.
Japan is one of the few highly homogeneous countries left on earth worth a damn. Why would anyone want to destroy that?
oh just stfu already austria.your country has a higher refuggee percentage than any else right now. don't pretend to be better.
You compare us to them. We who live in a westernized country to people who live with low life standards. There won't be any mass immigration with germans moving to japan because there is simply no reason to this.
abe is ramping up efforts to get rid of SECOND AND THIRD GENERATION MIXED JAPANESE. if you think japan is your place to escape, you're solely mistaken hans. for you, it's fight or die.
N1 is completely worthless outside of using on your resume for companies that arent in japan.
Nice deflection, faggot.
You know very well that it's no different. It always starts as a tickle. You'll serve as argument for more immigrants in the future if you integrate well. You're the drop of water that makes the slope slippery.
If you have any decency you'll stay. If you don't then there's no difference between you and that Turkish filth worth mentioning.
>t. German guy who has been learning Japanese for two and a half years on university right now
Found your problem right there.
Taking languages courses in school or university is a waste of time. ESPECIALLY when it comes to Chinese and Japanese, because the way they teach you the characters is plain retarded. And you're obviously not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed to begin with, so that exacerbates the problem.
It took me about 6 months until I was able to read a shounen manga and understand most of it, 8 months for programming tutorials, and after a year I was happily reading the news, 2ch threads, VNs, vidya, and books about politics and history. And I didn't study it full time, to me it was just a hobby I engaged in while preparing for my Abitur exams and studying CompSci.
Don't project your own lack of agency on everyone else. You obviously failed in your studies, so you're not really in a position to tell others what they should or shouldn't do.
Also, OP needs to die for trying to shit up the world with even more intercontinental immigration. If all you want is to get away from muds, just go to Czechia or Hungary, maybe Estonia.
It's definitely different, how stupid can you be? Japan itseld is basically a product of Western culture
Not true. The companies I applied for (one of them NHK by the way) all required N1 as minimum for foreigners. Without that, you're not even getting the interview.
And it does make sense. While N1 doesn't mean you speak decent Japanese, not having N1 means you either don't speak Japanese or you're too lazy to get the certificate, both of which are reasons not to hire you.
first of all dont
second of all dont
they're an extremely homogenous society you wont even be able to find a job at a convenience store
without guidance you can develop some seriously bad habits. I can't tell you the number of "self taught" english speakers who are functional, but basically incapable of using english in any professional capacity here. I mean, they're basically practiced and memorized mistakes that they repeat and are incapable of fixing
that said, yeah, university programs move way too slowly to ever become fluent i any non-euro language.
I'm really doubting you learned to read a newspaper in one year though. not even natives do that. 20k characters, in 30 days, you're learning and remembering 100 characters a day. I dont' think so, buddy.
Who gives a fuck about culture? This is about immigration, something that'll destroy their demographic landscape.
I'm a black American that lived in Kyoto for 2 years as an English teacher.
The flavor of the food is weird and you'll never get used to it. The apartments are fucking tiny and they have ridiculous trash/recycling requirements so you'll spend at least 3 or 4 hours a week figuring out how to sort plastic.
They all liked my hair there and it was getting kind of annoying with them just randomly touching it. One day I was walking back from work and this ~30 year old woman touched it and giggled...I had enough at this point and reached out, grabbed her right tit and made a honk sound.
She grabbed my arm, pulled me into what I assume was her house or shed or something and I power fucked her for about 40 minutes.
That's when I realized the power I had in Japan. I was an exotic object that all the women wanted.
I had sex with roughly 90 different Japanese women over my stay. Mostly unprotected and I cummed in probably about 30% of them so I'm fairly certain there's some halfies running around Japan that made a family disown their daughter.
I'm gonna go back in a few years
N1 means you can read a few greatings and guess correctly for 50% of them. "Decent" Japanese isn't even until the N4 level.
Dude, N1 is the highest level. N5 is the lowest.
just have a skill
don't be an english/german teacher, they're seen as losers