Why do so many people here hate globalism?

Why do so many people here hate globalism?

Free trade leads to better goods and services

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wtf I love free trade now

Why do you talk about globalism and then focus only on some economic factor as if it entails all of globalism?

And islam

thanks for leading me straight OP I'm now #withher

No it doesn't. There's a reason everything we buy is made out of cheap shit

For who?
At what cost?

Because he is a faggot kike from London.

here here to free trade chaps!

do you have any more?

I don't oppose Western cooperation at all. globalism of course is the evil, nation-states have to be there. They are the essence of our culture and freedom. Not even racist. Just against Islam, Judaism, low-skill low-IQ migration and mass migration. I'm all for the Western cooperation. Disregard the flag, Swede abroad.

Pshhht your country recently fucked itself over by leaving one of the biggest trade organization because 52% of your country are red haired inbred retards

I'm now a #Cruzmissile

fuck off you shill

>Free trade leads to better goods and services
Not as long as some countries have environmental protections and labour laws in place while other countries that don't still impose tariffs.

Because you are filthy whore?

>trade organization

>yfw those Fiats, Peugeots, BMWs, and VWs running around England end up being replaced by Hyundais, Toyotas, Nissans, and Lexuses

>free trade
>need ten thousand page trade agreements

What the globalists are pushing Is controlled trade. Globalism as an ideal is very different than the globalists and what they are trying to establish. Purposefully deindustrializing America and pretty much every other white country to create a permanent slave population dependant on the government labeled as a precariate isn't free trade. Creating a world government ran by continental unions of unelected bureaucrats to milk the people while flooding the country with mass immigration of stone age idiots isn't a good thing for the people of any country.

What the fuck is wrong with her hair? Fucking gross. It looks like she smeared some glue on her head and then used it mop up the floor in a barbershop

>white whore women
>goods and services

You aren't wrong, in a twisted sort of way. My good Jew Friend.

>better goods and services
You don't need to import millions of shitskins, enslave yourself to communist jewish banking cabals or fight unjust wars in the ME to get better goods and services.

It's not a trade organization. It's a genocidal anti-European Jewish supremacist project. Here some from the book of the one of founders of the EU:
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. ...

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation."

oi id shag those slags if ya fancy my pardon ey lads

That's the way women's of African descent hair are. She is one hell of a gorgeous and proud Swedish subject, you can't deny that.

We could have more favorable trade agreements. Trade agreements are highly complex legal agreements. You can believe in free trade and want to change many of our agreements. Trump is the closest candidate to this. MAGA.

>(((Free Trade)))

There's nothing free about it. It's a government sanctioned and taxed exchange operating under laws written by unelected bureaucrats who were appointed by politicians whose campaign funds come from the same corporations that benefit from these orchestrated "free trade" deals.


he's probably gay user

the last thing an olympic athlete is thinking about when competing is how cute they look or how their hair is done

It's supposed to be that straight and thin and her hairline is supposed to start at the top of her head?

Globialism makes people less patriotic, like those cucks who consider themselves European rather than the nationality of the country they're from.

I'm not against globalism
I'm against the evil kikes version of globalism that they are forcing on us.



This post shall remain underrated for the entirety of the thread.

>one post by this ID

Look up Richard Kalegi. You are in for a quite an intellectual journey. Eliot Rodger - The Politician

Hush now, young sjw.

don't trouble your mind with all these complicated matters.
daddy will take care of everything, the scary things won't hurt you.
>all "They" ask in return is COMPLETE servitude

>Free trade leads to better goods and services

Hardly by any substantial measure; meanwhile it destroys culture, family values, corrupts governments, funds terrorism, and exacerbates the destruction of civil rights. The costs are in the extreme compared to the economic benefits - which altogether are questionable to begin with when it's only the globalists themselves chest beating about them.

The only people who care for and want globalism, are those to whom money is literally everything.

Globalism has only weakened my country and people, I want nothing to do with it.

Because I don't put money before everything else? Sure, it's great, but you need to know when you've had enough. It's enough when it destroys everything you stand for. Fuck kikes.

Globalism is globalism. Go to bed, summer faggot.

Why do Jews always need someone else (besides themselves) to support them?

Does that make me racist to ask why?

Almost like there are different races or something

You mean cheaper goods and services not better.

Yes! And leaving the EU will make everything bett...
Wait a minute.
No it won't you fucking mouth breather.
You're still stuck with the shitskins(brexiters went back on the immigration promises the moment you left kek) and will have to agree to free movement to be allowed access to the simgle market, still stuck with a shitty economy, and now, stuck with a completely fractured parliament and the most disgruntled populace since thatcher was around. Good job.

Curly roots. Straight top. Perfectly normal

Restrict competitive goods from entering our country, force other countries to accept unfair and exploitative trade deals.

How is any of that free trade?

German cars have been overpriced garbage for at least a decade anyway

>Free trade leads to better goods and services

that you can no longer afford

And in return they have autonomy and sovereignty

As an american you should understand the appeal freedom has, and the price people are willing to pay for it.

You remind me of a slave wondering how he will feed himself now that his master no longer provides him with food.

Says someone from a country that just left the E.U.
How ironic.

Because my country has standards and conditions that make labour expensive.
Some dink in a 3rd world shit hole can undercut me for a cup of rice a day and lose an arm or leg in the process while making elite Jews like George Soros even richer

This picture triggers me
Please remove it immediately

>im willing to sell my ancestral inheritance for better goods and services

More to the point, the globalist "free trade" mostly involves monopolies constricting markets so only they can sell into them, while ensuring there's so many barriers involved that smaller businesses can't compete.

Furthermore, it's only "free trade" when it's in the favour of these corporations, but laws are in place to PROHIBIT regular folks from purchasing goods in other nations for themselves. This is exemplified in digital markets like steam - where videogames are regionally locked so you cannot purchase a digital good in Russia for the equivalent of $5 USD instead of $40 USD.

Free trade for the greedy monopolists and corporatists; fuck you if you're an average person.

And in a few months Hillary will destroy your country. Don't throw stones from glass houses.

We made a short term sacrifice to survive in the long term. The eu was going to collapse whether we were in it or not, the whole purpose of the exit was so we could distance ourselves from the continent when it inevitably implodes in the next decade. When that happens we will survive and will be in a good position to take advantage of the chaos that follows, and more importantly will not be required to bail anyone out.


Free trade is just companies exploiting third world wages for more profit. These companies can enter these primitive markets with their insane cash flows and completely pervert the local economies in their favor through crony capitalism. It allows for cheaper goods to help churn the wheel of consumerism.


>autonomy and sovereignty
Masters of their own little soon-to-be-irrelevant island, besides, in this debate those words are almost buzzwords.
Also, this decision will probably make the UK more of a lapdog to the EU, considering they'll have no more say on anything happening, while being economically dependant on them.

Dr. Hasnoclue

daily reminder that ancaps are the scum of the earth and should be genocided

Globalism represents the pursuit of money and wealth over everything else.

The destruction of communities, society and morals so pockets can be filled.

Yep. Thats how the wheel spins detlef.

Small countrys get eaten alive by big once.

Learn from history. Sooner or later it happens. On peacefull terms, embrace globalisation or on violent, reject it. The only choices you got.

It shouldn't. Point of nationalism is unification. There are two patriotic Swedes, who love their country, culture and people.

The EU is on the verge of collapse

It wasn't built or planned with the interests of the people in mind, and that is why it is failing.

The UK leaving is just a symptom. There may be a pan-european government eventually, but it won't be this century.

>On peacefull terms, embrace globalisation or on violent, reject it.

Oh no asian and american shit boxes swarming the market.


God damn you swedes are just shining beacons of hope and equality aren't cha

I gladly give you death.

Uhhh japanese cars are a billion times more superior than some shitty expensive krautmobile that costs 500k/year to maintain

could you give me some reasons why i should embrace globalism
i really cant get behind your reasoning

Because it destroys the middle class in the most affluent countries. It also destroys a nation's unique culture, and erodes national identity. People want to be independent and control their own destiny. Money is not everything, and its not even what's most important.

Ofcorse thats why they sell so good and thats why us cars sell so good.

Cry more. You got nothing.

Cheaper ipads durrr retard

Deep down all of us are. I'm all for bannin Islam and Judaism as foreign supremacy cults and expelling Jews and Muslims, I'm all for taking away citizenship from the low IQ and violent people followed by deportation, I'm all for mandating a test on the language, history and political culture and 20 years of residence to get a citizenship. It would prevent unworthy people and natives would be 94-97% of population if all of it used. But excluding from the civic process based on race? Nah, please.

Step your english game up hans
Or would you rather me speak the mother toungue to you while I caress your jelly rolls in a warm and motherly manner.

> Goods and services are the only things important to a human.

Fucking kill yourself, reeeeeee.

butthurt londoner

Because people don't know the difference between an economic model and a political one.

>Socialism is better than Democracy.
>Communism is better than Capitalism.

Leftists confuse the two all the time.

Because it happens ether way. Your not getting it? The only choice you got are how it happens.

Are you really that retardet thinking you can close the borders, build a wall and be untuched by globalization? Stay homogenus untill runing in to incest? Runing out of resurces? Then dieing or lebensraum im osten westen bla bla bla.

FFS detlef.

Take you ad hoc argument somewhere else you nigger

>Hur durrrr out of arguments.
>Shit english meme

Fuck off child.

>Stay homogenus untill runing in to incest?
ok your trolling bye bye

>Free trade leads to better goods and services

exactly, but we need to dismantle nationalism quickly or else those idiots will start yet another war because muh skin color or some other artificial line of division.

>Stay homogenus untill runing in to incest?

human populations were a fraction of what they are today. Sometimes tribes were almost isolated. hundred thousands of generations later, we became the conquerors.

incest is not a problem for europe.

Because of economic equilibrium. In any free market system, businesses will attempt to operate where their costs are the lowest and to sell where their products fetch the highest price.

Previously, this had kept itself in check roughly by the expense of shipping being more than the expensive of manufacture in a less productive area. In recent years, the consistently cheapening cost of transportation and communication is making production in cheaper markets viable.

For developed nations, this means that the price of labor is competing against the entire world. If you are in a field where your labor can effectively be done in a cheaper market, it will be done in a cheaper market. Hence, manufacturing dies, and service sector rises to sell cheaply made goods. The further problem is that with unchecked immigration, if your service sector job can be either outsourced, automated, or "insourced" by importing new immigrants, it will be done to further cut costs. So, globalization depresses wages for the poorest in developed nations.

For developed nations, most of the profit from outsourcing is not actually going to companies and employees in the nation. Local industries are not being developed because it is more profitable for foreigners to work in outsourced operations which create wealth for developed nations while it is in the interests of the company operating in the market to reduce costs as much as possible often by skimping on infrastructure and good labor practices. Not to mention that the cheaply made goods flooding the developed markets also can flood their own markets threatening local entrepreneurs who cannot compete with the technology and scale of other corporations.

Okay what do you want me to say? American car aren't shit? Oh gee wilikers you sure got me there. Guess I'll have to go be proud of the billions of other things my country does better than yours.

Oh no a fact i cant refute
Must be trolling.


You just utterly retardet child that cant think more then 10 years ahead or even longer 1000s of generations. Desicions made now will impact future generations, detlev.

Dont burden the unborn with your idocy.

In the long run, what economic equilibrium means as corporations move their operations to the cheapest nations is that every nation will become essentially equally poor on the basic level.

For the rich, nothing particularly changes as they become a drain of wealth on the nations they operate in, but for everyone else this means a heavily competitive labor market that is damaging to new businesses and has substantial barriers to entry to become competitive.

thats why we need a global gov or gov-union like structure, to avoid taxing loopholes.

too late my good friend. It's all downhill from here

>Desicions made now will impact future generations, detlev.

This is why i hate you, jürgen. you ignore this fact and cover it up with delusions.

And got wiped out. Bla bla bla. They you got the resurces the growing population the with that acomulated growth of resurce increase need for space.

Meh, why bother when the union will be owned by the globalist corporations?

Fair trade with countries with equal government and regulations is good. There's multiple factors involved, including corporate tax rate and minimum wage that favor places like Mexico and China instead of the US.

Ultimately, I'd love to see free trade, as long as our government completely gets away from controlling the market. Well at least lower our corporate tax rate for crying out loud. Otherwise it's a net negative for the country

>i can think thousands of generations ahead im such an enlightened individual
>my solution is to just give in and do nothing about globalists devouring our nation
>see how enlightened i am

Globalsation is a fact. A route taken hundreats of years ago. Get used to it. Closing your eyes and pretending its not existing will not make it disapear or stop.

Better to work hard to get on top then get rolled over by it.

It is really frustrating how companies charge $5 for a product that cost 15 cents in materials and 20 cents in production. how could we ever clear this debt?


we should use all available tools for our betterment. Strong industry is definitely a part of it, but it makes you vulnerable to make yourself fully dependent on it.