Her penis

>her penis

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>The day I took my first dose was the happiest day of my life

Literally sounds like some creepy hostage at a cult type shit


Tranny here. The day I started HRT was one of my happiest days as well. I wouldn't say the most, but then again this girl is young.

i hope all traps will die a painful death

>he actually fell for the become a trap meme

You're gonna regret it so bad.


Yes except replace bullied with burned

These girls aren't even real girls and they're still to good for me

Who cares how they feel, I'll be feeling good when I put my cock in them.

She probably has a very feminine penis.

i would fuck his boipussy desu senpai.



i don't care what people do as long as they don't try to force their shit on others.

>pushing mongo


I feel sorry formthese mentally ill people. They need tombe sectionedmand given help formtheir condition. Helping and cheering them on as they mutilate themselves and feed their delusion is cruel.

>qt trap
>open mouth
>man voice comes out
Every time

have fun killing yourself some years later


i'd hit it

Sick of all the tough guy neckbeards that would bully her. I'd kick the ever living shit out of you if I saw this kid being bullied. Or any kid for that matter.

Beautiful child, let her live.

I dont hate him. I feel sorry for him because he's been jewed.

thats not a trap you cunt

If trannies aren't mentally ill, then why is there medication against gender disphoria that works?


Colour me confused Ivan.


I have nothing against some sweet boipucki.
Best sex I ever had was with a trans.

Anyone that caters to that boys mental illness by calling him a her should be fucking killed as well.

I unironically agree. Trannies are disgusting

and the day you commit suicide will be my happiest

It is ass, and you are a faggot.

If you want to be a faggot that is fine, but trying to pretend it is something else is fucking retarded.

No more cruel then previous centuries freak shows.
We just give them a wider audience now.

Found (((Melbourne)))

>wouldnt even bang if its the last thing on earth looking like a woman

Her parents should be bullied for allowing a child to ruin their life at such an early age. Little faggot just needs a good spanking to be taught a lesson.

m e l b f a g

>Sup Forumssters who would all unironically demolish that sweet boipussi the hardest

Lying on the internet is natural m8s, but this is Sup Forums and this is a safe space. You dont have to feel afraid :^)

what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums? into the ovens you go

I think I remember seeing an article about this faggot. He decided he was a female after seeing a transgender youtube star talk about it.

I wonder how much dick "she" will gobble in high school.

How is putting a kid on hormone therapy at that age a sensible thing to do? Prepubescent children don't know shit about shit, especially not their own identities and feelings.

May "she" hangs "her"self

You guys realize that "cute" traps are going to look like a disgusting perverted uncle at the age of 40

Trannies are LITERALLY mentally ill schizoids

evidence: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8839957

If you think about it, it's kind of funny. We turn mentally ill people into freaks so they can't procreate, while disguising it as "helping" them. This is evil-hollywood-nazi-scientist-tier.

drop dead fucking stupid kacapie

>fucking up your endocrine system at the age of 12
>cutting off your reproductive organs

Good job! Follow your dreams little goy! :) Don't worry, if you would want kids you can always adopt a cute little niglet! It'll be just like your child I promise goy :)

What exactly is boipussy? A bleached and waxed asshole?

>tfw best looking ''girl'' is a boy.

They'll look fucking manly and disgusting whenever they finish puberty anywhere between 18 and 25. Don't need to wait until 40. Furthermore, those people typically kill themselves before they turn 30

Wrong the only positive thing is that there will be less male because

A) they transition to monster
B) they'll fuck tranny enabler
C) they'll be available sexually because they are Trans

It's nature way of fixing itself, more QT, less value for sex (the real hungry one will just fuck trap)

All benefits for the males

When he grows up. And instinctively starts getting boners by looking at girls its all to late.

>her penis

Real women have vaginas

You guys should definitely watch himegoto.

Sweden never fails in making me laugh.


mongo goofy is best

So you accepted the fact that you're a genetic dead end?

Have you ever thought about having a family?

Being a tranny is living in hell, you're gonna get literally fucked until someone stabs you or you get infected with a venereal disease and die shitting your guts out. Will then you look back at one of the happiest day in your life and think "it was worth it"?

How come people are so disconnected from reality?

Yep. Life is tough and it's best that he/she/it learns that early on.

Why are they allowing parents to do this to children that are too young to know any better? Child abuse of the worst form!

>advocating the death of children


I mean, they shouldn't kill the kid, but it should experience what the real world is going to be: very shitty.

Choose one


>fucking a dude

>benefiting males

He will turn into a STD cesspool.

>feminine penis
>feminine fucking penis
That's like saying someone has a masculine vagina.

>her penis

wow my dude that's an ebin meme my man

This lil' guy will have a shitty life, because modern culture tries to force upon us all that mental disorders are normal, while it is so natural for human beings to bully freaks just to keep society steady.

It will be against nature not to bully this creature, and by artificially trying to tell everybody that this condition is normal we will just multiply cases of these mental disorders. Leftists get another point to split families and enter people's minds with their myths and lies.