>COMPLETE INTERVIEW: Martha Raddatz Interviewes LT Gen Michael Flynn On "This Week" (7/10/2016)

>Hillary blames White People for the Dallas Terrorist Attack
>Clinton Gave Non-Cleared Individuals Access To Classified Information


Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>/cfg/ Official Website (WIP)
>/cfg/ Clinton Foundation General Thread
>Rally in Cincinnati, OH 7/6/16
>Rally Raleigh, NC 7/5/16

>Trump meets with 200 GOP Congress members
>Trump on O'Reilly 7/5/16
>Michael Flynn on Nuclear Energy in the Middle East

>Gavin McInnes RIPS Aziz Ansari for Trump Piece
>NRA Ad: Stop Clinton, Vote Trump
>Stand in the Gap



Other urls found in this thread:

For those of you who didn't see it.


Ivanka for VP, yes or no?

Fourth for Karen




Trumpfags on suicide watch

Hey, guys, was The Circus any good last night? I haven't seen it yet.

Ivanka posts demand responses.


love it, there is a similar one with socialism

Snake, that's not Master Miller!

Post wild card VP picks

No, needs to keep the company relations running smooth as her skin.

This is where I'll leave you Trumpgen. I'm gonna go sleep now.

Have one final awoo from me.

Have a good night, and as always; MAGA, brothers and sisters.


Been in 5 or 6 consecutive threads so I think I'm gonna get some sleep. Good night anons.



Posting best girl

the latest polls are fantastic

Holy Fuck its 3 AM.
Goodnight Sup Forums
Sleep tight, for the night is dark and full of Niggers


Where you at? I'm 813.


>watching cabal tv



Goodnight, Lonestar.


thread theme reminded me of this, have a laugh bros

or.. just do and say whatever you want

this is Sup Forums after all

>that fucking sleeve
What is he thinking?

Looks like the autists over at /cfg/ found something else. This time from 8pol.


Holy shit, she would actually be the perfect VP.

a) She's a minority (Lebanese but looks latina as fuck so it would confuse liberals) and

b) is a woman so again liberals wouldn't know what to believe anymore plus Hilary couldn't use the woman card as much anymore.

c) actually fucking smart

d) those legs

Napolitano is one of the only legit threeheads.

> Phase 1: Define race (America vs Special Interests). Complete.

> Phase 2: Convention. Raise Trump's favorables. Central theme = "Unity vs Division" . Trump wants to unify the country while Clinton wants to use divisiveness for political and financial gain.

> Phase 3: Debates. Break Hillary's glass jaw by showing how incompetent she is. Overwhelm her with attacks and distracting claims. Use confirmation bias to show she's weak.

> Phase 4: MAGA

We have moved into Phase Two.


>Ivanka is in serious contention for VP

I love this election.



She couldn't even vote for don in NY because she was a registered """"""" independent""""""". At least don jr, Tiffany, and melania were already registered republicans.


Most American Voters fall under 4 categories.

>Hillary Supporters
Voters who support Clinton for a variety of emotional reasons, very few have policy reasons for supporting Clinton. Usually won over with Identity Politics. You frequently hear them say things like "It's time for a Woman President"

> Hillary Hostages
Voters who don't like Clinton but are too scared of a Donald Trump Presidency to do anything but begrudgingly vote for Clinton. They agree that Clinton is a liar, they don't think she cares about them at all, they think she'll drag America into another war, but they are low information voters who only hear the "Trump is evil" headlines that the MSM pushes. "Trump can't be President, he's racist/ignorant/DANGEROUS"

> Bernie or Bust
Former Bernie Sanders supporters who are completely disgusted with both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, but can't fathom voting for either. Voting for this demographic is a form of therapy, rather than the practice of a responsible citizen, and they couldn't look at themselves in the mirror if they voted for someone they weren't in love with. "My vote won't be taken for granted. I vote for policies not parties and Hillary Clinton represents everything wrong with America" Oddly enough, BOB voters normally spend more energy hating Hillary than Trump.

> Trump Supporters
Voters who believe that the American Dream they were sold as children isn't possible in today's America. They believe that all of the inherent strategic advantages that the US enjoys (plentiful natural resources, strong culture of hard work as well as democracy and rule of law, entrepreneurial spirit of it's people) is being wasted by politicians. Those politicians care more about being politically correct and helping other countries than supporting America. "We need a leader who will Make America Great Again"

> The debates are an opportunity for the Trump campaign to win over voters from the last two groups, while driving down turnout in the second group.

The debates between Trump and Clinton are going to be some of the highest rated television events of the year, if not in political history. On the biggest stage imaginable, Donald Trump will get the opportunity to do what the vast majority of Americans have wanted someone (ANYONE) to do for years... Tell Hillary Clinton exactly how much she sucks.

The unrivaled king of political banter will have an audience of tens of millions watching him stand across from Hillary Clinton and look her in her eyes while he tells her that she represents the failure of the Washington Establishment.

> She failed on Trade.
She was in charge of protecting the middle class and instead sent their jobs overseas

> She failed on Borders
She was in charge of enforcing our immigration laws and instead threw the nation's backdoor wide open. She exported American jobs and imported American Worker's competition

> She failed on Debt
She was in charge of being responsible with taxpayer's money and wasted it on foreign wars and corrupt deals for her donors

> She failed on National Security
She was in charge of the Arab Spring, the Iran nuclear deal, the creation of ISIS, the creation of the Libyan Terrorist state, the Benghazi Massacre, HER OWN EMAILS

> She failed on Character
She was in charge of the State Department and the Clinton Foundation, simultaneously accepting bribes from foreign governments and special interests while brokering deals that made her donors vast fortunes while destroying American Wealth

>67 to 1 odds
>this means she's in serious contention
what did he mean by this?

305 fampai.

Love the weather but I hate it in this particular area. Condensed as fuck. Spics everywhere in my neighborhood, but better than the ghetto.

Wanna move further North and away from the shitty city.

what a waste of 50 dollars

> The Debates will drive up voter turnout for Trump Supporters by energizing his base

Trump's relentless attacks on Clinton will be a joy for his voters to watch. They will watch with glee as she smirks and squirms after each assault on her "record" and her character. She will have no answer for these charges except rehearsed rebuttals ("Actually I'm not in support of TPP!") and attacks on the Trump Brand ("He says he knows debt, I take him at his word, he's bankrupted four companies"). The retorts will look weak and will play into Trump's confirmation bias trap that she isn't fit to be president.

> The Debates will prevent Bernie or Bust voters from supporting Clinton and may drive some into voting for Trump

BOB voters already hate Clinton and they can't stand the way the MSM lets her get away with everything. They want to see her held to account for all her scandals and her lies on the campaign trail. They'll find themselves hating Clinton even more after she tries to weasel her way out of the attacks (using the same lies she used against their champion Bernie). Oddly, they'll also find themselves cheering for the man prosecuting her the way they've always wanted.Donald Trump is the only man in politics who has the force of personality to blast right through the MSM smokescreen and leave defenseless in front of the American Voter.

And BOB voters will love him for it.

>The media is very neutral. Just straight up facts. No shitty """"""expert"""""" opinions and twisting of the truth.
>Most people here are pro-Trump.

I suspect that the latter is caused by the former.




> The Debates will finally free Hillary Hostages from their shackles and allow them to either stay home on voting day... or even turnout for Trump.

This is the largest and most critical voting block. Those voters who hate Clinton but can't see how a Trump Presidency doesn't end in disaster. It's hard for Certain Corners of the Internet to realize this, but for many voters this will be the first time they've seen Trump operate without the MSM filter. They'll see a charismatic, clever, confident leader who is far from out of his depths on the national stage. Trump will show that he operates on a different level than any politician they've seen since Ronald Reagan. All Trump has to do is appear competent and it'll be a revelation to many many many voters in important swing states.

Convincing this block to vote for Trump isn't the most important part of The Debates though.

The most important part of The Debates is convincing this block NOT TO VOTE FOR HILLARY. Trump has to shatter any belief by Hillary Hostages that she is actually a competent leader. He has to prosecute the case against her and prove that she is incompetent at best, a criminal at worst, a liar for sure.

Trump can't just say the words though, how he attacks her is more important than what he attacks her with. Hillary Hostages already have a vague idea of all of the charges against her. Most of them have already heard all of the attacks and have emotionally conditioned themselves to dismiss them because "She's less dangerous than Trump".

What they don't realize is THEY'VE NEVER ACTUALLY SEEN CLINTON GET DRILLED FOR HER CRIMES. They need to see her squirm. They need to see her smirk. They need to hear her laugh at the accusations while failing to respond to them.

If Trump can confront Hillary Hostages with this image, they'll never be able to support her.


Check out how she reacts to criticism face to face. Voters don't react to her well emotionally.

>3 in the morning
>have work in like 5 hours
>still awake shitposting in the Trump generals on my favorite Taiwanese silk thread harvesting forum instead of sleeping
send help


Bergdhal *spit*. Fuck that guy. Sure didn't turn out how Obama wanted did it?

Fun fact. When I was in AFG, we knew where he was. I even asked if I should launch a POW investigation. I was told to stand the fuck by for an ass kicking just for suggesting it.

She is the best

watch a good night webm


Let's be honest we all know Hussein is never going to recognize BLM as a terrorist group, he won't even call out radical Islamic terrorism.



Do you know Pitbull?

Yes she is

Dubs pulls the trigger.




You forgot one:

>Trump Hostages
Voters who don't like trump but are too scared of a democrat presidency to do anything but begrudgingly vote for Trump. They agree that Trump is a snowball, they dont think he is qualified to be president at all, they think he'll drag America into it's lowest point of existence, but they are low information voters who only hear the "Clinton is corrupt" headlines that conservative sources push. "Clinton can't be president, she's evil/untrustworthy/CORRUPT"




>Trump is a snowball
I'm guessing you were trying to say "slimeball", shill?

Internal Polling shows that Trump supporters are quite positive about his candidacy.


He´s snowballing in terms of support, growing exponentially

So what does this mean?

Does she get away with it because she didn't even LEARN how to handle classified shit, or is she in even deeper trouble?

Anyone buy the winter hat? Is it thick and high quality? I wanna oppress cucks in my area but I gotta make sure I look good doing it. Gonna buy some merch to support Trump regardless.

Comfy as fuck, though get a ball or model head to stretch it out.

Top kek what's the source on this, my German friend?

In all honesty I might just boot up Code Gayass where I left it off to get me through the morning and buy some energy drinks when I work.

All Official DJT gear is Made in the USA HQ shit senpai

I bought it, I think it is pretty thick.

no idea, I either found it on trump general or on a wsg thread.

>internal polling

Thanks, based Insideranon.

Have a couple (You)s and a screecap.

It´s no surprise she wasn´t trained to handle classified info, only people that had to work to be employed in sensitive positions are trained on handling documents

The thing is, there aren't currently any Trump hostages. The Trump hostages are the 5-9% of "True Neoconservatives" who say they'll vote for $Hillary (and maybe another 5% who claim they'll feel Gary's Johnson) because "Never Trump".

They will become Trump hostages after the first debate, when the reality of a $Hillary presidency starts to sink in and they realize they just don't have the collective stomach to sink *that* low.

>he doesn't even know that it's basic procedure for presidential campaigns to perform internal polling
wew lad

At least when trump is president he'll take him in a helicopter and drop him off in Syria. Though in all reality he probably wouldn't die and would join Isis.


Grabbing one then, thanks. I have a pretty big head, hope it fits.
let's MAGA

He should be at the convention

Well wherever it's from: it's funny.

>he thinks internal polling is relevant
Really makes you think

>I have a pretty big head
Funny enough, that is the whole reason I bought this hat. The other hats wouldn't fit even on the loosest setting. After a few uses, this hat was pretty comfy.

Better watch your mouth, boy

This is a bad angle. The Comey statement was scathing. We should be quoting him to normies, not arguing against him.

I really liked the first two seconds of the gif where it looked like Comey was getting bribed to say "I recommend no indictment"

Thank You, Great Work!

The Campaign knows it's been a slow week for everyone. We appreciate the support!

Perfect Miami Vice casting.

Even if this demographic existed, which it doesn't, it wouldn't matter. Hillary always starts off strong, this is true in all her races, senator 1 and 2, and vs Obama. The reason her opponents in the Senate races failed was that they couldn't chip away at her voters enough before the election. In essence, she starts off with a large but semi reluctant base, and can't gain them back when she loses them.