Is White genocide even real?

Is White genocide even real?

I mean, there's virtually no actual evidence

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nuke russia

t. Hillary

This is a very good show.

Whites are being out bred and if it doesn't change we could be in trouble but calling it outright genocide is fucking retarded

neon semen demon

>Is White genocide even real?

>"I hate white people"
No one cares

>"I hate blacks/muslims/[insert minority]"
Worse than Hitler

You tell me.

Ask European part of rural Russia

Watch this...

>no evidence
>his country has negative growth of native russians while receiving increasing numbers of moslems
>still no evidence
>Being ethnically cleansed from an area isn't evidence of ethnic cleansing

It's a white invention.

When most bad (anglo-zionist and gallic, western) white people will be exterminated and overmixed, there will stay white slovan regions, in east Europe and Russia...

That is why Russian man does not see white genocide...

white people are fine. Only basement dwellers and stormfags think that white people are being eliminated.

Is it just me, or do all the blacked girls have really wonky faces?

The face in the picture is extremely asymmetrical, but most of the weirdness is from the camera lenses they use, at least in the stills that get spammed here non-stop. They use lenses that distort the perspective, resulting in far away objects not shrinking as much as you'd expect.

Pic related.

But where is proof?

its not, but its nice to jerk off to it.

also who is she?

Call it whatever you want. Whites are becoming a minority in their own countries and will lose democratic power, and eventually we'll probably be killed like has happened and happens all over the world where there are/were different groups of people.

I liked this movie

is this what makes BBC's so delicious to watch at?

The "genocide" simply means people don't breed as much as our living standards go up and people get more educated. That would be a good thing, but the problem is that people in third world countries still breed too much AND rich countries are enbaling it. Normally they'd have shorter(and most likely happy) life span, and it would even out. The bad thing is that we import these people to countries where standard of life is already too high, and eventually it will lead to a catastrophe. I mean Earth will be fine, as it has always been, it's just humans in the future who will suffer. If you compare Finland and India, you can see that it's just not good that too many people live too close to each other so they're packed, unless you have society like Japan.

just watch tushy, its literally the same thing minus the blacks

Non-white babies are now a majority in the US.


"Communists" in 1917 built death camps for Russians with the help of brits, muricunts and germans,Transnistria, Yugoslavia, Chechnya, now Ukraine, soon the Baltics. there is a Russian genocide.

what the fuck is wrong with her eyes, ugly bitch

Elle Fanning a Hollywood actress

You need to die.


puola pls


Depends on what you call "white."

For example, is this white?


She is not white she is steppe nigger like all of Turks

No. It's just a cute roach boy.

>says moortugal

its just a actress that rips of pedos in a legal way. so now that you think about it, high chances are that s/he's jewish.

>no actual evidence
This was six years ago. Since then we've had the highest immigration levels in history.

Tell me again how there's no actual evidence?

they will be assimilated
Just like negro slaves in portigal

in 17th centure there were 5mln tatars and 7 mln russians, now still 5 mln tatars and 140 mln russians

Tell me about Sup Forums why do they blame the jews?

Well you sent them over here, and we sent you some of ours.

not white

That's Anglo bastards
Almost 15% is still other white
That's good, Anglos need to stop inbreeding and get beautiful Germanic genes
I mean it's only 60% white but so is America

Switzerland is not an EU-member and never will be. Get your facts straight.

White suicide is real.

what did she mean by this?

The best way to get information is not to ask a question, but to give the wrong answer.

Elle is a boy and that is her cum. Notice the boner as well.

All of Hollywood is trannies and clones.

>Anglos need to stop inbreeding and get beautiful Germanic genes
No. We need to secure the existence of our people. And Anglos are Germanic, Fingolia.

Neither is Norway, but these countries are often counted in these stats
The source is

insufficient democracy

take the time to read this you fucking plebs

well its a well made tranny in that case

It's also her 'sister's' as well

Yes. There are concerted efforts by anti-whites, which include some of the richest, most powerful people on the planet, and cucks to wipe us out politically, culturally and ethnically.

this is exactly what happens in Tibet and is desribed as genocide if lel

Its realy and there is plenty of evidence .. maybe walk trough any big city in western europe.

There is more evidence of white genocide then there is of Police committing extra judicial murders of exclusively black men in America.

And look how many believe that.

Nah it's just a stormnigger meme

South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.

Nope Dakota is a for sure clone.

Killed when her handlers realized she wasnt going to grow up as beautiful as predicted. Then cloned and programmed to be the docile person she is now.

Elle took her place but had to change genders to do it.


Every whore that was in BLACKED.COM needs to be executed

Because they are behind every act of degeneracy

How's the reelection going?

It's her joice.
I am ok with ok.


>unironically linking buzzfeed

So people not making babies is genocide?
I guess we MUST force people to make kids to prevent "genocide" then.

>Is White genocide even real?

You tell me.



You need to look up the word, see who coined it, and why. It is exactly genocide. People think that just means murdering people. The word didn't mention murder when it was coined.

There are plenty of white women don't worry they won't all go and have gangbangs with loads of blacks.


Are you retarded? What do you expect from them, you said it yourself they are whores. If they didn't fuck a nigger for money they'd just be fucking some other guy for money. Interracial porn usually pays more from the way I understand it, or at least that is what James Dean says on account of a lot of porn """stars""" putting into their contract that they won't do scenes with niggers.

Even porn """stars""" that you fap to because you think they haven't fucked any niggers probably have. Alexis Texas took a birthday pic a long time ago with like 5 niggers. She just doesn't fuck them on camera because she has gained a cult white following (even though she is mostly Latina) because they believe she is above it. She is a whore at the end of the day, plain and simple. She literally fucks for money, a lot of them would do scat porn and literally eat their own shit if the paycheck from Noseberg was fat enough.

Elsa Jean is probably the most famous porn """star""" to do blacked, funny enough right after she did her blacked debut she discouraged women from entering porn and said she hated it, a lot of people even screencapped it because I think she wound up deleting it (probably something to do with a specific website getting mad).

Ho but this is where you are wrong.
Silly Russians and their demands for more proofs.

This is where you are wrong. They should be forced to breed 12 Aryans each.

>Elsa Jean is probably the most famous porn """star""" to do blacked, funny enough right after she did her blacked debut she discouraged women from entering porn and said she hated it, a lot of people even screencapped it because I think she wound up deleting it (probably something to do with a specific website getting mad).
got the screencap ? would like to hear her reasoning

No, I don't but I'm sure some user would gladly hook you up.

IIRC, her reasoning was it simply "made her feel bad" or was "objectifying" or something, which is funny because that is literally the point of being a porn actress. When you sign your contract you're literally admitting you're a hole to be fucked for money, which honestly is what all women are today since none of them ever bother to learn skills in a relationship.

>smallish bulge

I think she is saying "I'm a huge faggots rump my hump!"

she didn't look like she was having such a bad time

but who knows what goes through a womans mind

I don't think you know what genocide means


>she didn't look like she was having such a bad time
Would you be able to get off on it if she did? Dillion Harper has never done a scene with a nigger either, she is also dead inside. Harper's history and reason for starting for porn is pretty hilarious and stereotypical, none of these girls just woke up one day and decided porn was their dream job. It is pretty much in every case a fallback option when they fail somewhere else. They only care about money, it makes no sense to see them and get angry. I wouldn't be surprised if Alexis Texas signs on with blacked right before she retires that way she can cash out since at that point her mostly white cult following wouldn't matter.

Is it still genocide when it's the whites inflicting it upon themselves? All it takes to stop it is closing borders and letting niggers die of hunger in Africa, Indians stew in their overpopulated designated shitting streets and Abduls snackbaring amongst themselves in the desert. But you willingly let them onto your land, hell, you encourage them coming.

>she didn't look like she
Of course they seem to like it, they are paid to seem they like it.

It is genocide when you indoctrinate a group of people, you destroy their belief system and make them pursue inane shit like a career that will net them more money to spend on shit they dont want or need instead of satisfying their biological need to reproduce and leave a mark in this world, then you bring another group whose belief you enforce by law to respect and give them money for every son or daughter they have so they outbreed the native population. Thats genocide in my books.

Let me enlighten him.

So hypocrisy is genocide now?

Demographic displacement would be a better term, especially since people think of different things when hearing the word "genocide"

And yes, we shouldn't have to change words, because people are too stupid to know what word means, but that's just how it is.

t. literally and irony

If it were whites behind it, no, it would not be genocide since the Soviet Union insisted that when you slaughter millions of you own kind it should not be called a genocide.

But this situation is not forced by whites.

savage Uzbek bants

who cares? Humans are Humans.

The traditional switching words. Here we call it the great replacement to not scare blue pilled faggots.

It's the same, really.

True. They all bleed and if it bleeds, we can kill it.

Who is it forced by?

Jew spotted.

Not everyone hold the same values, therefor, not everyone have the same value.