Autism Thread

Autism Thread

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>she's standing in front of people that are protecting others from violent niggers like her
>they think she's brave

>this bs being compared to the historic tankman

>ebin memes

I don't know why but that one cop looks like he is about to do Ryu's sweep and knock her down.

>compared to the historic 'Tank Man' image

>the last nigbender

hyperbole, as per the norm practically anything post internet.
tolerable normally, but way to stay professional.
and yeah,

I don't understand the pic. The line of cops is far back. No one is around and 3 are running to save her?

they're backing away from the smell. there's no mystical power there

Also, how is she connected to Soros and has he paid everyone's bail yet?

That's the joke.

Niggers think Police is killing them, because they are "black" not because they resists arrest, commit crimes and many more.

>Tank Man image


>literally getting arrested on purpose for the media

I must have missed the part where protestors are getting gunned down in the hundreds every day.

It looks like the cops are wearing heelies the way they're moving

MLK did the same thing and it worked pretty well for him

Nice, a new angle, but where is the video, so we can get some context?

Not even close, in fact it is soo far apart that she will probably ended back in Nigger land.

I'd fuck her in the ass, mouth, and vagina.

this bitch aint MLK

Tank Man got killed, I don't see her getting shot in the back of the head for standing there like a buffoon.

>cops tell protestors to back up or they'll be arrested
>she doesn't back up
>everyone is shocked



What is she holding?

I don't think anybody knows what happened to him.

Did you forget to add the webm or something?
I don't see the nice objective context I asked for, just your cute folksy editorialized comments.

it looks like it was shot at the same time as the other picture but on a different angle

im claiming staged photo

a grenade

A plant, when she gets shot.

My thoughts are that historic tank man lost and ran away to Jew-Merican owned Taiwan, while Communistic party in China is winning ever since.

you know what
I no longer care
China can take control on the wheel
And the Muslims on Africa can enslave the niggers all they want
I no longer care



find the video yourself you lazy faggot, that's what the internet is for. jesus christ just do the world a favor and kill yourself immediately

Salty constanza

> mfw

Lmao at the Niagara that talk about privileges when he is comparing a wealthy american vs poor chinamen

Get ahold of this gigga

>my face Niggers are turning into chinks and copy everything someone else died
>We Wuz Kangz
>We Wuz Tiananmen
>We Wuz Islam
>We Wuz Bathhouses

Tank Man will likely never be topped,its a perfect representation of David vs Goliath

Standing up to the Chinese Government back then was a death sentence for your entire family,the bravery it took to stand up to a fucking tank column when early that that day tanks were running people over.

black people already have a dank photo look up the 101st airborne escorting the little rock nine. thats a powerful photo series.

>Comparing this picture to tank man

Why do I still come to Sup Forums. Sure we have great laughs and happenings, but in the end. All I ever do is just get mad and disappointed

>Literally no reason to fear for your life
>Literally the worst thing that can happen is getting arrested, if even that


A white man strolling around in South-central LA is braver than this.

To be fair the real hero of the tank man story was the armoured column leader for not just running the poor bastard over like he was ordered.

She is brave and it's the right cause. Americans of African heritage deserve better treatment. She is a hero.

The difference being MLK was a goddamn American hero and this woman subscribes to the ideals of a hate movement.

>no one in china knows tank man after decades
>this girl gets plastered everywhere in less then an hour
wonder which one is the oppressive regime


black """english"""

Why do these modern progressive protest movements love to identify and associate their movement with the significant images of past social movements? The situation being here is the comparison of the tank man to this image with the exception being notable differences between the two movements. But I've also seen and heard from people who have gone to protests that they do things like throw flowers at who it is they are protesting aganst (In Australia its usually the counter rallys to reclaim Australia) which seems to me to be just a way of reenacting the whole flower power thing from the Hippie movement. It just seems to me that many of these people are just acting out a scripted fantasy in their head that makes them believe that they are on the right side of history.

sounds like a coward too scared to do his job

Don't stick your dick in crazy. She'll attach, follow you everywhere, call in the middle of the night crying about how racist the cereal commercials are, cry, follow, and eventually cut your dick off because she thought you raped her. Eventually she will receive the Nobel piece price for her bravery. Makes you think, that's Norway for ya.

didn't the tank guy get kidnapped and get tortured to death?


> Why

For the obvious reason. When lacking actual rational argument or facts, people resort to comparison, both positive and negative.

When people disagree with you and compare you to a dictator or murderer or the like, its to undermine your argument.

When they compare their stance to something admirable or positive, its to venerate and vault their argument to agreeablity or respectability without using actual logic or reason.

Substitution for actual correctness.

Cheap tactics basically.

I am the one actively looking, you are the asshole pretending you found it and commenting on something you haven't even seen, just so other people will stop looking, one of us is definitely an unnecessary shill and should go away for good.

The difference being the tankman was most likely taken to a field and executed while she'll probably just be moved out of the way while she screams "A I BEING DETAINED?"

This is photoshoped right? This is a joke?

Why don't other countries understand how bad America is getting?

That's actually an indirect compliment from the world, Biff

I don't either

I mean, I'm sure they fucking arrested her without incident

I'm confused

>they spend their whole day talking about privilege and still can't spell it correctly

Tank man was bourgeois reactionary counter-revolutionary.
Fuck Tank man. His shopping bags were filled with decadent American bestiality porn and twinkies.
Tank commander was milksop faggot fornot running him over. There can be no place for weakness in the revolution.
Fuck tank man.

>enslave the niggers
Nobody gonna make the same mistake again.
Extermination is the only way to go


Oh fuck off with this shit. How the fuck retards like you can browse a place like this that constantly goes over how fucked history really was and still think this romanticized bullshit was realty blows my fucking mind. MLK was the BLM of his day in every way. He was a fucking Socialist, he wanted guaranteed income, he provoked cops into attacking him for purposes of press and propaganda, he was a radical activist in the socialistic/communist sense, he blamed whitey for everything, he even fucking pulled the WE WAS MURRICA N SHIT BEFORE DESE CRACKAS ARRIVED. The only thing that separates him was he was christian enough to be spun to dumb white people and that he concluded for all whiteys crimes we stuck here now I guess so we'll just bleed him dry slowly over ages.

Fuck off. The civil rights era is even more romanticized than our founding. Go look up the people still alive from that time who were those radicals, they say the same fucking thing. History made him a saint with a dream when he was a radical pilgrim and socialist reformist.

MLK was a fucking bitch at least X was honest.


Do these people think that there is a nationwide police conspiracy to eradicate the black race?

dis be so POWERFUL go sister show whitey

this is only notable because she's photogenic as fuck. if she was some 300 lb black dude wearing a stained "new orleans aquarium" t-shirt and jorts this wouldn't even make the news.


>Americans of African heritage deserve better treatment.
Especially from other "Americans of African heritage".

Blacks murdered by blacks: over 2,000 every year.

Blacks killed by police (99% justified): around 200 every year.



The true redpill is that even Tank Man doesn't deserve to be iconic.

>stop tenk
>okay, but pls move
>no tenk you must stop
>ok but pls i gotta go

Yes. Niggers and liberals are that stupid

Doing God's work f.a.m.

>Woman temporarily detained, and released the next day and continues living unharmed
>Tank man reportedly executed or imprisoned
She's such a hero.

Yeah, because going in front of the police knowing that they can't do shit is the same as going in front of a tank that you know for a fact won't stop.

Gotta love modern protests, there is no real danger for them. That's the main reason why they protest also the main reason why the thing they are protesting is complete made up dog shit.

>It's totally the same guys
>black lives mater guys


Do you people think that there is a nationwide Jewish conspiracy to eradicate the white race?

is there any other feel in life but constant disappointement and anger?

>know for a fact the tank won't stop
>tank stops
wew lad



Was MLK the first WE WUZ?

ralph pls

Keep going, My dick needs this.

>money grows on trees you just wont solve poverty cause you greedy

there's no way the guy knew the tank would stop

that's what makes this act of protest mean something. also the guy knew he was dead the moment he stepped in front of the tank, if the tank didn't crush him the army would execute him later
and he still stepped in front of the tank.

this bitch knew there would be no consequences of going in front of the police. that's why she did it

Not knowing the tank would stop =/= knowing the tank wouldn't stop


A welfare card.


It is even funnier when you know that Tienamen protests started as student protests AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE

I'm not even joking,
Butthurt racist as fuck beta chinks first protested the presence of African bbc students on Chinese soil who were cucking them, only afterwards they turned against government

Check it out:

>The course of the Nanjing protests went from anti-African sentiment to banners proclaiming human rights. The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 came 4 months after the anti-African protests in Nanjing and some elements of the Nanjing protests were still evident, such as banners proclaiming "Stop Taking Advantage of Chinese Women".

Holy fuck, I didn't know that. I'm not surprised it's never mentioned in textbooks but in the same breath, I'm disappointed in myself that I never looked into it after, then again I haven't even thought about it for years.

>Cause we know we're negros

Why the fuck are people so insistent on making this absolute farce of a movement a historical event?

MLK did it by sitting on the wrong side of a bench or something to show America what was going on in Alabama.

BLM is just harassing police officers for no reason


so the declaration of martial law and genocide of whites looks justified in the history book

Well this is true.

Sargent Tankman reporting in