Why aren't you fags on twitter RIGHT NOW disrupting the #BlackLivesMatter stream with threats, pictures of nazis...

Why aren't you fags on twitter RIGHT NOW disrupting the #BlackLivesMatter stream with threats, pictures of nazis, incitements to violence, and other forms of Psychological warfare?

Or are only kikes allowed to incite?

Other urls found in this thread:


And you, austral-canadian? where are your shitposts in the hashtag?

you are playing right into their hands by doing that bullshit

OP is right. There is massive p0w3r in /pol but there's also tons of Bush and Clinton crime family shills mud posting. Would it be helpful if we somehow organized a bit more?

Twitter is a populist propaganda machine.

you'll find my work in #yourfairshare

The thing about us Jews is that we work hard. Its the secret to our success.

fuck of canadistan, you've already given up. Fuck I hate canadians. Cancer.

it would be a nice change from trap threads, jew gassing threads, incest threads, race mixing threads, and other islamic concerns.

Because I bought tickets to Cleveland so I can defend the RNC from the inevitable hoardes of BLM/SJW/you're a fucking white male being bussed in to try to cancel my right to be conservative.

I hope many more of you will do the same. Come armed.

Nice work AmBro, this is the real deal, I'm assembling some keyboard warriors over here in New Zealand to disrupt the shit out of their social media, so they can't organize

Threatening others over the internet is seen as acceptable to you? Conservatives truly are a sad group of people.

Because producing floaters is funner than producing flyers.

It tolls for thee.

>forcing something

that won't end bad

maybe lay down a bit you faggot. last year was enough of a rollercoaster.
this year should be a break.

next year we can have some fun again.

I keep forgetting we have free speech in New Zealand.

Heres a great gun picture to threaten them with.

"Which one you want me to use on you boy? #BlackLivesMatter

/k/ has so many awesome grainy pictures

Because the only interaction I have with others over the internet is Sup Forums and shitposting on jewgletube


is that you playing dota 2, hambeast?

Get good. They are inciting people to kill you every day, all day, and you're taking it


Ok let's start it up. High level, what's the #1 problem we face? IMHO it's the noise/mudposting that goes on during critical events. We need a way to gather a group for a task thing without the noise.

K.. Keep me posted

Its easy as shit, just use Mossad logo

This is what im doing right now

"I cant wait for this thing to kick off monkey" #BlackLivesMatter #MakeAmericaGreatAgain


I intend to

Other ideas are "Which one you want me to use on you? #BlackLivesMatter #MakeAmericaGreatAgain"

I go to the #BlackLivesMatter stream and message random people who arent obvious bots

I don't get the Mossad logo ref, explain?

Can't stop the shining

"Who is gonna fire the first shot, ape? #BlackLivesMatter #MakeAmericaGreatAgain"

You can tell it's some punjab house by the golden revolver and the carpet alone.

How are you so shit at shilling?

Well, its as good as any. We will know who is real and who is not. All we have to do is intimidate. Thats all. So we will be talking about the same shit all the time

like some nog is going to know that.


Its like you faggots think we are against anything but a bunch of leftist cucks.


its all so tiresome

Why give them attention when they are only a distraction from Hillarys scandals that people should be focusing their energy on.

write another petition then, cuck

when you're 500 pounds, everything is tiresome

Eh yea could, but that could slide the task thing with pro/anti Jew stuff, when we need to work together. To be more specific, how do we know when and which thread to organize on? We can't just reload /pol all day, it spreads us out.

The internet is an ideological warzone, faggot.

.......fair enough lol.

We side with Israel of course. You like muslims and fucking leftists?????

you wouldnt believe the shit I've had these nogs and libs believing

>mosin nagant
My nigga.
What kind of ammo you put through that nigger?

How would I know, I grabbed these all from /k/

like those mouth breathers are gonna do anything with em, right?

> muh freedums

No leftists are full blown AIDs (#FBA) and Muslims are.. Muslims. I stand with Jews, but my point was that if we Mossad a link up, it could distract the thread from its purpose, which would be whatever task thing we were working.

its just to disrupt the #BlackLivesMatter thread with unpleasant images and messages. We need to dissuade the casuals, so that we are just left with militants

Then the cops can finally deal with them.

"I got one just for you race traitor. See you there #BlackLivesMatter #MakeAmericaGreatAgain"

Of course


If you know what I mean, user

Yea that's this thread but I'm going high level, there's an army of us from around the world that would prefer #BLM terrorists get taken down, Trollary goes to jail, and Kevin Mitnick gets freed from jail so he can pretend to be a phone phreak again. So over the next few months, how can we better organize so the mud posting to /pol doesn't shave down our force?

just get busy spamming their twitter feed. Its not like its hard

"Come to the rally monkey boy. #BlackLivesMatter #Trump2016"

Calm the fuck down OP.
You ain't doing shit and there is not going to be any martial law in America. Did you even watch the streams? A couple smoke bombs and the roaches scattered off the freeway.
Let them do their protest, they have the right to protest as stupid as it is and they aren't achieving a fucking thing, perhaps helping get Trump elected.



Check out my work if you want.

Report me and I got a box of a hundred and something sims on my desk, so idgaf

beats talking about traps and race mixing

>Or are only kikes allowed to incite?
Kikes have the balls to do it. Goyim are too pussy.

>they have the right to protest
They don't have a right to block roads, "protesting" or not.

Thanks, we are big on social justice ;)

"things are gonna get ugly for you #BlackLivesMatter #Trump2016"

All you got to do is reply to some nog talking shit about how great their nazi movement is, with threats of ultraviolence, and this hashtag #BlackLivesMatter #Trump2016

They already think we are nazis. Why not become their fear?

Yea that's pretty good stuff but for a Jewish person I'd expect you to pick up what I'm laying down as far as strategy and efficiency in operation. We can all blast random noise, and that has its place, but if we optimize our mechanisms we multiply our force many times over with the same effort.

I'm always open to specific ideas. What did you have in mind?

Well yea, and good plan indeed, but think about all of us into this shizzle being able to coordinate and discuss more ideas. I have * strategy ideas but it's hard to justify investing in a thread just to have it pushed off page 1 instantly. I'm also new to /pol so I might be missing something. For example the Trump campaign insider, how do I know when the person is going to be here answering stuff?

Give me a few minutes I'm going to meditate on it...

I got no idea. I'm a one man army. Intimidation works. These poor kids just want a father figure to scold them, threaten them with a smack, and protect them from the muzzies.

Thats all they want.

>israel needs you
>@arabs are dogs

Best I've come up with is a hashtag we can use to announce threads when something related to our cause is happening. It's not stellar but I would set up monitoring of it and when task things came across and I could spare the time I'd jump in. That way I'd rarely need to load /pol directly yet I could still help with work.

Everything they hate and fear all rolled into one.

An Imperialist

It's counterproductive, as long as their accusations are empty, the neutral side will see it and stay away from them.

piss your pants

Because that's a direct road to a police state.

So irrelevant nobody even includes them in maps lmao

I go nowhere unarmed.

The goal is disturb, not incite a level 4 chimpout. Keep that in mind.

Why give them the moral highground?
You retards are the reason why the left continues to scream nazis.

Thats fine, then the police will do the race war for you

Need to get rid of those Nation of Islam cucks

Be the nazi they think you are. Be their nightmare.

Just online though ;)

> they can kill me
> but I wont hurt their feelings

> they can kill me
> but I wont hurt their feelings


What happend in the 60's when negroes rioted? It was not enough to redpill the white majority. The same thing will happen now.

Then they rioted to have the same rights, now they're rioting to have better ones

what the fuck do you care slav?

finally italy gets it

They were gibbed with freebies like Affirmative Action, which means Federal jobs were given to unqualified niggers. All it did was kick the can down the road. What I think could work is getting blacks behind ending the war on drugs. The war on drugs took black fathers from the house and put them in prison, and the fathers were replaced with rap music that pushed crime culture to black youths. If war on drugs goes down, not only does it help blacks, but it also hurts globalists because they're behind it.

>implying you don't steal all your shekels

The radical left are a minority. If we engage them we will look worse than them and lose support of the majority. Think about it for a second. We need to be the "good guys" and they need to be racist.

Just keep saying "all lives matter" and stage a protest against police brutality. Then the blacks will look racist as fuck

> mfw bank of england

blah blah blah, shut the fuck up and come pretend we are /k/

My great grandfather collaborated with nazis. My family is not criminal and we have no intention of leaving our country.
We realize that to survive our neighbours need to be strong.

enjoy your caliphate

Alright. Check out national action and see what they are doing. 3 years of sieg heiling and they have 50 active members and the public gets to whine about nazis.

Be radical by all means but do it gradually. I do door to door activism btw. I talk to old naive people about migration issues because they only watch tv and see "refugee" children.

If my village will be allowed to vote against settling people here we will vote no and we will protest.

How nice for you. I hope they give you a cup of tea and pat you on the head too.

I am more worried about having arabs and nogs in neighbouring countries. We will take a few thousand at best but imagine having loads of them just 1 hour driving away from your home?

We already had a tanned "German" kill our police officer here.

I can't go full "whiiite genocide" in a country where we took in like 400. It wouldn't work. Showing people how much these people cost works wonders.
Also their crime statistics and people here get scared by seeing ugly adult brown men.

Idk why do you have to bash me. My fellow countrymen managed to remove gypsy gangs to the middle of nowhere because locals protested.

If we do what we did back then we can at least have shitskins live in the middle of nowhere and then deport them from there.

I'm a Jew