He has a point.
He has a point
SS aren't allowed cigarettes.
yeah but that's probably in the context of horses being completely useless if you can't ride them
If the nazis are so strong why did they lose WW2?
Checkmate fascists
>if you are not a hippie dude weed cuck you must be certainly a nazi
mmmmh really makes you think
yes! Haha.......yes!
Why is he smoking?
Cigarettes are the nicotine jew.
Also, I don't care that your SS officer there is taller and better dressed; wearing that shot in public when it's [Current Year] will reveal your power level so quickly that police are called.
Isn't this quote from Osama?
if lions are strong how come several poisonous snakes can kill one
People seem to be missing the point of this entirely, forget that their smoking, its clearly a misguided choice by the artist.
The image is suggesting that when presented with the weak, self deprecating/flagellating ideologies of marxism, and when presented with the strong, empowering ideologies of Nationalism, an impressionable person will naturally prefer the former.
I think its a good image, and a damn sight better than the similar image of a dancing hippy next to a strong arab over the same text.
Or rather, the latter
its too early
My grandparents saw ss do things you wiuldnt believe.
only normal is would be the weak leftist horse and the fat bald nationalist horse. not exactly great choices for horses either way.
heard they make killer lampshades
>I think its a good image, and a damn sight better than the similar image of a dancing hippy next to a strong arab over the same text.
>I think its a good image, and a damn sight better than the similar image of a dancing hippy next to a strong arab over the same text.
osama bin laden was the one who said it though.
Because the lion wasn't smart enough to bring the pride.
Did they make you clean yourselves with the soap created of Jew?
No wonder white women are drawn to the big brown dick.
even a stopped clock tells the correct time twice a day
The one on the right is the weaker one.
how often were they killed during the holocaust?
Yeah there are cucks and there are Bulls. Tell me something I didn't know Jew faaag
we've already heard your grandparents stories and you are right, we don't believe them
Germany, it isnt polite to make such jokes to actual jews
good one, I like your humouros ways
Nah memes aside they told some bizzare shit. Thier village in eastern ukraine was occupied from 41 to 42.
They said germans were eating raw meat straight out of the grinder.
It's not about strong or weak horse, it's about which horse is obedient more, so it can get trained the fastest to obey.
and you're retarded because you don't understand the analogy.
Respect our unkosher ways Schlomo
Yeah, all the ashtrays were full
They trailed you at nurenberg for the wrong crimes against humanity.
Enjoy you're E. Coli
What crimes?
Want some pig's blood sauSSages?
During a soviet counter offensive. They demolished one of the walls in a couple of village houses and rolled in these huge cannons in them so the barrel was stiking out the window.
Also during thier retreat they finished off thier oun heavy wounded who couldent be evacuated.
Depending on the meat, that's not actually uncommon, at least for some white people I guess. I know some of my uncles who did it, and I've eaten raw meat before it's pretty good desu
I don't want to believe you joos are controlling the money and the media, but all the facts point this way. What to do?
Fuck off, Pablo. The shithole you call a homeland is almost poo in the loo level insanitary. Go get beheaded and chopped into pieces or be be poor or whatever you Mestizos do.
honestly, getting killed, even by your own allies, is a better fate than getting captured by soviets. As soon as they find out you're a german soldier, bad things will happen.
They had to. All the ovens were already occupied.
Makes you think
True, we might be poor and not perfect but at least we ain't self-hating white cuckolds who import millions of niggers and muslims to appease to some invisible sky fairy called "equality" and the original sin of white privilege. So prep the bull, bitch-ass cuckold. *drops mic*
True. They had a small graveyard for soldiers in the village park. About ten graves were there. Even in hurry they still burried thier oun. Left the rumanians unburried in a pille though. After the war little kids dug up the graves. Broke the crossed and dragged the boddies by roppes around thier necks until they crumbled.
Why would you import millions of subhumans if your whole country is already 99% subhuman? Its not like you have anything to lose.
Eat the Schnitzel now, Pablo.
Man, that looks tasty. Now I'm really hungry.
Junge, Schnitzel geht einfach immer :D
Must have been their proudest moment to drag bodies through the village.
I'm getting hungry as well.
Are you talking about head cheese or souse.
Dude, you need to clean out your Bowl before you make ballistic gel.
Cant realy blame them. During retreat according to scorched earth policy. Germans burned all the houses and cropfields. Made all the villqgers stand naked at the edge of a ditch. The russian army was advancing so fast they ran away before shooting everybody.
That looks like some serious Jägersauce over there
I love how Schlomo cant eat almost any German food. Feels good.
Whats the name of the village?
Soon sharia will outlaw it for you too
looks delicious tbqh
>ballistic gel
Yeah, some of us still eat the stuff from over there, I personally like pigs brain hot souse.
Name the village.
Why are you so gullible and done?
Unitato Master is a goofball meme kiddie.
He's making a joke.
What do you expect from GERMans? The've always been a bunch of barbaric mongoloids.
There really is now big difference between classic American food and German food, we just miss some of the crazy fast food stuff and the mexican influence, but burgers and hotdogs are literally german so I never have problems with the food when I am in the States.
Love Arbys desu.
Wtf i hate nazis now!
Hold on i dont remember will ask grandma.
Because the lions were retarded enough to attack snakes that lived on an island and had a much larger economy and surface fleet than the lions while the rhinos who outnumbered them ten to one were preparing for an inevitable war with the lions.
Lord Rothschild, some bangers and mash for you? Or would you prefer to have some blood pudding?
Well we did bring mostly German cuisine with us in 1916.
I'm from Ukraine. To hear my grand and great grandparents tell it, the Soviets were worse than the Nazis
No shit sherlock. The only ones who where better off with the soviets were the Jews. Funny how that works.
Posting from your phone is even more degenerate than smoking a cigar
Damn that looks so good, I usually just use kraut and sausage.
original image
Yeah bangers and mash we literally share with the britbongs, a saxon thing apparently
Thats fine with the kraut, but for more kalories add mash and Kassler.
>pic related
Its gets you fat pretty easily if you are not careful :D
What a pitty we cant varify your "truths" now.
What part of the story seemed fatfetched to you? I mean you guys do eat raw grinded meat.
Because you cant even name the place where all the accusations you threw around may have taken place.
I am now a #CruzMissile
What accusations? I never accused anybody of anything. What happened happened. It was 70 years ago. Let the dead on both sides rest in peace.
The jews took everything from my family and killed them and also destroyed my country (which is actually true, no irony here. Fuck you)
But I am not accusing anybody of anyhting. What happened happened. It was 70 years ago. Now pay reperations so we can live in peace.
Also there will be a documentary on the atrocities you totally committed like every day on at least 3 channels.
that he does kike, that he does.
Ukraine occupied germany?
Good shitpost.
Hitler said, when the Jew notices that his argument is invalid and the opponent has beaten him he tries to act if he was dumb and asaked stupid questions, implying the once so eloquent jew doesnt understand a word.
Oh fuck this man knew how you are.
Nah I think he means that white people are so being saving so dehumanized that they would rather be disheveled losers unlike literally anyone else that actually wants to win.
Look in the mirror
This right here. Can't imagine what an entire country of Jews would be like.
and that is just expressed in a very roundabout way to be PC I guess.
This stuff is delicious, I forget what it's called but I had it a few times while in Germany.
We call it Mett. You either love it or hate it.
>I forget what it's called
>Australian shitposter can't read the filename
>1 post by ID
option field: sage
Sage you dumb fuckers.
Use it.
Basically you are right, but using arguments on them prevents you from becoming dull and reminds you of what they truly are, soulless shills.