'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says

>Mexico's president said Sunday that there is "no way" his country would ever pay for a wall between it and the United States.


What now?

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Watch him get to the next stage of grief. or pull a Cuba and start releasing inmates at the border and tell them to go down into mexico.

That's fine. We'll just take it out of the foreign aid that America's jockstrap needs to function.

Holy dogshit you fucking tards the wall goes on mexico's southern border for fucks sake

>mexican intellectuals

fuck all spics, deport all mexicans

We're not gonna pay shit and if someone wants to escalate this shit you're gonna pay an expensive price for it. We Mexicans are ready to rekt your shit at the slightest provocation, I'd be beyond delighted in having the privilege of btfoing whites by putting lead aspirins on their skulls, after breeding their women

You'd think the President of Mexico would be a little more intelligent, I know it's a low baseline down there but perhaps Trump could put it in terms he understands: imagine a cartel feels they are owed a couple hundred kilos by an American distributor. They can't go into America and fight a full out war but the distributor's shit comes in via Mexico, the cartel just intercepts the shipments before they even reach America while the distributor sits there with his dick in his hand. The cartel now has the stuff they think they're owed without any consent on the distributors part.

Become an ally of Russia, have them give you nukes, I know Russia's gonna wanna due to the whole Ukraine thing America/NATO pulled

>be Australian
>no spics
>abos and sandniggers

>You'd think the President of Mexico would be a little more intelligent



>What now?
Easy, 10' higher.

Mexico is bordered by the strongest country in the world. You are our bitch. Same with canada

Thanks for the laugh Paco

Not only are you paying, you personally are going to be behind a fucking shovel 5' 6" malnourished #PintoBean.

>We Mexicans are ready to rekt your shit at the slightest provocation
Oh noes don't shoot us with your meme planes

Holy shit, is this what they look like? They're basically abbos.

Hillary Clinton is (obviously) going to become the next president of the United States of America and the mexican population will continue to grow due to the visa-free pass that we just got from Canada, we're going to invade you from both borders. Enjoy!

Over 20% of your country's income comes from people here sending money back to your poor shithole. We own you.

Yes you teeth-shit, is literally a single fucking picture of two non-white (we don't even know if they're mexican) women is going to convince you that more than 100 MILLION people look like that, you're autistic as shit

If you can swim all the way from Mexico to Canada, you can come. But you're going to be behind a shovel digging me a new pool #PintoBean.

yep, thats real mexican "women" most of the hot ones you see are mostly spainish but say there mexican because they mad they got culturally enriched

Bombs are expensive but I believe the US has a surplus.

He should be careful, he might get colour revolution'd.

Dude, stop watching shit-tier movies, we're literally infesting your country and taking your jobs, teenagers can't even get a job because of us, we're getting richer and more powerful in your own country + we're marrying your women and making mestizo white america

You're so funny and intelligent, relying on outdated and utterly stupid stereotypes is the saddest thing you can do to get a laugh, you're pathetic, most american woman I've met look like fucking Trisha Paytas, bye

Politician's words have become meaningless. If Trump wins and actually presses him on the issue, Mexico will pay for it and he won't even resign for breaking his word.

You've been reading too much Lowrider magazine cholo, get back on that shovel.


Yes, and there are millions of them in our country illegally and they also hate us because our ancestors beat the shit out of them once before.They're the most annoying, ugly, and parasitic group of people in this country. They wave the Mexican flag at trump rallies and attack trump supporters. I hate them so goddamn much.

>stealing my joke
>not even knowing what "cholo" means

You're pathetic, shovel jokes are as real as american democracy

>we're getting richer and more powerful in your own country

That's not much to boast about, considering where you're starting from. A Hobo finding a dollar might have increased his wealth by 400% if he only had a quarter before but it's less impressive than someone who wisely invests $100k and sees a healthy but modest return.

Why the fuck is a european commenting in this thread?, get the fuck out.

We have more money than you hombre

Why do none of these fucking idiots realize that they're going to pay for it in the form of tariffs, green card fees, work visa fee etc etc etc etc
We're not literally going to mexico city and saying "$10 billion pls :D"

Stealing my language. If the shovel is too tall for your rape-product body to handle then get on the toilet brush and get scrubbing.

Why the fuck is a Mexican commenting on a policy over which they will have no say or control? Trump wouldn't be asking nicely for you to hand over the cost of the Wall, he'd take it out of cartel and illegal immigrant money crossing the border while the true extent of how utterly impotent you are politically sinks in.

build wall faggot.

Of course you do nationally, but a rich mexican is way richer that a rich dutch and I'd bet my ass I have a higher living standard than you do

>get the fuck out.
Says the Raza cuck to the tall proud Spaniard invader moments before being raped and producing, well, you. Back on the shovel!

Man what's Sup Forums gonna look like November 9th?

>Stealing my language

tip top kek

May I remind you that USA doesn't have an official language + spanish is the second most spoken language in your country

Now I can actually understand why so many people chant "Build the wall!" at Trump rallies. Fucking disgusting people.

>being this mad

build a wall in hell pablo

The thing is, they probably looked hot when they were younger.

Hispanics are fucked. They're smoking hot until they hit like 25 then fuck me it's downhill quick.

Whatever, jerk off at Trump as much as you want, Hillary will win, Wall Street knows it

Earlier the quote said "build" they have different meanings in english.

You're literally speaking English (my language) right now. Take a moment to let that sink in. Fuck you're dumb, too many fumes from cleaning solution. Back on the toilet brush #PintoBean




Spaniards are not even tall, your racist jokes are lame like literally the shovel thing is autistic

like a mexican jumping bean. jumping up and down in celebration.

while you look like the rest of your fellow subhuman race. disgusting.

Compared to you they are ;) ps: Learn what literally means, literally.

¿Quiere que te hable en español?, pinche gringo pendejo, armando desmadres por puras mamadas, yo hablo como se me de mi chingada gana, #Hillary2016


fuck a koala

Did you just WINK at me while in Sup Forums

i dont know what that means but i hate trump now! im shilling for #shillary now!

>Ah yes I'm not going to listen to the nation with the strongest military and the largest amount of nukes which is also my neighbour even though I have no nukes and can't even get rid of the cartels

>Did you just WINK at me while in Sup Forums

did you just sneak into my country?


girl, it doesn't matter if you hate or wanna suck Trump's dick, Hillary will literally win, there's no democracy in your country, Wall Street is backing Clinton, get over it, gosh

Such a shit-tier comedian, british comedy is way smarter than this bullshit

No, I'll sneak into Canada legally, it's like America but without the bullshit that you have to cope with

>there's no democracy in your country

and theres nothing but drug cartels, pedos and hideous shit in your country pacco. also a lack of walls. something trump will fix. enjoy your family and friends getting sent back to visit you. also

>talking shit about anyone

fucking beaner scum.

How is the Mexican government going to stop the USA from impounding remittances from illegals and keeping it? They'd literally have to invade the USA and conquer it.

wnjoy Abdul and Rashem blowing you up and raping your sister afterwards you lefty cuck.

Oh back to English I see. See how long your raped language lasts for? 10' taller, and back on the shovel.

>They'd literally have to invade the USA and conquer it.

lol they cant even run there own country with goverment. cartels rule them.

Yes, drug cartels are mexican but they don't affect us as much they affect you, actually there are lots of them that help our communities, pedos?, you know that America is the country with most pedophilles in the world right?, Paco it's spelled with one C Trump will lose, and I hate beans it's funny that "beaner" is even considered a racial slur like Americans love Taco Bell and that shit is bean.infested

Classic file name is classic!


Canada would never let him in or he'd already be there.

This meme has getting out of hand, there's more whites in Canada than in the USA and there's more niggers and muslims in America than in Canada, I'll be okay girl, with healthcare and stuff like that

>Calls Americans pedophilles
>It's legal to have sex with 11 year old children in his country

You mean, enjoy showing Abdul and Rashem how a true man beheads.

Bitch, Canada literally is gonna pass a law on December 1st that will allow mexicans to go there without Visa, also my cousin is already a canadian citizen and her husband which happens to be Canadian wants me to go with them so yeah, I'll be there while you deal with plagues and shit like that

Never stopped the Mexicans from attacking the USA in the past... and losing.

My advice is that the next time you try it, you force-march the beaners into the sea and take all of central America up to the isthmus of Panama. The border is much smaller and more easily defensible.

>makes up bullshit
>doesn't an hero

Source?, I'm impressed by that the fact that a brit knows more about mexican laws than I do

i added a extra c so you dont forget your a cuck.

also if cartels are so great why do you shits say thats why you come to my neighborhood. this used to be a nice polish area. now its gangs and welfare leeches. also pedos get arrested here all the time by the schools in my area. all spics. trying to lure girls in there shitty beat up van, or even snatch them in broad daylight OUTSIDE THE FUCKING SCHOOL. i hate you all.

Why do the mexcrements not understand that we aren't asking them to pay for the wall but rather TELLING them they are going to?

Do they really not understand that it isn't up to them?

End NAFTA and remittance payments.

>attacking the USA
The fuck are you talking about Abdul, the ones who fuck countries up are those faggots up north, Mexico has only defended.

LOL Trudeau is as insane as Merkel.

Good luck, their social system will collapse without taxpayers, just like here.

this was after the meet with that fag in canada

they are preparing for multicult hellhole

Nice to know that living in America is such a waste time, I'm a upper-middle class mexican and I haven't had to deal with that shit,I'm just shitposting in Sup Forums because it's summer, nice depression tho

Cool so when your ugly sister is finished sucking off Yukon Chad she can get behind a shovel and work on Wall North.

HAHA 0wned.

It's ok, we can just start shipping all of our allah akbar terrorists to your shithole country and all of our illegal mexicants over to desertville sadi-something-or-other.
You'll all be building that wall pretty quick.


>I'll be there while you deal with plagues and shit like that

more like youll be bringing plagues and bedbugs and aids you filthy shitskin.

>Never stopped the Mexicans from attacking the USA in the past... and losing.

exactly. has mexico won any wars? got raped and enriched by spain, usa, etc.

>I'm just shit

i agree


Arizona alone would destroy you desu

Well, mijo, considering that Mexico spends most of its time without a functional government and sends bandits up north that cause you to get your ass kicked, I can see why you're afraid of military reprisals by the USA.

Just a reminder that you can't do jack shit when they impound remittances. You're paying for the wall whether you want to or not. Talk shit get hit.

She's not gonna come with me :(, but good try!

Oh my fault it's actually 12 not 11

I just want you yo know that literally every single post that you just tagged is me

build wall and watch a non shit sport jose.

This is so pathetic

So what?, if it's legal then it's not pedophillia and why does that even matter?, I'm underage, I can fuck a 12yo if I want

why would you save that? you degenerate faggot

You're even dumber than the Juans painting my fence. (you hold the handle not the bristles) You don't realize the pic is of a fat Mexican. (look at the raped Raza child and the mud ass)

>I'm underage