Reminder that it's entirely legal to plow through protesters blocking the road.
Reminder that it's entirely legal to plow through protesters blocking the road
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sounds reasonable.. fuck protesters
>police file charges
>it's totally legal guys!
Fucking moron
file chargers against the protestors for damages on the car
>american education
This is legitimately your right. In the United States, there is no requirement to stop for pedestrians outside of a crosswalk.
Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 165, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995.
Sec. 552.005. CROSSING AT POINT OTHER THAN CROSSWALK. (a) A pedestrian shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle on the highway if crossing a roadway at a place:
(1) other than in a marked crosswalk or in an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection; or
(2) where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided.
Sec. 552.008. DRIVERS TO EXERCISE DUE CARE. Notwithstanding another provision of this chapter, the operator of a vehicle shall:
(1) exercise due care to avoid colliding with a pedestrian on a roadway;
(2) give warning by sounding the horn when necessary; and
(3) exercise proper precaution on observing a child or an obviously confused or incapacitated person on a roadway.
In other words, honk your horn and make it seem like you tried to warn them you were coming. Have fun!
What's your problem Ahmed?
Punching the car constitutes trespass to property.
Charges agains't protestor not the driver moron.
> that article
> not understanding that policer have the right to stop a vehicule and notre civilian
> why aren't the civilian gunning him down lmao ?
If this gets out I bet they stop blocking highways really quick
You may cross the road on transition fields designated for croasing the roads.
On all other ocasions drivers and pedestrians must both yield for oneanother.
Deliberately blocking a car, is infact illegal.
>The protesters who willingly ventured out onto such a roadway last week disrupted more than traffic. They challenged the idea that highways exist somehow outside of us, in a theoretical space that doesn’t have to do with human interaction, with people’s words and faces and feelings. They made the invisible visible. They demanded that, if only for a moment, we stop and look at where we are. In that way, what they did was truly radical.
When postmodernism goes too far.
Advice from a cop (suspended for this social media post)
>Run them over. Keep traffic flowing and don’t slow down for any of these idiots who try and block the street. Here is the deal, you continue to drive and if you hit someone make sure you call 911 to report the accident and meet the cops a block or two away and you can justify stopping further away because you feared for your safety since in the past people in this group has shown [sic] a propensity towards violence. Since they are trying to block the street and/or cross where there is no crossing you should not be charged with anything. Now, these idiots could try and sue you in civil court, but remember that it will be jury trial and so most likely it will come out in your favor.
>They demanded that, if only for a moment, we stop and look at where we are
I know goddamn well where we are. A city filled with uppity criminals who want what they haven't worked a day in their life for in a country filling with unrest by the hour on a miserable rock flying at incredible hihg speed through the empty universe
My turds have more depth to them than these protests
If it happens, you can do it, esp if they are climbing on/banging on your car. It's easier for a girl to get away with it, but a guy can do.
If you are going to do it, say nothing to the cops--NOTHING-- and just act like you are in shock. Give no statements, ask for medical attention and say you have chest pains (no matter how old you are).
Then ask for a lawyer. Your defense will be you went into shock/a panic attack and accidentally stepped on the gas. They can never charge you, you can run over as many as you want.
Just don't yell "nigger" or anything as you do it. Even if they press charges, will never stick. A korean in NYC killed a nigger on a motorcycle in an incident like that, got off.
That's Texas state law
In other states (Virginia being one) you must yield to pedestrians no matter what
you posted this while I was typing, but same idea. Civil trial will depend on what area you're in. But even then, so long as you say nothing but stop once you are away, grab your heart and demand an ambulance, you will get off from any criminal charges.
We're actually moving at incredibly low speed through the universe
>you must yield to pedestrians no matter what
always exceptions. It's harder now with so much video, but as soon as one touches your car, you just go like a bat out of hell, get out of danger, then gab your heart and ask for an ambulance.
Seriously, fuck this shit it's time we cleaned out this state.
>"angry driver"
are you fucking serious?!?!!?
That was what I was saying.
>Anglosphere education
Is this news?
It reads very much like an opinion piece, but presents itself as a news article.
>(1) exercise due care to avoid colliding with a pedestrian on a roadway;
Okay, and you think you can run them down why?
If they're standing in the way, you go slowly and try to go around them. It's their own fault if they get hit by your car then
>tfw I know someone who writes articles like these and he is a complete nutcase who already tried to kill himself three times
Thank you user, this might come in handy someday
>buy one of these
>put head phones on and roll down your windows
>sit back with your feet on the horn and relax with your comfy music on as protesters go insane due to loud as fuck train horn
Chances are you'll be in the second or third line of cars, so they probably won't know which car has the loud as fuck train horn.
>bunch of black people surrounds your vehicle and starts to beat on it
What do you do? Flooring it seems like the most normal thing to do unless you want to them go go south africa on you.
Sit your fat 10 gallon hat wearin ass down bucko, it's never gonna happen
When it got to the pizza I started laughing.
Does Sup Forums have a new hero?
Sally the Steamroller?
Donna "Doesn't Stop for" Dindus?
Does anyone know about Ohio law? I'm going to convention and need to know :^)
Don't you have a bull to prep, Sven?
Get back in your cuckshed.
The universe is expanding. We are moving along because of that, not magically through it.
Bumping for interest because Ohio resident. I hit a deer in my truck and my insurance wouldn't pay for it to get fixed so I don't care about any further damage
My sides are accelerating at an ever expanding rate.
My based homeland Texas...
So tired of this american racism shit. Both sides are retarded. I say nuke the USA and be done with it.
You sure as hell better hope it never happens. If it does, you will never have another Republican or other flavor conservative president. If we leave, it's officially the United Socialist States of America.
But Shlomo, you'd lose a lot of money evey year
Don't you have Palestinian heads to cut off?
Stop talking to the Jew you niggers we need to know if running over these faggots is legal in Ohio