How do Asian guys feel about Asian women dating white guys?
How does OP feel about posting this thread every day.
Asian guys get revenge by dating White women.
White people usually have a different idea of attractive when it comes to asian women, so it's fine really. What whites often find attractive in asians tend to be the very sharp eyes and slim nose with a overalll snarky complexion. You guys would give that a 9/10 most asians would give that a 5/10
>>Seems more logical than planting it in a white woman who will likely run off after having a kid and turn it into a transgender confused mess.
win-win for everyone
Then what do 9/10 Asian ladies look like?
I think that whites have a very delusional view of asian women but whatever floats their boat I suppose.
Terrible. Sage'd.
almond-shaped eyes, rounder face, slightly larger nose
Post some pics to show the difference please.
Yellow pussy belongs to the white man!
Real talk senpai
Asian men can have our white girl. the asian dude who end up with our whites typically are very successful and the girl is pretty much set for life
Im not one of the storm nigger faggots on pol but Ive dated asians mexicans and whites
Currently with a white hispanic and they are the best of both worlds
How should I feel about it, Sup Forums?
9/10 fucking hot.
(you'll have to excuse the nose colour)
No they don't
Doesn't matter. We want their white women.
>tfw lived in Korea for years
>tfw the indiscriminate yellow fever wore off and now I have the same picky standards as local guys
most white men get low quality asian women. Not sure if it's their taste or they are too beta
see for yourself how butt blasted they are
>tfw I can read Korean
>tfw I regularly visit Ilbe and DC Inside's nonsummit gallery just to get my fill of ridiculous Korean butthurt
Sounds like a Nguyen-Nguyen situation
Racemixing isn't going to help the west.
White people go with white people
Asians go with asians
No asian girl is going for me, that's for sure.
Because Asian women tend to be impressionable and brainwashed by Western media and all that bullshit along with already harboring resentment toward their own culture. It doesn't help that most Asian girls have Daddy issues; especially if the Dad is a FOB. Chinese and any South East Asian are the worst.
I don't want to racemix with them I just want to fuck them
Hasians are literally the master race.
>why asian girls go for white guys = 5 million views
>would white girls consider asian guys for dates = 500,000 views
Stay cucked you slanty eyed fucks.
You do know how that all works, right?
you can have them desu. Good luck with that shit
Dating an Asian girl is the most beta thing you can do.
I have yellow fever and I wanna kill myself
Banged a Jap girl off tinder in Osaka. Who cares what the bitch boys think?
Who else /can't stand any other race and just dates white women/ here?
That plan usually goes sideways
The same faggot spamming the same thread everyday on Sup Forums and /r9k/
essentially more european
thanks plastic surgery
A lot of asian guys date white males. lol
WTF is up with 2:45 LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They dont look anything like europeans.
Although i have to say white guys are learning how to appreciate the better asian women
>tfw small yellow wiener can't compare with the BWC
This, they our women