76% Rotten Tomatoes
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The (((citrics))) are the ones at fault for taking the (((producters))) (((money)))
>original problematic toxic patriarchy ghostbusters
>the black man is an everyman whose race is never played for jokes or singled out
>new and improved feminist ghostbusters
>black woman character is street smart and runs around screaming "AWWWWWWWWW HELL NAW! MUHFUGEN BIX NOOD COF BIN DUB HO MUHFUGGA!"
>critics are held at gunpoint so it won't fall below 75% rating
And 90%+ of people WANT TO SEE THIS
/pol BTFO. FUCK!
I think this piece of shit is actually going to make a lot of money. People are actually going to go see it.
Calm your tits. Movies isn't even out yet. Those are just reviews by (((professional film critics))).
>having any regard whatsoever for dullard mass media trash
Never listen to critics. They are sub-kikes. I swear the shittedly rated movies are best.
think about who will actually watch this turd, mothers and children and cuck daddies with their wife's son.
>12 Things You Can Do To Support The New “Ghostbusters” Movie Against The Haters
>1. Go see the damn movie.
>2. Go see it multiple times if you have the means.
>3. Bring your friends.
>4. Make that theater as rowdy and supportive as a bunch of drunk girls in a bar bathroom, AKA the pinnacle of supportive funtimes.
>5. Rewatch the entire Melissa McCarthy/Paul Feig filmography.
>6. Tweet happy thoughts
>7. Make a hashtag to counteract the hatred.
>8. Remind people that Donald Trump also publicly maligned the women-led Ghostbusters.
>9. Don’t be afraid to mute people.
>10. Get your cosplay on and turn the 2016 Ghostbusters fandom into one to be reckoned with.
>11. Give into the pressures of capitalism and buy the shit out of the merch and tie-in foodstuff.
>12. Lay waste to their childhoods with your joy. Dance through all the male tears.
Manipulation works both ways. It is possible that the PR team reacted to what was coming and took measures. Just sayin.
Professional critics tend to be a LOT harsher than the masses. If you took an exit poll, I bet movie goers would give it 95%.
Actually its mostly bloggers and amateurs. The "All Critics" score is in the 70's, but if you select the more honest "Top Critics" score, it's only 50%.
The only people who have seen it are hand picked (((critics))) who were payed to see it.
Just like that Hillary tweet that instantly got 200k (((likes))).
Daily reminder professional """"critics"""" will look at any media with rose-tinted glasses if it includes anything "progressive".
The reviews I saw on jewtube so far all thrashed the movie apart. For instance
I miss roger ebert
It better not make enough money. I don't want this victimhood bullshit to become the new way to shill movies.
>10. Get your cosplay on and turn the 2016 Ghostbusters fandom into one to be reckoned with.
For once, fat cosplayer won't look out of place at cons.
Please, I really don't want some fucking Ghostbusters cinematic universe, let this thing crash and burn at the box office.
click on Top Critics, its like 50%
the majority of postitive reviews otherwise are from FEMINIST BLOGGERS and shit tier sites like buzzfeed
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Guys 10 internet points to the one who gets how they destroy the main villain in the story?
. Lay waste to their childhoods with your joy. Dance through all the male tears.
I just might beat my wife tonight
A more realistic review of this shitty movie. Not shilling for the channel I just know that the feminist agenda will push this crap to be popular and we need an UNbias review of the movie.
Not that hard to undermine PR. Sup Forums has been doing it just for keks. If Sup Forums harnessed their autism to bring down the jewry that is PR, the PR industry would collapse because they couldn't even sell shit for a fair price, because Sup Forums managed to turn the world against PR and made everyone distrust them.
In here, there's already great hatred for shills, like when they're promoting a leftshit movie, or a book, or any form of consumed media. It just makes PR more expensive for the Jews and more difficult to hock their moral poison to the masses, which is good.
Congrats! Here have 10 points! Movie is a big anti man propganda.
Yup. And all man in it are retarded.
Do it and I promise I won't shitpost about canada for a week.
Sounds like tumblr the motion picture.
i thought they were specifically not allowing critics to view the film before release?
First review
Yeah, this guy's review made a lot of sense to me.
The jokes in this film are horrible and old.
>thats going to leave a mark
Really? From Spaceballs? From Tommy Boy? From 20 other films?
>exorcist head rotating scene
>Kills the big boss by SHOOTING HIS DICK
Gotta kill that patriarchy!
>None of the women get a single laugh; but Chris Helmsworth is hilarious
The one guy who was hired to be dumb eye-candy is a better comedian than the actual comedians. Men can feel vindicated
>every male character is either an asshole or an idiot. womyn rule!
I can only pray that the masses still won't give it a chance. It's just shit on so many levels. I fucking pray it loses $100 million
Ebert probably would have given it 3 stars, just to be nice. He was like that.
>The jokes in this film are horrible and old.
they used "we're gonna need a bigger boat"
in the year of our lord 2016
For the past few months, the anti-Ghostbusters folks have been saying that their hate was not about the female cast, and that it was all about the movie looking bad. Now it turns out the movie is good, so why is that still a bad thing? Is the narrative that the media pushed about the backlash being based around misogyny true after all?
Why don't use some meme magic and give it shit reviews?
i have said consistently since the beginning that i hated the all female cast
its strange to me that so many other people havent said this. its like everyone is pussies now.
women aren't funny and aren't interesting leads either.
the thing im noticing in the critics comments is that "it's a good movie, but it sucks because it could have been better, but its good".
dont they have the guts to say "burn it all"?
>they used "we're gonna need a bigger boat"
Are you serious? They're referencing Jaws? AND Exorcist? 40 year old movies. Why the fuck are they stealing lines from other movies? Obviously because the writers are LAZY AS FUCK and CREATIVELY BANKRUPT.
I hate Hollywood so fucking bad right now.
We. A bunch of literal shills and progressive feminist cucks.
>60k ppl
Damn i guess i better start really thinking the way they tell me too huh?
>Now it turns out the movie is good, so why is that still a bad thing? Is the narrative that the media pushed about the backlash being based around misogyny true after all?
No, the trailers are objectively bad.
It's more likely that the reviewers are biased just because they feel sympathy for the "poor victimized women" of GB and their shit director, Feig. They - as members of the liberal media - can't give an honest review because they'd be eaten alive by fellow leftists who would accuse THEM of sexism and misogyny. They have to tow the SJW party line.
Dumb and Dumber only got 66%. Home Alone 55%.
Critics are worthless, but especially bad when it comes to comedies (and horrors).
. Lay waste to their childhoods with your joy. Dance through all the male tears.
See it's shit like this why I hate feminism. It's an anti-male hate group and until it's recognized as such; I will never treat feminism and feminists with any respect.
Scores aren't "accurate" on review sites untill a few days after release.
The only people who have seen it at this point are a select few who producers know would give it a good review.
"McCarthy and Wiig spend the entire movie on mute, turning in bland, disconcertingly joyless performances that further deaden an already lifeless movie... Jones seem imported from a louder, brasher movie (probably one from the 1990s), while McKinnon does her McKinnon shtick, which works well enough in five-minute increments on Saturday Night Live but proves grating and incoherent in movie-length form..."
"Though it’s unfortunate to say about a women-led movie like this, Chris Hemsworth, playing the Ghostbusters’ hunky-dumb assistant, is easily the funniest part of the movie...Wiig plays off of him beautifully, as does the rest of the cast, and his scenes bounce with invigorating elan. But the air goes out of the room when he leaves."
Men - always having to come to the rescue.
>The only people who have seen it at this point are a select few who producers know would give it a good review.
I hope you're right. Seems like a good amount of reviews so far, though.
As bad as this movie looks, and as tainted with feminist bullshit as it seems to be, I think I could still perhaps enjoy it if not for that gorilla female HELLL NAWWWing constantly. Every clip that I've seen she is Sheniquaing so hard that it is almost unwatchable. Its like her character was written by a committee of KKK members and Stormfags.
I hadn't realized it until I read your post, but its true that in the originals they BARELY ever even referenced his race, to the point that the lack of acknowledgement of his blackness became itself the joke. The closest they ever got was when he said to the mayor "I have seen shit that would turn you WHITE".
This whole ghostbusters fiasco is like watching Indiana Jones get raped all over again.
Yeah but look at whos rating it fresh.
gas the citrics fruit war now
(((professional """"critics"""" )))
I don't understand the usage of echoes on "likes"
>11. Give into the pressures of capitalism and buy the shit out of the merch and tie-in foodstuff.
They want women to be raped by capitalism
I wonder if any of these people submitted a negative review to their editor and were rejected in favor of a positive one, or were told to make it positive. I could see an editor saying "its just a fucking movie review, it doesn't matter, just make it positive so we don't have a thousand screaming harpies ranting about how sexist we are" and the writing going along with it to preserve his job.
There is just no fucking way that this many professional pop movie reviewers actually enjoyed this garbage movie.
pls tell me your joking
>Are you serious? They're referencing Jaws? AND Exorcist?
Wiig, another performer who has perfected how to do things with words, cries out, "Say hello to my little friend"
Kill me.
Why do these critics have such strange names?
10.5/10 -- IGN
They also quoted Scarface. We could make this into a drinking game.
This, if it's wrist-cutting minority anti-white male shit, you can expect Cannes to fellate the director
So a pop culture reference gag reel with a mild ghostbusters theme..
there isn't enough alcohol in the world to overcome this sadness
Kek, that movie was jingoistic but the muh xenophobia and muh racism made me want to stab the reviewers.
It just says "Top Critics Not Available" now.. they are watching this thread...
wtf i love ghostbusters now
Plz stop, this is depressing.
What part of that movie had xenophobia?
Why are people who complain about capitalism always the biggest consumerist whores?
I haven't seen it, but I assume its xenophobic because it implies that foreign enemies exist.
>movie isn't out
>(((critics))) say it's great, pls go watch!!!
>actual critics are far less kind
>score has already dropped from 80% to 75%
Yeah we really got BTFO man
Average Rating: 6.6/10
76% fresh
Brace for that shit to plummet once people who aren't either koolaid drinkers or true believers get to see it.
Check out the none retard tab
>ahh oh no Sup Forums btfo, etc
Milo will be doing a review of it next week lol
Can't wait to see how much the coming reviews will plummet this to a shit tier score.
The film wasn't all that good anyway, though. They tried to do the previous film but BIGGER and ended up with an incoherent mess because they tried to jam too much in at once without connecting anything together properly.
It's a shame too, since Olympus Has Fallen was a genuinely great watch - and it's worth noting that only got 47% on Rotten Tomatoes in the first place.
This indeed. 3 top critics from such dubious places as Buzzfeed rated it fresh while almost twice as many top critics rated it shite.
I honestly never expected it to break 40%. I was hoping for low 30s, tops.
This is going to flop. Hard.
Not because of us. Not because of gamergate retards. Not because of any concerted effort on anyones behalf.
But because it is a shit movie that fucks with the feel of the originals and normies won't like it.
Normies are the vast majority.
They're promoting the movie by trying to convince people that the act of watching it is a form of "political protest"?
The joke's on the virtue-signaling SJW's when they spend $40 of their hard-earned Starbucks wages to see a crappy movie several times.
>4.5 imdb
>3/5 empire
Only a matter of time untill rt tanks.
For me it's about the fact that they're girls. But not only that they're girls, but physically repulsive beasts.
Fuck you gonna do about it, force me to like it?
RT has always been fueled by sjw shit.
"Go back to fuckheadistan"
You had to have known there'd be shilling, my dude. Even the shills don't want to talk about the movie, just how you should support it because of what it stands for.
Ironically, I saw Angry Birds for he same reason and actually got a pretty good movie out of it.
oh gad people wanna sit through this movie, after hearing melissa mccarthy and that angry screech talking she does, pure ear rape
also have a real review of it, everything I expected it to be, MEN BAD WOMEN STRONG
>"black men are afraid of getting murdered by police, white men are afraid of female ghostbusters"
Really makes you think..
(((Rotten))) tomatoes.
Every commercial I have seen for this makes it look like the same gutter trash humor used in every other movie that Melissa McCarthy is in. Not only that but it's drowning in CGI greenskin garbage.
>Chris Hemsworth saving unfortunate fucks who get suckered into seeing this from killing themselves
And people said he couldn't act.
That movies was all Gary Stu and his tiresome tirades of 'Fuck you, I am American.'
After a while, shit gets boring. Actually fell asleep when he met the SAS came in.
Well turns out Sup Forums was wrong after all.