Whats the best way we can disrupt
Its clearly a Soros funded outfit, and is how they are planning to organize colour revolutions and thus martial law.
Whats the best way we can disrupt
Its clearly a Soros funded outfit, and is how they are planning to organize colour revolutions and thus martial law.
We inform people that #BLM are #ChampagneSocialist funded terrorists by Soros.
>Whats the best way we can disrupt
blm is being used as bait. You are basically a fish asking other fish how to best eat that new shiny looking thing for dinner.
Quit being so fucking gullible.
Change it to #BlackWivesMatter.
Promoting the fact that niggers do not have stable relationships and have offspring that kill people.
You need a counter movement, dedicated to exposing how BLM is being controlled by Soros, corrupt Dems and other non-blacks.
You would need to find and work with groups of well spoken and intelligent blacks that don't follow all the nubian, we wuz kings, nation of islam crap. They would also need figureheads to be militaristic strongman types that make groups such as the black panthers looks weak. Suitable people would be previous or current special forces, rangers, CIA, police that achieved a leadership position, military officers, airforce pilots, navy captains or any army and marines with notable combat records.
You would then have to work to get them a decent following on social media and find reasons for the mainstream media to cover them. They don't have to like them just give coverage and attention.
Sup Forums probably wouldn't be interested in that, it's more likely they would rather just continue complaining about blacks and lose than talk to blacks and form selective alliances to crush BLM.
>they are planning to organize coloured revolutions and thus martial law.
Yeah so we need to intimidate the crowds.
We need to sort out the muslims from their shabbos goys
How would we do that? BLM violently shut down everyone who doesn't suck and cuck for them. What stops BLM?
Disrupting their social media with threats of violence.
A phantom army in the style of Sun Tzu