Whats the best way we can disrupt
Its clearly a Soros funded outfit, and is how they are planning to organize colour revolutions and thus martial law.
Whats the best way we can disrupt
Its clearly a Soros funded outfit, and is how they are planning to organize colour revolutions and thus martial law.
We inform people that #BLM are #ChampagneSocialist funded terrorists by Soros.
>Whats the best way we can disrupt
blm is being used as bait. You are basically a fish asking other fish how to best eat that new shiny looking thing for dinner.
Quit being so fucking gullible.
Change it to #BlackWivesMatter.
Promoting the fact that niggers do not have stable relationships and have offspring that kill people.
You need a counter movement, dedicated to exposing how BLM is being controlled by Soros, corrupt Dems and other non-blacks.
You would need to find and work with groups of well spoken and intelligent blacks that don't follow all the nubian, we wuz kings, nation of islam crap. They would also need figureheads to be militaristic strongman types that make groups such as the black panthers looks weak. Suitable people would be previous or current special forces, rangers, CIA, police that achieved a leadership position, military officers, airforce pilots, navy captains or any army and marines with notable combat records.
You would then have to work to get them a decent following on social media and find reasons for the mainstream media to cover them. They don't have to like them just give coverage and attention.
Sup Forums probably wouldn't be interested in that, it's more likely they would rather just continue complaining about blacks and lose than talk to blacks and form selective alliances to crush BLM.
>they are planning to organize coloured revolutions and thus martial law.
Yeah so we need to intimidate the crowds.
We need to sort out the muslims from their shabbos goys
How would we do that? BLM violently shut down everyone who doesn't suck and cuck for them. What stops BLM?
Disrupting their social media with threats of violence.
A phantom army in the style of Sun Tzu
Check me out
a few threads ago I suggested using firecrackers that sound like gunfire
Irgun pls go
Maybe if America's police weren't slaughtering unarmed black men for something as simple as not using indicators while driving, there wouldn't be this race-war brewing.
Peace and understanding
Right now you're provoked into a war
Start a boy band or something
Throw grenades at them and other various explosives.
canada tier
ghost is doing a good job doxing them on Twitter and sicking his trolls after them
Just keep pointing out where they go too far. Don't speak for them, they say and do enough shit to hang themselves.
You don't win a fight with an activist by ignoring them, you engage and counterpoint.
They will bring up violence. Normies won't like that. It make blacks even more stigmatized, so blacks not in the movement will turn against them.
Stop acting like we need to get dirty to fight them, thats just an excuse to resort to disinfo tactics like them. Logic always, always wins as long as you make good, simple points that people can't argue.
Look at this post. These are the idiots that are going to make BLM grow. They feed off people 'proving' their point and making it seem like they are martyrs. If you want to fight dirty with disinfo tactics you will eventually turn into a BLM on the other side, and you don't win the argument in the long run then.
Otherwise, the civil rights movement wouldn't have ended in massive lawsuits. It only matters if they get laws on the books so they can sue to fund their movements and they get that by playing victim and provoking violence.
Martial law would literally kill more blacks then anything. God I hope America has martial law. Literally it's the only thing that will control blacks. Under martial law they can kill without reason. And theyre protesters will be met with a hailstorm of bullets if people feel threatened.
Bloods, crips would be decimated. The way blacks react to police is a much friendlier scenario compared to blacks behaving the same under the laws of mars.
cry more, you can't stop me
Blacks become responsible for martial law. Ironically almost every black is a threat under martial law. They would rather choose suicide over Trump. If they think the current death rate of blacks will decrease under martial law they're sorely mistaken. Martial law would exterminate the vast majority of blacks.
exactly. AusBro gets it.
It's the perfect way to frame the real problems of the black community. But it should really be passed along subtly to an actual black woman on Twitter with a history of being against BLM and speaking about fatherlessness. Once it picks up steam the media outlets will trace it back to its first usage, and we can't have it be one of the spergy Sup Forums accounts or an obvious sock puppet. A simple search online would bring up this thread, unfortunate proof that it started here, but that can't be rectified now.
Also genius. This could be the game changer, folks.
Alright lads, who do we choose to DM the idea to? Off the top of my head I can only think of Diamond & Silk.
And to the media researchers potentially reading this post in the future, you KNOW we didn't just fabricate this concept, and you KNOW it doesn't make it any less true.
Don't want to make a new thread just for this, but can you lads drop some black crime infographics?
Really need to start saving them.
^ check out these cucks