I can tell you right now, this shit will NOT fly here.

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Why? Italy is in EU and EU is good for economy everywhere. Why do they need money?

>for italian banks

No. THEY need it themselves, italians are just the scapegoat.

That's the best part about it. It'll be Greece all over again.

Guess you'll have to vote "no" when they ask for your opinio- oh wait.

Hopefully not. If Italy goes down, All of Europe goes down. Careful here: not just the EU, I mean Europe as the whole continent.

your shit will go into freefall and will this will be taken advantage of by the rest of the world overtime, outside of the EU will benefit.

Europoors r so deluded

Good. Burn it all do down and rises from the ashes.

Price worth paying if it stops the 'refugees'.

>won't fly here

Kek. Try saying that after it is revealed that if the bank isn't bailed out, citizens will lose ~50% of their savings.

Nexit when?

Why can't Germany also give us money?
Jealous of Italy tbqh

yay socialism!

Europe needs some radical renewal.
Also fuck Italy.

He specified European banks. So including the bank he works at probably lol. Germans biggest gibmedats around.


You think people here give a shit about Italians?

Their banks, they get to pay the bill. Another "solidarity fund" ala Greece is really not going to happen without a fight.

Deutsche Bank is about to shit itself. This isn't for Italy.


They don't give a single shit about Italin banks, but if one of them goes down the DB is completely fucked since they have been gambling so much that even the tiniest shake up will ruin their house of cards.

I am ok with this. The continent is going to shit anyway, we need a tabula rasa

I see what you are going for Juncker. You just want to burn it all down so you can install your EU regime!

italy is a shameful country

Don't worry, you are in good company with the contemporary Europe.

Fuck off Juncker.


We'll be fine.
Enjoy your Euro.

Italy please crash this continent with no survivors so all the mussies fuck off

Please no Romania and Moldova in the alliance


How many times are the big banks going to get away with this shit? Whether it works or not, it's clear where the money goes.

I agree.

There are three posts directly referencing it before you, you moron

We need everyone. Of course there will be no bailouts in our union.

>this shit will NOT fly here

No, we won't be alright. Our economy is interconnected with a German one, and that won't change intermarium or not, conservatives or not. So if DB goes under, Germany goes under. And if Germany goes under, we go under.

And I fear we'll go way, way more under than them. We'll be fucked.

Oh shit I pissed off Satan.

Kek save me

>britbongs think they have a vote on monetary policy by the central bank

>Europoors r so deluded
>GDP pr capita: 3,568$

Subtract another 2 seats from the VVD, hand them to Wilders: the bailout.

Quick question. Why Germany prefers to take in 3 millions of Africans and Arabs instead of Poles and Ukrainians? Ukrainians are fleeing to Poland from war. Is their war not important? Are they somehow worse than the other "refugees"? What's up with that?

The Germans would prefer neither.

It is our politicians (and the industry around housing refugees) who want more and more.

That's why Duda and Wałęsa are rushing to make new deals with Africa and China. Germany is working with Russia on Nord Stream 2. We are fucked and they are fucked if the US gov finds out about that.

>They will pay it back, with interest! 2.0


Like a strung out junkie chasing a high.

And you can't do anything about it because "refugee" population votes for Merkel. Got it.

Most Ukrainians are displaced internally - most of them moved to the west of the country. Poles won't provide Germans the necessary work force, because most of our emigrants are in the UK and current rates of emigration are low.

Hence Willkommenskultur.

Most Italians don't want this, because we know that we would become like Greece. But Germany will force us to bail Monte Paschi, because if Monte Paschi goes down, so does Deutsche Bank

I thought ITA was one of the "strong" economy of this sham?


the majority of settled muslim migrants over here is actually against letting in all these refugees

No, the refugee population can't vote.

Merkel still gets voted in by the people because
>all other established people in a position of power are even worse than Merkel
>the only legit alternative has never been in the federal parliament so far so people are wary that they might fuck it up even worse

We are not yet fucked enough for people to realize that continuing to vote for Merkel can only lead in one possible outcome and the "alternative" is really no alternative at all but the only way out of this.

Because Africans aren't in Chinese pockets anyway and the Chinese aren't more concerned with Africa as a potential market than Europe as a whole, let alone Poland or V4.

Besides, these deals would take years to happen and impact the economy, while DB will fall any day now.

They fucked it up. All they had to do is to pay for German lessons to poles or hire Poles who only speak English. Everyone in Poland knows some English and at the same time nobody gives a fuck about German and French unles they have a business which sells shit to them.

That is also why you can refuse to do it though. If Monte Paschi goes down, DB goes down and thus Germany goes down.
Germany will have too many problems to punish you for doing that.

>so does Deutsche Bank
People have been saying this for fucking ages.

Deutsche Bank will just buy even more riskier debt on behalf of the German government.

You sure they aren't lying to you? When do you have your next elections?

What the fuck is wrong with the Italians - they should never be allowed in EU.
For hundreds of years they would keep devaluing their currency to make themselves look competitive. They are bunch of lazy niggers of Europe.

Until the good old days magically reappear?

(((Deutsche Bank)))


We could in theory, but our government doesn't want that
DB has enormous exposure to Italian derivatives. Even if most would cancel eachother and utilmately self balance, DB would lose a lot of credibility and thus investors


Sure their work ethics might not be the same as the germans, but they've made huge contributions to science, art, music, technology etc.

Italy is cool

Now they know how we feel about them. Maybe they'll understand and jump into the showers voluntarily, what do you think?

But most Poles who wanted to leave have already left - to the UK. If Schroeder wasn't such a retard to ban Polish work migration until 2014 and instead went with Blair's idea of allowing us to move there outright after joining the EU in 2004, he could have got some of that emigration cake.

Now, no one will want to leave the UK as they got used to living there, and if any Poles will want to work in Germany, there will be at most tens of thousands of them.

Never trust a southerner. Or a papist.

Soo...additional 1.5 millions of refugees fron now to winter? Noice. I hope your gov will throw out more squatters in Berlin to make room for refugees. 2 tasty dishes at the price of one.

New kids grow up. 500+ and shit. My guess is they will all move to Norway.

Hahaha, no.

People in general never realize that. One of my internet friends is a Russian illegally living in the US and he hates illegal immigrants with passion - yet he doesn't seem to realize that he is just like them.

Stupid self-unaware subhumans.

DB is holding around 25% of the worlds derivatives on its books. When it blows it will take a lot of banks down with it.

LOL no. 500+ was funded this year by money from wireless spectrum auction. Next year they might push it over with money from private pension funds that they'll nationalise, but then? If they're stupid they'll lend us into oblivion. If they're not that stupid, they'll cut this scheme. One way or another, there won't be enough new kids for our country to matter.

>I hope your gov will throw out more squatters in Berlin to make room for refugees.

That one was so satisfying to watch.

One last shred of hope still exists though, so far Merkel has refused to answer the question if she will still be running for office in 2017.
If the next state level elections go equally bad for the CDU as the last ones, she might decide that it is time to jump ship and go to the UN or some other organization like that before she loses in relevancy due to lower shares for her party and gets stuck in Germany.

I would pay to buy that on a shirt and I would wear it unironically

Ukkies are too white

>mfw Sup Forums was right and DB's gonna crash soon
Well shit, son

Nah, they aren't that stupid. They had to push 500+ to win the election. What happened to the "becikowe"? Is this program still around? I think Morawiecki will use the "German tax" and the million of working Ukrainians to get the money.

>grand credit
>force him to use credit on debt

Greece 0.2

Ok guys, you know what? Lets just gtfo of EU and continue business as usual? How hard can that be, seriously? Sure, everyting goes to shit for a while but that just creates room for growth. This is getting ridicilous, is there anyone in the world who takes us seriously anymore?

>mfw out useless eurocrat government will pay the bailouts with smiles on their faces

well what's another few billion in debt

>all other established people in a position of power are even worse than Merkel
true, but i'd like something new. just to see how it goes.
idc who it is as long as it's not die grünen.
selfhating perdo drugheads.

Becikowe is now only for poor people. And on funding: how would that German tax even work? If it will even work, as their supermarket tax is already bound not to cover biggest retailers (like Biedronka), but mostly small shops that already suffer. And Ukrainians won't solve our problems, as they are now mostly working by doing menial jobs and then going back to Ukraine, so that already happens. If he'll try to keep them, I expect some strong backlash to happen against that.

w w wtf....FLAG

Yeah, I guess if we are going to go down that road, we might as well do so quickly so we can finally start rebuilding.

Fuck the British hater who keeps shitting on his continent. Might as well go to Russia, plenty of haters there.
Italy is cool, hope the mafia purges the black scum

>DB can't take the heat so it starts beating on Italy

Ring around the rosie
Pocket full of posies
Ashes, ashes
We all fall DOWN!

Don't worry, they're gonna get bailed out and start another crashing course.

>how would that German tax even work?
Everyone gets a fucking tax and the companies with over 50% polish capital don't have to pay it, duh?

>Europoors r so deluded

Maybe, but at least they're white.

DB is not going to fail, the Germans HAVE to bail them out.
There is no way around and all of Europe is going to pay for it.
(Some are going to pay more than others)

Hahaha britbonging the Bantz

Let it all burn lads.

I can't fucking wait, this summer is going to be fantastic.

How do I start a new life in Argentina. Do they know any English?

I doubt it somehow but Spanish is as easy as shit anyway. Get to it.

I don't really like Spaniards. They come here to steal our women.

Germany scared shirtless of Putin

Make the Hitler salute and speak broken German.

>scared shirtless
>kraut manboobs
Cпacибa Пyтинy зa eтo

Next year when based Geert leads us.

Because Ukrainians and poles are white and share common grounds in morals and culture, cucks want culture clashing rapists in, not usefull and friendly people.

We need DB to crash. The germans will never change anything until their comfortable living is gone. Then they will notice the mess around them. The EU and such need the status quo to continue. We want the status quo gone.