Are Americans white?
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with jews you lose
We're highly white. At the rate things are going nobody will be white in some years.
Sadly the world as a whole is no longer white. One drop of colored paint and the white is ruined.
the white ones are
American here
My grandma was full-blooded Cherokee on my mom's side and full-blooded Apache on my dad's side
pic related, probably my grandpa
>mfw mexican and spaniard
>mfw US classifies me as "Hispanic White/White w/ Hispanic Origin"
Who else white here?
they are mexican-anglo-negro mongrels
neither of those are white
Is this you?
>muh cheekbones
>muh family photos
>muh oral history
Sounds about right
every american has dindu and indian ancestors
their country is only half white with a growing non-white population
>not white
pick one
anglos are like jews, they aim to destroy the white race, so they dont count as white
they have been keeping it real. you have to mourn for the future, though...
>everyone but me are jews
Obama is white. His mother was white. He has been blackwashed by the African-American community.
mulatto is white -tok kek m8
just look at the Obama - his mother is white , his father is black
however he skin is black.
obama accent resemble like yuppie , but he think like black
Obama administration average growth rate is 1.78%
Obama administration average household income rate decreasing 0.42%
Obama always use racial bait and race card (black for obama) when a political controversy come
as a result increase in racial tension that no one has ever seen before
obama is mulatto , and mulatto are Negroids
modern blacks evolved from homo-Erectus , black people have zero cro-magnon and Neanderthal DNA
Dog and Wolves have a shorter genetic distance between each other than negroids and non-Negroids
IF white female start race mixing , her descendant never come back to the White
>Fake 60 % White
I am 1/88857398571 Indian, I identify as Indian. respect my indian heritage you racist fucks.
Oh look. Another Cherokeefag. I don't believe you. Unless I see government documents (U.S. Government documents, not some trival scribble some drunk 1/16th Cherokee sold unofficially for $30 one day) you Cherokeefags are all lying.
Why do you pick that tribe btw? Why is it never Navajo or Sioux or Apache? You're such insufferable faggots.
The Chad Thundercock of the III Reich, ladies and gentlemen.
He'd bully you nerds merciless.
You can't bully anyone, faggot. I suggest you apologize before I report you to your Wombledee Woopda Boop County police department, and they sentence you to death in a collapsing house
Apologize to the dead Nazi or to you?
Apologize for being Australia's unfunny gay cousin