>Become a welder he said
>It's in high demand he said
>Became a welder I did
>Was hard finding a job at first it was
>Got a job TIG welding stainless steel I did
>3000$ a month starting it is
Not bad Rowe, not bad.
>Become a welder he said
>It's in high demand he said
>Became a welder I did
>Was hard finding a job at first it was
>Got a job TIG welding stainless steel I did
>3000$ a month starting it is
Not bad Rowe, not bad.
Other urls found in this thread:
this better fucking be the case, I'm in school for welding right now because I didn't want to buy into the college meme and spend 4 years paying for the privilege of getting fucked in the ass by leftists
If there aren't fucking jobs I'm not gonna be happy
he used to be a fucking opera singer
Enjoy your automation faggots.
Hope you can reskill and be the guys babbysitting the machines that do the job you used to do.
>Go to welding school
>Get fond of stick welding and heavy duty welding
>Finish school
>TIG is the most useful
Why didnt anyone stop me?!
I just saw this exact post on Krautchan
what the fuck
In the states, there are a fuck ton of welding jobs man you don't even fucken know.
You'll be alright.
Just don't weld like this and you'll be fine.
>this is what college cucks actually believe
buttmad because no one hired you to recite ancient poetry you faggot?
wayy ahead of you, also learning robotics.
Fucking hate arc welding
TIG is so much nicer
Go to the netherlands and work in a shipyard, they need stick and fluxcore guys.
Huge amounts of welding operations are already automated.
Construction site welding is far from being automated so im safe
Other than fab shops, you can also find work at big, industrial plants, Michelin, Bridgestone, etc.
Which trade should I get into over here in BC? I have this whole HVAC thing set up but I'm really considering some other stuff.
You guys have any recommendations?
I have been considering joining the airforce tbqh.
Lol, Automation Engineer here. It's all true and I bank $2000 plus a week. Useless trades people will just become mindless part loaders for my machinery creations.
Fake and gay. Also, good luck getting a robot to do residential electrical. Plenty of trades will be safe from automation.
Well of course electricians will be safe, plumbers too. But "useless trades" like welder a will be replaced.
And keep thinking this is fake and gay. I'm 33, consulted for over 7 years now and make $50 an hr regular rate.
Fuck, maybe I should get into welding.
I'll be studying HVAC in the fall.
How fucked am I?
>Automation Engineer here
No your not
How may robots you know of that weld underwater?
Fitup, small scale Production, ect..
>I'll be studying HVAC in the fall.
I'm not sure about your area, but here in NC it's a good job, but once you start your own business it's an incredible job due to the markup on installed units.
Our fucking trains aren't even automated. Trucking is nowhere near being automated; I doubt we even see it being fully automated in our life time.
That said, suggesting that a company is going to develop and sell a robot that can perform on job sites and offset costs to the point that it's COST EFFECIENT and the MAJORITY? For welders? No, not anytime soon.
I know it's all fancy and simplistic online, away from job sites. But in reality, we are decades and decades away. And I'm not even a welder and my job is so far removed from being replaced by a robot. I have no dog in this fight but quit being so naive.
Electrician sounds like a better idea. Since automation can't mess with those.
Place im at now buys 750k robot to weld bullshit we make production of,
took about six months to get this thing to be able to make anything, still most items need to be completely redesigned around this process, You know how much faster it is? twice as fast worth it?
Enjoy 140 degree attics in the summer and no work in the winter.
Markup is shit. The going rate for any install is $1000 US a ton. That's ANY company.
Electrician. HVAC. Plumber. Carpenter. Boiler rooms. Controls. I mean there are so many trades that cannot be replaced by a robot anytime soon.
We find it amazing that they've got self balancing robots and robots able to lift amazing weights. But they're nearly always hard wired. Robots will do easy, repetitive tasks, no doubt. But diagnosing a problem and using fine dexterity to fix it? The fuck out of here.
I want to learn how to weld but I don't feel like going to classes. I'm thinking about just finding some old guy that has a metal shop and see if he will teach me for a few bucks.
HVAC or electrical.
You do know the H stands for heating, right? Local company in Atlanta that I've subbed for literally has 4 guys on the road who's entire job for months on end is to perform residential PMs throughout fall and winter (really doesn't get cold down here until late December). The rest of the fleet handles CMs for residential and commercial properties.
Furnaces and heaters and steam equipment go bad just like everything else.
wow i cant wait to become an underwater welder and die at 40 years old due to the extreme stress that job puts on your body
>being this retarded
>tfw 3.5 years into biology degree at a liberal university but got expelled for making discriminatory comments during a diversity seminar
Just fuck my shit up senpai. I fell for the liberal sciences meme. I don't know what to do with my life, I want to get into a trade but literally don't know any related to the biological sciences
Welding is ok. It's slowly being automated though. Manufacturing is being replaced first. There are still jobs in it but they are getting hard to find.
The real money is in pipeline welding but you have to move around a lot and get laid off a lot too. I have seen some automation in this though.
Still it's one of the higher paying and steady careers there are.
Good on you OP, I dropped out of university when I realized It's a waste of time and am gonna start school to become an automation mechanic myself.
go to northern Germany's shipyards, much closer than the Netherland
i support your stupid country by buying Swedish made electrodes
finish ur degree elsewhere
join the military
status, bennies, pay, comraderie, you'll be able to save so much money as well
I meant as an officer...
>have a disability making me legally blind and unable to drive or go places and extremely painful in bright area like daytime sunlight
>live of SSD
>be basically a drain on society / nigger tier
>OPs taxes allow me to sit here and shitpost all day
Thanks OP ( sincerely )
That's a trade? seems like so much fun!
kind of what I expected being an engineer would be like when I was a kid, fixing cool robots n shiet.
>tfw ee major, will probably just make spreadsheets and program little shit in my career instead of tinkering with automotrons
Fast Brick Robotics
Welders dont actual weld anything at the more sophisticated production lines. They do it in shipyards, construction sites, etc where the bots cant go.
I dont know anyone in the trade but I hear it makes good money.
You know what? Im finishing an EE master's degree and I would love to instantly trade my knowledge (and lost time) in exchange for such a professional skill. The era of the "engineer" is fucking over. Companies only retain a few of them, usually highly experienced with many years in the company. The rest do the same work as technicians, while being less valuable at the same time, due to the lack of training and preparation. "Practical trades" are now the right way!
That's a good point. if you do work at a single location, you might be up for replacement. But if you're out in the field or are used in many areas, you're probably cheaper to employ than a robot.
>sitting in crew truck right now waiting for them to get here to go to work
>just became a journeyman welder about 2 weeks ago
>making 40$/h now working on a 8050 drag line fixing cracks.....
>22 years old. Lel
Alot of my Pals on jewbook are in debt up to their eye balls and I have none...
What car u drive
this actually seems like a viable option.
how long does the training/studying goes for?
>there are people on Sup Forums who aren't welders
alot of jobs are gonna be automated, most industrial welding already is. But there will always be a place for people who glue / take apart two pieces of metal. It just isn't something that benefits from mechanical precision
>thinks physical labor = dying at 40
yeah we all know you want to be a worthless sack of old shit sucking every penny out of the young to keep your defunct ass alive.
>Become a welder he said
>It's in high demand he said
>Became a welder I did
>Was hard finding a job at first it was
>Got a job welding tungsten titanium steel
>350$ a month is top
Now pic related totally makes sense to me.
>it's a welding thread
>muh beads
>muh flux
Fuck off, pricks.
>isn't something that benefits from mechanical precision
Get a load of this fuckwit.
>got expelled for making discriminatory comments during a diversity seminar
>doesn't give details
What the fuck are you doing? Storytime now.
You're not American so you can't sign the dirty work pledge
V8 hemI dodge charger r/t
And fight the college meme. We need more skilled trades.
not your fault user, it's a disability
hang in there bud
My man
How much does it cost to get drunk every day in Russia?
That will tell me how bad $350/month actually is.
Did someone get drunk and barf metal all over that? I've never welded and I can tell that is fucking awful.
>Enjoy 140 degree attics in the summer
Or be a plumber and play in shit.
But even plumbers can specialize in sprinkler installs and shit.
You know that underwater welders are a very small and elite percentage of welders right, and you literally have to be a fucking Navy SEAL to get into the trade and like another user said, it's hell on your body because of decompression sickness
what you are doing is like defending taking up boxing as a career choice.
There will always be a place for welders. Welding machines are usually very specialized and only cost efficient when used for mass production.
Also, not every small company can afford to make welding robots. It's a day-to-day job and you don't know beforehand what kind of work you'll get. Welding pipes of all sorts in all sorts of environments is needed for many jobs, who then proceed to contract welders to do it for them.
>Trucking is nowhere near being automated
I know a guy who used to be one, he says every year after about 5 years of doing the job is like taking 3 years off your life. His body is beat to shit too...shitty deal.
>thinks underwater welding is just like regular welding
>Enjoy your automation faggots.
You can't automate every welding need. You can only automate the repetitive ones.
If you think automation is affordable, just look up the cost of an automated welding system.
>he thinks the bends are just a meme
>There are Australian males who don't work in the mining business
Literally cuckolds, watching how other men make damn good money
Lol welding isn't something a robot can do...yet.
Stupid liberal arts faggot
kek that's either surface is too dirty, speed and heat.
Thinking about switching from electrician to carpenter lads
enjoy your skin cancer
>But "useless trades" like welder a will be replaced.
when? tomorrow?
why not become a welder and make good money for the time being?
I wouldn't. Now that's a shitty low-paying trade. I dunno how it is in Finland but a m8 of mine was working as a carpenter for $12/hour as a journeyman before he said fuck it and became a used car salesman.
actually a friend of mine worked as a welder out of school, ended up underwater for a few years by hanging out with the right folks at a bar in portland.
Saved enough to go back to school in vancouver learned computer animation and worked for a few years behind a desk fixing up wrestling mocap.
guy grew up poor, still never spent any money as a pretty well paid animator. I think he went back to portland and is working on cars.
Pic related is open root 6010 and 7018 fill and cap welds I did to become a journeyman
Honestly, welders are definitely not in that category of easy to automate due to the flexibility in what a welder has to to do and observe. In the same way that most repairmen themselves are relatively safe from automation due to the wide variety of tasks they'll have to account for.
It realistically isn't. Do you have a flying car yet?
automatization will soon be banned for causing mental stagnation
>he doesn't want to do anything with his life because everything will just become automated anyway
Grandest of keks, enjoy your NEET life.
>ABB hasn't been building welding robots since the 1990s
>trades aren't in high demand at all here
>the starting salary is always minimum wage
I fucking loathe this country. The only jobs in demand seem to be in restauration, services, sales, mall cops, and wiping old people' asses. For minimum wage, of course.
Yeah pay would be significantly less and ano its not on skilled trade shortage list in can/aus so guess i need to stick with wires.
Just like building stuff out of wood more than Playing around with cables
I learned that stuff in high school. I know MIG and TIG. And I'm now studying mechanical engineering. Our high schools aren't like yours, can you become technician for mechatronics through high school?
Pretty sure france is now a tourist destination now. That's what feel like what it has become as an outsider
How do I become a certified welder?
Be sure to get more """refugees""" to fill those jobs too!
Around 3-4$, if you wanna get wasted as fuck.
We're still over a decade away from series-production of fully automated trucks. That's not a number I'm pulling out of my ass, that's from Daimler.
$350 sounds a lot more reasonable then..
The whole point to dirty jobs was that you didn't have to get a college degree to have a good job. Education does happen for these jobs, yes starting out sucks because low man on totem pole. But... The reward from having this skill and experience is what makes it worthwhile.
I'm a heavy equipment mechanic. I have a degree in applied sciences. Its not some glorious job. But honesty in humble work that brings happiness is much better than stressing out in a position where you are stuck dealing with the nonsense of a toxic environment.
I've worked in a factory and let me say, making a decent wage in a world where people have a sense of humor, thick skin and calling someone on their bull shit while helping you is a comradery the office space will never understand.
Anyways, a trade is a specialist in that field but that doesn't make them uneducated. Taking a lower paying job doesn't make them worth less. Sometimes those get you in a position to become even better.
Most importantly, what matters is you are happy doing what you do for a living.
That's what tradesman are. They are skilled and are able to get the job done.
>Go to uni
>Get STEMeme degree
>Lol no jobs
>Did websites as a hobby, look for jobs online
>100 job offers, no degree required
>200k and I'm just getting started.
Everything went better than expected.
basically what are the steps from being a neet with zero job experience to someone who works in the field?
Just go on strike during a period of national crisis. Aka blackmail your employer.