Daily reminder that if you don't didn't buy winrar, you're cheaper than a jew like me
Jews aren't cheap
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying winrar
good goy
why would you buy a piece of shit program? it shouldn't even be used
>Using a closed source OS
>dissing winrar
I'll let this one slide, Premium New Zealand
Shut up and get in the oven.
That feel when I paid for winrar and OP still won't let a gentile like me touch his food or utensils.
To be completely honest? Just to start these threads
He's dead, dude.
winrar is objectively shit. if you are a wangblows user, just use 7zip instead
i'm onto you, merchant
Fuck WinRAR
7zip is where it's at you filthy kike
Bcus he has a life?
>In israel
>Calls self Jew
>Israel having a physical representation as a state is blasphemy to orthodox jewry.
>Doesn't kill self somehow
Oy vey
>not using the FREEWARE command line versions
>be israeli jew
>spend money just for the heck of it
>show it on Sup Forums
>''oy vey those jew merchants are so fucking cheap and lame''
Why would you use begware when 7z does the same shit
>Using WinRAR
>Not using 7zip
Jews may not be cheap, but they sure are stupid
> jew buys winrar
> Sup Forums BTFO
It's just for packing files and unpacking files, which it does. How is it shit
Please, install mint and go back to You are dumb for not using 7-Zip, which is free and does the same thing (maybe can open more archive formats)
you fags do realize my screencap is almost 4 years old right
>tfw I don't use 7zip cause I don't like the icons
I'm a shit
>hey you cheap jew, stop spending money, try this free shit instead
Yeah but you're terrorist-state is 67 years, that's what matters here.
>using nonfree software
I'm surprised you didn't say I probably bought it with american cash
Why are the walking ashes allowed to post freely on here
The price is worth the program.
I don't know how to pirate it anyway, so I don't mind paying a little to use it.
Oy vey, I better keep this shekel in my pocket instead giving it to Roshal!
>ever paying for software you can pirate
>ever paying for music you can pirate
>ever paying for tv you can pirate
>ever paying for films you can pirate
Pretty silly, save your money for things that actually have worth
>they literally did it for free
People actually buy winrar? Top fucking kek
I thought Canada is supposed to be that nice guy high IQ introvert
you're missing the whole point of the thread
Sorry i only use free as in freedom software
>The price is worth the program.
But it isn't. 7zip is open source and performs better than winrar.
Just about every mainstream Linux distro works out of the box these days. If you're too much of a retard to install media codecs then you could install Mint or Ubuntu like Ivan here
>everyone starts doing this
>nobody can produce anything because they lack the funding
>we revert back to the stone age
Gzip, god's zip archive program
>not using free 7-zip
Attention all Libertarians. Gary Johnson has SOLD OUT to Soros and company. Don't waste your vote, VOTE TRUMP 2016!
Watch short video with proof.
>Daily reminder that if you don't didn't buy winrar, you're cheaper than a jew like me
I'm using 7zip.
nice digits
and true point
>have to make one extra left click but pay $0
>don't have to make one extra left click but pay $30
>"you're cheaper than a jew"
Nah, you're a cunt.
A good goy always picks up the slack, nice digits by the way.
>living where doing porn is acceptable and common to feed your kids
But how will not using a paid version of Winrar get me any (you's) on 4channel?
people stop mass producing shit tier media for profit
people only make media out of a passion to do so
standards go up
>every tech iliterate normie faggot ever
Just fucking use PeaZip.
Shit can extract 180+ file formats, and is open sourced.
It can't create RAR, but no programs can without paying royalties to WinRAR, and if you were using RAR instead of 7z you were already being retarded.
yea its not like jews own 90% of porn you donkey
Bought it just for you.
OP here and I vouch for this
Yes, goyim, buy more just for me.
All Indians are Jews. Also casual racism against the merchants is acceptable. If you are from the merchant caste, you can safely be assumed to be a miserable.
If an Indian can save money on his parents' funeral, he will. The only time an Indian loosens his purse is during a wedding.
Even my state's governor said he is a proud pirate and watches camrips of movies the day they come out. You can't outjew Indians.
>open source software doesn't exist
I'll pirate things like Game of Thrones that is hugely successful and that I can't afford. But when I eventually get some cash and can afford it I'll just buy the DVD collection and delete the .mkv's off my external HDD to save space.
>implying there would be any incentive to make better and better products because people would just copy it instead of paying for it anyway
>he unironically believes the world runs off of passion
this is something that a 3rd grader should be able to grasp.
thx m8s
No. Going out in the fields or streets is free. If I poo in loo I'll have to pay for the maintenance of the toilet and the plumbing.
I don't know why every time someone mentions WinRAR people start talking about 7zip. 7zip fucking sucks. It has a terrible UI and there are some rudimentary flaws (like some issues with drag'n'drop). Just about every other free alternative will be better.
High tier
>they dont use GNU utilities
And how do you think the people who develop open source software make a living, numbnuts? If they have another job it's either patreon blogfagging or sucking dick in a dark ally
>maintenance of the toilet and the plumbing
>streets are built for free
Actually, WinRar is better at compressing AV media (particularly media) than the 7z format. Not sure about xz though/
Paying for WinRar is pretty dumb though.
Or they also work on non-open source software.
Or, like Linus Torvald, make a website like GitHub.
particularly video*
i just use jzip because almost nothing i ever use needs winrar. free ware used to compress and decompress data is more commonly used who would have thought
Most of them are university faculty, grad students or researchers funded by companies like IBM or Google or Oracle
>Not using a winrar keygen/crack
ahahhaha faggots
>people being this autistic over winrar
All it does is unpack shit and works exactly as it's supposed to like this guy said.
>people only make media out of a passion to do so
Nah, fuck it, m8.
Passion only gets you so far and then you understand that you either have to do everything very slowly saving every cent for tools you need or you just ask for money and do your shit quickly.
>or they also work on non-open source software
EXACTLY, because that makes them money. The original point of the guy I was responding too was talking about pirating everything not just fucking winrar
Except winrar is freeware with a pop-up.
Removing that is all you're paying for.
Doesn't even qualify as shareware.
I pirated winrar
Term is nagware.
>Using proprietary software.
Use fucking 7zip
And why would you fucking buy winrar?
>I don't know how to pirate it anyway
WinRar? I don't know if it's changed, but it used to be just download the trial -> never upgrade to premium, and ignore the boxes constantly shilling for money.
>Implying anyone will bother to maintain the streets
>Implying roads aren't a one-time affair
>Implying shitting in a field isn't actually productive.
Disappointed from you, Jew.
Why not invest the money into an extra HDD instead of DVD's
Because that would defeat the whole purpose of why he would go and buy the DVD's in the first place?
>buy WinRAR
Since when did it cost money? I don't remember ever paying for it.
technically it doesn't cost anything but they will "strongly recommend" that you buy their product every time you use it.
Everything on the internet is free. Where there there's a will, there's a way.
>Actually, WinRar is better at compressing AV media (particularly media) than the 7z format
Where are you getting this from? What do you mean by "better"?
>Updated: June 30, 2016
>Movies - 66.1MB (4 FLV, 3 AVI)
>WinZip - 58.9 MB
>WinRAR - 55.1 MB
>7-Zip - 54.0 MB
>Microsoft Zip - 59.0 MB
>I took 1.47 GBs of videos (different formats), images (RAW and other formats), documents (PDF, Office files, etc) and music files (MP3, M4A, etc) and passed them through each compression utility with default settings.
>Windows 7 ZIP - 1.21 GB (17.6% reduction)
>Windows 10 ZIP - 1.21 GB (17.6% reduction)
>7-ZIP - 1.11 GB (24.4% reduction)
>WinZip - 1.20 GB (18.3% reduction)
>WinRAR - 1.16 GB (21.0% reduction)
>WinRar is better at compressing AV media (particularly media) than the 7z format
>implying i will ever have to compress av media
all i know and care about is 7z is free and opens all the shit i download without a pop up
I actually can't seem to find the comparisons I saw from years ago... guess I will have to concede this one for now.
Yeah, video compression has gotten so good recently it's a moot point. Hell the other day I downloaded an HD torrent of a TV show and realized the files were smaller than the old SD version I had, despite being higher resolution, better audio and bitrate.
i made this for you kike-senpai
>I'm only pretending to be retarded