Why NATO is building a European(US) missile defense system around Russia?
Why NATO is building a European(US) missile defense system around Russia?
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Making it painfully obvious they want nuclear war
What are these for?
In case nuclear bomb goes off?
its not for russia its for iran
why do u think lol
>they want nuclear war
Who want it? Whole NATO or just a couple of jews?
> defense system
> its NATO that wants war
Holy fuck your guys mental gymnastics are hilarious
Nato surrounds russia with anti-missile systems and then invades unimpeded
>missile defences in Romania
>they are for Iran
really makes you think
NATO has been looking for a chance to fuck over Russia since Crimea, so they decided to try out some new tech
Looks like firefighting equipment. Stuff catches on fire more often than you think.
>defense system
Which can be also used for attack.
What do you think happens if you launch one of those bad boys on a dry bit of tundra?
Just like the """defensive""" war that NATO fought in the balkans, right?
>he doesn't know the un united Jews and NATOs endgame is nuclear holocaust for all the goyim
They say it's against Iran
>nuclear holocaust for all the goyim
But why do they want this? What is a reason for killing of all goys?
>defensive system can't be used for attack
If you nuke us your the first one dead.
I guess nobody wants those "from the grave" medals
Its called aggressive defence. Its practically a declaration of war.
NATO fought that war because Europe was going to look like Rwanda unless they intervened, and Russia wanted because the Serbs are loyal cocksuckers and will gratefully expand sphere of Russian influence
Because Russians have more missiles than rubles?
No Goys = Zion
Everything will just work itself out if you get rid of all the genetic impurities.
To tell Russia to fuck off and not bother anyone.
>the Serbs are loyal cocksuckers
since when is being loyal a flaw you cocksucker?
The systems are genuinely defending against Iran. We couldn't stop 10,000 MIRV'd Russian missiles but we could use it to stop 5 simple Iranian missiles (possibly nuclear tipped). Also the positioning of the missile defence in Poland doesn't make any sense, Russia has subs everywhere in the world and can attack America over the north pole. Poland is perfectly positioned to catch Iranian missiles heading towards London/Paris/Germany though.
American geopolitical goal is to gain full control of the Caspian and the resources there. Ideally, Americans want to color revolution Russia and make it another vassal state. The goal is world domination ofc
>since when is being loyal to another country that's not your own and wants to use you as a proxy bad
People actually believe this shit lol
Because the missiles used in that system are indistinguishable from first-strike nuclear missiles.
That's why. It's why USA flipped shit when the Soviets we're bringing their missiles to Cuba. Russia would be flipping shit (and kinda are) but they are in a much weaker position these days and have like half the world against them thx to good old american mass media propaganda.
Did you even read The Grand Chessboard?
So here you state that NATO fought an offensive war to counter Russia in geopolitical sense, but you refuse to acknowledge that the playing field is actually the whole Eurasian land mass?
Missile shields are a threat to nuclear deterrence
Nuclear deterrence prevented ww3
>one book is going to tell you all you need to know about US foreign policy because it never changes and also this one guy knows everything about what the government's plans are because he was involved in arming commies once
There I state that NATO fought a DEFENSIVE war to counter your country's genocide policies, and Russia didn't do anything about said genocide because they want a greater Serb sphere of influence which ultimately also means Russian influence because guess who's their biggest ally in the Balkans. NATO literally doesn't give a shit about Balkans and if you played nice and didn't try to kill everyone around you they wouldn't even be there. Or am I brainwashed? Have I fallen for the ultimate Western conspiracy? Serb dindu nuffins? Russia doesn't care about the Balkans either?
To defend against missiles, I guess. What else a missile defense would be good for?
>Why NATO is building a European(US) missile defense system around Russia?
It isn't building missile defense around Russia at the moment.
It's building missile defenses around middle-east and North-Korea. Against potentially unstable potential minor nuclear powers.
Eastern Europe is a shitty place to shoot down Russian ICBM's heading towards US, but it's perfect place for mid course interception against missiles launched from middle-east against US or terminal phase interception for missiles launched from middle-east to Europe.
>The systems are genuinely defending against Iran. We couldn't stop 10,000 MIRV'd Russian missiles but we could use it to stop 5 simple Iranian missiles (possibly nuclear tipped). Also the positioning of the missile defence in Poland doesn't make any sense, Russia has subs everywhere in the world and can attack America over the north pole. Poland is perfectly positioned to catch Iranian missiles heading towards London/Paris/Germany though.
Russian subs have relatively long range missiles. Those aren't deployed everywhere. Russian way of using missile submarines has been same since 80's when they got missiles that they can launch from relatively close to their own bases. Set up herding area in arctic, focus anti-submarine resources there to keep NATO SSN's away from their SSBN's. To get into Atlantic Russians need to cross GIUK sosus line. NATO can relatively easily intercept and start to shadow any Russian submarine crossing it.
Russia doesn't have 10000 MIRV'd missiles. Never had and numbers are going down. Current treaties allow 1550 warheads and 700 active launchers. Russia at the moment has 521 active launchers (including reserve they have total 856 launchers) and 1735 active warheads, so they are bit late as usual implementing shit they have agreed upon. US has 741 active launchers (878 total) and 1485 active warheads.
t.Big Boss
Because of pic related.
Europe will never be truly safe until Russia exists as a continental power. It must be dismantled.
Imagine that there are Africans living next door with a first world arsenal.
There you have it...
>Eastern Europe is a shitty place to shoot down Russian ICBM's heading towards US, but
but ist's a perfect place for the first strike
>Fought a defensive war
>against Yugoslavia
>Yugoslavia didn't attack any NATO member
>a defensive war
Also, Zbigniew was anti-communist, he didn't arm them.
You have no knowledge on the subject.
>NATO literally doesn't give a shit about Balkans and if you played nice and didn't try to kill everyone around you they wouldn't even be there. Or am I brainwashed? Have I fallen for the ultimate Western conspiracy? Serb dindu nuffins? Russia doesn't care about the Balkans either?
Yes that must be why the US demanded independence for Kosovo defying all the international laws that exist, thus setting a precedent for happenings like Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Crimea.
Of course, the US having built the largest military base[1] in there, smack in the middle of the Balkans had nothing to do with the war...
The Balkans is important and both Russia and the US care deeply for it. The US saw an opportunity to take it during the war while Russia was weak, and that's what they did. The genocide etc were all lies. Yes people die in war but it was not worse from one side to the next. Kosovar muslim militias literally summarily executed serb civilians in the area, yet this was all ignored. US reporters went to the areas, took pictures of the dead and said THE SERBS DID IT. Then they bombed to Chinese embassy in Belgrade too just because they fucking could.
Now, because there are countries in NATO with investigative journalism and rule of law, we know that ALL the American claims made for the war were total lies, just like for the Iraq war, here's a German documentary where they absolutely slaughter all the arguments presented for the war:
im a god, and if you dont understand me you stand under me. mothafuka
Well you are only partly right. It goes way deeper than that.
The zionist satanic death-cult from babylon being blamed for ruling the world, have been at war against Russian Empire since the time of Russian Tsars.
The Royals in Europe are all related, including related with Tsars in Russia. Then Russia didnt accept being stepped on. Then all Tsars were killed in X years ago.
The Cabal have also hurt Russia alot, but never managed to really control her from end-to-end.
100 years ago the Rothschild made a contract of controlling and running Central Bank of Russia. This 100-year-lease ended in year 2013 or 2014.
Central Bank control is the ultimate tool needed to control a country.
Putin decided to nationalise (take back control) of Russian Central Bank in Year 2014-2015, which was previously controlled by a foreign state - City of London (Rothschild-controlled).
This the Zionist Cabal didnt like. Then they decided to crash the oil market and go all-in on war with Russia. Thats why Nato is beefing up its army, thats why all these missile shields pops up out of no-where.
They are prepared yet another mass-scale attack on Russia.
As was done in both World Wars, as was done before that in history.
There are only 5 countries in the world who control their own Central Bank (correct me if Im wrong), and those countries are Russia, China, Syria, Iran, North Korea.
These 5 countries most be totally destroyed, and the most important piece is the Central Bank.
If the Russian State falls, the whole world will fall.
Western liberals who "hate" Russia dont understand that, Russia is protecting them, because if Russia starts a war everyone will die.
The longer the patience Russia got, the longer we will all live, and they know this.
But God damn Zionists are poking them.
Sooner or later it must be war, however people are starting to wake up. Much thank to the internet.
TTIP is control internet, and all media, if so, its over.
>but ist's a perfect place for the first strike
First strike weaponry that could be deployed to Europe hasn't existed since late 80's or early 90's thanks to Intermeadiate range Nuclear Forces treaty. US and Russian nuclear arsenals do not include intermediate or medium range ballistic missiles or ground launched nuclear cruise missiles due to that treaty and destabilizing effect those had on cold war.
(((defense system)))
Kosovo was US backup plan in case EU would drift appart from under their influence. Permanent base SIGINT in Europe in case rest of Europe decided to prioritize their own interests over American interests.
cause russia is a threat
ignore the threat of immigration
ignore the globalist shill
be a good goyim, hate the russians
no reason, they're just evil (like you hans, isn't that what you've been wanting all this time?)
>cause russia is a threat
but NATO is threat for Russia, what do? Nuclear war?
I smell Analbanian
About Central Bank of Russia: anonhq.com
A Nations power is its army, who is controlled by the State, the State gets its funding from the economy, and the Central Bank controls the money supply.
Control the Central Bank and you control it all.
Sooner or later the army needs to upgrade its tech, if you limit the money supply etc the army will suffer.
Dont you remember the quote from one Rothschild?
Amschel Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1838:
"Let me issue and control a Nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws".
And in all this events going on, US have the fucking balls to ask to prolong a Nuclear-Treaty on short range Nukes.
Fucking Zionists puppies, building missile shield on Russias boarder and putting them online have just opened Pandoras Box.
Stalemate and hope economic sanctions destroy them like the USSR was destroyed.
where else would we but it
>just nuke my shit up senpai
Not this time, buddy, not this time...
Did Hitler really say this?
>There are only 5 countries in the world who control their own Central Bank
wtf is this bullshit? most countries control their own central bank with low percentage of private share
False sense of security.
Fucking Americucks tricked yuros into building FIXED missile sites
Good ole western vs eastern roman empire rivalry escalated.
>thousands of movies are going to tell you all you need to know about US foreign policy because it never changes and also these guys (((Jewwood))) know everything about what the government's plans are because they were involved in arming kebabs multiple times
It's in their national interest to be a proxy of russia rather than the US, since geopolitics.
If my assumption that these defense systems are designed to shoot down missiles eg Nukes possibly. Then they would obviously be expecting something to happen soon.
But the question is from who and why ?
Also where exactly are they around Russia is it on the outskirts of Russia's borders ?
lastly can anyone fill me in on NATO and what they're affiliation with Russia is ?
it's true
to weaken russias geopolitical power by negating its nuclear threat to europe. Muricas policy regarding russia since ww2 has always been of isolation and weakening.
yes he did
its called "Hitler's Table Talks"
His most extreme views recorded during the war by his archivists.
Oh shut up Germany
>m-m-muh defense systems, ebil america!!!
>fucktons of russian armed forces in kaliningrad are perfectly ok
PTSD much, Polen?
i'll bite
why are slavs drunkards? because western merchants brought alcohol into russia to destroy its people
turkey was created for one single purpose - to oppose russia
the wet dream of the west led by USA is to take control over russia's rich natural resources and clay
Europe will never be truly safe until USA exists as a global superpower. It must be dismantled.
and it sure will, look what's going on in there
the FED has stopped printing
the global financial reset is closer than you think
>fucktons of russian armed forces in kaliningrad are perfectly ok
>fucktons of russian armed forces in russia are perfectly ok
meanwhile you guys have burgers playing wargames in your forests
wake up, poland
Do you want some love from Russia in 1968 style?
>actual russia
>implying there is any other purpose for kaliningrad than russian military base closer to europe
>Holy fuck your guys mental gymnastics are hilarious
Germany shut the fuck up , you guys along with your glorious leader MERKEL ruined Europe.
I wouldn't be talking about mental gymnastics if I were you Germany pic related.
There was a liberal coup going on in Prague at that time and even NATO forces were prepared to attack Czechoslovakia from Germany. Vasil Biľak then REQUESTED the soviet troops to come to CS. So it was not an invasion, they were invited.
explain this picture
a missile shield breaks MAD (mutual assured destruction) which is the only reason nuclear war didnt break out
having a missile shield means the russians have to go back to the massive cold war era yields to offset the fact that they cant hit the target accurately.
they already detonated a 50mt yield h-bomb in the cold war, and that was a downgraded version. the original was meant to be 100mt (using a uranium tamper instead of lead). the "downgraded" version was so powerful the shockwave could be measured as it went around the earth, six times over. there is no limit to how big you can make them.
Let me guess how it'll go.
>US building a missile defense system surrounding Russia
>Russia can't into nuclear strike
>Then, somehow, some kind of revolution starts in Russia to have "democracy"
>"OMG we have to help these rebels, Putin is evil!"
Because NATO is islamophile and russophobe
Merkel didn't do shit! Shut your whore mouth!
there is no nato base in poland
bases in middle east have nothing to do with russia, same for central asia (war with terrorism in afghanistan), korea, japan etc.
Friends in the battle
and the bottle
>pics for later. ;)
the russians arent retarded, all of their nukes are mobile now. they can put them on a submarine and send those subs anywhere in the world and launch nukes from there. they could also just invade a nearby country and park and ICBM near the border and simply threaten to blow away the nearest NATO country with some crazy high yield bomb. rumor has it that they've also developed rockets that fly so fast that you can't shoot them down, rendering a missile shield useless.
The same reasons burgers went to the moon
Because burgers are retarded
ALL government vehicles carry fire extinguishers.
everything from tanks to on base shuttle vans.
go fuck an emu you pompous little prick
I'll give you that, but you have a missile complex
>bases in middle east have nothing to do with russia, same for central asia
oh really? then explain 8.8.2008 (protip Saakashvili was a bootlicker of US)
US wants the middle eastern war to pour into Russia through the Caucasus region
>why are slavs drunkards? because western merchants brought alcohol into russia to destroy its people
Explain this shit to me.
that was a cold war plan, my bad
yeah but anyway
Because we are gonna attack you.
Don't you believe in this?
Look news or, better, check twitter, there are same honest hardworking guys like you who can see it.
So you need more military base, soldiers and equipment. Which USA gladly sell to you.
You don't quite understand.
This would be a catastrophe for Europe.
But the USA would survive the confrontation relatively unscathed. This is the whole point, and the reason for these actions here. They want a scenario where they can win a nuclear war. Losing Europe? No biggie.
Found a genuine stalinist.
Almost all of those bases are small logistics bases that Russia agreed for after 9/11 needed for Afghanistan war. Only major new US base in Europe since cold war has been Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo. Since end of cold war a shit ton of NATO bases have been closed.
>since Crimea
Genoan merchants brought Vodka into Russia in the 14th century. At that time, Russia was absolutely straight edge (paganism). Russians didn't want to drink it, because alcohol was frowned upon. Later, the Genoan merchants (btw Genoa used to be the world's central power before 12th century) sold it as a healing drink, and even gave it away for free. Basically, the Russians were Jewed. Then many centuries later, Alcohol was made illegal and Soviet Union won WW2 because the fighting generation was raised alcohol-free. Then in the 60s, alcohol was being promoted again as part of the cold war. And after the breakup of SU, Russia became a colony of USA and began drinking itself to death. Now, Putin is saving Russia and many young people in Russia don't drink nowadays.
>Hey Russia, we'll build those nuclear shields around you if that's okay?
>Oh right, we also wanted to ask you to sign this thing so that you agree to cut your nuclear stockpile :^)