Sup Forums and the homos

How does Sup Forums actually think about the homo? Does Sup Forums hate the homo does Sup Forums approve of the homo, why does Sup Forums think like this?

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Bunch of fags.


Fags is listed in the dictionary to mean that, but I take this as a derogatory term so why do you disapprove of them? Is your hatred unfounded or have any real reason behind it?

I was indifferent until I saw their reaction to the Orlando shooting. They all sided with moslems against le oppressing hislomophobic cisman.

Fucking disgusting people with not a shred of morals or self awareness.

>inb4 m-muh based Milo
If you fall for that meme you should kill yourself.

I don't care. Just keep it to yourself, I don't share the fact that I'm straight.

I was molested by a gay man when I was nine, they can all burn in fire.

>I was indifferent until I saw their reaction to the Orlando shooting. They all sided with moslems against le oppressing hislomophobic cisman.
>Fucking disgusting people with not a shred of morals or self awareness.
This was a few of them a large chunk of them wanted to stop letting them in, also some of them even wanted to throw muslims into Auschwitz over it

Petty much.

Did it make you gay. I heard most fags got molested and sucking cock is a coping mechanism that makes it normal.

That individual one can burn in fire all rapists and pedophiles should be put to death like the rabid dogs they are. Alot of unmarried uncles feel their nephews and so, do we burn all single uncles?

pretty much*
>faggots not getting send to "Auschwitz" aswell
Dumb sheepnigger

I was never molested
Calling me a sheepnigger is uncalled for, we have cows, pigs, chickens and other animals too.

Not really, but I like to suck on realistic penis dildos and put them up my ass. It makes me feel a certain excitement I felt the first time he did that to me.

>minorities who aren't part of a hivemind are a meme

The sooner the right gets out of people's bedrooms and back into economics, the better.

Exactly, they oppose totalitarianism for freedoms yet say being gay is wrong or they shouldn’t be able to marry, isn’t that slightly totalitarian in itself

I don't care as long as you're not a pedophile. I have gay friends who were molested by older men.

I don't mind if two adults wanna suck some dick, not my cup of tea, but there's nothing wrong with it.

Where I start to draw the line is them trying to force their gay culture on everyone. Pride parades and the way they attack the Christian community (not the muslims ironically) is pretty shit. Also the stereotypical gay guy is annoying as fuck.

Tl;dr: Homosexuality isn't too bad, it's just most faggots are annoying, loud and pack a shitty whiners.

They are mentally ill and sick, don't let anyone change your mind on that.
To reproduce in nature you have to have a male and a female, no 2 males, not 2 females, not a trasntesticle with no brain and no balls with a female.
Male + Female = a new born

It occurs in nature, some cases of same sex animal couples raising offspring neglected by heterosexual animal couples

There's retards both gay and straight, it's just that our retards happen to be a bit louder. Plenty of gays were pushing for gun ownership and denouncing Islam.

But do they reproduce duo to it? NO.

Fuck off kike.

I don't care where people like to put their genitals, but when people start expressing pride in where they put their genitals I take notice and call them faggots.

so many redundant questions.
Default OP fag as always.

It's true.

Not redundant homophobia>mental illness> seek help > tax drain
Stop being homophobic its just stupid and a waste
Pride is only because people are homophobic and they lash out against it, I’m fine with the idea of pride but what it is in reality is degenerate with them all tied up and half naked in streets with children watching thats bad

For a like he's pretty based

>How does Sup Forums actually think about the homo?

I'm in favour of anything that'll keep the Muslims at bay. We should line our national borders with gay bars

Pride was born out of a riot against police harassment, we just wanted the odd pub where we could mix with our own kind without troubling anyone else, willingly segregating ourselves.
Only in the last couple decades has it turned into a display of humanity's exhibitionist tendencies, but I'd still say the odd degenerate parade is better for all involved than another Stonewall.

If I could go back in time, I'd probably murder him while he was still working in a ski shop.

You see this is why I'll never support faggots TWO MEN SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED TO RAISE A CHILD

All of you are sick fucking freaks

>Also the stereotypical gay guy is annoying as fuck.
Very true. And the weird thing is they change from normal to that overnight. I've seen a guy going from regalar to complete queen is a few days. Never understood why that is.

Maybe the gaytriarchy busts the kneecaps of those not walking in line.

being fucked in the ass would decrease your testosterone count needs to top once in awhile
They raised a baby and hatched it after the father neglected it

Pride is stupid no matter what you're proud of. Enjoy your preferences, defend them if you have to, but no one gives a shit what you're proud of. It's anti-critical thought.

I have never met anyone who was irrationally afraid of people who like to fuck buttholes. Buzzwords like homophobia and islamophobia are just tools of distraction used by retards who can't make arguments. If there is fear involved in the dislike of gays it's that their mainstream acceptance is another brick on the path away from traditional family values, which are becoming scarce and sorely missed these days. Sounds rational to me.

Also in what way are they "sick freaks" they can raise better than hetero couples sometimes, better for baby to grow up in a checked out and verified gay relationship through an adoption agency than some white trash hooked on drugs woman lowlife

>better for baby to grow up in a checked out and verified gay relationship through an adoption agency than some white trash hooked on drugs woman lowlife

Yup. Focusing on the gays in this issue drags attention away from the much, MUCH more likely source of degeneracy and bad parenting.

Police harass everyone. It's their job. They're mafia goons. Gays should have become anarchists, but, like most people, they're a bunch of faggots who just want to use government to force acceptance of their way of life on others who would otherwise have no connection to them.

Pride is meant to be a huge fuck you to the people that would harm us, not an annual leftist orgy. Sorry on the behalf of every faggot (of which there are many) that don't attend the bloody parades for that reason.
>Never met a homophobe
You're not really their target audience user.

Police are meant to uphold law and in your countries case the constitution

Sup Forums is not one person. 33% don't care, 33% don't like, 33% are gay or approve it
% depends on the time you ask that question.

They should be executed en masse along with their kike enablers

Referring to pol as a collective group not as a single person

Why, any reason for this or is this unfounded or with no reasoning cause in that case you’re just a degenerate that argues solely on feels?

Get fucked sheepfucker, it's because Kikes are nation wreckers and they use fags as their pawns to install Cultural Marxism.

No they don’t, jews maybe bad never heard of sheep fucking in my lifetime don’t you dare

Not an argument

Any prof that jews use gays as a pawn for multiculturalism or are you just Alex Jones making shit up to sell something (homophobia being sold)

Who has time for that shit? Some of us just want the same rights as you and to be left in peace, you'd be moaning again if those damn anarchist shit stabbers were chimping out in the streets every week.
>forcing acceptance
In 28 states of the US we can be fired for being gay, that means upon any proof being presented that we're gay, I am not on the side of those that pushed for gay marriage or all the extra needless shit but that's abhorrent to me. As far as I'm concerned you don't have to like us, but you can fuck right off if you think I'm going to let you or anyone else use what I get up to in my bedroom with the curtains shut as an excuse to treat me as any less of a human being.

>what people do in private doesn't matter

>Look at us, we fuck butts!
>Oh no, people don't like our obnoxious parades!
>Don't they get the message we're trying to send?!
Why didn't you just SAY "fuck you"? Hard jumble that message.

>the law
Worthless. I own myself, and other people own themselves. All police are aggressors, and the constitution is flawed. All government is communist in nature: a group of people trying to centrally plan society. It makes no more sense than centrally planning an economy. Nobody is in control of anything. Morality supercedes law, and is far more effective at keeping people, happy, healthy, and improving.

What would you do to me, Sup Forums?

>In 28 states of the US we can be fired for being gay
That's not enough. Freedom of association is in line self ownership. If someone doesn't want to associate with gays, they shouldn't be forced to. You're only proving your authoritarianism.

I didn't hate homos until they appointed themselves the culture police. Now fuck them.

>Why didn't you just SAY "fuck you"? Hard jumble that message.
Because a bunch of individuals saying fuck you is pointless and will achieve nothing, a collective group in assemblely protesting something is not pointless
You fucking idiot
Wow um… great!

I do not think about the homo, there's more pressing matters.

>I am authoritarian
Well then fuck you. You and I have nothing to talk about. You're dirt.

Marriage is a religious rite.
The state has no duty to recognize marriage.

Yes, you are the culture police you dirty faggot.

Stop telling me what to think.


There are also people who like being shat on.
I have no problems if someone is gay.
What i do have a problem with is ridiculous flaming faggots that talk like a female, you know what I mean.
Best part is libtards who both love gays, and also love muslims as if that shit goes hand in hand, and people actually buy it.

You can have any opinion you want, I’m simply asking why and what it’s founded on, I’m not saying you’re not aloud to have an opinion, to say that is stood and oppressive in it self which breaks my morals
What does that mean?
Fuck sometimes I laugh at them being blown the fuck up because they do it to themselves

>someone disagrees with you
>shut them down with childish name-calling


I'm a faggot and the whole pride thing is bullshit, I just wanna suck cock.

Pride is not bullshit, but some of the degeneracy around it is

well i only have one gay friend ever and hes a normal dude who i would never have even known he was gay if no one said anything. the ones you see on tv that are basically females kind of weird me out but i still dont have a problem with them. trannies need to be put in mental hospitals and surgery like that needs to be illegal

Sorry for not viewing simple prejudice as an okay reason to shit all over someone's career, it's your freedom of association but it's my next paycheck and all those that follow, you prick.
Culture police? Do whatever the fuck you like, just don't get in my way. A simple rule that we can all get behind.
Hate to say something along the same lines of NOT ALL MUSLIMS but not all faggots have jobs in the media, campaign for gay marriage, bitch about what you can and can't say to us or aim to take away your freedom, unless that particular freedom allows you to royally fuck us over on a regular basis at least.

All fags should die.

All heterosexuals should die, also the religious because they enforce homophobia, get in the chamber

actually that goes hand in hand
both gays and mudslimes are degenerates and belong to hell.

Cry more Luka.



Also, what do you expect me to say to someone who doesn't believe in my self ownership?


Thank you for speaking truth, Russian bro.

My best friend in high school came out as gay, and he quickly turned into a total degenerate. I don't believe it is possible to be gay and a normal person. The cognitive dissonance is too great.

It’s the bottoms that turn into degenerates because their testosterone count is just dropping every time the guy fucked in the ass if they topped more then that wouldn’t be an issue so much

string you up in the nearest tree with you testicles shoved down your throat

fucking BASED.

fuck off cuck.

>it's your freedom of association but it's my next paycheck
>Do whatever the fuck you like, just don't get in my way. A simple rule that we can all get behind.

Fucking die bet’ya he is 10x better than you, he never said what he was you’re simply hating on someone knowing nothing about them except they have a good body

he posted his naked body and wrote "what would you do to me?"
he's a faggot, regardless of sexuality

I could care less until they start parading it around. They need to keep their sexuality private like the rest of respectable society.

No you idiot fucking die

Strongly against, kill them all especially milo

excellent response :-)
I think we're done here
please come back next summer

Why against, kill all heterosexuals

Go back to fucking sheep don't talk to or about jonesy

Go back to fucking kangaroos

That's what you're doing

I support gays since they are a good canary in the coalmine for freedom, whenever any government, be they christian or muslim, or nationalist or socialist, starts acting up, it's always the gays they go for first.

I wonder how your fag president makes the muszies in your country feel. It would be ironic if they tied his hands behind his back and threw him off the tallest maple tree.

We are on the wrong path, so the longer they remain free the worse it is.

Freedom for all or freedom for none

Freedom is a mistake. Freedom is slavery to personal whims.

You’re a cunt, die, freedom is not a mistake, better dead than red

I have no particular hatred towards gays, but their attempts to justify their mental illness is annoying.

1. It's not normal, and I say that with no malice. So what if you're not normal? most people have something abnormal about them (a personality trait, a biological feature, their sexuality, etc) But gays have such a hard on for being considered normal. You're NOT normal. Most people ARENT gay.

2. In Australia at least, gay couples have all the legal rights afforded to normal couples, so why are you guys so anal about being married? Civil unions are functionally the same. Defacto relationships are functionally the same. Yet you want others to endorse something that's not normal (your gayness).

If y ou're in the first world, arguing for gay rights is all about feeling good inside. SJWs just want to feel like they've done something worthwhile because they're actually useless
First world gays just want everybody to approve of their disability (so they can feel good inside). Acknowledgement is not good enough. You have to wholeheartedly endorse them. Piss off

i seriously dont see the appeal of anal sex. maybe with a condom on, but you're getting fecal matter on your cock and potentially in your urethra. and also getting your pubes near someones butt hole. i know people will say its fine if you clean your but there is noooo way gays always douche before sex.

A lot of gays manscape and also douche
It’s not a disability, it occurs in nature, also some animals in same sex relationships raise babies better than hero couples

why the hell is it suddenly not a disability if it occurs in nature? is nature impervious to defects?

No but the fact that they can raise babies better than their biological parents isn’t nothing either maybe it has a place