German leftists riot after being evicted to give housing to econmic migrants

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You reap what you sew bitches

If they had half a brain they would realize we have a common goal and become anti refugee, but I don't have much hope.

too gud m8

they're just being evicted. any evidence it's being repossessed specifically for migrant housing?


fucking kek

top kek

I fucking love to see police kicking the asses of leftist degenerates.

Fucking pansies.

Why was this a place for leftists? Where did homeless right-wingers go?

The part where they say refugee.

Why do we let illiterates post here?

>dread locks drug addict hippies jobless squatters get evicted
Nothing surprising there, even less a reason to make a thread about it.

If anyone speaks Arabic, I am curious as to what the banner said.

I heard the degenerates were being evicted, didn't hear it was because of mudslimes.

Source? This is too good to be true. This is karma at its best.

>to give housing to econmic migrants
I thought it was just against gentrification?

Can Germany just put the fucking wall back up and let the leftists have their socialist utopia in the east?

clearly shows we need more money to fight far right activists

There are no homeless right-wingers because right-wingers are actually hardworking people who don't rely on government handouts.


Evidence I don't know. There's this

>The site is owned by British company Lafone Investment, based in the British Virgin Islands. The owners, who due to the threat of violence from the extremists, had to be accompanied by both private security services and the special branch of the Berlin police (SEC) in order to view the site after the eviction took place. The company says that they are interested in converting the bottom floor of the building into an asylum home for migrants.

It was all over the German media a week ago. The owner of the building claims that he wants to re-purpose it for the housing of asylum seekers, though it is just as likely that he simply uses that as an excuse to get rid of the drug dealing lefty scum that has been squatting in his property for decades.

East Germans are the ones who generally don't want rapefugees

Chill m8. Check his flag. He doesnt speak english.

lel... despite so many neets on this board

You guys have to know that these aren't even their houses, they just live their without paying rent.

Best thing is, most of these parasites are actually children of wealthy fucks, the son of our minister of justice (the most incompetent person in Germany) is in the ANTIFA and lives there too.
That's why the fuck is always speaking out against right wingers and never against the left wing.

But what about World War 2 and Nazis and Hitler? And Nazis and World War 2? And Hitler and Nazis and War World 2 with Hitler? Those Germans are nothing but trouble. I'd trade a billion germans for one refugee any day of the week. Because they are hitler scum.

Is this ironing?

>t. Muhammad

Get back to your own country shitskin, the Brits voted for freedom and they deserve it from your kind.

Squatters in germany have a lot of rights. You can't argue with throwing them all out and giving the property to refugees that pay with government money.

Then after a few years you turn it into commercial apartments.

Lefties never win.

you are correct. the Germans are cucked. i was the last one that believed Germany could recover.

They are done.

I have hope till the next election. If Merkel stays in Office I lose all hope as well.

right winhers go to work to support their government bringing in more mooslims to replace them.

better start fighting the invaders.

It actually was a mistake to leave the E.U and luckly for me my family can get to Ireland and cross over here. What your people are doing is what you always done. Objectify the people of Pakistan.

They are currently trying to smear Afd by letting a security agency spy on them to scare away middelclass voters

heavy dose of reality for the leftists of the actual consequences of the crap they promote.

thats smart though, weaponizing political correctness against the leftists. kill them with their own creation.

There's literally no reason for anyone to be homeless in Germany because our welfare system will give you a free appartment if you have no income. It's just that only leftists are retarded enough to occupy other people's property, claim it's their new "alternative homing project" and throw bitchfits when the police tries to do their fucking job by getting them out of there.

The people that vote AfD at the moment will not give a shit, if anything they will be assured in their choice.

Sadly, they only have maybe 15-20%, so not enough to force real change.

Top kek, get a load of this faggot!

I hope so bro, its our last hope to a non violent solution.

You Germans better elect AfD or its all over

>Objectify the people of Pakistan.

Says the kebab that WANTED IT. After all, you moved to the UK, didn'chu~?

>Objectify the people of Pakistan.

Like your people did in Rotherham? Your people are disgusting scum. Same level as niggers.

learn your own language

AfD member here. We need to get our message straight and onto the point here. Too bad it's too hard for me to reach through to our incompetent leadership. I'll probably get to talk to Pretzell later this year though.


Think about it. We had the story about Storch and the Schießbefehl, we had Alexander "around blacks never relax" Gauland, we had Lucke trying to split the party, we had whole branches of the party being kicked out for being retards - and yet their share of the votes staid relatively stable.

The people who vote AfD do not only do so because they agree with them, they also do so because they are not Merkel & Friends. And nothing they can do will ever change the fact that they are not Merkel.

I am second generation you fat burger and where I live we have a strong patriotism for Pakistan and some are even Indian. The people here are ugly and non accepting of our ways so natrually I think you may agree that England should fall by the laws of evolution and give my people privileges like they had in France before the french police pussied out. Big surprise.

why do cucks like you even come here? I refuse to believe this is simply b8

A big help would be if you spend more time on politics rather than power struggles and Flügelkämpfe.

And if you absolutely have to do it, don't do it in front of the cameras.

Alle jahre wieder.

Well atleast police acts much harder against the left scum.

What do the leftists expect.. they want immigrants to come IN to the nation instead of outside in a safezone.. they want them to be housed, they have no problem with other germans being evicted from homes they have bought and paid for, or businesses being closed to use the housing for the migrants..


As soon as they themselves are evicted they cry like little babies.. They have this stupid subculture of being against society and oh capitalism bad oh society bad, oh this bad that bad, but what they are are cooconed little babies.. and now reality is hitting them hard of what they have been promoting so long with their anti society rethoric.

I honestly think this is healthy for them, this might really wake some of them up.

You are right, but what Meuthen did in Baden Würtemberg was utter idiocy.

I would have told Gedeon behind closed doors:

"Look, I know that you are right about the jews, but for now we shall not talk about it, because at this point it would damage us, but be assured I know about their sinister ways and we are on the same page here, for now you have to either distance yourself from your statements or you have to give up your seat so we dont damage the party any further and therefore damage Germany."

>"Patriots" living abroad
Don't kid yourself, you are just role playing.

that is such a small blip in history compared to the beautiful history of germany. So what a pathetic argument to pull out. If we go back in history we can easily find something bad about most countries.

That too.

Left and rigth are a liaebilty that we cant afford to have in germany.

I hope most of the money goes to verfassungschutz and hitsquads.


we need more money to fight against nazis tho. fucking nazis.


>where I live we have a strong patriotism for Pakistan

But...why? I know you're all Allahing up in your Ackbars but you know Pakistan is a fucking terrible country right? in fact to take that a bit further you know every country modelled on the jurisprudence of that seventh century insane goat fucker is terrible right? It's not a coincidence, Pakistan is the part of India so terrible even India didn't want it.

>non accepting of our ways
That's because -YOU- ARE SUPPOSED TO INTEGRATE, you ingrate.

>Britain should become Pakistan JUST FOR ME!

Selfish twat.

you reap what you saw*

nah, that bait just does not look tasty, sorry bro

>lives in uk
>strong patriotism for pakistan
You should probably leave the UK and go back to pakistan then. And i see you speak bad of germany, all the hatecrime by muslims in pakistan against christians and other non muslims, if the majority of westerners know what goes on in pakistan on a regular basis about this there would be no pakistani immigration to western europe period. Look rotherham scandal.. pakistani muslims aswell. So don't come and say germany is bad cause nazi germany when germany has been good for so long and take a look at your countrys history aswell your'e 100x worse..

Oh no die rechte will figth. Shiver.

The portrait of the mindles retard seems to be right.

Voting afd is like voting linke.

Pretty sure he would be guaranteed his rent that way, since the government would pay for it. But this would just lead to him cutting a bunch of corners because who does quality control, I'm pretty sure the German gov isn't lol?

our best minister is working on this matter!

nice b8 m8

It's prolly "the funniest joke in the world" that they have been making after WW2

Its hard to say which of the two are worse.

"gibs me dat"

>Oh no die rechte will figth. Shiver.
>The portrait of the mindles retard seems to be >right.
>Voting afd is like voting linke.

lefties used this house for the past 2 years afaik
they even installed a bar system in there. the owner tried multiple times to get them out, but it never worked.
they claim that "it's against refugees because they need to pay money to live there" and "rents are going up we can't let that happen"

>Get into public housing
>Surprised when you get kicked out

>non accepting of our ways
That's because -YOU- ARE SUPPOSED TO INTEGRATE, you ingrate.

He doesn't get it, these self entitled muzzies think they can just live exactly in the UK like they do in pakistan.. they are THAT arrogant.

So the question is why doesn't he just move back to pakistan and no problem.. Well because not that much money for welfare and kids and other such social benefits, and all these things.. That's why..

So they want to move to UK.. and start gradually fucking it up by insisting they live exactly like in pakistan.. When will people say enough to these assholes and send them packing? hopefully soon.

My Arabic is a little rusty but it says " bring out the toilet chicken to Islam"
I think

Sounds good.

With the gas bill?

Did he drve his private car to work?

>be nazis
>dress the police literally in space balls darth vader helmets
>tatoo them

seriously fuck retarded angry lefties but lol germany is such a meme

>get into fight with wife
>move in with friend to escape her
>complain when he doesn't have movie channels

Metaphorically you.

No b8 just a rigthfull opinion and observation.

>Mind the flag kamerad

please stop this right wing propaganda or i will call my best buddy Stegner!

>When my German friends ask why nobody respects Germany any more

What they don't realise in running away from a shit country, living in a good one and keeping their lifestyles is that the sum total of their lifestyles is the entire reason their country was shit in the first place.

naturally we're not going to respect that culture, it destroyed one country and could well destroy ours. Pakistan is a failed state, why would we respect its culture? It clearly doesn't work.

I dont want Germany to become a third world country, you economy power is related to genetics, dont fool yourself.

Also we have right to live as Germans in a German nation.

Do it.

I agree with saving data.

I do not wish to "integrate", I want my culture and traditions respected. It's madness that I have to give up who I am in some strangers country. The homosexuals and women the laws here favor over us. England existing Europe was a death sentence and for my people I worry.

I do not wish to leave yet, I want my kids to have British citizenship first so I can carry on my familys traditions. Germany was all for the welcoming of muslims till they saw they actually had to do some good. Rotherham was taken out of context by the media, those girls would never have been hurt if you actually met any of my people. Germany promotes homosexuality and seeing as homosexuals do not exist in my culture taking the refugees in will be doing Germany a favor wither they want it or not. It's the least they could do for them.

Mercedes Marxists

>I dont want Germany to become a third world country
Too late.

the reich was a good prank, but everybody thought hitler was serious.

Meuthen is too cucked, he was probably honestly outraged about it.

How is germany becoming a 3rd world country?

Police in Berlin is a fucking joke.
They should have gotten Bavarian or Saxon units there.
Would have been fun to watch.

On the one hand, this screams bait.

On the other hand, it fits perfectly with the Muslims mind set so it's actually a pretty good bait.

no bait, just sarcasm.

>refugees willkommen
>except in my flat

what a bunch of hypocrites

It won't be the right that start the violence.

You can't even have mass gatherings any more without mass rape.

Fuck off.
You left your Muslim country for a reason, clearly things aren't working out.

Why the fuck would you want to go on living like a third world savage in another country? Why would you want to retain traditions that got your people nowhere?

Fuck off.


same shit as rog

>no fences on borders
>this is my property that i squat on quickly put barbed wire on it!!!!!!

apparently there was violence