

Should it be banned or restricted to over 25's only?

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Honestly it should be banned.
Its the most common cause of family destruction (alcoholism).
Imagine how much problem and family fights originates in being drunk.

Then you are left with single-mom families, who cant really raise a kid alone, not only from a economic standpoint but also from a sociological point of view.
Single parent kid are in very high risk of becoming a criminal or addict, compared to other kids.

The cost and outcome of alcohol consumption for the society is tremendous.

>Its the most common cause of family destruction (alcoholism).

Fucking hell, what is this? The XIX century?

What is the benefit of alcohol?

Even if banning alcohol was a good idea (it's not, you just need to treat it with respect) it's nearly impossible to ban because it's ridiculously easy to make. You can make beer in a bucket with some grain, fruit and water and you can literally make cider by accident.

Increasing the drinking age will do nothing. Teens will still drink by their early high school years and drunk driving will still be a leading cause of death for young adults.

We saw what happended during the prohibition in the us.
Dummy swedish people

You get drunk.

It should be banned in uncivilized countries like India where nobody knows moderation.

It's good

You cannot be an Indian, probably ullu who snuck over the IB

>hate my family
>kids are fucking degenerates
>wifes a cunt
>i cant afford too kany luxuries because im poor
>my countries an expensive place to live
>job market sucks
>get screamed at by manager
>go home to shit family
>drink beer
>wife gives me shit for billionth time
>lash out
>beers fault

Sound logic

Ban it and people will start smuggling it, or making it by themselves
It has been done before
Good bye tax money

Would you give me the homor to kill u?

the government makes way too much from alcohol to consider banning it

calm down there Suffragette

If you're unemployed, you wouldn't understand.
Often it's NEETs who complain about alcohol, they don't know the feeling when you drink a cold beer after you've spent whole summer day working hard.
You live in some kind of fantasy world where everyone would be satisfied with utter boredom.

How the fuck do you figure that given the cost to the NHS alone?

Why not a glass of chilled water?

Banning it is just plain stupid, people will find a way to buy them.

However, raising taxes on alcoholic beverages will be a good thing.
Underage retards that have no idea how to drink in moderation will have to pay much more to get themselves stupid drunk and the cost won't be worth it for them.
Same can be done to cigarettes.

It's not the same

We have banned alcohol.

Ended up in a huge hike of number of people who died from forged booze.

If we're to stop people from ruining their lives with alcohol first we need to ensure their lives even matter to them. Make sure they're happy, not starving commie white niggers. Otherwise they'll find a way to get wasted.

>However, raising taxes on alcoholic beverages will be a good thing.
Didn't work in Finland.
People just go buy it where the taxing is lower(Estonia).
In Denmark they go to Germany.

Yes it should be banned. The west should be put under sharia law. It will be the best for all of us

Are you an alcoholic perhaps?

>Honestly it should be banned.

Fuck you, Ahmed

No, I'm not an alcoholic because I enjoy drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation.

>got me to be more social
>got me to be more cheerful and happy
>helped create a strong bond with friends and led to meeting more friends

There a few things that trigger me and one of them is people fucking with my booze. Fuck you if you don't drink, but don't mess with what I want to do.

>no smoking
>no drinking
>no sugar
>no aspartame
>no drug use/abuse
>no huffing paint

would there even be a reason to live?

tired of this nanny state shit

i can relate to this. but you have to admit that this is not the norm of alcohol consumtion.

for every "MODERATE CONSUMER" you get hundreds of fucking bingers and alcoholics

It saved thousands of lives and homes?

>what is the prohibition

How did that work out last time again?

Honestly, legalize all of it.

Alcohol is not the answer. Their resentment is only going to build, doubly so if they see you as a drunk in addition to whatever else they hate you for (probably being a huge cunt).

You should discuss separation with them if you're unhappy. Getting drunk is just a means of procrastination and it'll lock you into a bad marriage, which is unfair to both you and your family.

Forgot pic


ITT: people who don't study history.

Not only should it not be banned, marijuana and mdma should be legalised, both for different reasons.

>all those ugly hags

I think I'll have a beer

Well Sup Forums dreams of ultimate fascist state so it's not surprising

The bingers are worst in UK, and that is something that started in the 90s because of social issues
The French and Germans consume more alcohol, but don't have same problems

so it should be banned because weak fucks cant handle it and blames their misgivings on alcohol and not on the fact they have serious emotional issues.

neither but the commercials should be banned and its absolutely fucking sickening that they already aren't.

Jesus Christ girls were ugly back then

The worlds too fucked up and crazy not to have alcohol every once in a while. Even if alcohol wasn't around, people would just get fucked up on other drugs

Im an alcoholic 5 months sober and im breaking that and getting retarded piss drunk tonight. I dont know why i just made the decision last night

no drugs
no cigs
no alcohol

yes, it is a dangerous drug and addictive, has no health benefits.

legalize weed instead, ban alcohol

dont do it you fucking quitter

Fucking impossible since even a toddler could make it.
>restricted to 25+
You'll just feed into reselling.

We have ridiculous taxes on it and a state monopoly where the store is only open 10-18, 10-14 saturdays and closed on sundays. Pricing is restricted on alcohol content and a bottle of 70cl(fifth of a gallon) is 25-30 USD. The store is 20+, while you can drink at bars from 18+(at least $5 per drink). There's no difference at parties since everyone just gets someone over 20 to buy it for them.

They've also done studies on how much people drink in relation to price and the effect is jack shit, it only affects those who drink until they're completely broke, and are already lost causes. The only thing it does for those is making them go broke faster.

Alcohol isn't good, even for a drug, but it's accessible as fuck and a huge part of any culture. There's nothing you can do about alcohol consumption in a reasonable timeframe.

>commercials should be banned
Done here, just another pointless bureaucracy to hurt domestic business

>restricting alcohol

You're a fucking disgrace mate, an embarressment to the country you're part of you fucking poof.

just show kids that louis theroux doco on the alcoholics

Counter Argument

>making beer
Simple as it is, it's actually a lot more complex of an operation that making wine or fruit wines. The only thing you need when making alcohol from anything with sugar is yeast(even baking yeast works) and to deprive it of oxygen. You might want to add a little sugar, water, salts or tannin to optimize the taste and time it takes but none of that is even remotely difficult to get your hands on. Even distillation isn't very hard, nor does it require any extravagant equipment.

It is in certain states and in Maharashtra it is restricted to 25 and above but has it ever stopped anyone

>waaaaaa our husbands drink and we don't like
>use the government to ban it
and there are people don't think we haven't been living in matriarchy

Its official statistics.
The cost of healthcare from all the fight and abuse is sky-high.
Imagine all the other things police, rescue, fire departments, court system and doctors could be used for.

All the degeneracy. All the xenestrogens in beer creating all Man-Boobs and big stomachs.

Why do you think a family is destroyed? Also women cant handle the raised testosterone levels during alcohol consumption.
People are too fucking stupid to be able to consume drugs recreational.
Promoting degeneracy and adultery.

Not sure there is a benefit at all. Its a over-hyped meme. Beer taste shit honestly. Rationally, buy a beer and drink it, it doesnt taste good.
A fucking proper pepper-steak tastes good though.

What a bunch of bullshit. Im a doctor of Dental medicine and I dislike alcohol.

You can take ice-cold water, put 2 spoons of table sugar, and you will get the same endorphine-hormone-reaction in your brain.

Honestly beer is very overrated.
And I have been drinking shitloads in my life.
And usually you drink a beer when you are stressed out. And then you associate it with the "solution" while being stressed out, or had a rough day.
For some people its cappucino, for some people its coffee, for some people its chewing gum, for some people its cigarettes etc etc.

Whatever you would consume at that stress-out-moment you would praise.
Its the Pavlovs-Dog-Experiment, where the brain signals that "this makes me feel good".
In the same sense that Pavlov ringed a bell to the dogs and then served the food.
When he stopped serving food but still ringed the bell, the dogs still got hungry.

If I would give you an Apple when you are stressed out, then your beer would be Apple, or whatever substitute you want. Its not the actual beer thats magical.

And like Pavlovs Dogs, your bell is the beer. And you can replace this beer with any other, better, more healthy, substitute. Taking a fruit works just as well.

Banning alcohol is a bad idea. I would be okay with raising the age restrictions by a few years though.

mate those were the sjws of the 20's, of course they were ugly

thinks banning would do shit

Alcohol should be distributed to everyone for free by the government regardless of age.

It helps with anxiety
Becoming an alcoholic means I don't get shakes form feeling like I'm constantly in danger
I just get the shakes when I don't drink now

gets you right dickered

It should be mailed to every house, every day, along with free guns, ammunition, and cars.

>a fucking leaf

Not even surprised Ahmed wants alcohol to be banned. Thank fuck alcohol is haram to you cunts, cunts would be completely fucking outta control if you muzzies were drinking

cannabis works on anxiety too
plus its not a nerve poison

Fuck off sissy. Men need an outlet in society, after all we do just about everything. These faggots who binge drink and pass out in the toilet just deserve to die anyway.


Ban alcohol
Legalize speed

make mistakes, learn lessons

cannabis makes you sloooooow

t. Pothead

Organized Crime Profits.

> bingeing in britain began in the 90s

Hahahaha ok m8

Constantly smoking pot actually was the cause of much of my anxiety
I guess much of that is because its illegal and I was paranoid about getting busted though

>10k+ years of alcohol consumption
>almost all of them with bread tasting, low purity drinks riddled with yeast that taste like shit
>it's just psychology, alcohol totally doesn't have any euphoric effects on humans

>Drinking a diuretic after a day of hard work in the summer
Then you bitch about "hangover"

>bottom left
Is that a guy or just some 60 years old hag?

>a beer
>half a liter of water
>2.5-4 cl of alcohol

smoking is the problem since iam vaping it has much less side effects. Also you stated it right. Damn illegal shit


It's hillarious how Muslims and wacko hardline Protestant Christians ban alcohol because even they realize they are such big pieces of shit that they can't handle it

Actually, I should've written middle left.

Fuck you Ahmed beer is our culture, has always been and will always be
Even the Muslims who are against it secretly drink it

Don't remember when was the last time I got hangover, do you seriously think you get it from a few beers? You don't even get it from spirits like vodka because it has no sugar.

sure, thanks kindly Mr. Satan!

Im not a Muslim what-so-ever. Im very much a christian. And talking about theology, the bible says one shouldnt hurt your body or engage in dishonest and unclean behavior.
Top kek.

Actually whatever you consume in that "stressed-out-moment" will be hardwired in your brain to be the solution.
If you would eat an apple when stressed out, it would actually be more natural, fast carbohydrates, wouldnt make you fat and dumb, and giving you xenestrogens and man-boobs like beer.
And would give the same endorphine-hormones.

Check this: I have challange to you guys, when stressed out. Take a glass of water, with ice, put 2-3 table spoons of sugar and eat half an apple.
Works better than beer.

> doctor of dental medicine
> a dentist

Fucking kek "ok doctor"

You do realize that people don't only drink alcohol when they're stressed out?

Wow there mr manly drinker, hangover is dehidratation, the size of your imaginary balls have nothing to do with it, if you drink a couple of beers after sweating like a greek all day you are going to get dehidratated

Fuck off Mohammed.

Go back to Islamoshitland.

that was a weak one. There is a great burger made documentary focusing on one guy. It was filmed by a cop who got to know the guy over the years. I forgot the name of it

>not keeping hydrated
If you actually drink water while working like everyone on Earth then there is no problem with having alcohol after work.

An apple would give you a high formaldehyde dose though, which turns to formic acid and can trigger ulceration and demyelination mimicing multiple sclerosis. Better stick to water m8, it'd be more your kind of thing.

Just don't let black people buy it and it's fine

>a doctor of Dental medicine
Nurses know more about medicine than you

If anything it should be banned or restricted from anyone OVER 25.

>Be me
>Be hot summer day
>Go to pub
>What to drink?
>I am not 15yrs old girl, so no water
>I am not bisexual, so no coctails and shit
>Beer is the ultimate answer

I like a night out but have never once drunk when stressed or unhappy, not a drop. It literally only occurs to me to go out on a night out when im feeling great and energetic.

>everything I don't like or is frivolous should be banned

I'd say no. I used to get dicked in highschool. No fun no more. Got tired of puking, wasting my next day, how much smokes I'd go through.
Now I'll have a 6 pack and listen to everyone else spill their secrets. I get to a level of confidence and engagement above normal, I can pretend I give a fuck about my family and whatever stupid shit they do or care about without getting to "fuck you" levels of bliss. Much cheaper than downing a 26.
It took me maybe 2 years to learn that. Quicker than before I'd comfortably drive across the country. Should licenses also be limited to 25+? DO YOU HATE FREEDOM
Fuck off Jihad

>tfw every time you get drunk there is some muslim who is upset

this in itself is enough to get drunk everyday

More like:

> "Some drunk guy once slapped my gf's ass and called me a bitch, then when she was drunk she blew him in the toilet. Please ban alcohol. Also i have forgiven my gf"


The problem is not with alcohol itself, the problem is people that are drinking it. Most of them have serious mental and social issues and so when they get drunk, they´re starting to lose the control and they forget about social programming. Most of the time when drunk people say some shit, it´s because they want to say it when they´re sober, but they just dont have to balls to do it