Are Turks Brown or Honorary Black?
Curiousity about Turks
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what kind of stupid question is this
How many times we should answer?
Genuine Black or De-Blackification?
One of the first black pilots in history, Ahmet Ali Çelikten was an Ottoman warpilot during World War I.
They're brown (Anatolian) larping as Asian (Turkic) larping as black
how to spot a underage wh*Te subhuman
also why do wh*Tes always try to connect us to anatolians?
go back to your containment board
you are wh*toid subhumans
Top kek so you really believe turks are similar to turkmens
Didn't say anything like that.
I'm saying that we're not related to ancient anatolians in the slightest. they literally went extinct.
The only real answer
Yea but they went instinct before turks invaded, modern turks are like 10% actual turks and 90% whatever other people lived there preceding turkish migration
nice meme answer
now crawl back to whatever shithole you came from. shoo inbred.
What so memetic about his reply? Anglo is right, you are larping as Turkics
how butthurt you have to be to paint asians as wh*Te?
>numbers that i took out of my ass
oh boy here we go again. i'm going to wreck retards in a genetic discussion and a few posts later they'll stop replying because i'll prove them wrong because they'll run out of arguments. I hate that episode.
i've seen that vid before
Who conducted that survey Atatürk institute of memes?
M8 go take a walk around any part of Turkey and tell me unironically that you think 50% look like central asians
Me, Kazakh and Azeri already told that you dont belong to Turkic people. Why cant cant you understand and accept this.
>ran out of genetic arguments after 1 post
that was fast. expected you to last longer. anyway that's good for me
>Are Turks Brown or Honorary Black?
Turks aren't brown you spastic
we are literally BLACK, only k*Rds and other subhumans are brown/wh*Te
>50% Greek + 50% Turkic
The mutt race
I’m new to these kind of arguements
being turkic is an accomplishment how?
They are WH*tE subhumans that enslaved my BANTU brothers.
This t*rk posting here is an autist that forgot to drink his meds.
Brazil is proud member of the BANTU KINGDOM and we will make t*rks pay for what they did to us.
k*Rgıza ciddi cevap verme trol o troll bile değil trol
>that's good for me
Yes, Mehmet, keep telling yourself that. You didn't provide a real study just turksh memes and your just gonna ignore real turks rejecting you from the turkic family like they did in medieval times kicking you out of the steppes?
Nope, you just simply somehow, probably by stupid mistake called yourselves Turkics, but literally there is nothing Turkic in you
Azeeis are bigger we wuz larpers than turks. So I'm surprised to see you say that one was calling out a turk for larping
>what is banter
can you back that up in any solid evidence?besides, remove turks from turkics and what do you have left?
yav ciddi cevap verme diyorum aptal mısın ne merak ediyorsun amk :DDD adam trol diyorum istediğin kadar konuş istersen tiradı derail ettirmek için gelmiş orospu çocuğu
Kirgiz yalan soylemiyor ama :/
yav ne cavap verecek merak ediyorum amk trolse trol seycliyorum zaten
can't make this shit up
>bir trolü ciddiye almak
şu arşivden bi ara yumuşadığı ara kampüsündeki türk kızlarını nasıl bafilemek istediğinden bahsetmişti onu bulursam atayım
my skin is yellow (BLACK)
my eyes are asiatic
I'm 100% turkish, you got a problem wh*Tey?
What kind of evidences do you need? Just look at yourself, you look like a literal arab-kurd shitskin. Or whitey converted slav-greek with muslim name.
Post eyes, arse-lan
We are taking over Europe, Chang. Join us
şu tiradıma destek verin saygıdeğer BOĞAlar
M8 it's hopeless arguing with turks, they're forever in denial.
well I see you have no real proof for any of your arguements
not a single graph, genetic study, historical outlook, nothing
I guess this is what your russian masters telling you, making you believe you’re a special snowflake and not like those bad men from the west
>flag can't make this shit up
the dutch was literally saying the kyrgz wasn't lying you spastic canacuck
>pic related
dumb wh*Teys I'm so glad you'll be extinct in the next decade
olm adamdan sen ne bekliyorsun ki :DDDDDD adam aylardır burada hala oltasına takılıyorsunuz :DDD
Their language is Turkic isn't it? How is that nothing?
turks are subhuman
off amcık bişey beklediğim yok aptal bebenin sadece ne uyduracağını merak ediyorum
It's more like your special master albanian/greek/jew ata""""turk"""" told you you're a special snowflakes and not like those ayrabs to the south when for 500 years before that ottomans told you you were "muslim brothers"
>tfw i create this much butthurt by doing nothing
wh*tes seething
lan adamın ne dediği zaten ortada tek argümanı çekik göz aylardır aynı şeyi diyor ben nasıl (F)arslara arap diyorsam size de aynı şeyi diyor işte konuşacaksan Kanadalıyla konuş o geri zekalı cidden inanıyor :DDD
You look syrian m9
>insulting jews
your opinion just went into the trash
You look like brasileiro or arabian isis fighter
Philipinos speak english. Does it make them anglo people?
sneaky slav subhuman living in a turkic shitskin country
you are subhuman
albino roaches
>listing jews is insulting now
According to your logic I insulted Greeks and Albanians too? Didn't know you think ataturk is such an insulting thing to be associated with
yaw yeniibne değilim amk bunlardan üç tane var önceleri bi tane hakiki rus vardı sonra o kendi arkadaşı olan ev zencisi kırgızları çağırdı ara sıra da diskordda koordine edip türkleri yemliyolar
zaten tıkanınca cevap bile vermiyor piç :DDD
>before that ottomans told you you were "muslim brothers"
>ar*Bs literally attacked us
>You look syrian m9
>I'm talking out my ass again look
>You look like brasileiro or arabian isis fighter
>I'm also talking out my ass
>this looks ar*Bic to you
ok, not even going to explain the geographic location of my ancestry and how that's pretty much impossible
No, but it means they're probably part of the Anglosphere, besides they do actually have a language of their own so that argument isn't really comparable.
atatürk is greek turkish subhumans think he is turkish but in reality a greek saved them
>this denial
So it actually proves my point
sorry, goyim MUST know their place
cease giving me (you)s immidiately
Slavs are subhuman russia is a shitskin country
>you’re not [x]
>>do you have any proof of that?
>you denied it! that means I’m right!
Proofs are obviously on your faces, skincolor, culture, history
Seems this sentiment is common among Central Asians.
how is this post any different than this are you that incapable of defending your argument without repeating yourself?
Subhuman shitskin there is nothing to be proud of being turkic
Every turkic man in history decided to act like they're something else, uzbeks pretend to be indian, turks pretend to be greeks, mongols pretend to be chinese
Nobody wants to be a turkic stepp nigger subhuman
>genetic study
Alright here's one then.
>mohammed al-turkestani
so you posted a turkish citizen with an extremely rare phenotype for what exactly?
Didn't you say you wanted a genetic argument?
I'll post more genetic data than the two that you posted.
You're acting as if the Kyrgyz are different in that regard
I said stop replying to me you disgusting anti-semite
>extremely rare
Cut your lie,this phenotype is common there, i know this, because half of turkish teachers of kyrgyz-turkish schools where i was studying, looked like literal slavs
Turkish peope are either Euro looking or Kurd looking. Not Turkic. Im sorry bro
I'm saying he looks like an arab. Kyrgyzs might be muslim but they don't have names like that.
Slav subhuman mongoloid
Turks are rape baby greeks but you truly are subhuman
>Turks are almost evenly racially mixed
How progressive!
My bad, but desu you should've clarified that more in your post then.
>Kyrgyzs might be muslim but they don't have names like that
neither do turks you actual spastic
there is no al- in turkish
turkestani isn't even anything in turkish, no name nothing
mohammed isn't even used for turks
you're talking out your ass dumb wh*Teshit
Yep we are muslims, never denied that
teachers in your fetö school do not represent turkish citizens as a whole
you’re gonna need to harden your arguement defence because resorting to personal opinions as facts is quite low
That's a different leaf, Mehmet Goldensteinoglu
I will keep giving you (you)s until I feel like stopping.