Is it acceptable to hire an escort if I'm a 25+ y.o. virgin and have no interest in pursuing a relationship?
Is it acceptable to hire an escort if I'm a 25+ y.o. virgin and have no interest in pursuing a relationship?
Kill yourself faggot.
should have done that a long time ago bro
paying for sex is the ultimate surrender of your masculinity.
It always reminds me of those assholes who pay to shoot an animal in a cage.
Sure, you got a notch, but eliminated most of the excitement.
Man, in this fucking game you always pay for pussy, in a way or another.
Escorts and prostitution is disapproved because it's like cheating in the system where you "should" put pussy on a pedestal.
So yes, if women can have it easy, you also could, in another way.
Save your money.
Be less perverse.
Adopt a child.
(or get one made with a willing baby factory)
Why? Having a girlfriend is more expensive than paying escorts mate. The only difference is that you pay for food and other shit instead and get the sex as a reward. With an escort you just skip the bullshit and pay for the sex.
if youre doing it just to get rid of your virginity its a little pathetic but theres nothing wrong with paying for whores in general.
Im a legit fucking autismo in public and still cringely and awkwardly manage to get laid come on bro unless your fucking obese or have a neckbeard or physical deformity if you try you shoud have no problem getting laid without using a whore
Make up your own fucking mind.
>adopt a child
Please leave, cuck.
Yes, its just sex. The entire "hurr durr muh male virginity so special" meme needs to die.
>spain, land of whores
I'm sure a 25 year old virgin is really concerned about how masculine society perceives him to be.
Yes and no.
I know a couple of friends that have no problem getting pussy, even quality pussy I have to admit, and still do pay for sex occasionally.
They have a very high sexual drive as they say, and "escorts are always there right when you need 'em" (their words).
We can argue all day long here, but if prostitution is the oldest job on earth there is a reason.
It is not, as pre-marital sex is degenerate.
Find a nice, similarly autismo woman, marry her, low effort, fuck her and have her make dinner for you. Easy.
If you are 25+ virgin than relationship have no interest in persuing you
fair enough but Ive been to germany and france and it was the same all white western girls are craving dick 24/7 all you have to do is get out there and itll happen
>Having a girlfriend is more expensive than paying escorts mate
This is only true if your girlfriend is frigid and demands to be taken out to expensive restaurants every night
also, a girlfriend has value because it's companionship that you don't have to pay for. sometimes you just want to chill out, do bong rips and play vidya (in b4 degenerate) with a cute chick who is fun to talk to and be around.
Some people don't need to pay for food to extract sex from a female.
The best things in life are free :')
>paying a woman $200 to fuck you and you don't have to deal with her bullshit.
>surrendering my masculinity cas of this.
Are you serious? you expect me to deal with dumb bitches who the majority are stupid and annoying?
No thank you.
I'm 25 and fuck girls off tinder, from bars, parties and my fwbs and still see the weekly escort on top of my daily porn. If it's legal and feels good do it fampai
>also, a girlfriend has value because it's companionship that you don't have to pay for
I agree, but OP isn't asking for a companionship, he's asking for straight up sex.
Sex with people you've never met/have no connection to is usually very dull, unless you somehow luckily have some chemistry, but OP wants to fuck, nothing more.
austrailia gets it. dating girls will cost you money and time and picking up sloots will cost you time and patience at least. sometimes a mans got more money to spend on whores than time and patience to spend on other whores.
good advice friend, never seen this 1 before
It's just a cheeky $65 bucks and you get your dick sucked everybody wins
white man should have morals, dignity and honour, do what you will.
>Adopt a child.
hes a single male
this is never happening unless he goes to the Congo or something and tries to import some orphan
I'm 29 ((INTJ)), kissless virgin, never had a girlfriend.
Just don't know what I could get out of a relationship. Maybe it's selfishness. I'm pretty confident, had two occasions where a girl has asked me out before. My excuse was that I'm not mature enough for a relationship yet.
Fuck this is some /r9k/ tier shit
Fucking how are you less accomplished than a 14 year old? Posts like this make me question the men in my life
>paying to stick your dick in a place where literally hundreds of dicks went before
Mate its the worlds oldest profession.
>having sex is an accomplishment and not a basic biological function
this is what thirsty losers actually believe
I think when you've been single for a long time you start to realize how much time and energy it will take to keep a relationship and dealing with the constant problems of your partner. You've become to used to being on your own that it will feel like a prison.
You need you roof painted, you call a roof painter don't you?
>want to become a catholic or anglican christian
>tfw would need to get married very quickly despite being a 26 year old hugless virgin
>Adopt a child.
Yeah sure, skip the only good part of sex and go straight for the absolute worst possible outcome. It's like having a cake in front of you and eating a lightbulb instead what the fuck is wrong with you?
Everyone else on Sup Forums may question your manliness or whatever the fuck.
But it's acceptable because it's just a simple business transaction at the end of the day: Money for sex. Go ahead and do it, and you'll even become truly redpilled about sex because you'll probably realize it's not worth all the obsession we put into it.
no just stop being a loser
t. Stacey who whores herself out to pay for her Communications degree with a minor is basket-weaving
Fuck off Eliot
Sure, whats not really acceptable is being 25+ and still a virgin wtf user.
Anyway nothing wrong with it, actually its better than a "real" girl, she will have gone through that shit and instead of laughing at you when inevitably you lose your erection due to anxiety/stress she will make you comfortable and slowly work it back up.
Or just avoid that normal virgin situation alltogether and take some viagra.
Anyway enjoy. Some of the girls are highly educated making money on the side.
Were I a woman i'd do it on the side as well, quite a lot of money for no effort.
I think it's just super that you've been saving yourself for marriage. In this day and age, it's so rare to find a good man with his virginities still intact. Jesus loves you, someday a woman will too.
Yes, every woman is an escort.
You're always paying for sex, you dumb nigger.
yes, it is your money, and her/his consent.
But paying for sexual favors is pretty sad imo
Acceptable to who? To your granny, probably not. To most of modern society its probably 50/50. Is it acceptable to you? That's really what matters, with legality a distant second.
haha mate i don't give a fuck why these girls do it.
>she will have gone through that shit and instead of laughing at you when inevitably you lose your erection due to anxiety/stress she will make you comfortable and slowly work it back up
That projection, kek.
Just fap
I propose we start a new religion where we worship the sexiest slut in history.
pic related, 10/10 would bang.
Maybe if you think you're a lost hope. But desu nothing is better than earning your way by just being yourself. Even better breaking in a girl first.(can be clingy though) but hey. At 24 you might need help from a pro. If she's half decent and not a cheap hooker she'll teach you in the time you have. Mid way to expensive hookers are used to teaching virgins. Nasty slags just want the money asap
>Mate prostitution should be legal, everybody wins lmao
Paying for sex is extremely degenerates and it gives females a false sense of superiority that causes even more problems.
>Kids? Fuck that, I won't be able to whore myself out for that new chanel bag
>Monogamous relationship? Fuck that, that means I can't fuck someone else when I'm bored
>No kids before marriage? *Oh my gawd* did you just use the M-word? I'm literally puking, fucking misogynist!
Sexual liberation combined with the mentally of 2016 females is a death sentence to our society, that is why Marxists push it so hard.
>muh degeneracy
you are posting on an imageboard where you are one click away from viewing tentacle rape porn and dickgirls
why are you still using the 'degeneracy' buzzword as if it has any meaning here
Projection? As if you never talked about your first time with others, its quite common for it to happen.
Mine was alright, was half drunk and at 14, didnt last very long but no such issues. Could have been better though.
How can someone be a virgin at 25? I lost virginity at 15. And have not gone more than 3 weeks without sex ever since. I'm average looking too.
Sex is a basic necessity. If you don't have it ten you are not human
Anyway I say go for it OP. It's just sex. It's pleasure. The only people who are against it are insecure Christians.
Fucking a prostitute doesn't count.
You're still a virgin.
The only people who are against sexual liberation are beta makes who don't get any sex. Both men and women love sex there is nothing wrong with this. Also humans were never meant to be monogamous in fact it's a actually very unnatural.
>a fucking leaf of course
Acceptable to who? Do whatever you want.
>It is enjoyable so it should be done in any quantity without thinking twice
t. Meth addict
How come monogamous isn't natural when kids from monogamous relationship grow up healthier and happier than kids from single mothers? You are thinking short-term with only your dick in consideration.
How is it unnatural?
How about you just fuck a drunk girl at the club?
Its not hard, unless your a virgin because your too much of a pussy to talk to girls.
Why do you care what is acceptable?
Can you afford it and do you want to do it? If the answer to both is "yes" go get your dick wet.
Monogamy isnt natural because we humans are smart beings; we have been able to have stable relationships in order to raise our children in stable homes.
Unfortunately degeneration of our races have brought upon rapid rise in population and race mixing. They preach the message of muh feelings while only thinking about the short term effects and ignoring any long term societal effects. Arguing with feelings is a classic liberal approach and has brought upon this degenerative behavior.