Theresa May next PM

Meet the next Prime Minister of the UK Sup Forums.
Leadsom is dropping out so she wins.

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But she's not a mother, how can she possible be a good leader?

wtf i hate theresa may now


Because it's the (((CURRENT YEAR)))

She's gonna get on great with Hillary

this whole thing is a farce. Gove is the biggest motherfucker for stabbing Boris. Fucking hate Gove the slimy cunt.

>Brits thought they were getting fucked hard by the government before
Welcome to 1984, lads

i'll miss bantering with bongs when she makes it illegal for you to visit Sup Forums

She is gone bitch slap her whip her while wearing black leather

She won't ban it mate.

Don't you guys have some sort of free movement agreement with us anyway . . .I mean independent of EU shit?

Great. We have to have our first female prime minister just because it's the current fucking year.

Fuck this politically retarded 1984 sjw fucking bitch.

yeah, but that's a pre-existing treaty. once britain's out, the eu rules won't allow a member state to make a bilateral agreement with a non-member

She won't be the Home Secretary so it won't happen.
In fact, less likely now than eve, May has shown she is tough on the internet, she doesn't benefit from her successor being.
I know its strange but its how it tends to work.

We can't go building walls with Ulster, that's just stupid.

I'm sure something will get worked out.

a united ireland's being mentioned increasingly often. i'm honestly torn about whether i'd be in favour or not

Can't tell if she's a Jew or a Brit. Although I suppose there isn't much difference.

Redpill me on her policies.

So is she "good" or "bad"?

As an Englishman, I'm not really bothered about it and I don't take sides on this . . .. it annoys me no end when Americans and shit voice their opinions on it.

I guess it's down to the people that live there.

I actually want this now. I don't trust Westminster anymore and hate being an irrelevant 1% that no one gives a shit about. Seriously, are leaders are utterly useless.

Won't they do a vote again?

I bet Gove would claim he now has the right to go head-to-head with May.

Kids on Sup Forums don't like her.

She is Authoritarian and they are worried that she will make Sup Forums illegal and stuff.

She is almost Thatcher light . . .but she has been compared to A right-wing Merkel.

Well done Brexit well done


Yeah funny you should mention 1984, when the ACTUAL first woman Prime Minister was in office.

Fuck me man I hope that was a joke.

>A right-wing Merkel.
That sounds all kinds of bad.Is she at least economically competent beyond HURR LESS WORKPLACE PROTECTIONS?


She wanted to remain in the EU.
She isn't a mother.

She has been Home Secretary for about 6 years, she does know here onions and she outlined some new stuff in her speech this morning.
It does seem that she has been talking to George Osborne though (Chancellor)

>You now realize the US will elect Hillary to be as progressive as the UK.
>You now realize that a Boris lead government would have enticed them to vote Trump.

She absolutely gutted public services, worst of all the Police.
She expected people to form "community policing" groups whilst she cut the budget: lower numbers of police on street, higher number of criminals, and no real self defense laws. Fucking disaster, pray for us

>Who needs police when you have Sharia patrols

Advice from George? FUCK

most women are easy controlled puppets. if the next months or years of brexit are going to ruin the country, guess who the people will blame

She did reduce Police budget but she also did other shit which meant no difference in crime stats, she basically cleared away some dead-wood.

Yet crime hasn't really gone up

I fucking hope not, she wants sharia law on every fucking street.

If she gets office there will be "asians" raping kids then being sent to sharia court because our courts arent "their culture"

And some of you fucks actually want this cunt in? fucking cucks desu

>and no real self defense laws
Infact they got better under May.

looking at your post, none of it is accurate anyway.

Never forget Thatcher!
She was our saviour!

>she wants sharia law on every fucking street.
Again . . .that's complete crap.

Show me where she wants this?

>reducing police budget
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy FUCK.
Huh. Interesting.
>She isn't a mother.
As long as she's not a raging dyke or whatever that's kind of fine.

This woman has laid the groundwork for a police state, God save us all when she's actually in control.

She's fucking nuts, and I don't want her in because she's an authoritarian hatecunt, but the one issue she does not have is how she handles the brown menace.

Leadsom was a vile women and a proven lair. She buckled because now that the spotlight is on her she can't get away with spouting pure shit.

Look forward to seeing you all in the labor camps soon lads.
It was fun while it lasted.

I love her though and always have.

Get fucked privacy fags

She is pol tier redpilled


Will she ban anime and Sup Forums? Nice knowing you guys.

Too late to hope for an assassination attempt?

That's redpilled

The true redpill is using Islam to subvert leftists

You still have to be "reasonable and proportionate in your response", which is impossible if the guy attacking you is armed. You can also be sued for harming your attacker

You think I'm going to click that?

Get a better source.

>implying she'll set forth the article 50 procedure

(((official statistics)))

That's boring

She's going to ban shemale and sissy hypno porn

Fuck this orwellian bitch

Sort of embarassing, Nige

Shut the fuck up Ahmed.

>theresa man

Guess again!

An ebin maymay?
You guys went too far with your kek magick.

>Your evidence isn't a piece of evidence that exactly fits my worldview therefore it's inadmissible

go take a long walk off a short pier, faggot

so wait she quit because of these mother comments?

Or blackmailed?

Will britain even be leaving the EU?

I don't think you realise but under the last Labour Government a Burglar could sue you if he tripped of a carpet and fell down the stairs?

May and Cameron changed all of this shit and the use of deadly force (under certain circumstances) is easily possible.

>"reasonable and proportionate in your response"
This is pretty much the same since the Magna Carta . . .what's your problem?

praise kek

It's too hard to fight Islam.

I would rather live and use it to put woman and gays in there place.

I have nothing against you if you want to eat bacon and alcohol in private

They are the only downsides to sharia

She quit because of the pressure, and hinted at abuse behind the scenes. With May as PM, I doubt Article 50 will ever be played

>Defending Asian rape lover pro remain Theresa May
>On Sup Forums
>I-im n-not a sh-shill
>I-im n-n-not m-m-m-muslim

You'll get yours soon enough "A S I A N" man.

Baptized in pigs blood.

Article 50 will be enacted, just not very soon but it will happen.


While it has to be "reasonable and proportionate", May changed it so that being under threat is a sufficient reason that you might not be able to judge what is reasonable and proportionate.

I swear to God, if May cracks down on little girl appreciation artwork I'm not going to stand for it.

I would have thought she was the dream leader for many on Sup Forums.

-Daughter of a CofE vicar
-Attends church every Sunday; says her faith influences her politics
-Sent vans around cities in the UK with billboards telling illegals to go home
-Is effectively going to create a economically centrist, socially conservative and nationalistic state

I'm I classical liberal so she scares me, but I'm surprised so many on Sup Forums hate her.

You'll stand. In court, for being a pedo.



It's her leniency towards muslims and foreign crime

That's for the courts to decide.

The public uproar following Tony Martin changed a lot of things and it now goes in the favour of the attacked/homeowner.

Stay mad you lost again.

It's even better this way. Tricked into feeling you won and having it snatched away again.

So good :3

I actually support her

I hold the smug monopoly here :)

You don't hold the monopoly mate.

Out of the two - Teresa May was by far, the best for the job.

What made you think I wanted Leadsom? I didn't lose anything, cunt, I despise the Tory Party

>wants to remain in the EU
>presided over the largest influx of immigrants into this country in its entire history
>has praised Sharia Law
>obsessed with censoring the internet


there's no reason for anyone to like this establishment hag

>Daughter of a CofE vicar
Closet whore
>Attends church every Sunday; says her faith influences her politics
Christcuck buying the "oy vey youll get justice in the next life goy, just let it go"
>Sent vans around cities in the UK with billboards telling illegals to go home
Instead of sending police vans
>Is effectively going to create a economically centrist, socially conservative and nationalistic state
Corrupt poo tin fangirl

You got keked hard britkeks

Good thing we got out of that undemocratic EU eh lads? Wouldn't want any unelected leaders now, would we?


The 1922 confirms that the race will not be reopened.

Given it was them who probably told Leadsom how it was going to go yesterday this isn't a surprise.

I have a curious boner now.

Why are there so many Idiots saying Brexit wont happen. Its going to happen, Art 50 will be triggered, May has promised it.

I'm more smug about than you.

I've loved her since snoopers charter was thought up

Stay mad kipper


(reminder that she is the one behind nearly every expansion of the british nanny state)

I love how bongs are scared of authoritarianism now.

Boris wanted to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, good riddance

Except all of those are good things

Women should be restrained by Sharia
And I see no problem with a few rape gangs here and there

You beat me.

Again, with false assumptions. Well done for not being able to infer fuck all

She's promised to trigger it, but with her it'll be Brexit Lite. Leaving a back door open to rejoin should there be (((another vote)))

I'm not. Unlike the rest of the pretenders on Sup Forums

Absolutely :)

V for vendetta is my perfect world. Once you remove the guy fawkes faggots

>CCTV van in a public area
>nanny state


so that's it? This means Britian says in the EU?

this guy gets it

No fear here. Just a dislike for her pro-eu side

Oh this would be delicious.

Just for the tears

>so that's it? This means Britian says in the EU?