/Srebrenica General/

So Sup Forums today is July 11th, the 20th anniversary of the (((Srebrenica """""genocide""""))), otherwise known as Worldwide Kebab Removal Day.
For those of you that don't know, here is the tl;dr

>bosnian muslim jihadis start a war to establish caliphate
>bosnian muslim jihadi president imports tens of thousands of arab mujahedeen in the heart of Europe
>bosnian muslim jihadis spend 4 years butchering Serb civilians
>The Army of the Republika Srpska has had enough of your shit
>Enters Srebrenica
>Proceeds to execute military age males in the thousands because as we all know muslim jihadis like to pretend to be civilians when shit hits the fan
>no women or children are harmed, in fact they are evacuated.

Reminder that the """country""" of Bosnia&Herzegovina is a Turkish muslim caliphate proxy in the heart of Europe and that they need to get their shit together before they are glassed again.

Fuck muslims. Thank you.

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah well thanks for that.
Now we have them here.

well removed

Fuck Muslims let's do it again world wide genocide.

You bombed them for doing it you retarded jizz stain.

>bunch of white bosniaks get exterminated
>serbs think it was in self defense

>bunch of croats get massacred
>it was self defense

>bunch of albanians get massacred
>self defense guise

It works once, when it's 3 different nationalities I start getting suspicious

where are you now? theres obout 5k mussies in srebrenica RIGHT NOW grab the šarac and spray alittle they wont cauth you.

>'le ebil serbs want to kill 6 gorillion other nations'
>'i know this as a fact, bill clinton and the media told me, and they never ever lie do they, lel'

thanks ratko my man

>Slobodan tells nothing but truth, and it's backed up by SANA so you know it's legit

Why are people from the balkans all blood thirsty simpletons? Something in the blood maybe?

t. Albanian diaspora



Hello my brother and how are you today. I hope you have applied butthurt cream this time.

You are of course right on all points.

I would just like to remind you that le great kebab removal of 1995 was indeed a phyric victory and that actually over the course of past 2 decades kebab removed you. Serbs are 30% minority here now and dropping, thank you for that as for many other things based Serbia.

Thank you for input.

its not like they have any bloody history with the r*aches

>Not bloodthirsty

test post

Remember Dinko, the based Kebab remover?

>everyone who questions my propaganda is an albanian

Reminds me of niggers and blaming whitey for everything

tipical muslim responce:

the Germans are the ones who armed them

never forget the eternal Kraut, Serbro

>savage serb thinks he did something good
>country carved up into specks

I'm glad we destroyed your shithole of a country.

Keep it up and Albania will annex all of you in 50 years.

Minority where? We don't recognize BiH good sir. There are 1.5 million CRAZY INSANE Serbs in Republika Srpska RIGHT NOW.

Referendum when?

I was born 1989 in Sarajevo and shit sucked but was still kinda fun desu. Ah the innocence of youth I miss it.

Serbia did nothing wrong, as an Assyrian I support Serbia and it's people. God bless!

Damn did you escape before the shit hit the fan???

Oh another butthurt brother of mine. What happened Mehmed got ur gf?
tfw no gf

Thank you too for the input.

I know plenty of your kind, Analbanian.
You guys are worse than rapefugees and full blown niggers

adis pls go

We are going to unite one day my Greek friend. One day Serbia and Greece will be as one as we once were.

We had biased school books about the Yugoslav wars at school, there were paragraphs about Serb massacres, then one sentence at the end said "Croatia was now declared 90% Croat", and I tried to draw people's attention to it but ofc it was just "Why are you trying to argue with the books???".

I did not

You have my sword when they try to greater albania.


Shoo, shoo.

Sorry about bombing you we should have let you continue but you know liberals they cant get enough of the muslime cock

I cringed.

All you'll be is pic related.

Very good. You should always try to be objective. My OP is objective. It takes a simple google search to find out that anywhere that Serbs committed ''''genocide'''', Serbs no longer live there. How is that possible lol.

Yes of course whenever they want.
37 % of 3,7 mil is not 1,5 mil also. Even subhuman ape like me can do this math.

Hello brother so was i it's just that i stayed here. Use to be shitty, now it ain't bad.

kebab removal is good an all but when starts kremšnjita removal?

Bosnia lowest IQ in Europe.

Bosnia collects all the money from Hercegovina and transfers to Sarajevo and useless bosniaks

Turkish empire in Europe. KeK.
Fix your fantasies.

western white and absolutely 100% european turkish empire*

>starts thread by being proud of genociding muslims
>continues by denying it and suggests to others to keep an open mind.

Stop breathing.

You are too fucking stupid to let live.

>he still thinks i'm albanian
Wew lad xD

dis thread gon b gud.

>kebab removal
hahahaha xddd genocide is such a dank meme xdd i am so edgy and funny xdddd remove kebab!!!1 despite the overwhelming evidence that disagrees with me, it never happened xddd

fuck off

It's ok. Really it is. Shit wasn't so bad as most of us here would like you to think.
I know most Serbians are mostly exposed to the neoliberal degenerate aspect of America
and have no knowledge of good, hard working God fearing Christian Americans that I had the pleasure of meeting in my travels.

It means a lot to me that you apologize.
In fact, I know Serbs care not for money or reparations, but if a high ranking official were just to go on TV and say ''we are sorry it was a mistake'' all the bad blood between us will disappear instantly. Count on it.

You're the last people to laugh about denying a genocide.

how can you call me brother, im white youre a filthy muslim subhuman.
your only allies are liberal degenarets

The real cringe is that you think turkey wont be in a civil war in 10 years

What drew my ire was that all the questions at the end of the book were loaded, so as to imply that intervention was always a good thing. Most of the teachers suggested either saying that everyone should have intervened sooner, or to criticise the Europeans for not doing enough. When I said "How about we say we never should have intervened at all?", people accused me of wanting genocide etc.

I also didn't understand why people accepted the EU and the US negotiating with rebel Yugoslav states, instead of the internationally-recognised Yugoslavia, and when the book said that Germany had pushed to recognise Slovenia and Croatia, I assumed it was just part of EU expansionism (those two are now EU members, so I believe I'm correct).


Fuck allah.

Yes of course. It is all about dat IQ.
My force field detected duvnjak so butthurt that no cream can help today. Why don't you come back home?

He started thread being proud of it, now tries to snivel out by saying other shit, total flip flop subhuman slavshit style.

We have always said we didnt do it, and still do.

If you can't see the difference, nothing I can do for you.

What about areas Serbs never were the majority in? What about the fact they became refugees and moved back to Serbia?


Sure fuck him.

I don't give a fuck.

But you are, and will always remain, a fucking moron.

That's how you do war.

Sorry about the deeb goncern Serbia. I have (((no idea))) why our governments are such jihadophiles.

Yes tank you for giving lefties more fuel to their SJW crusade and "refuges welcome" bullshit.

t, lowest iq of the continent

Actually it is all about that IQ, deny it all you want turkish rape baby

I'll be back some day. Lost both parents in that city but glad it's on its way back.

Yearly reminder that NATO let it happen to justify intervention

Everything you just said is correct.
I'm going to be fair and say that Yugoslavia (the Serb side) blundered historically in the geopolitical sense, completely missing out of the historic moment that was the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of communism.

But this thread isn't about that.

This thread is about how radical islamic terrorism led to the bosnian war.

Thanks for the (you)'s m8

But then again, Turks celebrated the Armenian genocide.

Hello BROTHER once, again. Even subhuman ape like me can recognise that you are not in position to feel superior over me in any way. Also you are more bosnian by now that me probably, i would check my ancestry for filthy bosnian pig.

Typical 90's serbian propaganda muncher.

That is how you do it you little bitch. Do you really think we care about any of your abrahamic shit bedtime stories.




Never did I say I was proud of anything.
I put '''genocide''' in quotation marks for a reason you illiterate pig fucker.

Also, A FUCKING TRIANGLE states that I have low IQ. A FUCKING BOSNIAN MUJO AND HASO calls me stupid. Oh the irony.


Why did you shell Dubrovnik? Why did you attack sibenik? Zadar? Why did you shell the center of Sarajevo for four years?

Fuckin Clintons fucking up again.

>Armenian Genocide -1.5mil
>Greek genocide - 450,000–750,000
>(((Holocaust))) - (((6mil)))
>post WWII ethnic cleansing of Germans -500-600,000 est. dead
>Rwanda - 800,000

>Serbrenica - 8000 military age males killed, women and children allowed to evacuate

All of these are exactly the same.

I remember being told as a kid that Serbs were evil and that's why the US intervened. Now as an adult I can see the way the whole story was spun. It seems like the only "genocide" that rouses the ire of Democrats in America is when it's Muslims.

I don't care what you care about.
The fact of the matter is that we have a secret little no homo relationship going with Croatia.
Nobody fucking likes muslims.
You need to BEHAVE if you want to make it through the decade.

>why do cities get shelled during war

Based Serbia

How do you pronounce that in English?

I am sorry my brother. Many people were lost in the 90's. I lost some family members too. You should come to visit, it is not as it use to be but it is something.

You haven't applied the cream yet?
Subhuman, sub par IQ mini turk monkeys managed to make a great serb mad.

Stop fucking lying. The civil wars in east europe was because of the Serbs and Croatians.
The Croatians wanted to split and the Serbs didn't like it. So they started to kill and genoicde all the small minorities group so they take control of the lands.

The Croats had massive population so they managed to defend themselves from the Serbs.
The Muslim in east europe were a minority so the Serbs killed them and commited war crimes against innocent civilians.

But you guys know what?
When the devil worshipping Serbs tried to fight the Muslims, they didn't know that they are fighting ALLAH (subhanhu wa ta'ala). They thought the Muslims are outnumbered weak and have weapons, so they thought they can finish of the Muslims.

But ALLAH (subhanhu wa ta'ala) controled the minds of the western Christian leaders, and he made them bomb their allies, the Christians in east europe. AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

Us Muslims are immune, there is nothing you guys can do to is, Allah (subhanhu wa ta'ala) will just mind control you guys and let you bomb each other.

And guess what happens, the US and allies bombed the living shit out of the Serbs and they fucked them nice and deep. They tore a new hole for Serb twinkies. And gave the Muslims their own country. AND YOUGOSLAVIA WAS DESTROYED ahahahahahahhaah

Allhamdulilah!! Subhanallah!! Jazakumn Allahu Khairun.

breddy gud post, i kekd

Can we have stories, welcome bro user?

I fucking love it when turk rapespawn calls me a turk.
Then I go look into the mirror and see my beautiful white FACE and my pretty blue EYES and I am reminded that if I spend more than 20min in the sun I burn, and I fucking love it.

>The fact of the matter is that we have a secret little no homo relationship going with Croatia.
Nobody fucking likes muslims.
Oh this is new for me, we sure haven't noticed this over the past few hundred years.
There is always an option of le kebab removal but you must be aware of the consequences.
Dat south part of your country wouldn't be too happy about it and there are around 500 k mudslimes with croatian domovnica around here.

its trolling bait anyway according to that red australia flag


>Allhamdulilah!! Subhanallah!! Jazakumn Allahu Khairun.

You have been reported to the kiwi FBI, son. Prepare to get your shit pushed in.

Go kiss a tranny, Trudeau.

Control yourself, Mujo.


Nobody called you a turk, but i understand the natural urge to fend from these accusations. Read again. We are subhuman turk babies and you (serbs) are of course fair hitlerjunge. it is also nice that you take pride in that.

Also you knuckle head. The Srebrenica was in 1995. That is 21 years. not 20. You fucking donkey. No wonder Hitler wanted to exterminate all your gypsy grandparents. AHAHAHAHAH

Shieeett even a dnokey is smarter than you.


objasnite ovog izbeglicu na aparatima sa novog zelanda hahahhahah placem

Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić did nothing wrong.


nice try zlatan

Whatever senpai look all you need to do is follow the example of this great man. Is that so hard?

>this thread again
nice try strahinja, good thing that Sup Forums is the only outlet outside of your cuck country where you can blast your lies and feel good about yourselves.

>We are subhuman turk babies

When will this meme die?

Thanks, mate.