why is Sup Forums so shit when the americans are not around?
Why is Sup Forums so shit when the americans are not around?
Because Australians take over and start funposting.
I am here, Hans. 8^) xoxo
pol is really slow when you guys are not around, and it gets kinda boring. youre the guys everyone loves to hate, youre the driving force for banter.
Fun fact: that guy isn't Native American, he's an Italian.
holy shit no way
true liberty makes everything better including the bantz
It's 7 in the morning here, I called off work specifically so I could nicepost
are you joking?
it's ten times better when most of the american kids aren't here
It actually infuriates me that I didn't learn that until I watched the Sopranos. They talk about it an episode where people are protesting Columbus Day (who, while working for the Spanish, was also an Italian).
no its actually fun, americans have a strong opinion on everything and theyre pretty loud about it. it makes for nice discussions.
Sup Forums is only good when we have natural disasters.
I miss Earthquake threads.
Why are Germans and Turks good friends in Germanistan?
Because they both share same interest in genocides.
kek, im gonna tell that one to my turkish brother inlaw.
Bullshit! We don't have strong opinions about everything! FUCK YOU!
we actually laugh when we read burgers proud of their mass shootings.
If you don't take pride in it, the terrorists win.
>my turkish brother in law
Git out son.
*my wife's turkish son
Because we are the master race.
Muh sides
have you fucks allready signed this?
>inb4 hurr durr obama doesnt recognize this
were at 86k signatures
because they have the best bants
lets make this a best of pol thread
dude like all the native americans in 50-70's cinema were all italian
t. native american
I didn't know there was a time when Americans weren't dominating the bantz
Before summer came around, also Australia and Japan have the highest bants per capita
Explain to me how you and everyone else foreign to the english language knows english so well? Not saying its hard to learn just curious?
>When did we achieve bants of this caliber?
why can't usa into bants? they literally think bants is just raw insults.
fucking plebs.
USA is the only place with le happenings right now
>Clinton Foundation
nothing is happening in Europe atm.
>driving force for banter.
More like driving force for newfags summerposting and butthurt responses to banter.
Isn't that what the rest of us suffer through all summer?
>inb4 moon landing
>inb4 moon landing was faked
Is this the dead nigger storage thread? Cause I got a dead nigger here.
Americans have a strong opinion on everything and they're pretty loud about it.
Americans have a strong opinion on everything and they're pretty loud about it.Americans have a strong opinion on everything and they're pretty loud about it.Americans have a strong opinion on everything and they're pretty loud about it.
Jaime le merrican ignorance mon amis
Either that or you're jelly of Muh amendments.
>>picks french to learn
Why on earth would i ever need to learn french dumb fuck
That guy looks like a dressed-up Irv Rubin.
Don't worry, nobody in Europe aside from Frenchies learn French.
It's practically a dead language.
I'm merely suggesting that maybe other nations realize there's a world outside of McDonald's n nascar
wot u say krunt
I suppose you're getting pretty good at arabic now huh?
>nice distorted reality
How does it feel to get watch your country get fucking RAPED bye emus every fucking day, Irwin?
What kind of burger should I get for breakfast?
that's basically a summary of how the world works
>world can't stand us
>world can't function without us
Who is that beautiful man?
But, Hans. The Americans are always here
Because the rest of the planet is shit.