"Teens" using Pokémon Go to rob people! HAU!!

you really can not make this shit up...
basically, niggers luring (or just following them) people into secluded places by tracing them and then robbing them


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lmfao! I predicted this, wish I had screencapped. so. niggers are waiting for weibos to go into isolated areas, then jumping them? lmao...


Into the trash it goes.

Pro tip: don't live in a poor shithole state

>Poor shithole state
>t. fucking idiot who doesn't know the difference between Missouri and Mississippi

dumb ass, you don't think they are spreading the technique on "worldhiphopstar" or wherever they talk and soon it will be happening allover the US?

I knew this. I read about people goign into nigge-infested allets to "catch" x or y...fucking stupid idea. How long before the "teens" shoot/rape someone?

T. Blue Collared Ferguson cocksucker who thinks he's rich

Why aren't people grouping up to fight the nigger problem?
>play pokemon
>see pack of primates approaching
>gun them down

>Poor shithole state
is east st. louis technically in missouri, I forget? I seem to recall lots of them come to the area to rob and such....
t. guy who turned down scholarship to washington University in st. louis....

Better to have a well rounded team to battle those niggers... oh wait.

Reminds me of when the "knockout game" made the news, and every outlet said it was "teens" who do it but fail to mention they were always, without a doubt, black.

Have to admit, this is hysterical and typical of American "diversity"
>Japan: have idea! We give American-San free game so they leave house and no longer fat!

Fat pale White guy who has not left house in 2 years: "almost have a jiggly puff! Right Down this alley...

>Nigger: Cracker gimme yo mother fuckin money!

pokemon go is way too easy to abuse in various ways

>tfw all the normies are playing pokemon

Is there anything they won't ruin?

It's still infested with millions of 'groids, literally no difference.

kek, this would make a great Tyrone-type cartoon. user, can you or anyone else here draw? It's perfect, 4 frames:
>Japanese anime girls designing game
>Fat, pale White guy dls game
>chasing his pokemon into an empty alley
> White guy gets robbed and shot by nigger

God, I can SEE the cartoon! I envy you fuckers who can draw....

>Blue Collared

>not a poor shithole state
i live in a small town in indiana and even im amazed to see how little there is when i go see family in bumfuck missouri.

I used to tour the USA regularly and the only place there I ever spent time there other than Kansas City was Springfield, Missouri.

>90% white
>hottest chicks I've seen anywhere in the country

From the Guardian. Gee, I wonder what race these "Teens" were?
"At about 2am in O’Fallon, Missouri, officers responded to a robbery report that led them to four people, all local residents aged 16 to 18, in a black BMW in a CVS parking lot. The occupants tried to discard a handgun out of the car when an officer approached, said Sgt Bill Stringer. The officer then identified the four people as suspects of similar armed robberies described in St Louis and St Charles counties."


Look, another story of white gullible idiots getting ROBBED.
That's Sup Forumss fetish.

>has article on this
>posted mugshots with the white guy in the middle
Bet they never would have posted the mugshots if they were all niggers

>Goymany aka "coon cum drinking: the country"

Opinion discarded.

Every Pokémon game needs it's team rocket.

>That's Sup Forumss fetish.
Nah, habib. If you lived here and saw 24.7 "Black livs matter! he a gud boy, he dindu nothin! Money for dem programs!

And then, lo and behold! a nigger--WITH A GUN-- robbing White kids chasing pokemon. Granted, they are douche bags, but you'll never see "Black Lives Matter" mention this sort of thing...
Also, it's funny bc some of us predicted this when the game came out.

See Springfield, MO is a 90% white, hidden jewel of the USA. I almost feel like I shouldn't tell you because I just looked it up on Wikipedia and realized it's the place I want to move. I don't want your faggots to move there and ruin it. Pic related.

>second-least diverse city in the United States

here is CBS story on it. Reminder, we an't have nice things in the US bc of the same niggers right now on evert channel chanting that their lives matter and who have been shutting down highways:

congratulations, you found one town in an entire state that isnt either empty or filled with niggers. yet. that doesnt mean the state isnt a poor shithole.

why not catch em' all?

nigger it's ranked "10th worst city in which to raise a family..." What jewel are you hiding?

The same year it was ranked "among the Best Cities for Relocating Families".

I'm willing to bet whomever ranked it one of the worst cities in which to raise a family was a kike or nigger who hates their lack of diversity.


yeah, look at Best Life magazine who claimed it's one of the worst cities to raise a family:


They're out of businesses now but literally all of their writers were kikes or faggots.

>oy vey, don't move to Springfield goy, it's terrible! Such a shameful lack of enriching diversity!

who wants to make a bet we see a bunch of these until they need to shud it down?
Niggers don't get ideas like this on their own. Can be it's on worldhiphop or wherever they share their niggerdom.

Would bet $100 we'll see 10 more plus around country by end of the week.....

Is that the codeword they use for dindus?

Just so you lazy bastards know, the culprit was white.

>doesnt post the two niggers

>Urban Youth

>neck tatt
slice it

Ya, and like 40% homeless. Springfield is a fucking shithole college town. Lol.

this desu. There are GROWN UP man and women going around with their fucking phones looking for a fucking pokemon. look at it from a non-2010s perspective. its fucking pathetic. people nowadays are so weak minded and follow whatever "trend" the mass media tells them to.

>playing the Pokeyman

>not wanting to look for Pokemon irl

You just hate fun

why dont you show the whole picture with the two other guys who are black you shill

Is there a way to be good that doesn't require walking and traveling everywhere or is this game for NEETs with too much time on their hands? How do people with jobs have time to walk and drive to random places????

The white trash was the one the niggers were giving honor of hanging out with them since he had the bmw.
All the rest were niggers. Wouldn't be shocked if he's a Jew, who gets an 18 year old a BWW?

It's meant to get fat kids off their asses in towns that are still White enough for kids to walk around alone...if you are over 14 and play this, you are a hard-on.

I haven't laughed this hard at a story in a while. Can some user who knows how to use archives look this up from when 2 or 3 days ago and see when people were predicting this would happen?

I have friends on normie book who play this and are over 20. How could people with supposed jobs (I'm guessing they don't have jobs) play this and waste time and gas?

bc he's a filthy, flat-nosed, tree jumper. Did you see, BLM has now migrated to London?
Do the niggers not get that when the entire national economy and government are collapsing, the world doesn't have time for their stopping traffic to virtue signal when no normal cops have guns there anyway (fucker even beheaded a soldier in broad daylight and didn't get shot dead).

>friends on normie book
how could you have a kike book and be handing a little jew boy all your data to sell to the gvt , LEA, and corporations?
Or do you think Cuckerberg is worth 50 billion from all these people buying coins to play that farm game? HE's worth 50 million bc he sells YOU and everything you do.

Drop FB. I dropped in 4 years ago, and have never been happier. You are not going to met any girl but for a personality disorder on kikebook anyway. Trust me on this, delete KIEK BOOK and wipe your drive of any cookies and other tracking shit they have on you.


I hardly use it anymore and I haven't updated anything on there in like 6 years. It's just to keep track of college events I'm involved with.

>someone else likes something i like now i cant like it anymore

Youre a faggot hipster


he's a real gangsta

Wouldn't that be the shit though... Maybe Trump will make Pokemon real. :3

Iirc, Pittsburgh is the "least diverse" city in the USA

You don't have to feed Pokémon

anything lower than fucking iowa has to be "misery"