The Dyatlov Pass

If there is something more mysterious and incomprehensible?

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Philadelphia experiment

The westwood volleyball incident of 2003 xD


>a fucking avalanche
>mysterious and incomprehensible

The Russian soul

Have you ever read about it?

I just feel like a lot of people made shit up about it to have some attention.

It is actually really strange. They ruled out an avalanche in the investigation.

Paradoxical undressing seems very likely

It's a very interesting case, especially because it was well documented and for the "unknown compelling force" conclussion of the original investigators.

In all likelyhood the solution is consistent with natural phenomena but this is one of the few paranormal linked cases that does actually merit serious research.

It's just there are small bits of information that we are missing regarding the incident, if we ever found those it would conclude something very uninteresting to be the cause of death. This happens all the time in other aspects, just when it's unexplained deaths conspiracy tards froth at the possibility of spewing stupid bullshit theories

I heard it was UFOs or the Yeti

Okay, I just read the theories about this incidentMy conclusion is that it was the Infrasound-induced panic attack that led to their exit of the tents and injury (in darkness they stumbled). They could not find their way back to the camp in the night.

Military option is a low possibility as an alternative theory

This doesn't explain why so many people who knew better left the tent in such a hurry and did not attempt to return in the first place. Some of the hikers took items from their fallen comrades indicating they were well aware of the risks of exposure.

>people cut their way out from their tents
>ran naked through the snow
>started a fire away from main camp, where one died in his underwear
>Dubinina and Zolotaryov had major chest fractures, equal to a major car crash but no external signs of force, not even a bruise
>the entire area was locked off for a period of time afterwards

They were all experienced in hiking in the snow as well. Really is strange.

Infrasound sounds far fetched but let's roll with that, it doesn't explain the three members of the expedition who died of injuries.

I stumbled upon a conspiracy some months ago about the secret UFO base in Himalayas.
Here's the article in Greentext

>Several UFO sightings in nearby villages
>The base is supposed to be near Indo-China Border
>Though Indo-China border is heavily guarded, locals of both country are allowed to visit their respective borders
>But no civilian is allowed near that area
>Both the nations have deployed Armies around the area but nut inside the area.
>Apparently Indian and Chinese government are in contact with the Aliens - The reason they have successful Space Program.

>both nations have deployed armies that nut inside the area

Kek, Just noticed that typo. Its hilarious but my bad.

>>the entire area was locked off for a period of time afterwards
This is one of the spookiest parts, Russians tend to be no nonsense as fuck and Soviet investigators I don't think were people to scare easy. It should have been an ordinary case to solve for them, natives/bandits or an avalanche/accident but instead you've got this mess. I remember reading about radiation and some weird orange coloration to some of the bodies but can't find that skimming through the wikipedia article.



Interesting theory but it sounds like garden fare, there's been rumors of UFO bases underneath pre-columbian temples here for decades and Brazilians even talk of underground cities.

Everytime you get to the sources tho they tend to be so badly written and inconsistent right away you know they're hoaxes, surprisingly crude ones at that. It's very hard to fake this shit, think the old alien autopsy video and how quickly, and thoroughly it was debunked.

It's one of the cool things about Dyatlov pass, it has whitstood the test of time without any one theory that succesfully explains it all without inconistencies or far fetched asumptions.

Even using Occam's razor you can't get it down from at least 3 very unlikely events all going on in succession.



very nice and sex

She looks like it's she murdered them all


it may seems to me to be some directed high pressure air that caused a few death, the rest from shock of exploding comrades in freezing temperatures

Yeah, like Kola mine shaft.
Fake bullshit, like an UFO assault on US fleet near the Land of Queen Maud
Krivonishenko was working in Chelyabinsk-40 aka Ozyorsk, a "closed city", which was built to support the military nuclear plant which was producing plutonium.

Angry Mansi people

This video explains it

Angry Mansi people with a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range

Summary of versions by Lurkmore:
Natural versions:
Avalanche - one of the most popular versions, but it's not flawless one. The hill is not so high, the avalanche shouldn't be very disasterous. Avalanche version has many subversions, which explain the reasons why people had to cut through the tent and run around.
Infrasound - certain cilffs because of the strong wind could work as infrasound generators and infrasound could make people panic. This version doesn't explain the broken skull and a hole in the tent.
Animals - the victims could be attacked by local wild life. Trouble is that Kholat Syakhl is uninhabited by animals - there were no animal footprints, no bite marks, nothing.
Ball lightning - the version was spawned by people who saw picrelated - the last photo made by the group. Probably, it's just a defect of a film.
Hypothermia - tourists didn't expect the temperature to fall from 0 to -30 degrees. At the same moment people could feel oxygen starvation because of the snow falling on the tent. They decided to cut through, make a bonfire, but they paniced at some moment.
Foehn wind - first and the last Foehn in the area.

to be continued.

stalin did it

>If there is something more mysterious and incomprehensible?

how does ASSpain continues to work and move forward with a actual strong growing economy with all the retards that rule us.

Next part: human factor versions
Tourists got drunk/high and started to act inadequately - a probable version, but false one - the bottle of spirit has remained untouched.
Tourists have paniced because of local fairy-tales - pretty strange, they're not young children after all.
Tourists have met a hostile group - runaway criminals, a squad of police sent for criminals, stuff like that. Trouble is that the wounds doesn't seem like they have been caused by weapons and that all the valuable things have remained in place.
Tourists got cleaned, because they saw something they shouldn't have seen - another version with full of variations: rocket tests, the descendance of Zero Cosmonaut, things like that. Again, the wounds doesn't seem like they were caused by humans, and the unusual skin color is usual for victims of hypothermia.

I'm tired.

I read a Chinese story about UFOs, about a farmer who traveled through half of China in like 1 week in the 70s, it is said he was carried by 2 guys in his sleep, apparently they did this for like 3 times and simply disappear after the trip. Also said that they brought him inside of military bases and the general or something asked how the fk did he get in. They also put him in a hotel. This was back in the strict communist era, where traveling and checking into hotel need permissions and shit. The guy is still alive and well apparently, some TV did a report on this during the early 2000s, apparently there is record of him checking into hotel and the general remembers him also. But this could all be bullshit, too little reporting and investigating. TLDR A story about a farmer went on a trip through different part of China in an extremely short amount of time by 2 aliens.