BLM Chimpout when asked "why are you here?"

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civil rights were a mistake

Well, yeah, I mean, asking a chimp a question they can't answer is kinda cruel

This is the outcome when they're utterly confused and don't know how to respond

Jesus Christ his composure is envious

He is fucking calm as Budda man

Is there anymore from yesterday ? Best shit happens when i got to sleep, fucking timeszones man

Always shouting and repeating the same shit.

I thought he was gonna lose it in the middle with that sneer. You could see that the only thing going through his mind was "maybe I really should join the KKK".

Is this the average day for a white american?

No doubt about it.

please someone nuke america

Tfw you realize your news station was right all along but you gotta keep calm to keep from being hit

I asked why you are here?


No, just reporters

Remember miss Melissa "I need some muscle" Click?

Well, they're animals.

You have to be hyper-aggressive; chest out and screaming down with thunder.

Or calm as fuck.

If you show that you're easy prey, they'll go to physical violence.

That reporter just got redpilled the hard way.

He's probably thinking, "Jesus Christ I hope the police mow these people down"

He was culturally enriched

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with black people
Do they have some genetic imbalance in their brain or something? It seems like they're developmentally stunted and have emotions like a 5 year old.

But seriously, any legalfags here? When they wrap their gorilla arms around you but aren't touching you like a fucking 5 year old, threaten you, assault you, surround you, when can you draw and waste all of them to prove you were defending yourself?

This. Showing any kind of weakness will only make them more aggressive, if you run they'll chase you. They might not have planned it, they'll just act on instinct.

The reporter's whole attitude tells me he was just waiting for one of them to punch him to get a story.

Look at his face, goddamn mad man wanted to get a raise but all they did was scream at him.

>emotionally retarded

There you go.

Most of their violence and crime comes from simple shit; arguing over chicken wings, turf, or confusion.

>I asked you why you were here.
>[hooting escalates rapidly]


It reminded me of the little black girl who finally attended a white school back when de-segregation first happened, and people were yelling at her and throwing shit. Funny how times change. Nigs have become their worst enemy.

Fat black women are so fucking annoying.

More like Uncivilized Rights, amirite

The sheboon got mad because deep down none of them know why they're there.

>muh people
>muh shittalking the police
>muh free stuff

They're spoiled rotten. It's as simple as that. When society never holds you to any sort of standard, you never get the chance to develop as a person.


Backing away whilst facing them is a good way to disengage

You can't leave an opening on your sides or back, as they'll attack when you aren't looking

Pretty much back to the wall always if you have to leave and you don't want to go commando on them (which usually means you're fucked legally, even if it's justified)

They're pretty much animals with human rights.

So when are you Yanks going to do something about these animals?

1,30 when bitch starts laughin

Uh, the police are the only ones who can do anything about them. The government or Jews or whatever you wanna call them know they're an issue, but don't care. They want them around for political leverage.

>Most of their violence and crime comes from simple shit; arguing over chicken wings, turf, or confusion.

It cracks me up when a team blows a playoff game because someone got "dissed". Years ago, someone accidentally stepped on Alonzo Mournings foot near the end of a game that they were winning.

By the time he had finished his tantrum and collected his technical fouls, they went from a point or so up to a few points down and were eliminated.

what kind of trash attacks reporters? a bunch of filthy niggers

It's even worse than that. There's nothing more destructive to a person's development than to tell them that their every personal failing is the fault of someone else.

Stop welfare immediately


She's not wrong, race traitors should not be trusted by blacks nor whites.

There are poor white people, you know.

lol liberals

PTSD. im like this and im a white dude. just get beat and treated like shit everyday as a kid and wallah

wew, glad I'm not a nigger

Acceptable losses.
>must go through the fire if we are to survive.

lolol kekked

not for the democrats voting pool

Animal rights

I'm right

The saddest part is, they'll never see this. Even when whites become the oppressed ones they'll still play the victim and cry about oppression. The South should've won.


What is it with these people how they say a phrase and then start screaming it over and over?

i've never met a nigger that didn't get stuck on auto-repeat.

here's a question. why do blacks care so much what happens to other blacks? i dont give a shit if some white person gets killed by the police

You can tell he wants to crush her windpipe.

You have the right to fight back legally. But, it shows some big ass balls to stand tall above the monkey and to be calm. It's like watching evolution in action, the monkey chimps out while the human being has a brain in his head

You might be a sociopath.

If you could sufficiently prove that your life was threatened by the individual, then you can kill anyone in the world that you'd like.

They don't care about what happens to other blacks either.

i'd care if it was someone i knew. why do i care about some rando white criminal (as most of these cop killings seem to be of)

Deep down i dont think they really care, they have hidden motives hidden from us.

And you did nothing to escalate the behavior*

You can't just say "hold on let me grab my gun" and come back in 5 minutes


She cant answer the question why are you here? so she acts irrational to cover up her pure stupidity. when she asks why are you here? hes a journalist why do you think he is there lol

They don't care about what happens to other blacks, if they did they would fight for better education and against gang and drug violence.

What they care about is row row fight da powa. They get a massive boner from feeling like they're oppressed and fight against the big bad white man. They care about feeling righteous and brave when really they're just being idiots.

Just like SJWs they'll "fight" an imaginary evil by attacking innocent people, but they tell themselves that it's ok because it's a righteous anger against oppression.

>You might be a sociopath.
thats not actually a thing user. the mental health treatment community admitted it. sociopath was a label liberals dempt up to describe people they dont like they thought were dangerous but there never was anything that set a sociopath apart from a normal person

the majority of violent criminals have no mental disorder they are healthy mentally. they just dont have the same value system as you but there is no chemical or physical impairment. their brains work properly


get a load of THIS fucking moron.

The best part was about an hour later some nigger was bitching about mainstream media not covering them.

Pretty fucking sad when reporters are more at risk at these "protests" then they are in war zones.

This is amazing, a 6'2 physically fit alphamenschen white man gracefully walks around their protest and asks one simple question and they just lose all their fucking composure. A thing of beauty, sweet vindication.

He's like the guy that showed his dick to those feminists. They're making his story for him. He already won.





what? He speaks french and you want to put him down?

>Assuming they are people

Niggers are not people and please refrain from addressing them as such. These are sub human peices of shit with no respect for anyone of any race to include their own.

Seriously, where are the white militas, the kkk terror squads?

I am fucking disappointed.

Why don't you Americans just call pest control to deal with this shit?

shoulda checked his privilege at the door tbqh familia

they shut him down and got rid of him. well done BLM, rest of america can learn a thing or two about to to SHUT THEM DOWN

They have been growing in numbers steadily over the last few years. You don't hear about them because they're not niggers who bring attention to them anymore. They work quietly building up their numbers

Animals like to yell, and when they yell the loudest they think they win, you see it in nature all the time. It doesn't really matter what they are yelling, just that they are yelling.

Same reason there were no German death quads after the Cologne fickifest. If we did such a thing the police would come after us twice as hard as they go after BLM. The media would drag our names through the mud, everyone we know would disown us, and everyone involved would spent decades in prison. There's nothing worse than a white racist in the US. Half a century of media programming can be quite effective ...

The South wanted to import more blacks into the US. Do you not realize how they got here in the first place?

These are niggers, not Turks


They want to feel self righteous and be in charge. I've said it before: BLM is the best thing to happen to racism since the KKK. They are going to make people who would otherwise be willing to accept blacks hate blacks. They are pissing off the MSM, which is a bad idea. They don't want to have an adult discussion about their problems, which would include more than just trigger happy cops, but also the problems in their own community.

>and wallah

Unsure if you're shit posting.

Is it that bad? At least you have guns. I was raised in the US and knew some soldiers and they did not seem as pussified as our German nazi guilt cult men.

But still, when will they act? Or will they just accept the step by step tactic and adopt to the worsening conditions eacht time?

Becuase we will soon have a time where you will get lynched for being white or "racist".

what is the Amygdala genius

no. the confederate constitution specifically forbid international slave trading, partly to placate the british, who they hoped would join the war on their side, but also to create a domestic industry in slave ranching.

Instead of embracing the media that so badly wants to help them through coverage, BLM chimps block highways, hijack microphones and yell over people. They are horrible at PR. Imagine the progress they could have made if they didn't act like fucking savages

If they kept slavery they could have just sold them off when they became obsolete. Setting them all free couldn't have been the plan.

Besides if you need to have a class of people who have to do hard physical labor under horrible living conditions wouldn't it be more humane to force black people to do it than to make fellow whites live like that?

Good post showing the behavior in action

>common female behaviour, but amplified by being black

When will women acknowledge and respect the amount of self control it takes for men to deal with them?

Gona drop a red pill, even though most of you faggots won't bother reading it.

Well I might draw from personal experience. These movements like BLM or something I'm familiar with Anti-Fa, are so unclear on their goals. They are a supposed to be a force of revolution right? The people who join these movements are mostly usefull idiots, this is known. These movements are also compromised, meaning they serve an agenda that the idiots are not aware of, otherwise they wouldn't support the movement.

They don't know why they are there, they are there for the simplest most base emotionaly charged pseudo revolutionary ideology, the innate human desire to resist, to be free, and to escape the tyranny of the state.

The problem these idiots face though, is that, they are not intelligent, knowledgeable or wise enough to actually do something about their desire, therefore they turn to these counter movements, that conveniently seem to pop up.

They are by design just outlets of frustration, much like this board.

You see, the people who are running this shitshow are very good at it, they are good at controlling what drives civilization, culture. They've conceived most possible angles and possibilites with think-tanks and algorithms on super computers. Therefore they can prop up whatever they need to so they can remain in control. CCTV and such are all part of this, always watching our mannerisms, how we respond to commercial media and the advertisement industry, they see on the street who buys what, and when they do.

They are quite possibly running the most advanced sociopathic experiment on life in the galaxy.


But before the war broke out they wanted to bring more in.

Slavery was obviously a mistake and we're still paying for it.

They'll wait till they have numbers enough to make a stand. They've been villinized unfairly over the decades so they have to move carefully or every government agency under the sun will start infiltrating them again


Seriously, or sarcasm? I thought it was pretty canny.

I would officially push the button that kills all niggers over the button that kills all Muslims.

Things have deteriorated significantly during the past few years along racial divides here. It is going to take a bit of time for non-black America to see the BS for what it is. Red pilled blacks are ahead of the curve on this.

Roger that, I feel fucking threatened. Our whole existence is in danger.

They could literally just vote.

Blacks don't vote. Therefore politicians don't give a shit about them.

Same applies to young voters, see Brexit, where all these dumb young cunts don't vote and then proceed to cry on social media.

This is our generation and I am ashamed of it.

On the other hand, because of the level of retardation in people my age (I'm 27) I come off as smarter in everything I do.

Lincoln had plans to ship them back, but then he died. Shame they didn't fix the problem before it was too late. Living in Houston surrounded by these critters is fucking awful. After Katrina many New Orleans niggers were relocated here which made it even worse than before.

Will it come to a race war? A purge?