I bet this makes you pretty angry :^)

I bet this makes you pretty angry :^)

Other urls found in this thread:


What is this? I just woke up and this nigress (hot one by their standards) is everywhere, what's the big fucking deal?

She's standing up to your racism.


Why don't they ever stand up to the absurd amount of black on black violence?

Racist for not being attracted to a different species? well fuck, do you enjoy fucking dogs then?


They're never going to shut up about it though, and that'll get annoying pretty quickly.

What happened?

So did this random dindu run up to the police? Or did they run up to her?

Not mad, more like confuse

This shit does not deserve merit.

What does? A nigger and cops isnt anything special.

Kikebook told me that people are comparing this to the Tienanmen square photo.
Fuck everything. What's the point anymore.

Oh, look another staged photo. Rly maeks u thnk, huh?

Meanwhile niggers in Chicago are 50x more likely to be killed by another nigger than by a cop, and black on black murder rates this year are up 95% compared to 2014 as police stop patrolling their neighborhoods.

At least niggers in America have worked out how to self-regulate population.

>that cop on the far right

Because if she tried to do that, she wouldn't be viewed as a hero, she would just be shot to death. Maybe stopping black on black violence will become fashionable soon.

OP's pic is being compared to pic related by the media....

What? A black bitch doing something completely safe for a photo-op? We're used to them being attention whores by now.

Would have been more realistic if they used an actual Black person, instead of her.

That's pretty fucking stupid, the black girl is obviously in way more danger.

Just a "powerful" photo op of a stonk independent nigress 'standing up' to police. Niggers and SJWs on social media are comparing it to pic related.

What the fuck are those cops doing? Are they breakdancing?

Black women are the scum of our time.

Absolutely serious.

The percentage of black women who actually have some kind of net positive contribution to society is so fucking infinitesimally low that they may as well wake up in the morning and don a t-shirt that reads "HUMAN PARASITE"

I know you motherfuckers have a hard time understanding this or that it seems "racist," but when you live in the South your entire life truly among "Blacks," you will find out real quick what "real Blacks" are like when they are 50%+ of the population in your area.

Every day I go to work I hear at least one racial epithet thrown around, and 95% of the time it is by some loud, worthless screaming she-boon who has a gaggle of fatherless kids and who is paying for everything with her WIC card. She will get on her government bus, return to her government housing, and when school gets back in session, she will deposit her children at a government school where they will be fed and cared for by the state.

Eventually when Jamal Jr fails to graduate even the most pathetic of high school curriculums in the state, Mama She-boon will still be on WIC and benefits, and will still not have a job, and will still hoot and howl everywhere she goes that something is "racist" that day and that "crackers" need to pay. On her government sponsored Obamaphone, she will post to Facebook how #BlackLivesMatter because Jamal Jr #3 wound up in prison for selling crack on the corner after he failed out of school.

And truly the worst are old black women 60+.

These motherfuckers will talk like they know everything, but are some of the most inept and lazy human beings I have ever encountered on the planet. The ones that have cars are disproportionately the cause of the vast majority of traffic accidents. It's all the shit that was terrible about them before but turned up to 11 because smelly, disgusting old black women can do no fucking wrong and are completely unaccountable for everything they do.


>Niggers compare the US police force to Commie tanks

Well said mate

How? How the fuck does that compare to this?

It doesn't. Niggers are dumb animals, so good luck trying to reason with them.

that is an uppity one

No, it actually Really makes you think................

Liberals trying their fucking hardest to make this some historical photo shown in textbooks next to the Tiananmen Square Man

yeah it does desu

I'm never not angry when I'm on Sup Forums.
Why do I even come here?

there is nothing more irritating than the old black woman tone. like they're wise world weary sages because they're too tired to chimp out anymore. its like nails on a fucking chalkboard to hear their """"wisdom"""" which amounts to be a good den mother and suck dick so this father actually stays. FUCK



Hopefully these kids will also be confused as to why that lady looks different, then we can say: "Well, you know what happened to the native Americans"

sorry based taiwanese gentleman

Here's my song for the race war:


Yeah you already know that'll never happen. Socialists and libcucks have taken over education in this country and have been slowly brainwashing them for over a decade now. Shit like this is the reason there was this whole "Red Scare" back in the 50's. The government knew shit like this was dangerous and would spread but then hippie faggots had to happen and ruined it


It's classic propaganda.

The easiest way to demote something is to compare it with a reprehensible one. (e.g. Trump is nazi, ergo Trump is bad, evil, etc)

The easiest way to promote something is to compare it with a commendable thing. (e.g. Niggress in front of cops like tiananmen square. Niggress is a hero)

Even if first statement isn't true, the second becomes true.

wtf i love guns now

Only three suspension points dammit !

>lmao dm white boi cops scurd af dey be wearing armor da black womyn da most powerful thing in da UNIVERSE

Maybe they're wearing armor because they don't want to be shot by a nigger hiding in a parking garage

>shoot it

>sheboon stands in front of 2 retarded swat members who have orders not to fire
>hurr durr she's as brave as that guy who stood in front of dozen tanks in communist China!

Niggers and liberals are brain dead, anything a nigger or a niggress does is seen as "brave" or "heroic" to them. Not to mention that the worst that happened to her was an arrest, meanwhile the Tank man "disappeared", and we all know what happens to people who disappear in communist countries.

Rare and based.

Is there a leaf on my flag?

Beyond top kek

angry they didn't fuck

And just like that, the (((MEDIA))) has effectively neutered the bad PR BLM had after Dallas.

Does anyone know what they were actually backing away from?

They're way in front of the line

The smell.


She's showing people how to not resist arrest and get shot.

She's a fucking genius of the black race apparently. Give her a fucking medal.


Look how powerful she is, its like shes emitting a powerful force field, 2 white cops falling backwards from one powerful black woman, standing tall and upright, brave, proud, powerful, standing up to white privilege and racist police brutality...I love my blackness.

Im angry shes appropriating my culture by straightening her hair.


Looks like they're coming up to here to arrest her.

they are running to her look at the angle of there feet, nigress probably got face planted and cuffed.

> emitting a powerful force field

Not at all, they like being pawns.

I bet her artificially straightened hair makes black chick's angry.

Im getting real sick of Greeks racism on here, so much hate for black people when you arent even white your damn self, its always Nigger this and nigger that

And I'm getting really sick of your nigger delusions of grandeur but hey, I'm tolerant enough to accept even the mentally challenged.

Are they really comparing it to a man standing in front of fucking tanks

I'm getting sick of you not paying denbts

>Liberals and their pets not having any sense of scale or measurement, let alone value.


Only if they didn't beat her.

A man that was either ran over or gunned down minutes later while the black woman was gently led away.

She didn't even have fucking zip-ties put on her.

Why? I like that they kill each other.
We have to cull the welfare herd somehow.

>Police running to arrest a black woman
How is this suppose to make me angry again?

>muh forcefield

I love you

damn that bitch is ugly

I'd rather we got to kill them. It's just a prediction that they may start giving a fuck about black on black murder soon. I honestly hope it's only after blacks start murdering eachother at a small war rate.

Oh shieets

She like Cle-o-patra




Haha can't hide from the truth desu

Liberals imagining force field and sheit

She has the Zika virus. That's why the cops are repelled.

Is she even black? She look more like a poo in the loo, no big negress nose or lips.

didn't get any (You)s in the other thread, so

>she gets tons of interviews
>possibly a high paying job out of it, some consultant or some shit
>other aa's can't wait to jump on the opportunity to be faggots like her
>suddenly every aa is a bloody civil rights activist


Everyone is just trying to get into the history books and become famous or some shit.

a nigger in the US? yes, pisses me off

Can you spergs just explain what's happening in this picture? What's the backstory here?



> traumatic memes


Baton Rouge protests over some stupid BLM-related bullfuck, woman in pic is a protestor, stands in front of cops, cops gently and without arresting her or even zip-tying her move her out of the way.

Lefties took a picture, started comparing it to Tiananmen Square or Kent State.

I'm pretty sure they ran in fast and just hit the brakes in cuffing range of the sheboon.

#real bravery

Underrated post

The nigger got arrested.

It's gotten to the point where black ppl can just deflect cops off them with a single mention of media scare tactics.

They just look like they're advancing to then pull her behind police lines to arrest her.

>No Batons, No Gas, No Firehoses
>Muh oppression

Fucking libs man.

>The nigger got arrested.

That will just help their narrative of "OMG edgy protester gets arrested for standing up to cops". Best thing they could've done is just push forward and go around her.

>yfw you live in a world where this gets more views, likes, shares and attention than pic related less than a week after it happens

A Stronger black women is the foundation into the World...I'm so want to fuck her puss puss

>tfw everybody is smilin for the camera
>tfw you realize that nobody is genuine in their actions they simply want to be internet famous
>comparing these movements to the 1960s when you know half these lazy niggers wouldn't bother cause it wouldn't get them followers and fame.

I lived below a 60+ y/o black woman.

She preached to my Fiance about fornification when I moved in, and played kareoke-style church tracks with huge thumping bass, and I was a racist for calling the cops when she didn't turn it down after I asked her really nice.

She left me alone after she told me she would get her big-nig husband to come "teach me a lesson"

>Looked at her right in the eye with a smile and said, "I look forward to it."