If Sup Forums can prove to me that Donald Trump is not racist, I'll vote for him in November.
Otherwise, I'll vote Hillary.
If Sup Forums can prove to me that Donald Trump is not racist, I'll vote for him in November.
Otherwise, I'll vote Hillary.
Other urls found in this thread:
He's friends with Grimace. Racists hate Grimace.
Can you prove he's racist?
KeK. If you stupid enough to NOT get it yourself nothing of value is lost. You can vote hilldog.
Okay, vote Hillary.
dumb Drumpfkins will vote for this man, despite all the racism that spews from his mouth
>prove [...] not
The scientifically illiterate should not be allowed to vote.
You should vote 3rd party.
Racism isn't a bad thing.
Stopping illegals from reaping the benefits of Legal citizens != Racism
drumpf supporters
The GOP would collapse
No. I am #MentallyHill.
Im gunna have to agree with taffy flag
You showed them!
He never said anything or acted racist
It crossed my mind, but voting 3rd party makes me feel like I'm throwing my vote away. A 3rd party candidate realistically has a 0% chance to win.
wtf i hate trump now
>Not Racisss
>Trump isn't Racist
Burden of proof
Trump punishing free speech? The left is more likely to do that lmfao.
We #hillusional now
The burden of proof lies upon the accuser not the accused. One must prove that Trump is racist lest we assume all men are inherently racist.
gas all roaches desu senpai
Wow I didn't realize it was that bad. I can't vote for someone that openly says the N word like it's no big deal.
I mean yeah I get it Trump doesn't like being politically correct. But you don't go around calling black people racist names. That accomplishes nothing.
>just prove a negative for me and I'll finally concede that you were right all along *smug anime face.jpg*
Too far.
Also prove to me that Hillary isn't a werewolf.
That's not racist, he's said "nigger" out of context.
Lack of evidence that he is racist wouldn't convince you. You have the suspicion in your mind to begin with, and lack of evidence doesn't technically disprove a theory, it just destroys its credibility. We can't disprove the notion that he's racist, because it's impossible to prove a negative.
You need to prove that he is racist. You have a burden of proof. If someone is truly innocent until proven guilty the default position shouldn't be racism. To levy such a heavy charge you would certainly need proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Therefore we cannot disprove the accusation that he is racist as there is no basis of your accusation with which we can form a refutation.
Racism does not exist, pleb.
Prove to me that he is racist.
Get over, niggerlover.
What if I told you Hillary is racist, too? Will you still vote for her?
>His divorce from his daughter
Have fun
No one can prove that he is a racist. That fact is enough proof that he isn't.
>will vote for this man, despite all the racism
>I think you mean "because."
Checked. Too bad you wasted these digits on devil's proof.
Not an argument
It's innocent until proven otherwise. Burden is on you, you filthy nigger.
>ask a leftist why they claim Trump is a racist
>they cite a source (WaPo I think) that says Trump didn't disavow David Duke on CNN even though he already did that two days before that interview
>ask why they claim Trump is friends with KKK members
>they cite a source (Vice) that says Trump's father alledgedly made deals with the KKK'
I never believed liberals would behave just like in the memes but they really do. They live in fantasy land.
He has prominently done business in one of the mos cucked cities in the known universe, and has thousands of friends of all races and creeds; not a single friend has said so much as a peep about incidences or impressions of bigotry or racial animus.
Hillary, on the other hand has hundreds of former friends and acquaintances who tell truly shocking tales of her depravity, unhingedness, and hatred. It is clear for any who have eyes to see.
German culture xenophobe
He said on the Howard Stern show he would have no problems letting black guys date his daughter.
If letting nigs bone your daughter isn't the ultimate litmus test then I don't know what is.
It takes a normally developed brain to distinguish racism from everything else.
Racism is saying all niggers should die because they are inferior. A law enforcement officer shooting an armed suspect who is aggressive, non-cooperative and reaching for his firearm for no apparent reason is not in any way racist. No matter if said suspect is black, asian, white, green or pink with a slight purplish hue.
Stating a fact is not racism, and making the statement that most blacks in the US are on welfare and are propagating, gloryfying and living in a criminal environment of their own making is also not racist.
Calling muslims inherently dangerous is not based on their skin colour or racial background, but on the very real premise that they are, by their own account, members of a worldwide death cult that seeks to destroy the contemporary essence of humanity.
A black dude who is productive, has a job, an education and is socially well behaved is nobody's problem; but such a black man is an exception.
A muslim who does not support the imposition of sharia law onto the West, and thusly only partially adheres to the very basics of islamic religion, is an exception.
Every sane man makes his mind about anything based on the rule, and not on exceptions. The very essence of rule and exception is what makes laws of nature work the way they do: a gazelle would run away from cheetah as a rule, because the cheetah is a predator as a rule and seeks to kill and eat the former. There probably are fearless gazelles and non-predatory cheetas, but they die out, as any exception eventually does.
Finally, you are obviously making a positive statement about Trump, so it is you who wields the related burdeen of proof. No one is suppposed to disprove a claim that was never proven, such as yours.
Gonna need some proofs on your hillary claims though, in case I need to debate some leftists.
>BAAAAAAAW, I won't vote for a tracist
Alright it's been nearly an hour and a half and no one can prove that Trump isn't racist.
I'm officially voting for Hillary. There's nothing that can change my mind at this point. This thread has proven to me that Trump supporters are incompetent and can't put together a logical argument. At least Democrats know how to debate.
i can write trump on my cock in black texta if that will win you over you cunt?
Why do you care? You can't even vote retard.
His daughter is jewish you anti-semite fuck
I would say Donald is not your typical racist type of guy. I think he just likes to make fun of them, like most of us here. Hillary, on the other hand, is pretending to be progressive, liberal piece of shit. But she is the one, who really hates niggers
But... Hillary is a racist.
wtf I hate drumpf now
i'm a #Jeb!bowl now
You come here and annoy us instead of informing yourself? kek
You accused him of racist, so how about you prove that he is racist. Give us a single "racist" quote by Trump.
>prove a negative
>Give us a single "racist" quote by Trump.
The GOP isn't the party insisting that vaccines be proved to be safe, user.
Isn't that a Dr. Laura quote?
the sj overuse of that word means everyone is racist, they are so scared of it that they are stepping on eggshells
Hot damn, neighbor. That comment was spot on.
Why don't you prove that he is?
but the burden of proof lies with you
Yeah, all those people that believe race is a social construct, gender can be changed at the drop of a hat, vaccines cause autism, steam releasing power plants change the temperature for the wntirw world, etc. vote for Republicans.
To be frank both of them will probably limit freedom of speech one way or another.
If you think all the surveillance programs exists solely to stop terrorists you're delusional.
>trump is evil because he opposes free speech
>trump shouldn't be allowed to say racist things
Ah yes, it's only okay when the left do it.
I'm the opposite OP.
Literally nothing Trump has ever said has been racist.
I want to vote for Hillary but I dont know - there's just no credible evidence that Trump is a racist.
I guess I should expect this from a turkroach.
Why don't you prove he is, hotshot?
If you can prove to me you're not a racist, I'll vote for you in November
Checkmate, athiests
Illegals arent a race. Islam is not a race. Case closed
It was a a fake quote.
>not voting for someone because of a thought crime
kek, you'll deserve getting slaughtered when hilldog starts civil war and world war 3
Quote one thing he's said which fits the literal definition of racist. Protip you can't.
Do it faggit
[ ] Shilary
[x] Trump Our Lord and Saviour
You're too lazy to go vote OP - I, on the other hand, will go vote for Trump on election day.
Muslim isn't a race. He wants Muslims to stay out for a time until we can let the alright ones in and protect everyone.
Mexican isn't a race. He doesn't want to keep all immigrants out, he wants to keep the illegal ones out so that wages for everyone can go up, including blacks
People who claim that Trump is racist are making the claim. Therefor the burden of proof is on them.
Notice how all the groups he's pissing off are not American voters? Illegal Immigrants, Muslims in the middle east, 14 year old socialists.
You can claim the high moral ground, but thats pointless. You should be interested in your own self preservation, and the preservation of your country, before the needs of outside invaders.
Is he a racist? No. Is he xenophobic? Absolutely. But given that:
Iran wants to develop nukes,
North Korea wants to turn USA into a wasteland,
ISIS wants to behead all Americans,
China wants to be the world leader and trade, EU wants to develop a superstate.
It should be clear to you that not everyone likes America, and would rather see it turn to dust.
wow wtf
i was never going to vote for trump since i am at brazil so i cant vote for us president
but this thread
it makes u think...
now i wont vote him even further...
He let jews and blacks into his country clubs before anyone else. Also let trannies into his beauty pageants. Plus everything else in this thread.
Honestly the burden of proof is on you. You're the one making the claim that he's a racist. Given that he's been in the public eye for almost forty years, that shouldn't be hard. Either go out and find evidence that he's a racist from before he ran for president, or concede that no such evidence exists (it doesn't).
>da jooz
enjoy WWIII faggot
Nice meme. Not wanting double-digit IQ third world hordes to invade your country isn't a phobia, it's perfectly rational.
Holy shit user, that was glorious.
he's never said anything racist
if youre too stupid to get this then fuck off, retard
You know what he meant. The -phobic words evolved to describe hate or/and fear, nowadays.
We know it's a misconception. But don't go into semantics over his argument. What he meant is what you wrote.