>whites will never fight to preserve our race again
>the anglos betrayed the last people willing to do so
>western civilization will just sit back and let our countries be overrun
Whites will never fight to preserve our race again
Other urls found in this thread:
who cares lol
The end is upon us. There is no future for any race or civilization for that matter
Hello Zhang enjoying Australia?
>muh race
I'm white
>anglos betrayed the last people willing to do so
if your not a anglo then your not a aussie
Why are you so mad about it, you kangaroo fucking abo cunt?
anglos are doing fine mate...its the euros you gotta worry about
we got a new pm today who vowed to not u turn or fuck with the brexit vote
and she is a nasty bitch also deus vult!
other than the jews/chinese that are taking over the world you mean
basically yes
all whites are total cucks who side with other races over fellow whites
>imagine a world where the south and hitler won
this is the true, humanity is doomed from the beginning
Unlike you he is white, Pedro
what a cuck
It would be shit
Just take a good shit and think about your life. I do that when I'm depressed because muslim population hit over the 29% line
Nobuh dee Kers
why does the Tory party even pretend to be right wing?
>anime macro
goodbye faggot
Kerser is the sickest
>Hitler cuck
Pretty self explanatory. This exodus to the north always happened, people seek the cold temperatures only Europe can provide. This is what originated the white skin in the past and it's what will originate white skin in the future as well.
Just nuke the planet already senpai
Where are you shitting, Pajeet?
But in the past if you were a negro venturing into europe you'll most likely die for lack of vitamin D in winter, thus leaving only the less black niggers alive to reproduce.
Now the nigger would just get supplements and that's it, he'll live to cuck as many europoors as he can.
If whites are too cucked to stand up for themselves then I guess that's natural selection. Nothing personal about it
Who cares at this point? Just take care of you and yours.
Oh they're starting to infiltrate asian society already? That explains why they're moving their power base I suppose.