You Rage You Lose Thread

You Rage You Lose Thread

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Is this the origin of RaincoatMan?



>(((rotten tomatoes)))
sure showed me


Are you suggesting all these faggot kids movies are good?

>American psycho
just reading that told me that the site is complete horseshit.

>shaming a fat person trying to lose weight


Why does this make you mad? Do you hate good movies?

this used to make me rage, but this is absolutely nothing now that i've seen what women are capable of

> fox and the hound
> faggot kids movie
Fight me faggot




Yeah because he looks like he's really trying there. Anyone who gains that much weight should be shamed or killed anyways. You don't wake up one morning looking like that.

I would do this if I was a gril.

No rage, but I can always think less of females. Thanks senpai

Pic.... tfw you realize white crime statistics are even lower than reported.

Found the fatties.

Go get on a diet or something. Exercising to lose weight when you have a massive caloric surplus is like using a water gun on a forest fire.

Even the best exercise routines will have you lose at most 200 calories for the day. To put that into comparison, that's the equivalent of a can of soda. That does nothing if you're eating at a +500 caloric deficit

The absolute best way to lose weight is to diet, not exercise. So stop stinking up the machines with your fat sweat

>Freddie Alaniz
>5'3/120 pounds
Those are the proportions of a twelve year old girl.

LOS.. or sorry I thought it was YLYL bread.

Found the faggot.
Why are there so many homos on the right?

Pic, I know it's over done but we always have to show the lurkers.


That's not true at all.
Exercise has other benefits to metabolism, and can raise your BMR.
You may only lose 200 calories a day directly to exercising, but it can also raise your BMR by up to 400 calories per day.

Losing weight when that overweight on diet alone is nearly impossible unless you go on an almost starvation level diet.

Being that fat RUINS your body's ability to burn calories while resting, and it requires years of exercise AND diet to get back to "normal".

Never shame someone who is working to improve themselves. Get the fuck out of my gym.

-400 calories due to metabolism+exercise is still 100 short of a +500 calorie surplus. You'll still be gaining weight. Albeit you'll be gaining weight at a rate of 1 lb every 35 days. But that's beside the point.

It's great for athletes to get to that surplus. But not great for beginners at the gym.

And still, even if you suggest that for beginners, most of that weight is muscle. Well I can still suggest what happens at +1000 calorie surplus and +1500 calorie surplus.


manlets... when will they learn to not murder


Also, chubby girls at the gym are easy. Exercise increases sex drive, at the same time the chubby qt is starving for attention and compliments.
Female brains break down during stress times, so you could easily red pill her in her horny starving state.

Welp I'm a serial rapist then


>go to rottentomatoes
>switch from 'All Critics' to 'Top Critics'


Oooh, Fight!

Oh shit Georgios Papapapapapolous we've been found out! Call the AmeriKKKans!

People aren't even reviewing it positively because they think it's good.

They're literally trying to make a political statement.

there is a truth to this if not completely true , the most western parts of turkey is be it people or areas are indistinguishable from greece

Or I$rael.

Not fat at all you fucking mug

That movie was 100X better than anything made for children in the past 20 years.

Don't forget about the UKKK. Us islamophobes must stick together!

Ayy lmao

>implying you're not all donmeh

>tfw American Psycho didn't get 66%

That's it, civilization is done.

Milo should VP
He would sway some moderates with his gayness
Plus he's less politically correct than trump

>Greece was around long before there was any such thing as a Turk
>The Turks came in and colonized Greek Anatolia and set up their own empire
>Somehow Greece is the colonialist oppressor

Postcolonial Theory produces all sorts of crap.

Shame away when they aren't actively looking to better themselves sure but what the fuck

what the fuck milo, at least he's trying

I recognize that ghost. Hello, pedochan.


Yes it's American Psycho. Great movie you should watch it.
>Hey Paul!

In every carleton U bathroom, like this is some massive offense and there's worse too this is just the one closest to me. Everyone is a massive pussy at these schools

There's nothing to rage about. We already know the way the media is. They're just losing credibility at this moment.

America elected a foreigner for PRESIDENT! SAD!

Why can't these people be killed via molten glass into urethra?


>ywn have this level of mental gymnastics
feels good




the only thing that gives me some peace is that these people are made of weapons grade autism and as such will not breed

Malignant narcissism.

he is using his phone

it's from SA originally

All smiles here.

>Forest Gump only 72% fresh

>Ghost Busters REMAKE featuring women
>79% fresh

what? Forest Gump is iconic for how unique it is and the other is a fucking remake which by definition isn't fresh.

Milo was reading too much Sup Forums.
It is time to get rid of him. Who is with me?

please no

>making fun of fat people in the gym trying to loose weight
i would say that low, but you cant go lower than being a faggot


>using rotten tomatoes
>not understanding the jew rates subversion movies higher

Lol half of people on the planet were born because they parents were drunk

Milo is a shill used to subvert the alt-right by making us look bad.

He is pandering completely to the sjw perception of "they are all cruel bullies, they don't care about people, they are toxic!"
And he is doing that by design, because he's not really conservative, he's a fucking flaming queer.



I'm not saying, but i'm saying

This was made by a bernout, right?

>giving dogs grapes


of course, only bernouts are still watching that shitty show and its forced feminist tropes.

>mfw watching highlight video of GoT season 6
It is literally just feminist propaganda since the show got ahead of the books.
Thank god for the books at least.

>raging over a shitty internet sites opinion on movies