The collapse of the Nuclear Family. The rise of Tinder, hookups,and serial monogamy

Most red-pilled folks, and even normies, recognize the importance of the nuclear family. Having a strong family growing up is correlated with higher education, financial success, low crime rate, more successful marriage, etc. The problem is that post WW2 the nuclear family has been collapsing.

Female liberation, although not inherently bad, has been bastardized by feminists in-order to convince women that having kids and being a homemaker is the worst thing they could do.

With the decline in stigma of casual hookups and the rise of hookup apps like Tinder female hypergamy has been let loose. Women now spend their prime years having sex with a small minority of men. Meanwhile most other men have nothing. In the end they usually end up with a 30+ year old women who settles for them when she can't lock-down a Chad.

The problem is that these women do not make good wives. The husbands resent being settled for. The women blame their husbands for their lack of a Chad. The kids suffer from the inevitable breakdown of the marriage.

This obviously is a huge threat to western society. There's a reason almost every society in history East,West, old world, new world has seen marriage as important and punished adultery seriously.

I don't see a solution. Is there one? What are the long term consequences of this

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This is the opinion of someone who hasn't talked to very many women. It reads like someone who learned everything they know about women from television and Sup Forums.

What's wrong about it?

who could be behind this post


Roastie bitch


Women: No. Women aren't like that at all. Stop being misogynistic
Proceeds to Instagram cleavage for obvious attention whoring.


>Females want to breed with the biggest, strongest, most desirable males
>This is somehow a bad thing.
If you're small/weak/autistic, your genes don't deserve to be passed on.

>Females want to breed with the biggest, strongest, most desirable males
The problem is you can't have a functioning society when most women are aiming for 20% of men.

Proton: this does not happen

inb4 300 replies


Yeah, you've really got to go out and make your own mistakes to be a real human being :^)


Super rare!

lower the drinking age to 18 to remove things women do for fun. Instead of frat bro parties have wine and a steak at a dinner table

the king is coming, this is but one flavor of judgement...seriously, ya'll probably should go talk to someone who knows about HIM...

>Random hookups
>Unconditional trust
>Personal information public domain

I tell you all, this modern cyber age is a serial killers wet dream. It's so easy to meet people, trick them and have a way to "update" their status to throw their loved ones off the trail of their sudden disappearance. I've never felt safer doing my hobby.

t. Serial Killer


destroy the Internet and TV

only solution

Yeah I feel you girls have been fucked in the head for awhile now.. don't know who's to blame.... public school? The media? Jews? Combination of all? Who knows.. had a bad experience while back, me and my girlfriend (now ex,) had an amazing relationship, great sex, our political views were the same but we still could talk about shit without yelling "white male" or "communist cunt".... great sex... but I started noticing that she had been distancing herself and I got a little worried you know, and then like 3 weeks of not talking she hits me up with we need to talk tezt, apparently last time we had sex the condom broke and she was pregnant, at first I was a little awe struck. I mean I've always wanted to be a dad bUT I was young and before I could even tell her how I felt about it she told me she already aborted it... I've never trusted women ever since then...

Darwinism is the big lie that got us where we are now

you're to blame, or rather your fathers and grandfathers for giving women too much rights and free time around the house

Evolution is true. The problem is that evolutionary principle do not function well when trying to build a modern society.

I don't think female liberation can be completely to blame. The original feminist of the early 1900's still believed in gender roles and felt women should be homemakers and mothers. They just wanted the vote and better legal protection. The problem is that original feminist were (((co-opted))) and now we have modern misandry based femenism

it's not just that. Men are guilty too, for supporting "Free love" in the 60's as much as women. Mysandry 3rd wave feminism is only the tip of the iceberg. The biggest problems (such as normalization of premarital sex) started in the 60's and 70s in colleges and in the music industry

It's not always the woman who fucks it up, you know. Everyone I grew up with who's parents divorced, myself included, their parents divorced after the dad fucked up in one way or another (fucking another woman, losing money in some stupid business venture, being drunken cunts).

The thing is that while women are less inclined to be "homemakers" and housewives, they're also being pushed to go into the business world and make a name for themselves.

Maybe I have a better view of F E M I N I S M because I grew up with a proper empowered woman, like heavily individualist. Proper 80's business woman takin names and gettin her money. Not some privileged broad who wants more money for less work.

Anyways! As much as it may seem shitty, I think it wil eventually make marriage better. The driving force of true feminism is making some incredibly bad bitches. Good marriage in the 21st century will most likely be based on full mutual partnership,

>Pre-nup will be the norm
Both people have their own financial lives and understand that if it doesn't work out, they'd rather not have their financial health tied up in it.

>Nobody is the "bread winner"
Both parties have a better understanding of financial standing, and both can be a team going forward to ensure future financial health of the family because they both know how to handle themselves.

>Both parents responsible for teaching the child
Child is exposed to more values, possibly conflicting. More likely the child will get the best of both of their parents since they'll learn from both. Children grow up emotionally and cognitively better off than their parents.

>Both parents, having been responsible for themselves in business and careers and the like should be better at critical thinking, hopefully smarter.
Smarter future generations.

>Both parents were not brought up to "save themselves for marriage."
You and your wife gonna get mad freaky with eachother, shits tight.


But still, fuck marriage.

I plan on finding a woman I love, making a baby, and raising the shit out of that kid. Marriage not required. If she wants to fuck off she can, I'll raise my baby solo. Me and the babe, takin on the world. Sit-com style.

It's not really most men. It's the top 20% of men. Most men can't get sex easily unless they are Chad's. In fact when you look at the average age of males losing virginity it has gone up steadily over the last century. Most men still can't get sex outside of relationships. I do agree though. College. Neo-liberalism, the media are all to blame as well.


yes but the other 80% still strive to fuck outside of marriage and support it in other ways via things like porn ,prostitution and general sexualized media, not to mention they still VOTE for liberals

>Pre-nup will be the norm
The problem is that pre-nups only cover pre-marriage assets. Also it's very easy with a good lawyer to get one thrown out.
>Both parents were not brought up to "save themselves for marriage."
Sure, but chances are the women got a lot more sex pre-marriage unless the dudes a Chad. Sexual liberation has only benefited women and top tier men. If anything regular men are having less sex now. Sure they might have more partners, if even that, but those partners are so few and far between that in the end a traditional marriage would have allowed for more sex.

This OP is basically saying don't trust anyone ever.

Dont thousands of people get ripped off every year from marriage? of course, but the also get ripped off from nigerian email scams.

If you are a gullible idiot you will be getting ripped off one way or another.

When you dedicate your life to another person to raise a family, you would die for them and you would kill for them, not even a question.

The State wants that power for themelves. Never going to happen or humanity's finished, but they just keep trying.

Until eventually we get new leaders and the cycle happens about every 250 years or so.

Happy belated 240th birthday America! Keep on trucking!

Mainly because of media propaganda. Most guys still buy into the nice guy meme. They still believe easy sex is eventually available for them. I think if most normie men realized just how fucked the system is against them they would change their minds.

>tfw this hits too hard for home

Speaking of raising children in the 21st cent, whats Sup Forumss opinion on adoption?

I think if I was ever going to raise a child I'd have one of my own and adopt another. I'd want to invite a kid into a family who otherwise wouldn't have one. Seems like the right thing. It's not the kid's fault his parents were trash people.

>If you are a gullible idiot you will be getting ripped off one way or another.
Just world fallacy. There are smart and trusting people out their who get swindled out of no fault of their own. The problem with divorce and family courts is that it doesn't matter if you were the one that was tricked. You still get fucked over.

The picture I mean

If you're not a "Chad" then you're gonna get a shitty wife regardless of sexual liberation. High value women want high value men. Not talking on the sexual market, I mean life-market. If you don't have your shit together you ain't gonna get a woman who has her shit together. Even today you generally marry your equal.

I think adoption is great. What doesn't make sense to me is a married couple using a sperm or egg donor. Like what's the fucking point. The main reason you would want a natural child is because it's your own genes. With a donor that's not their anymore. You are pretty much cucking yourself.

I also think single women who get sperm donors are fucking retards.

Of course you can.

>Asia/Pacific Region.....

I'm glad i live in India, at least it isn't that bad here. Arranged marriages are good, i think they have it in Israel too.

people do have too high expectations.

There's nothing wrong with getting an average or ugly wife if you're average or ugly, this is how it's always been

>Click on flag

>If you're not a "Chad" then you're gonna get a shitty wife regardless of sexual liberation.
Depends what you mean by shitty. Before sexual liberation a 5/10 man could get a 5/10 women in her prime. Nowadays that same man either has to settle for a 4 or below in her 20's. Or get the 5/10 once she's old and ridden the cock carousel. Pre-sexual liberation paired people in an egalitarian fashion. The irony is almost too rich.

How. Good luck controlling an unruly disenfranchised sexless population of men that large.

Why do you characterize women's liberation as being taken over by its founders?

India will follow soon once globalization takes full affect.

>i think they have it in Israel too.
In the orthodox communities. Liberal jews not soo much

sadly they are already controlled, they're pacified by the Internet and porn

aka you and all of Sup Forums.

If you want the control to go away you have to destroy the net



You haven't used Tinder or had sex with many females have you?

Cuckolding is rampant. Girls do not stay loyal and their ability to have sex with low risk of abortion has caused them to go around fucking tons of guys.

A 19 year old girl having fucked 19 guys is a low number on average.

Girls are having sex with tons of guys, and they are cheating more than ever before.

>people do have too high expectations.
This meme is so stupid.
Most men do not have ridiculously high exceptions. Does the 5/10 dude want a 9/10 chick. Sure. Who wouldn't The thing is though he is more than happy to be with a 5/10 chick. IF anything it's women that have exceptions that are too high.

I don't understand the question

Dude if you haven't been in the pussy parade before you settle down, thats your own fault.

Fucking is free if you're smart.

>sadly they are already controlled, they're pacified by the Internet and porn
That's because they still buy into the lies. If a majority of them were to become red-pilled shit would get serious real quick.

You nailed it, these people are even worst than /r9k/ faggots.

are you shitting me?

even the "redpilled" people on Sup Forums are still addicted to porn and the internet.

It would take something like feminists actually taking it all away for that to happen

>trusting women's judgement

Considering how they're nearly completely swayed by simple emotional responses this seems like a misplay.

A guy could be highly intelligent and fit but boring and women would not breed with him because he doesn't excite them enough. Is it really better that Jamal breeds with her rather than the boring guy?

>A 19 year old girl having fucked 19 guys is a low number on average.
It's funny because 19 girls for a guy at 19 would place him into the top 10% of men. A women doing this means she was just willing to open her legs enough times.

>Girls are having sex with tons of guys, and they are cheating more than ever before.
True. The cheating rate is almost equal at this point.

While I am in agreement with you in general. threads like these are still better than r9k. r9k just spergs and says that all women are whores and should die for their crimes of not touching their unwashed sperg cock.

This at least has the pretense of being a discussion about changing gender roles, identities, and behaviors in modern 1st world countries.

>Fucking is free if you're smart.
Fucking is free if you are attractive enough. Most of the average dudes I know having a lot of sex are usually doing it with women way below them.

>1 post by this ID
Why do you do it?


The post ww2 model was basically unmaintable and only existed.. well post ww2. before that it wasn't like the woman stayed home, they usually actually worked in most countries and only the wealthy woman were allowed to solely take care of the kids. The nuclear family is myth, stop starving for something that is economically impossible. You will only be disappointed.

It is hard to find good women out there. I have been done with being a nice guy because of it. I would treat a good woman like a good woman should be treated, but there are not many out there. When I was younger I thought Chads were assholes, but now it is apparent that they are doing exactly what women deserve.

You can be addicted to porn and still rise up.

post an argument anytime

This is somewhat true

the real traditional family is the extended family. Women worked on farms or at family businesses in harmony with the rest of the family.

really it's industrialization and capitalism that destroyed the true traditional family, and the 50's nuclear family was a temporary false utopia


thats why you need the free market, so that traits like intelligence get the adventage they deserve.

>free market

this really is what led to the destruction of traditional families in the first place. I mean REAL traditional families, centered on local communities and the land.

>attractive enough

memes, my friend. You can be painfully average and still fuck upwards, again, if you're smart. Make a girl think you're above them in the sexual marketplace. Not that PUA garbage. Just be smarter, funnier, and a better person than your average Chad. Mix in some confidence and you'll be fine.

A society does not benefit from the weak.

There's a quotes by a famous female anti-feminist that goes something like," Women should stop complaining that men are assholes. If women slept with nice guys then most men would be nice."

>t. someone with a good father and issues with women

Men can be just as shitty. Narcissism has no gender, friend.

I agree with you to some extend but I would argue that if we just not implement social welfare we wouldn't be in the mess we are today.

See it this way, its being said that the XIX century was the most brutal age of capitalism.. yet the traditional family was doing great, why? because it was mutually benefitial to both. if you were to be a single mother, you were fucked, if you didn't made enough kids to take care of you when you were older, you were fucked.. and so on. My point is - we kinda replaced the family with the state.

This is painfully true

The free-market does not value intelligence. It values who ever can create more capital.

>I don't see a solution. Is there one?
Abolish alimony and allow gender discrimination of labor. It will make true occupation for fair woman great and profitable again (and only it). Capitalism m8, google it.

>Implying chads contribute anything to humanity
>Implying weak unnatractive geniuses aren't beneficial to humanity
LOL nice try kike

I've been doing ok. Wife walks the dogs, cleans the house, and will be home schooling the kids in all areas except for Math, as well as taking them to their extra-circulars to socialize them.

Online dating is actually one of the worst things to ever happen. It really fucks with women's heads when the gets 100s of messages per day despite being only average looking, it puts them in a 'I am going for the best I can mode' which results in them never being satisfied.

The only solution would be to get men to leave online dating en mass, cut off the attention and return them to normal.

t. roastie

tits or gtfo

Gotta catch 'em all.

Thanks whatever you are

>calls my comment a meme
>proceeds to post memes as serious argument

The whole funny smart thing doesn't make you more attractive to women. Maybe as friend, but not as a sexual partner. Those things only help if the women already saw you as attractive.

To be fair, in a lot of ways the greatest geniuses were celibate, and marriage can be a distraction to them.

The quality of philosophy and academia declined ever since they stopped valuing celibacy

Just because you can't get sex doesn't mean you are weak.
Tesla and Newton were virgins. The geniuses at MIT who have a male virginity rate double the national average contribute a lot to society. Much more than the Chad who goes laid every other day and does nothing but look good.

Virgin and losers from r9k and Sup Forums complaining about women is the equivalent of fat ugly bitches complaining about how men don't fuck them.

If nothing else a man's job is to attract women. If you fail at that then you are the faggot and you have no right to complain as it always was in history. Both demographics exist out there but they don't breed or interact due nto an unwarranted sense of their own importance. It's also nice you fags don't even get to breed in general desu.

Tesla was a virgin autist and so was Nietzche were they faggots? no You're the faggots.

>I don't see a solution
everyone here knows the cure, the only cure but you dont want it.
the answer is : Islam. Sorry lads, admit it or stay cucked with whites women trying take control over men.

Shiny Moldova

I agree. The problem is the court system protects against shitty men. Shitty women not so much. If anything it actually incentivizes shitty women because it tells them there aren't any consequences for your actions.

It isn't just women. Employers too suffer from the same syndrome. They become extremely picky and some would rather leave the job position vacant rather than hire someone that isn't the PERFECT FIT.

My personal online experiences have been absolute shit, but I was able to score a few 8's in real life. Says a lot.

the "friendzone" is for guys who waited too long (aka pussies)

Do you know what serial monogamy means?

>All there information from tv
Where do you think women get there information on how to act?dumbass.