So bascially Hofer is gonna take home the win in the new presidential election?

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really hope you get your lazy arses off and go vote this time. Franconia is counting on you.

Swesish and German flags. Wasted trips too.

Guys, Austrians don't care. There is nothing the Austrian president can seriously do. The parliament will just change the constitution if he acts up.

Again. I will actively shill to break realtions with your caliphate

btw. if you see a getty image you are posting in a shill thread and need to SAvaGE in the option field

I don't think and don't expect him to force reelections. I just want the momentum to continue.

Unrelated, but
>ATV right now

the president cant bascially order a new election which will results in a FPÖ landslide

>I will actively shill to break realtions with your caliphate
thats just rude
FPÖ and Sweden Demcrats should be friends


There hasn't ever been an Austrian president who ordered a new election, except if the government says they want it.

The Austrian president has been a ceremonial position for a reason. It is extremely easy to change the Austrian constitution. You just need a 2/3rds vote and the Austrian president has more limited power.

>There hasn't ever been an Austrian president who ordered a new election
psst, because the president has always been a supporter of the status quo
Hofer clearly isnt

No No and no
Threadly reminder that Svens are Shills on proxies

>psst, because the president has always been a supporter of the status quo

Wrong. It has never been done, because the people would probably riot... and the party affiliated with the president would lose in the elections.

Hofer will not stage new elections, I am certain about that. Hofer will also not do anything else, except maybe block CETA and TTIP.

whats with the hate?
except for the whole "Sweden YES" thing

>because the people would probably riot
Because they have a right to vote again?
Thats stupid

>Because they have a right to vote again?
>Thats stupid

Because Austrians need the president to act reasonable. Hofer didn't win the first time around, because people were afraid he would do too much and would be seen as a far right politician abroad.

There is a reason, Hofer immediately retreated from his promise to stage an In-OUT EU referendum... because Austrians don't want that. Austrians want peace and quite and some slow improvements.

>Hofer didn't win the first time around, because people were afraid he would do too much
Nobody won the first time, that result is now void
so that isnt an argument, also the diffrence was smaller than 30 000 votes, so obviously there isnt that much fear

>Nobody won the first time, that result is now void

Everyone knows in Austria that Hofer lost in the first round. I know it. Everyone does. It is inconceivable that there was actual large scale voter manipulation similar to North Korea.

How can such a nice-looking guy be one of the bad guys?

>It is inconceivable that there was actual large scale voter manipulation similar to North Korea.
Apprently not, there were enough irregularities that they would do something they havent done before, and thats to have a new election

You are using a crowd of people who dont have the time to look into stuff more deeply and are spreading FUD

You have outed yourself like SSM during the Rapefugee crisis because you were to arrogant.

>Daeth to Svens on Sup Forums

>SAvaGEd in the option Field, calling the RAPTORS, HIDDEN beneath Sup Forums shit

Why a second election??? Voter fraud or smt?

Damn, you can easily see who's the good guy in this image

read up yourself shill, or are you so mentaly challenged that you need a spoon feeder

Don't read kraut, nothing in the swedish news about this either. What is the reason for a second election?

>What is the reason for a second election?
man misstänker att allt inte gick rätt till när rösterna räknades
folk som inte var berättigade att räkna rösterna gjorde det i flera val-lokaler
det ryktades också om att underåriga hade röstat i några stater
deras författningsdomstol sa inte rakt ut att det hade förekommit valfusk, men det var tillräckligt mycket som var irreguljärt för att det skulle kunna tas om

>Green voters are more certain to make same choice
>FPÖ least likely
>Quarter changing their choices

In Europe the is a meme that the far right is making gains but has no chance to win.

If a "far right" president can win with more than 50% of the votes, even if he doesn't have much power, it will change this perception, in countries like France by example. We need to win battles to keep growing.

Vet man vilket parti fuskrösterna gynnat? Kommer FPÖ att vinna omvalet?

>Vet man vilket parti fuskrösterna gynnat?
Man spekulerade inte i det, men det fanns vissa twitter posts som antydde att folk förstörde FPÖ valsedlar
>Kommer FPÖ att vinna omvalet?
Beror på vem som kan få sina väljare att gå och rösta i Oktober, valet var ju väldigt jämnt

I was disgusted by what I saw in Vienna last month. "Refugees welcome" posters everywhere and they were all in English. Didn't have the courtesy to have them in at least the local language

Tack user, kan du tyska eller kan man läsa om detta på någon svensk eller engelsk sida?

Mesta av det har jag läst på flashbacks utrikesforum, finns alltid någon snubbe där som kan Tyska och ibland översätter dom

>If a "far right" president can win with more than 50% of the votes

Norbert Hofer isn't far right. That is the whole meme.

Theresa May is probably a lot more "far right" than Norbert Hofer.

The FPÖ is a very much lefty workers' party.

>The FPÖ is a very much lefty workers' party.
Do you think they are more likely to work togheter with SPÖ after next election then they are to try and work togheter with ÖVP again?
SPÖ and FPÖ are ruling togheter in the state of Burgenland

Guys, we're actually in a deep political crisis and we're headed for civil unrest.

Currently it's the left which is calling the right a bunch of sore losers that more or less tricked the Supreme Court into denying the true winner the Presidency. But if Hofer wins in Oct they'll be the ones to bring the country to a standstill: there will be daily demos which can turn violent pretty fast with the antifa crowd, Vienna will be the top destination for the violent German et al. antifa "block". They will NEVER accept Hofer as President.

If on the other hand vdB wins again, the right will pretty much take it as a given that there have, again, been manipulations.

The country's already deeply divided and it will radicalize even more. I'm not saying there will be civil war, but there will be street fighting and maybe dead people a few months from now.

And I'm not even sure how I feel about this. Maybe this cannot be resolved peacefully and they have to make the first strike.

>Do you think they are more likely to work togheter with SPÖ after next election then they are to try and work togheter with ÖVP again?

They will work with the ÖVP. But not because the FPÖ isn't a lefty workers' party, but because the SPÖ fears the FPÖ as it is its main rival on the political left.

>SPÖ and FPÖ are ruling togheter in the state of Burgenland
Yes, of course. And the SPÖ and FPÖ have had a coalition in the past. And they have always had the same policies of A. EU-skepticism (yes, the SPÖ was VERY EU-skeptic, B. higher workers' wages, C. anti free trade (no TTIP, no CETA), D. against the big banks, E. against intrusion of the state in the workers' affairs etc.

The only reason the ÖVP and the FPÖ are more likely to build a coalition in the future is that the SPÖ has a substantial number of SJWs who would then vote Green party.

>has a substantial number of SJWs who would then vote Green party.
So bascially it comes down to issues about immigration, muliticultralism and feminism?

>civil unrest
Literally every country in the western world right now. Welcome to the club.

What the fuck guys?

>Norbert Hofer opposes Austria leaving the EU despire earlier suggestions he would seek his nations removal from the EU if Turkey joined.
>Calls Brexit "shortsighted"

Is it a ploy to get undecided left leaning voters or has he been cucked? He was all for Austria leaving as he didn't want 80mn brown muslims given free access to his country.

This. Unless people beg for a re-election, I think they would be pretty upset if the president just forced one. I know I'd be.