What was the significance of the border? why wouldn't the men following them just follow them into canada?

what was the significance of the border? why wouldn't the men following them just follow them into canada?

why didn't they just use adamantium bullets?

why didn't they just fly to north dakota?

1. Obviously they have no jurisdiction in Canada

2. Adamantium is incredibly rare and expensive, probably even more so now that its properties are well known

3. Wouldn't be a stretch to say that airports are incredibly tightly regulated in the universe

There are no mutants anymore.
Canada is literally being offered child supersoldiers to make them the only people with these powers.
I'd have the whole Canadian military at the fucking border.

>I'd have the whole Canadian military at the fucking border.
All twelve of them.

There would be nothing stopping them from crossing with their nigh invincible Wolverine clone to recapture the children.

"getting to the border" is a classic western trope

Who the Canadians and most of the kids, didn't know about. I'm honestly not convinced X23 got it.


Of all of them, X23 should know it best, considering she shanked him a good hundred times before the forest scene even started. And it didn't even slow him down.

>Obviously they have no jurisdiction in Canada

Clearly they had the utmost respect for the law.

>Be Wolverine
>Try to fly to North Dakota
>Metal detectors go off because metal skeleton
>Get found out as a mutant
>Kid is killed as well
>Use last breath to call OP a faggot in Australian

Why didn't they just shoot the kids in the woods? They were going to kill them when they got back to the lab anyway.

Quality over quantity Amerifat!

My dear american friend, some people find disgusting the idea of little kids getting shot.

It's hard for you to understand it, but that's not normal.

>why didn't they just fly to north dakota?
Logan's arch nemesis: The metal detector.

I understand the plot couldn't allow it, but that would have been a far more economical way to deal with them. Shoot all of them except Laura, because she heals too quick for it to affect her, then set X24 on her.

Canada will be annexed by the US in the future, they based the movie on predictions of a Trump government.

Has OP even saw the first X-men movie?

>Canada will be annexed by the US in the future,
Only if America survives Trump, IF.

he could just say he has a metal implant, like a plate in his jaw or a pin in his leg

even if they strip search him and find no weapons they'd let him on board

lots of people have metallic implants and fly

you mean drumpf

So then they confirm his story by scanning him vaguely with the wand metal detector.
They pick up all of his body is metal.

And scan both him and Laura and see the blades hidden in their extremities. Security tries to take them down, Laura loses her shit and kills several people.

he could say he had a huge accident and had pins put in all over his body

a lot more believable than a fucking wolverine man who could push blades out of his hands at will

Smuggling a mutant to marvel canada is like smuggling jewish twins to Auschwitz on a day that Dr Mengele is out of specimens.

>what is an x-ray?

>why wouldn't the men following them just follow them into canada?
They were all dead at the end?

Didn't X-men Origins: Wolverine show on x-ray that Logan's claws are visible in his forearm?

when was the last time you saw people being x rayed at an airport?

Why even kill the mutant?

They seem to be neutral at worst.

Or had Picard do the Jedi mind trick on the nigger that works for TSA

Except the whole world knows about wolverine, he's famous so its not unbelievable they'd recognise him

underrated post.

Logan hates flying. It's been a running gag throughout the X-Men/Wolverine movies