Why the fuck does she do this? Is it some kind of illuminati signal?

Why the fuck does she do this? Is it some kind of illuminati signal?

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apparently it was her solution to "what do I do with my hands"

She fucking disgusts me, I'm surprised she hasn't fucked off already.

it's her symbol of reign.
Bow to it, britcuck.

its like she wants to rub those hands.

Maybe it's an east german thing.
She was a commie, I think people forget that.

She showing you her hand vagina

its a variation of steepling. vertical or pointed at a subject its a commonly used "power move." Trump and Obama both use it a lot. as did (does?) Mr. Burns on the simpsons.

her's is inverted so i would guess that's how discomfort manifests for her.

She wants to form a heart as in "i

it's a meme you dip

She has to do that in order to maintain her brainwashing genjutsu

She is showing us she has a cock that big around

>he doesn't know

its a body language signal that is related to mind working in a certain way. She abuses to body language most likely taught to her By some PR bitch and is olny concerned about the impression it gives to people watching.

It's an illuminati hand-sign


Showing you how wide her twatzone is

So you're saying Hillary is the correct choice for Sup Forums?

>Bow to it
Precisely why they left your shitty union

Maybe this?

Although shit tends to be precise so its maybe something egyptian/greek

but it looks like a cube doesn't it?

It's a woman trying to flex her masonic rites when she herself is not allowed to be a mason.

This is a masonic hand sign.
If you do it in public a few times on tv or hosting a show or on an interview it can be seen as just a regular gesture, but to do it as often as she does and in so many planned photos it's an obvious masonic/kabalist hand symbol of the dark satanic occult.

It's called "steepling," a body language gesture meant to convey mental superiority, as though the steepler were deep in thought about their next move in a chess match. She understands what she's doing, as body language is meant to be read in clusters, and not one gesture or expression, alone; if one signal doesn't match the rest, the signal is conscious and intentional, which is what gives her away as the phony skank she is. How many people do you know who grin sociably from ear to ear while deep in thought? Now, think about how many people whose faces are set in grim consternation while steepling. The latter example would be telltale of a natural cluster, while smiling like a fucking idiot while posing means you're doing it on purpose. Merkel is more of a fraud than even most redpilled people realize.

>it's her symbol of reign.
Likely because she keeps getting voted in by you weird dickheads who moan 'T.I.N.A.' when asked why you did so. Fucking kek.

Fun fact to those who may not know: Merkel will remain in power until she resigns, because there is absolutely ZERO limit on how many times she can be re-elected, and the Germans simply cannot bring themselves to not vote for her.

don't know, but germans taught our prime-minister to do the same

probably some lizard people thing

This may also be a possibility. If you encounter her face-to-face and she does this, do not look into her Sharingan. Close your eyes and search out her chakra.

Germans like her (or else)


What if the smile is what she's forcing? She's a politician so she might be in the habit of doing that.

That's the best Pepe I've ever seen

Steepling is not a gesture of power. It's what you do when you're unsure, uncertain, shaken and want to hold out till the cameras stop recording.

It's a cry for help.

This guy knows what's up.

On an unrelated note: does anyone have any nudes of Merkel?

I want to pound that Kraut pussy hard and fill the bitch up.

The expressions in the pictures don't match up. In three, she's smiling, each more or less than the others. However, look carefully at how symmetrically she poses her hands and fingers while steepling: Straight down the center along the buttonlines of her jackets, every fingertip pressed perfectly against each other, spread apart at exactly the same distance - with the exception of the far-right photo, where she seems to be laughing. Her last fingers break formation as the impulse of laughter skews her control of her subconscious. Even the diamonds she forms with her thumbs and index fingers retain the same dimensions. This is telling of a conscious, vigorously practiced gesture.

If someone isn't a completely bad actor, they may learn to feign a Duchenne Smile by simply remembering to crinkle the corners of their eyes up, a trait not present in PanAm - or fake - smiles. One of the easiest expressions to fake, especially when you're pleased with having so many unwitting stooges all around you as she's accustomed to.

Yes. It is literally an illuminati hand gesture.





It's Nudging. Government hired some psychologist experts on body language and other self-promoting skills for "public outreach", PR basically. It's also why the "unfuckable lard-ass" (t. Berlusconi) dresses and looks less worse than she did before she became chancellor.

Source in German: faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/wirtschaftspolitik/kanzlerin-angela-merkel-sucht-verhaltensforscher-13118345.html

It's a Bilderberg gang sign. It's her way of giving a shoutout to all her Jewish homies.

It's nothing more than a way to present herself. It's a way she carries herself. Means nothing. Some people hold their hands behind their back. Some put hands in pocket. Some cross their arms. She does that weird thing with her fingers. Means nothing.

Not sure you can get that much info from that picture, but that sounds plausible.

That said I wouldn't put anything past her; I've heard that because she's from East Germany she's used to dealing with secret police, and she can almost go toe to toe with Putin in terms of smoothness.

or is it a pyramid

Two world wars . One world cup and a referendum! Get fucked kraut. We are sick of your shit


Where BL is concerned, a picture is worth a thousand words. Politicians are the most skilled practitioners of BL, outside of professional actors, and are notorious for it. As for Putin v. Merkel, you'll notice an interesting contrast: She seems almost always dismayed or frustrated around him (the "Wedding Night" quip, bringing dogs to meetings, etc.). Putin realizes the more intricate trappings of political intrigue, having been born in it - molded by it - while Merkel simply adopted it. Whatever subconscious-manipulating techniques she has at her disposal, Putin is wise to them, and enacts preemptive measures to gain the psychological advantage. From the outside looking in, it may seem heavy-handed of him, but from Merkel's perspective, it's being put in check before the entire world. Wag the dog, and all that.
It's also important to note that only rookie politicians will employ conscious BL gestures, as opposed to more tenured figures, who save the steepling for the public and scratch their balls while meeting Obama in the Rose Garden. Just game recognizing game.

Come with us Seamus. They might make you vote 10 times again till they get the result they want though

Trump does it all the time too

>employ conscious BL gestures against other politicians**

That's how big your average European asshole is after she invited all your new friends.

You got plenty over there too .... as well as the usual endless beaner supply

>Is it some kind of illuminati signal?


I thought this was common knowledge about Merkel.

It's fairly easy to tell the difference between someone who is genuine and someone who isn't, I do believe newspapers have even made fun of her for it.

Correct. It's the kindergarten of political manipulation. Body language is one of the first things they learn before their political careers begin to flourish. I'm astounded more people here aren't wise to it.

Hitler did it to mock jews.

This is the correct answer. She started doing that while doing public speeches, because she was uncomfortable doing them.

I was taught that pose when I worked in customer service. It's that or having hands behind your back when you approach a customer. I guess that looks stronger.

She has seven more years left. Remember that she is a """""Conservative""""" too, so the next leader is going to be some homosocialist green hippie probably.

That's autistic as fuck

It just ends up looking like Mr Burns though.




her trademark. her overuse is said to indicate an arrogant, emotionally disconnected narcissist.


This is why kings had sceptre and orb.

It's a neutral position, she could have been coached to do it by security.


What kind of term is this?

The difference is these are all just single-point snapshots where these guys happened to make the same gesture temporarily, whereas Merkel's hands are fucking glued in that position.

Like, if you took a picture of someone during the split-second while they were laughing/smiling, that'd obviously be different than someone who has their face stuck in a constant stupid grin 24/7

Rate our president's pose

Indeed it is.

Explain more, please.


9/10 on Autist scale. Worthy of representing the Fins.



Okay I checked out the stuff you mentioned, and it does look like Putin has her on the back foot sometimes, but I'm tempted to give her more credit than that. She's just as much a native to these kinds of things as Putin is, it's just that Putin is used to being in a position of authority and Merkel is used to being on the other side. To me this would mean that she knows what he's doing, and that he may be overestimating the effect it's having on her, even though her instincts tell her not to challenge him in the moment.

You also have to think about the audiences they're playing to. For Putin playing the crass strongman serves him domestically, while Merkel needs to be seen as a level headed democratic leader, and for that purpose a dirty look like she gave after the wedding night line suffices to preserve her dignity.

Pain to watch 9/10.

lel you still think you are not fucked, you will jump ship as hard as Johnson and Nigel, Pat

What did they mean by this?

It's from "Oliver Twist"
She grew up in communist East-Germany.

"Please sir, can I have some more?"


God damn, Hillary is like a knock-off Merkel sold in Lidl.



trump does that to hold his hands being somewhere
merkel is clearly showing the illuminati "badge"

Practiced briefly, but honest. A touch of uncertainty.

maybe she is an anime nerd

You're absolutely right on the charge of domestic v. foreign perception. The reason she resorts to a slow, feigned indignant side glare is indicative of her having underestimated the extent to which he would apply such hamfisted procedure, having never planned for it at all. In which case, you're also right. He has her on her heels most of the time, through sheer unorthodoxy.

Its a tech... we use in forces when held .. this means ....Im Winner but accept my death senpai !??

Mamma Merkal is so hot.
Wish she'd sit on my face.

>tfw no pockets

This. Subliminal expression of dominance. Like looking down on and scratching your fingernails together when others speak. Be aware of people whose hands are distressed during an argument as they are most likely oppressing you (no sjw feminist shit).
If they touch their face or neck that indicates that they are insecure or that they are lying.

She will be voted again next election, because no other party, coalition or otherwise has any way of forming a government.
The only party that could theoretically do it, would be the SPD, but the worker party has -again- betrayed the workers by cheering on a bunch of immigrants making jobs scarce for workers.
The Greens have no chance of gaining enough votes against Merkle and neither does the FDP.

Even if the Afd becomes strongest party next federal election, the other parties will just form a coalition. Plus the Afd doesn't have the infrastructure and personel yet.

Merkel is the only party leader remaining in this case.


WTF is that?

never found a translation for the hebrew. But it's probably the kikes doing.

Can anybody decipher these KIKE runes?


She's not human. She a demon trying to blend in with lackluster body language

I had to get up from the couch and get on my desktop so you had better appreciate it

the final solution

Put your hands behind your head and spread your helbows like a peacuck, pissed people off to no end

She's thinking about putting hands around big black dick

has she ever not looked like a reptilian?

the girl on the right is hella cute