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wanna play?

This is actually amazing.

You lost me at gay

>Western '''''people'''''

fake news

Kill all homos :DD

Darwin will take care of it

>Why don't we share an incurable disease between each other?
>good idea
What are they thinking? The cure will appear out of nowhere in 5 years?

people hating their lives and spiraling in to nihilistic hedonism will do stupid shit to get endorphin high... what's so hard to understand

that's probably it. think about it, when they were young aids was a death sentence. then drugs came out that slowed it down so homos weren't dropping like flies although it was still bad, now the drugs are to the point where they can live mostly normal lives despite having hiv

I can't understand how someone can feel so entilted to personal pleasure, he'll put more weigh on the society he's living in (by transmitting it and if the country he's living it a a healthcare system in place).

your taxes pay for this

Swedish roulette

so this is why catalan want to free


HIV could be curable in the future

There was some success using crispr, but the virus adapted too quickly iirc

white people have gone too far


>suddenly the western world and white people are blamed

you fucking racist cunts

HIV could have been eradicated by branding people who have it and mandatory blood screenings for homosexuals
apparently saving millions of lives wasn't worth hurting people's feelings though

This is why we need Islam.


what do you expect, they chose to be gay

somehow sounds familiar.

>wanting to save millions of homos is like hitler

> what is smoking?
> what is junk food?
> what is alcohol?
Unless you believe that chain smokers, alcoholics and American-tier fat people should be jailed or lose access to healthcare.

If you don't eventually your health system will crumble due to too many people getting care/not enough paying.
or you could just make them accountable for their actions

I prefer them to be auschwitz'd. Saving and maintaining medication towards these creatures involves huge costs. Let them go into gay paradise instead.

Getting rid of all Swedes is pretty hard, you know.


Intentionally spreading diseases is bioterrorism, unless you are a faggot
Then you get a pass



Are you really trying to equate an action such as smoking, drinking and eating shit food to transmitting a virus?
All the things you talked about can be done moderately, most people do it that way. Explain how you give out a virus the moderate way.