This kills the West

Seriously what in the fuck happened to men?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't want either

>he doesn't play Pokemon Go
Fatass detected.

Explain this Pokemon Go to me why is it better than porn?

Go wander into traffic.

>He doesn't go outside because he doesn't have a video game to entertain himself with.

Manchild detected.

1. Little kids are playing it too
2. Girls are playing it too
3. The fact that "loli" is searched less than either of those two things is the real tragedy

who googles porn? how dumb would you have to be to think thats the best way to find what you want to jerk it to lol

if you didn't type pron or tube google censors search results (and it sometimes censors tube searches too bringing safe youtube links). Porn is magik word to open rabbit hole in the google.

>A game that gets people walking about and meeting other people has overtaken porn in popularity
What is the problem here?

Dont most people just go to a more dedicated site then search with in it?

God, I hate Pokemon Go and I don't even know why

because it makes people do normie stuff outside and that is just not very meme/Sup Forums for you

Because next is Metroid GO
And that's how the series will end

they walk for cute monsters in a mobile game
its The Walking Dead

Straya not even shit posting. /thread

>normie stuff
autistically walking around because of a child's game = normie

Who the fuck even googles "porn"
Everyone knows their prefered porn site and doesn't just fucking type in "porn"

neither is manly
try nofap and get superpowers
compulsive porn consumption will only make you subhuman

Mfw mixed flags up due to reading another thread. A fucking leaf.

men are doing what they want.

You hate it because you are the typical Sup Forums contrarian.

>Plays Pokemon go
>r9k user detected

Pokemon go seems like some feminist game mixed in with nu male wow so nerdy shit. There's some dude at my job who asked me if I played it and not even like a month ago I had to explain that pirating movies or software was a thing.

Shit nigga, i do.

I do not understand Pokemon Go, even as a social video game. There is no goal, there is no point. You try to show how much better than children you are for a modicum of time until you are forgotten again. Even the game isn't a Pokemon game, there is a piss-poor excuse for battles and capturing Pokemon is pointless as there is no challenge. It is a shit game, and not even worth anyone's free time.

>he thinks basement dwelling autists will go out to play some shit game
It's literally only normies playing Pokemon Go.

>autist detected

i seriously doubt "triple anal penetration" is going to limit my search results more than if i typed "triple anal penetration porn"

meant to quote

I'm out of my house a lot. I don't have time to sit on my ass to play computer games.

You need to go back

I also have this image

>Promoting fitness rather than masturbation
How is this bad you dumb leafpostet

Where can I search for jewgle search graphs? Link?

So.... what are the stats for "pokemon porn?"

Here you go GreekBro

ty canabro. i'm a bit tired

Falling for the naked Jew.

How much days can you guys last without porn?

Pokémon is far superior to porn.

Porn is degenerate.

Pokémon is based.

how much do you last Aymane?

>Can't even tell if serious anymore

Guys help me

Who the fuck googles "porn" when looking for porn?


it's legal to sell to children
and made socially acceptable through excessive "viral marketing"

you're posting in a pokemon go advertisement user


Nice try Shmuley.

It's already starting to die down and it hasn't even been one week yet, kek

who's googling "porn"?

Just wait until PornHub GO hits the market

Surely longer than you

Who cares if people play a phone game for fun?

so men not engaging with humans and settling for whacking their dick was a good thing and now this little app is going to ruin it?

i can only imagine what goes on in your tiny little leaf brains

>He plays Pokémon go
Enjoy your spyware.

That's what happens to most overhyped things Ahmed

lol sure thing you have goats to keep you going
its like doping

Found the problem most people on this board have with it.

Remember that scene in Patton when he slapped the shit out of that young soldier because he had shellshock?

Imagine if he were alive to witness this.

Pokemon fag here. You get a stream of normalfags every time a new game is released. They tend to get bored and move onto something else after a few weeks. Might take a bit longer this time, since it's a phone-based game.

>he searches for porn typing "porn" into the google searchbar

Okay grandpa

pokemon is technicaly less degenerate than porn

The Empire will rise again and we will stand with it.

Jap election will be a nationalist sweep.

that soldier was a kike
that is the only reason it was in history books

kikes killed patton because he thought they were disgusting creatures and we fought the wrong enemy.